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Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not/Outtakes

This page contains material which is considered humorous. It may also contain advice.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What Wikipedia is not – Outtakes is a composition that explores the Wikipedia official policy What Wikipedia is not. As noted in that policy, "Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia and, as a means to that end, an online community of individuals interested in building a high-quality encyclopedia in a spirit of mutual respect. Therefore, there are certain things that Wikipedia is not." For example, Wikipedia content is not a paper encyclopedia, a dictionary, a blog or webspace provider, or a crystal ball and the Wikipedia community is not a democracy, bureaucracy, battleground, or an anarchy. Importantly, Wikipedia is not censored. However, since What Wikipedia is not was first developed beginning at least as early as September 24, 2001, a number of proposed additions never made it in. This essay looks at portions of the policy that were removed in the editing process and not included in the work's final, publicly released version. In addition, it looks at portions of the policy that may have been removed had they been added in the editing process, but nonetheless have relevance to the policy. In effect, What Wikipedia is not – Outtakes may provide a perspective to the What Wikipedia is not official policy to provide the reader a better understanding of what Wikipedia is not.

Note: Some really bad jokes are now at Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not/BJAODN.

W1K1P3D14 15 N07 4 P14C3 F0R 13375P34K[a]


1f y0u 13375p33k h3r3, y0u wi11 g37 b10cked.[b]

Wikipedia is not a place for colored text


Colored text like this is too beautiful to be included in Wikipedia. Take your rainbow vibes somewhere else.

Wikipedia is not a place for REDACTED


We're sorry, this joke has been REDACTED due to it being unfunny. Please contact +1 (855) 444-8888 for more information as to why this unfunny joke has been REDACTED.

Wikipedia is not a towed gun-howitzer M1955 D-20


Though wikipedia may fire OF-32 shells at you without warning, it is not a towed gun-howitzer and you must not destroy its emplacement.

Wikipedia is not Cells at Work


白血球 B14499: 素早い! 肺炎を逃がすな!

肺炎: ああ、小さな白血球。 もう遅い。 あなたの基地はすべて私たちのものです! ハハハッハッハ

白血球 B14499: なんてこった!!!!

Wikipedia is not a country


I hereby proclaim the formation of Wikipedialand, and I proclaim myself Eternal Supreme Leader of the Communist Party of Wikipedialand. This means that, in any type of friendly discussion, my opinion is automatically right, and I will start an edit war with you if you are to disagree with me.

Wikipedia aint no place for grammers that is bad


There aint gonna be some grammer that not readable? Or otherwise some Grammer Nazes and Grammer Policiz could can go to you house and arrests you be makes however a exceptional.

Wikipedia is not somewhere you can put your sponsorships


This article was sponsored by RAID: Shadow Legends. Get 50,000 Free Silver[c] when you join my guild with promo code "TOTALLY-NOT-A-SCAM"! And also, for the first 120 of you to enjoy RAID on your device with CONSOLE-QUALITY GRAPHICS[d] using code "GAMBLE-YOUR-MONEY-AWAY", you can get a RARE[e] Champion! Get RAID: Shadow Legends today on the iOS and App Store today![1]

Likewise, Wikipedia is not the place to advertise your product, no matter how good it is


Have you ever felt bad? Have you ever wanted to fix that feeling? Have you ever wanted to give $5,000 to me? If you said yes to those 3 choices, you shall look no further. My Special Potion will fix all of that. It fixes stomachaches, diabetes, strokes, and upsetness. Call 1-205-103-1111 now, because, for a limited time, you can get a 0.000001-ounce bottle for the low, low price of $9,000! It's $1,23455 less than the usual rate! Also, if you call now, shipping and handling fees will be no cost to you! Remember: my Special Potion can fix anything. Anything.

Wikipedia is not a cabal


Wikipedia is only run by a cabal. Of thousands. But don't worry – you, too, can join the cabal by making a history of constructive, high-quality edits. That, and learn the secret password. (It's "Swordfish.")

There Is No Cabal (TINC). We discussed this at the last Cabal meeting, and everyone agreed that There Is No Cabal. An announcement was made in Cabalist: The Official Newsletter of The Cabal making it clear that There Is No Cabal. The words "There Is No Cabal" are in ten-foot letters on the side of the 42-story International Cabal Headquarters, and an announcement that There Is No Cabal is shown at the start of every program on The Cabal Network. If that doesn't convince people that There Is No Cabal, I don't know what will. --Guy Macon (talk) 09:53, 18 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Um... uh... Here it goes... Ѕwordfish. Wait. THat is the cyrillic dze.nota letter s. Jessedinopickles (talk) 11:59, 29 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia is not a game


Do you think this is some kind of game? (WP:MMORPG notwithstanding.)

Wikipedia is not the Bible


Don't put Bible copypasta here. As stated in the gospel according to Saint Jimbo 4:20, God has commanded it.

Wikipedia is not a kitten


Though sometimes cute and cuddly, Wikipedia is not a kitten. Please do not stroke it lovingly. It scratches! YEEEOOOOW!

