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#REDIRECT [[Military history]]
#REDIRECT [[Military history]]
Rework of this page in progress.

Reorganization notes below

* Definition of the term Military History
* Description of the classification system used on this page
* Timeline
* Military Eras
* Military Units
* [[Famous military writers|Famous Military Writers]]
* [[Famous military commanders|Famous Military Commanders]]
* List of Wars
* Famous Battles

Reorganization notes:

The main sections, like famous military commanders, should be in their own pages.



==== Summary ====

The history of human warfare.

==== Military Unit Types ====

Classified by Era

* Antiquity
** [[Infantry]]
** [[Cavalry]]
** [[Chariot|Chariotry]]
** [[Archery]]
** [[Slingman]]
** [[Hoplite]]
** [[Macedonian phalanx]]
** [[Roman legion]]
*** [[Marius' army]]
*** [[auxiliaries]]
** [[Greek fire]]

* Medieval (See also: [[Medieval warfare]])
** [[Knight]]
** [[Cataphract]]
** [[Condottieri]]
** [[Horse archer]]
** [[Pikeman]]
** [[Longbowman]]
** [[Artillery]]
** [[Fyrd]]
** [[Fortification]]

* Modern
** [[Musketeer]]
** [[Rifleman]]
** [[Marine]]
** [[Armory]]
** [[Conscription]]
** [[Military aviation|Aviation]]

==== Famous wars and battles ====
For more complete list of wars you may want to see [[War]]

* Ancient
** Greek Wars
*** [[Trojan War]] (c. [[1200 BC]])
*** [[Persian Wars]] ([[499 BC|499]]-[[479 BC]])
**** [[Battle of Marathon]] ([[491 BC]])
**** [[Battle of Salamis]]
**** [[Battle of Thermopylae]]
*** [[Peloponnesian War]] ([[431 BC|431]]-[[404 BC]])
*** [[Wars of Alexander the Great]] ([[334 BC|334]]-[[323 BC]])
** Roman Wars
*** [[Punic Wars]] ([[264 BC|264]]-[[241 BC]], [[218 BC|218]]-[[202 BC]], [[149 BC|149]]-[[146 BC]])
*** Julius Caesar's campaigns?
*** [[Battle of Pharsalus]] ([[48 BC]])
*** [[Battle of Actium]] ([[31 BC]])
* Medieval
** [[Europe]]an
*** [[Battle of Poitiers]]
*** [[Battle of Lechfeld]] ([[955]])
*** [[Crusade]]s ([[1096]]-[[1291]])
*** [[Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa]] ([[1212]])
*** [[Battle of Bannockburn|Bannockburn]] ([[1314]])
*** [[Hundred Years War]] ([[1337]]-[[1453]])
**** [[Battle of Crecy|Crécy]] ([[1346]])
**** [[Battle of Agincourt]] ([[1415]])
**** [[Siege of Orleans]] ([[1429]])
*** [[Wars of the Roses]] ([[1455]]-[[1485]])
**** [[Battle of Tewkesbury]]
**** [[Battle of Bosworth Field]]

* Pike & Shot
** [[Dutch Independence]] ([[1568]]-[[1648]])
** [[Spanish Armada|Defeat of the Spanish Armada]] [[1588]]
** [[Thirty Years War]] ([[1618]]-[[1648]])
** [[English Civil War]] ([[1642]]-[[1649]])
** [[AngloDutch Wars|Anglo-Dutch Wars]]
** [[Great Northern War]] ([[1700]]-[[1721]])
** [[Queen Annes War|Queen Anne's War]]
** [[War of Spanish Succession]] ([[1701]]-[[1714]])
** [[King Georges War|King George's War]]
** [[War of Jenkins Ear|War of Jenkin's Ear]]
** [[War of the Austrian Succession]] ([[1740]]-[[1748]])
** [[Seven Years War]] ([[1756]]-[[1763]])
** [[French and Indian War]] ([[1754]]-[[1763]])
** [[American Revolutionary War]] ([[1775]]-[[1783]])
** [[French Revolution]] & [[Napoleonic Wars]] ([[1789]]-[[1815]])
*** [[Battle of Trafalgar]] [[1797]]?
*** [[Battle of Waterloo]] [[1815]]
* Age of Rifles
** [[War of 1812]] ([[1812]]-[[1814]])
** [[Greek Independence]] ([[1821]]-[[1829]])
** [[Mexican-American War]] ([[1846]]-[[1848]])
** [[Taiping Rebellion]] ([[1850]]-[[1865]])
** [[Crimean War]] ([[1854]]-[[1856]])
** [[American Civil War]] ([[1861]]-[[1865]])
** [[Austro-Prussian War]] (aka Seven Weeks War) ([[1866]])
** [[Franco-Prussian War]] ([[1870]]-[[1871]])
** [[Russo-Turkish War]] ([[1877]]-[[1878]])
** [[Chinese-Japanese War]] ([[1894]]-[[1895]])
** [[Spanish-American War]] ([[1898]])
** [[Boer War]] ([[1899]]-[[1902]])
* Early 20th Century
** [[Russo-Japanese War]] ([[1904]]-[[1905]])
** [[Balkan Wars]] ([[1912]]-[[1913]])
** [[World War I]] ([[1914]]-[[1918]])
** [[Russian Revolution]] ([[1917]]-[[1918]])
** [[Chinese Revolution]] ([[1926]]?-[[1949]])
** [[Spanish Civil War]] ([[1936]]-[[1939]])
** [[World War II]] ([[1939]]-[[1945]])
* Mid 20th Century
** [[First Arab-Israeli War]] ([[1948]]-[[1949]])
** [[Korean War]] ([[1950]]-[[1953]])
** [[Vietnam War]] ([[1950]]-[[1975]])
** [[Second Arab-Israeli War]] ([[1956]])
* Late [[20th Century]]
** [[Six-Day War]] ([[1967]])
** [[Yom Kippur War]] ([[1973]])
** [[Afghan Civil War]] ([[1979]]-[[1989]])
** [[Iran-Iraq War]] ([[1980]]-[[1988]])
** [[Falklands War]] ([[1982]])
** [[Operation Just Cause]] (aka The Invasion of [[Panama]]) ([[1989]]-[[1990]])
** [[Second Gulf War]] (aka Desert Storm) ([[1991]])
** [[The Kosovo War]]

You may also want to see [[List of battles]]

==== Military Writers ====
* [[Carl von Clausewitz|Clausewitz]]
* [[Sun Tzu]]
* [[Julius Caesar]]
* Jomini
* [[Mao Zedong]]

''This list is inevitably going to be pretty complete, at least with the ancient and medieval stuff...''

See also: [[Weapon|Weapons]], [[Imperialism]], [[Colonialism]], [[War]], [[History]]

Revision as of 19:21, 4 April 2002

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