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Uru–Chipaya languages

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(Redirected from Uro languages)
Lakes Titicaca and Poopo, Bolivia
Linguistic classificationOne of the world's primary language families
Language codes
Current distribution of Uru-Chipaya-speaking peoples

The Uru–Chipaya family is an indigenous language family of Bolivia.

The speakers were originally fishermen on the shores of Lake Titicaca, Lake Poopó, and the Desaguadero River.

Chipaya has over a thousand speakers and sees vigorous use in the native community, but all other Uru languages or dialects are extinct.

Loukotka (1968) also lists the Chango language, once spoken on the coast of Chile from Huasco to Cobija in Antofagasta Province. The population has since been Araucanized.[1]

Proposed external relationships


Stark (1972) proposed a Maya–Yunga–Chipayan macrofamily linking Mayan with Uru–Chipaya and Yunga (Mochica).[2]

Language contact


Jolkesky (2016) notes that there are lexical similarities with the Kunza, Pukina, Pano, Jaqi, Kechua, Mapudungun, and Moseten-Tsimane language families due to contact.[3]



Loukotka (1968) lists the following basic vocabulary items for Uro (Uru) and Chipaya.[1]

gloss Uro Chipaya
one sipi shintal'a
two pisk'i pishk
three chepe chep
head ácha acha
eye shukui chuki
hand kárshi kxara
woman túkũ txuna
water koási kuas
sun túñi túñi
maize tura tara


  • Aguiló, F. (1986). El idioma de los Urus. Editora Centro Portales.
  • Cerrón-Palomino, R. (2011). Chipaya. Léxico y etnotaxonomía. Lima: PUCP.
  • Espinoza Soriano (1991). Proto-Takanan and Uru-Chipaya: genetic relationship or ancient loans? Comunicação apresentada em: Conferencia Internacional sobre Lenguaje, Política Oficial sobre el Lenguaje y Política Educativa en los Andes, 28–30 October 1991. Newark: University of Delaware.
  • Hannẞ, K. (2008). Uchumataqu: The lost language of the Urus of Bolivia. A grammatical description of the language as documented between 1894 and 1952 (ILLA, 7). Leiden: CNWS Publications.
  • Nimuendajú, K. (1928-1929). Wortliste der Šipáya-Indianer. Anthropos, 23:821-850, 24:863-896.
  • Snethlage, E. (1932). Chipaya- und Curuaya-Wörter. Anthropos, 27:65-93.
  • Vellard, J. A. (1949-1951). Contribution à l'étude des Indiens Uru ou Kot'suñs. Travaux de l'Institut Français d'études Andines, 1:145-209, 2:51-89, 3:3-39.


  1. ^ a b Loukotka, Čestmír (1968). Classification of South American Indian languages. Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center.
  2. ^ Stark, Louisa R. (1972). "Maya-Yunga-Chipayan: A New Linguistic Alignment". International Journal of American Linguistics. 38 (2): 119–135. doi:10.1086/465193. ISSN 0020-7071.
  3. ^ Jolkesky, Marcelo Pinho de Valhery (2016). Estudo arqueo-ecolinguístico das terras tropicais sul-americanas (Ph.D. dissertation) (2 ed.). Brasília: University of Brasília.