Wikipedia is not a lightbulb


It is worth noting that if an engineer builds a better lightbulb, this engineering will have no noticeable impact on Wikipedia policies, guidelines or consensus.[2]

Wikipedia is not a mobile phone company


So it won't send you either a £500,000 phone bill[3] or send you a 300-page bill.

Wikipedia not is a place for cybersex


Nor is it a blonde 19-year old twink. Trust us on this.

Wikipedia is not a place for perky people


^_^ ;) <_< :D ^-^ (= >_> :P ^^ :3

Wikipedia is not a place for vandalism


You said: "I think you are being anal retentive and a hardass, i see how the comments on the talk page of that are unconstrucitve but it was a joke and i thought that it would be okay on the talk page. regarding + Did anyone else think that this is some funny shit!?Cholga 19:02, 19 September 2006 (UTC) that is not vandalism it was a legitimate question about what people thought about the colbert report thing. WHAT OTHER VANDALISM ARE YOPU TALKING ABOUT, YOU SAID YOU COULD COME UP WITH ANOTHER EXAMPLE I AM FURIOUS I AM USING BOLD I AM A SUPERSTAR SHOW ME THE MONEY? I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THESE SUPPOSED OTHER EXAMPLES Chola out"[reply]

I'm complaining about your claim that you have elephants in your back yard, that elephants live in Antarctica, and that they are overpopulating the world. Article discussion pages are to be used for improving the quality of the article and this is noted at the top of that particular article. Unconstructive edits are considered vandalism. --Yamla 19:38, 19 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Can you give me a link to Cholga's funny revisions about elephants from Antarctica overpopulating the world in their backyard? I'd like to read it. Thanks. --Darth Tacker (talk) 23:36, 18 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Darth Tacker: Here. Hanif Al Husaini (talk) 15:23, 14 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Toilets are clogged. Brachy08 (Talk) 09:20, 4 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Click me! listen to the link Jessedinopickles (talk) 14:14, 29 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]





DON'T YOU WANNA BE THE [BIG SHOT] WHO [makes all of the rules?]


Wikipedia is not a guttermouth convention


So please refrain from using profanity. Or else I'm bringing the mammoths back from extinction and let them take over the Illuminati so you'll never explode on us again like a pig wearing a torpedo on his macaroni and T-shirts again that have the letter = on it. And don't climb the angry mastodons dressed as a ton of bricks! And if you find yourself digging deeper Kool-aids, stop being a jerk!

Wikipedia is not a song parody


Hey I just met you – and this is crazy – but I hate swearing – so stop it maybe.

I shalt ne'er giveth ye up, I shalt ne'er alloweth ye down! I shalt ne'er runneth round and deserteth ye!

Wikipedia is not a Menagerie


It's actually a WikiMenagerie.

Wikipedia is not a place to create secret hidden messages


By embedding them in blocks of otherwise innocuous text. Did I just give something away?

Wikipedia is not a place to dump large quantities of material copied from "My Documents"


Except for here:

The book Animal Farm is, clearly, a fictional story. However, this allegory's connection to the early days of Communist Russia is all too true. The leading pigs of the Farm take control, not only of the establishment, but also of the residents. They are able to mislead the all-too-ignorant populace into thinking whatever they do is a good thing for all. The crookedness of Animal Farm's government is shown from the very start, and comes through to the end, culminating in a slogan that was all too true when the real-life correlation to this story happened not so long ago.
The first flavor I would like to see is sweet onion. I like raw onions and I know that other people do too. In addition, the onion jelly bean would mix well with some of your existing jelly bean flavors. Another flavor that I thought would be exciting and popular is the egg flavored jelly bean. Many people I know eat eggs at all times of the day and so I think it would be a popular choice. Last, but not least, is the broccoli jelly bean. I understand that broccoli jelly beans might not sound very popular at first, but you could make them be a healthy snack to eat. If they were healthy, parents could get their kids to eat broccoli in a rather sweet way.
In the dining room, many pesky monsters roam, namely Werewolves and Headless Specters. However, they are no match for the mighty football helmet! Some of the collapsing floor tiles have snack boxes hidden directly under them. Jump quickly and take the risk of falling to grab these delicious packets of tastiness. Sometimes, the menacing lit fireplace may breathe fire, guarding a snack box. Time your jump carefully and snag it without being roasted. If you head-smash some webs against the wall, it will take you into a closet with some snacks and sandwiches in it. Although you might always have a full five dog-tags in health, it is a helpful oasis. (It's also fun to stand in the right place and get the view from the inside of a rotating sandwich!)

Wikipedia is not a place to find The Truth


The Truth is out there ... wait, sorry, I mean out there. Really. I mean it. Turn off the computer and go outside now. You have had enough for one day.

Wikipedia is not a place to leave out punctuation


It gets really confusing if you leave out punctuation marks, please use them it makes long sentences easier to read and makes it clear exactly what you are on about.

Wikipedia is not a place to post half-finished sentences


Half-finished articles and Candlejack are fine, but please finish your sentences!

Poor thing – only did it for the lulz.

Wikipedia is not a place to invent new spelling and grammar


It hinders communication if we don't use the same spelling or grammar. Yes, you can decide to use non-standard fleemishes and the reader can still gloork the meaning from the context, but there ix a limit; If too many ot the vleeps are changed, it becomes harder and qixer to fllf what the wethcz is blorping, and evenually izs is bkb longer possible to ghilred frok at wifx. Dnighth? Ngfipht yk ur! Uvq the hhvd or hnnngh. Blorgk? Blorgk! Blorgkity-blorgk!!!! Harvdjsjeidjdpsik!!

Wikipedia is not a place to prepend "Wiki" to EVERY word


Wikiso wikidon't wikido wikiit wikibecause wikiit wikiis wikivery wikiannoying.

Wikipedians Wikiquette Wiktionary Wikify WIKIEVERYTHING!!!!

Wikipedia is not written with a lisp


Tho, we advithe you don't do thith. You will motht likely be thtopped.

wikipedia isn't a place to hang out


okay? aight dude yeah the other day i got hit by some bcycle n broke my knee how abt u?

dude woah i mean thats so cool woah UwU i hope youre doing fine ya i had a nice walk today

cool lets meet at the tea room at 3 am

Wkpd 's nt 'n 'bjd (#NVwls)


Wkpd slly wrttn wth th Ltn scrpt. ' hp y'r frm 'rb'.

Wikipedia is not a place to sabotage articles with personal info


Wkipedia is not the place to explain that Jim Hersha is a 12th grader in Arkansas who loves chocolate and bums.

Content referencing Jim and his predilections will be be removed.

Wikipedia is not a place to tell really filthy but totally funny jokes


I told you it wasn't.

Wait a second, it so is ...

Wikipedia is not a place to type things while not looking at your keyboard


so please do not ro any of tjat pm wpolo[edoa. Conversely, you could learn to touch type, which produces this much clearer sentence.

Wikipedia is not a place


At all, really. Not really.

Wikipedia is not a site opposing random and trivial fictional stuff


On the contrary. Wikibooks and Fandom were created for a reason.

Wikipedia is not a soapbox


So don't expect to find any leftovers for the next batch of laundry (ba-dum-psssh).[f]

And don't expect to have an audience for your jokes =)

Wikipedia is not a text adventure


You have been eaten by a Grue
Restore, Restart, or Quit?

Granted, we have edit counts for levels (but not to the extent of Everything 2); edit distribution and other stats; administrators, arbitrators, vandals, and so on for classes; sockpuppets for using "summons" on a hacked character; over 1.3 million players; over 1,130,000 locations (including 900+ Featured towns and cities), pubs (talk pages); quest rewards (barnstars); boss battles (FAC); class change trials (RFA), and battle arenas (AIV).

Wikipedia is notable, but do not feel special for editing a notable website


you are not special even if you are making changes to a notable website

Wikipedia is not for spreading false information


since wikipedia is an encyclopedia, people are able to spread false information pretty quickly, and then the new generation of wikipedians would definitely not become stupid[sarcasm] and would totally be able to see the truth about it all,[sarcasm] this is why vandalism is totally allowed so do it[sarcasm]




Wikipedia is no table

But it goes.

Wikipedia is not cheese


So you can't get it from your local grocery store for £2.99 a pound. We also aren't Swiss, parmesan, tofu or Wensleydale.

Wikipedia is not, according to the Blogosphere any of these


It's really amazing to learn the things that Wikipedia is not ...

Wikipedia is not an airline


Wikipedia cannot process your flight arrangements, and Wikipedia does not have cheap flights. It also doesn't charge $2/min for a phone call.

Wikipedia is not an infinite source of processing power


So please don't add lots of links, you could use up its bandwidth and the bandwidth is needed for real articles. Thank you very much.

Wikipedia is not an MMORPG


sdrawkcab ton si aidepikiW


.si siht ,nosaer emos rof tuB

Wikipedia is not an anagram


I aped again, Roman kiwi ants.

Wikipedia is not communism


Despite the assertions of many a vandal, Wikipedia is not, in fact, communism. Jimbo Wales is not really Che Guevara, Emma Goldman, or Stalin; Larry Sanger is not Trotsky; and Wikipedia was not founded in a bloody and violent armed revolution against Encyclopædia Brittanica imperialism. Furthermore, no matter what anyone will tell you, Wikipedia is not owned in common by the workers. Wikipedia belongs to the world. From each according to their convenience and addiction, to each according to their bandwidth (as long as the site is still up).

In fact, Wikipedia is the opposite of communism. Communism succeeds in theory but fails in practice[original research?][citation needed][dubiousdiscuss][season and episode needed]; Wikipedia fails in theory but succeeds in practice[original research?][citation needed][dubiousdiscuss][season and episode needed].

Actually no, Wikipedia is communism. Sorry.[original research?][citation needed][dubiousdiscuss]

Wikipedia is not Juche


Our supreme leader Jimbo Wales said that if we make Wikipedia juche, all of us and everyone up to our grandparents and grandkids will be incarcerated for life.

Wikipedia is not done messing with your human rights



Wikipedia is not fake


Contrary to professional opinion opinion.[4]

Wikipedia is not for disambiguity


Wikipedia is not a place for disambiguity or Purple Toe-Eating fungus.

Is it?

Wikipedia is not for profit


Wikipedia is run by Wikimedia, not Wikia.

Wikipedia is not for you


Not for you.

Wikipedia is not fun


Yeah, right. It's all just fun and games, isn't it?

Wikipediä ist nicht nur für Deutsche


Hauptartikel: Wikipedia:En.Wiki is not De.Wiki
Wikipediä ist für die Welt. Ja, die deutsche Wikipediä ist populärer als die Englische Wikipediä, ja, Deutschland hat die einzige gedruckte Wikipediä-Editiön der Welt. Ja, Wikipediä unterstützt Ünicöde, was die ganzen Ümläüte möglich macht. Ja der Übermensch Jimbo Wäles wurde prophezeit vom deutschen Philösöphen Friedrich Nietzsche. Und schließlich, ja, Wikipediä ist wird mit einem "V-soünd" ausgesprochen, wie Sie es nennen auf Englisch. Nichtsdestotrotz, Wikipediä ist nicht nur für Deutsche!

English translation


Wikipedia is for the World. Yes, German Wikipedia is more popular than English Wikipedia. Yes, Germany has the only printed Wikipedia edition in the world. Yes, Wikipedia supports unicode, for Löts öf ümläuts. Yes, Jimbo Wales the Superman is prophesied by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. And finally, yes, Wikipedia is pronounced with a "V-sound" as you call it in English. Nonetheless, Wikipedia is not only for Germans!

Wikipedia est non lingua Latina


Wikipedia est non lingua Latina, sed habet linguam Latinam. Wikipedia hodie est Wikipedia. Wikipedia est numquam lingua Latina.

English translation


Wikipedia is not the Latin language, but it does have the Latin language. Wikipedia today is Wikipedia. Wikipedia is never the Latin language.

Wikipedia is not drunk


hey gassssssaffikj, to day we'll eddddddddddaxm the alk 5 hours later. UGHGHH THIS HANGOVER IS KILLING ME!!! AUGSJ!

Similarly, Wikipedia is not gibberish


qajhaisjgaiwkgasjijtgaskltgjlajghslkjhashdjsaduiwet893692eit6outq28349hny0e9yijwe0[-o6459024y9we8tuywoejuytlh;siogkjjjjj mnsdbhtiul;r.hlgsdihsdfhkmhk,dfghjmfkgjkfkjgkfjgkfmvbkfmgkfmkvbmfkmgfdsdsiluglelhs54uejip4w5yjwn54oyioi4opopolkolhkrfvuhkldfgfgrfgfgfgfgdjgfghfgfgfgdfdkgdfdfdkmfdfdfndfefdmnkfdmnfdf dfdfbjhdfdjfdjkfdjkfdfdfjkdfdjkfdnfdfdfnkdfnkyrie8drhjrurjrhr8r3pmxrjlsjdfkdkfjfjcjghjrkxfjkfotifirirdlaarjnfmx.kejejdhjtorir5e6x0w6v5aebeuxtr9geirur38ozeoe.

Wikipedia is not Pokémon


You will not attain eight Featured Article badges, you won't be going to fight the Elite Four (Raul, Larry, Curps, and Kasuga) and the Champion (Jimbo).

Wikipedia is not a Pokémon


Wikipe wikipedia pedi pedia.

Wikipedia is not porn


Wikipedia is not racist


Anyone of all faiths, origins and nationalities and is willing enough to contribute to Wikipedia in good faith is welcome to edit away (actually that might be a good one with a few tweaks).

Wikipedia is not Soviet Russia


It is not your Wikipedia, it is ÖÜR WĪKĪPĒDĪÅ!!!
In Soviet Russia, Wikipedia edits YOU!

You see, the address you are looking for is 42 World Wide Web Boulevard. You are at 42 Wikipedia Boulevard. Wrong street. Google says so. Wikipedia does however, know the Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything.

Wikipedia is not the Death Note


So no, writing someone's name in here will not kill someone. Although there are exceptions.

  • Just as planned!
ohhh harsh

Wikipedia is not to help you see your boyfriend


Which didn't occur to Rebecca.

Wikipedia is not usually like this page


So if you happen to be here, disregard this page as humorous ramblings by editors who have little to very little life and want fame and fortune and everything that goes with it.

Wikipedia is not the USA


Oh wait ...

Wikipedia is not the world


The USA is.

Wikipedia is not WP:BJAODN


So don't delete it and replace it with a historical page

Wikipedia is not written in code

let section = ("Wikipedia is not written in code") & if {
readerMood = (bored) then closeWindow;
keepReading OR vomitUncontrollably;
repeatUntil laughter = (stopped) &then:
changePants (underwear) + changePants (trousers) & remember ("use bathroom before laughing")
if pants = (not wet/soiled) then continue reading|letter|word|line|paragraph|section|page
page = (boring) then (2F@$&ingBad4u) and mood= (Angry) – XP
&endFunction} loopIf
discoveredByAdmin = false
if discoveredByAdmin = true then {
run4Life &pray that JimboWales (know) = doesNot
bleedOn (floor) & (mercy)begFor
ifDead then Pwn3d = true

Wikipedia is not your diary


For more information, see this page.



Wikipedia is not David Hasselhoff


It is true that Wikipedia is far more popular in Germany than in its native United States. It is true that Wikipedia is often surrounded by attractive women in bikinis. And it is true that Wikipedia has more "cool" and "sex appeal" than any other 1980's TV star. Despite these similarities, however, Wikipedia is not David Hasselhoff.

Wikipedia is not Fenton the Dog


So for God's sake do not run through Richmond Park shouting its name!

Wikipedia is not the Messiah


He's a very naughty boy.

Wikipedia is not your spouse


Need I explain more?

Wikipedia is not Viki


That is very disrespectful.

Wikipedia is not Donald Trump


If you think that then you're fired.

Honestly why would you name your child Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfeschlegelsteinhausen­bergerdorff­welche­vor­altern­waren­gewissenhaft­schafers­wessen­schafe­waren­wohl­gepflege­und­sorgfaltigkeit­beschutzen­von­angreifen­durch­ihr­raubgierig­feinde­welche­vor­altern­zwolf­tausend­jahres­voran­die­erscheinen­van­der­erste­erdemensch­der­raumschiff­gebrauch­licht­als­sein­ursprung­von­kraft­gestart­sein­lange­fahrt­hinzwischen­sternartig­raum­auf­der­suchen­ach­die­stern­welche­gehabt­bewohnbar­planeten­kreise­drehen­sich­und­wohin­der­neu­rasse­von­verstandig­menschlichkeit­konnte­fortpflanzen­und­sich­erfreuen­an­lebenslanglich­freude­und­ruhe­mit­nicht­ein­furcht­vor­angreifen­von­anderer­intelligent­geschopfs­von­hinzwischen­sternartig­raum?

Wikipedia is not Billy Joel


It did not start the fire.

Wikipedia is not Budsforbuddies


We already captured a decent amount of animals, we must sacrifice them to the almighty Jimbo!

Wikipedia is not Bella The Wolf


Jimbo Wales x Bella 🥵🥵🥵[5]

Oh, wait, Jimbo is 58 and Bella is 14,


Wikipedia is not Apollo Quiboloy


The World Belongs to Jimbo Wales, Prepare, as he will use an electronic remote to turn off the sun

Wikipedia is not Foodistzen



Other websites


Wikipedia is not 4chan


ДСФАРГЕГ 12/29/07(Fri)16:08 No. 180810361 Replies: >>240852619
gtfo newfag


Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)08:14 No. 240852619 Replies: >>240852619

Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)08:14 No. 240852619

mοοt !!Εр8рui8Vw2 ­## Αdmіn 09/25/08(Thu)08:14 No. 240852619
hay guise, wats goin on this thread?

Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)08:14 No. 240852619
666 GET

Wikipedia is not DeviantArt

  • Yay! First comment!
  • You've been tagged! Put this in your user page and send it to six other Wikipedians!
  • [comment hidden by owner]
    • [comment hidden by owner]
      • [comment hidden by owner]
        • [comment hidden by owner]
          • [comment hidden by owner]
            • (1 Reply)
  • WAAAA ... Kawaii desu, ne? ^_^
  • Overall, I'd give Wikipedia very high marks. My only criticism is that the "anyone can edit" philosophy makes the website very prone to abuse. But, otherwise, a very good encyclopedia.
    • Well, bitch, that's how my f***ing website works, so leave me f***ing alone.
      • Wow. You're mature </Sarcasm> If you're going to bitch every time someone gives you constructive criticism, then maybe you shouldn't be here.

Wikipedia is not Encyclopedia Dramatica


So don't do it for the lulz! Give us MOAR encyclopedic stuff!
1. Create an article
2. Add some content
3. Wait while others fill it with CN and OR
4. ????????
5. PROFIT!!!
6. ... Wait ... O SHI-

Wikipedia is not Facebook


👍 84 users like this.

Wikipedia is not GoDaddy


In an expansion of the idea "Wikipedia is not a webspace provider" ...

  • It should not be used as a personal website or a personal blog, not even as a blog of your recent projects on Wikipedia.
  • It cannot register your domain names for 99¢ for the first year.
  • It is not-for-profit, so it does not require commercials where famous women like Stacy Keibler and Danica Patrick tease baring their breasts or beavers. (Though it would probably help come donation drive time.)
  • It does not provide a wide array of automatically-installed web applications.

Therefore, Wikipedia is not GoDaddy.

Wikipedia is not Uncyclopedia

For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia think they have articles about Wikipedia and Uncyclopedia.

"That's right! You tell 'em!"

~Oscar Wilde on Wikipedia is not Uncyclopedia

"I'm gonna let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!

~Kanye West

"In Soviet Russia, pedia wikis YOU!!"

~Russian Reversal on Wikipedia



(three hours later ...)

Wikipedia is in read-only mode for system maintenance.

Wikipedia is not Google


Windows 9 release date, news and rumors – TechRadar www.techradar.com/.../windows-9-release-date-news-and-rum... TechRadar by Joe Osborne – Jul 21, 2014 – Windows 9 release date, news and rumors – What will we see in the next complete version of Windows? And when will we see it? Buying ... ‎What will Windows 9 features ... – ‎Windows 8.2 – ‎Windows 8.1 Update 1 – ‎Build 2014

Wikipedia is not Rotten Tomatoes


This is a very good movie though {{Rotten Tomatoes|id=best_wikipedia_thingk_eva! |type=prop |title=Best Wikipedia Thingk Eva! | access-date=June 20, 2022}}

Wikipedia is not TV Tropes


We are Wikipedia. We're a buttload more formal. We don't really encourage breezy language and original thought as much as that other wiki. ThereIsSuchThingAsNotability, and citations are needed. If your entry cannot gather any evidence by the WikiMagic, it will be deleted in fairly short order.

Wikipedia is not Reddit


Of course it isn't Reddit. I thought Wikipedia was supposed to be professional? This website has gone to shit. OP, come back when you read this.
(↑ -20 ↓)

This was clearly a joke, you imbecile. Did you even see the header at the top? Your own source?
(↑ 13 ↓)
Yeah, sure, buddy. Like it or not, humor has a time and place, and this website is not that.
(↑ -17 ↓)
(↑ -26 ↓)
What does that have to do with anything, you fucking weirdo?
(↑ 12 ↓)
(↑ 9 ↓)
This comment was removed by the moderators for violation of the subreddit rules.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
(↑ 1 ↓)
How dense can you get? Lol
(↑ 7 ↓)
I was simply pointing out an unnecessary addition, not sure how that's being dense. Clearly, you're the dense one here for allowing such a thing to remain on the website.
(↑ -2 ↓)
I upvoted!
(↑ 0 ↓)

Wikipedia is not Muslim Manga

  1. Create an account.
  2. Read some Muslim Manga Originals.
  3. Leave multiple bad comments on the manga
  4. Your account got banned. GG
  5. Appeal the ban on Nur.City Discord server.
  6. Smiley The Director ignores you.
  7. Launch a 10 Mb/s DDoS on Muslim Manga website (impossible lol cuz the web site is protected by Cloudflare.)
  8. Goes into infinite koyak mode.[dubiousdiscuss]

(Update: The editor who wrote this section is facing an auto-logout issue. so he is using IP addresses to edit this section)

Wikipedia is not Scratch


Scratch is a programming language and online community, while Wikipedia is an open encyclopedia with millions of articles, those websites won't be merged.

Share the project with the world
See what's inside the project [command-shift-i]
See what's inside

Wikipedia is not the place to interrupt people


So please do not


Wikipedia is not


a place


to create






Wikipedia is not Illuminati confirmed.


Wikipedia has 9 letters. Letters has 7 letters. 9 - 7 = 2. Wikipedia was founded by 2 editors. Their names are Jimmy and Larry. Jimmy and Larry are characters from TV shows. TV. Television. Television has 10 letters. Letters has 7 letters. 10 - 7 = 3. Triangles have 3 sides. This subheading is wrong.

Wikipedia is not a long list of things Wikipedia is not


Um... whoops.

Wikipedia is not a pie-throwing contest


No matter how tempting a custard pie may be to throw.

Wikipedia is not an skipping record player


No matter how redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redund... redundant it might seem.

Wikipedia is not a person


No, you can not talk to Wikipedia. Wikipedia is not a person. You can not marry Wikipedia. It is not a person. You can not date Wikipedia. It is not a person.

Wait. You say it is a person, and you can, in fact, do everything I just mentioned? Well then, I guess it is a person, and you can do those things.

Hello! I am Wikipedia! What do you want to know today?

Wikipedia is not a place where people are capable of being wrong


Wait ... not again.

Wikipedia is not related to the (Redacted) in any way. Likewise, the (Redacted) is not related to Wikipedia.

Message from (Redacted)


(Redacted) has contacted the Wikimedia Foundation, telling them to hide any evidence of   being present by (Redacted) the evidence.   is very dangerous and can only be calmed with (Redacted).

Wikipedia is not a Lego set


Although it does contain many pieces, there isn't a recommend age for Wikipedia. Still, don't let children under three near it. Hey, at least people won't get hurt by stepping on it with their bare feet!

Wikipedia is not Wikipedia




Wikipedia is not under the footnotes


Or maybe it is.

Wikipedia is not Florida Man


Florida Man arrested for doing things Wikipedia does not want to do.

Wikipedia is not [INSERT FUNNY WORD HERE]



Wikipedia is not a square


We are looking for a neutral point of view, not the "right angle" or four equal sides.

Wikipedia is not part of the dark web


If you try to sell something illegal over Wikipedia, then... wait, do we actually have a policy for that?


The incomplete spherical jigsaw puzzle covered in letters is used to represent Wikipedia, but they are, of course, not one and the same.

...or are they? Vsauce music plays

Wikipedia is not Selena Gomez


Selena Gomez had starred on Disney Channel series, Wizards of Waverly Place. Also, Gomez starred Faith and collaborated with Vanessa Hudgens on Spring Breakers.

Wikipedia is not an international version of Disney Channel

I have shutdown

Disney Channel had a international version, but international version of Disney Channel is shutting down.

Wikipedia is not a place to stage your Climate Change protests


We're looking at you especially, Sunrise Movement and guys who throw cakes at the Mona Lisa.

Likewise, Wikipedia is not a place to stage your anti-Climate Change protests


Please do all your anti-Donziger protesting in Ecuador, Chevron lawyers.

Wikipedia is not a place for Roblox games


Except for Adopt Me! of course! Why not create an article about the place you created in Roblox when there are no sources about this. Does popularity matter? And are games related?

Wikipedia is not Among Us


So don't be mega sussy, got it?

Wikipedia is not WordPress Site


If you want to write a blog, do it on WordPress instead. The goal of Wikipedia is to build an encyclopedia.

Wikipedia is also not


Wikipedia is not a site for self-published books


Sure that anyone can make this, but they should do it on other sites instead like Blurb, Lulu, BookPress, Smashwords, Kobo, StreetLib, and Barnes & Noble Press. --2601:205:C001:EA0:101D:34E7:B537:E94F (talk) 20:21, 4 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia is not GoAnimate



  • wikipedia: FINE. SCREW YOU.

Wikipedia is not UTTP



13:02, 9 May 2016 Randykitty (talk | contribs) deleted page UTTP (G3: Vandalism) (thank)

Wikipedia is not an AI


Wikipedia is not an AI (artificial intelligence) because it is a collaborative online encyclopedia that allows users to create and edit articles. Although Wikipedia uses some AI techniques to assist with tasks such as spam filtering and article categorization, it is primarily a human-driven platform.

While Wikipedia may use some automated processes to detect and revert vandalism or to suggest potential changes to articles, these processes are not sophisticated enough to qualify as AI. Rather, they are based on rules and algorithms that are designed to support the community of human editors who contribute to the site.

In contrast, AI refers to systems that are capable of learning from data and making decisions or predictions based on that learning. These systems are typically designed to perform specific tasks or solve specific problems, and they use a range of techniques such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision to achieve their goals.

In summary, while Wikipedia may use some AI techniques to assist with certain tasks, it is primarily a human-driven platform and does not qualify as an AI.

Wikipedia is not Midjourney or Microsoft Copilot either, so don't ask Wikipedia to generate a picture of a girl in a pretty pink dress playing the drums and her handsome boyfriend dressed in black with a pink suit and tie playing the acoustic guitar.

Wikipedia is not Cartoon Network


Because otherwise the only page that would exist on Wikipedia would be Teen Titans Go!

Wikipedia is not Nickelodeon


Because otherwise the only page in this site would be SpongeBob SquarePants.

Wikipedia is not what Wikipedia is


YOU UNLEASHED A PARADOX! Please, remain calm and RUN!!!

Likewise, wikipedia is not paradoxical


no paradoxes on wikipedia unless its about something notable, such as the fermi paradox

Wikipedia is not an encyclopedia


Hold on, it's promoted as "the free encyclopedia", yet it isn't one? What is this section, a blatant lie?

Wikipedia is not a puzzle, if misused


Want to play puzzles? Go to online games. Otherwise, working on a project that would be useful for encyclopedia, if you want to collaborate.

Wikipedia is not edited by Randy in Boise.


You will not find even a trace of sword-welding skeletons fighting in the Peloponnesian War here. No siree!

Wikipedia is not an egg


But something ‘’did’’ hatch from it.

Wikipedia is not an imageboard


>be me
>Wikipedia contributor
>edit for 2 years
>take a break
>announce it
>nobody cares
What do I do, anons?

Wikipedia is not Wings of Fire


This is an encyclopedia, not Pyrrhia! Also, even though there are WikiDragons and WikiWyverns, it still does not mean that we have stuff like "Wiki-RainWings" or "Wiki-SandWings" here. And it does not mean that Wikipedia is Pyrrhia.

Wikipedia is not MELEE


Stop it! Get some help!

Never try to out-shine me with your Kyam-own and Faiyaaaaaaa!!

Wikipedia is not a stub


This article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.

Wikipedia is not a globular cluster


(Please take this to WikiProject Astronomy please (._.')) Ok. I know there are a lot of articles, but they are not completely bound together...AAAAAAAAA— User:Hamterous1 (discuss anything!🐹✈️) 18:03, 7 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia is not ________


Wait, Wikipedia is not what?

Wikipedia is not helicopter text

Please do not read this if you know that you will feel uncomfortable. But I am here to tell you that Wikipedia does not spin.

Wikipedia is not AFD


An editor has nominated this article for deletion. You are welcome to participate in the deletion discussion, which will decide whether or not to retain it.

Wikipedia is not outside


Wait, what? But Wikipedia is outside...

Wikipedia is not crazy


After all, crazy is building your ark after the flood comes.

Wikipedia is not Hamterous1's obsession


what is this...actually, i mean it...User:Hamterous1 (discuss anything!🐹✈️) 14:52, 28 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Click link in header of section User:Hamterous1 (discuss anything!🐹✈️) 12:47, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia is not the galaxy


Light pollution on Wikipedia now...

There are too many stars, galaxies, nebulae, star clusters, and asterisms to count. Please do not count them. Additionally, please do not do this. (Also, this took forever to add this many links.)

Ok, this is totally not my obsession.

Wikipedia is not your network router or switch


So there is no packet collusions, IP address conflicts, packet losses or someone snooping over your network. NEVER.

launches Wireshark on my computer

Mostly unimportant stuff, right?

Wikipedia is not Project Sekai


Your combo and whether you're a thumb play or not is irrelavant here.

Deliberately adding red links... umm, idk what to do about this

[Helper] Wikipedia isn't a dialogue box!


Because if it was, then you would never be able to edit it!

Wikipedia is not a place to sing BENJIxScarlett's Battle for Dream Island song


This song is cringe, BFDI hates this song![6]



Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've been waiting for, the best Battle for Dream Island song ever Let's go This is the Battle for Dream Island song, Battle for Dream Island, the Battle for Dream Island song, Battle for the We got Blocky and Bubble and Pin, Leafy and Fiery are more than friends, uh Rockin' Snowball and the rest, like Needle and Match, a perfect ten, yeah We got Flower and Woody and Spongy too, Coiny and Announcer just for the coup Comment who you think is gonna win, and listen to the song again and again, uh This is the Battle for Dream Island song, Battle for Dream Island, the Battle for Dream Island song, Battle for the, This is the Battle for Dream Island song, Battle for Dream Island, the Battle for Dream Island song, Battle for the Go Blocky! Go Blocky! Go Blocky! Go Blocky! Go Bubble! Go Bubble! Go Bubble! Go Bubble! Go Leafy! Go Leafy! Go Leafy! Go Leafy! Go Fiery! Go Fiery! Go Crazy This is the Battle for Dream Island song, Battle for Dream Island, the Battle for Dream Island song, Battle for the, This is the Battle for Dream Island song, Battle for Dream Island, the Battle for Dream Island song, Battle for the..

Wikipedia is not a school


Wikipedia is played by devices; not anywhere in real life.

Wikipedia is not a place to put fullwidth text


Thia form is originated from Japan so don't use these. This also applies to Halfwidth Kana and Jamo.

𝖶𝗂𝗄𝗂𝗉𝖾𝖽𝗂𝖺 𝗂𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖺 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝖼𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗉𝗎𝗍 𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗁 𝖺𝗅𝗉𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗎𝗆𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖼𝗌


𝖶𝗂𝗄𝗂𝗉𝖾𝖽𝗂𝖺 𝗂𝗌 𝖺 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝖼𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗉𝗎𝗍 normal text, 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖽 𝗂𝗌 𝗍𝗈𝗈 𝗌𝗍𝗒𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗁 𝗍𝗈 𝗉𝗎𝗍 𝖻𝖺𝖽 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌.

Wikipedia is not a hit rock album from 1994


It does not look just like Buddy Holly, and you cannot destroy its sweater.

Wikipedia is not employed by the ICA


Good evening, Wikipedia. Your target today is- wait, the jig is up! Run!

Wikipedia is not a place specifically to tell people that some things don't belong on Wikipedia


Battle for Dream Island will be notable eventually... right? Look, once songs like the one above exist, it's only a matter of time.

Wikipedia is not a place for gravedancing


Respect editors who are deceased, retired, or even if they are blocked or banned for vandalism, disruptive editing, sockpuppetry, or any other reason. Don't dance on people's graves, even if you hear your best friend in the pretty pink dress playing the drums. She's not a gravedancer, either. She would never say "good riddance" to those types of users. She probably shouldn't be playing the drums in the cemetery anyways, because that would attract people who would want to dance on people's graves. She should take her drum set somewhere else. You can dance to her music, just not in the cemetery.

Wikipedia is not Project Graduation


If you think Wikipedia is a place to step into the universe where your dreams take place and go all out and have fun all night long and feeling as if you're "dreaming" even though it's all happening in real life just like at your Project Graduation party you had when you graduated from high school back in May 2011, chances are you may be living on an avenue of false hope.

Wikipedia Is not Preppy



Okay, you mean the Roblox Preppy, right?

Wikipedia Isa nota warittena in Abugida


Wikipedia isa waritatena witha thae Latina Sacaripata. Nota faroma Devanagari



Our Junker Happy Meal, crime,
Our McDonalds says Wikipedia games slime!

Cheaper coo pin killing!
Hoo, Holla good, ima Giant!
Hot sauce with a bit of lime!
Jimbo child, the happy meal kind!

Jimbo, Jimbo, McDonalds say, Wikipedia games slime!

Oh wait, you are mocking the Urdu Language, ain't you?

Already took your game in hand,
Musty oh get in le hand,
McDonalds junker more July
Jimbo happy meal le-kiiiind
Larry-Larry kay, Crash-y Bandicoot sock tonight!

Tosto posan, duke latte!
Goodeh, all le kind!
Already took your game in hand!

Ba, da, da--da da! Wikipedia is not McDonalds![7]

Wikipedia is not YFGA


oMgG!!!!1!1!!! jImBbOo wAalleEsSs iSs aAa pEedOPhILe 100% ReEaAllaLL nOSokdj fkskKAJe!!!1!!!!!!!!11!1

jOoiIInNN ygihadfuga!!!!1!1

Wikipedia is not OGISM


I mock because Ogipedia is better than Wikipedia[8]

Besides, Wikipedia is not an average GeoTuber "Alliances" or any "Alphabet Soup Groups"

Wikipedia is not a Free Robux Scam


Hello, I am [Insert a totally unoriginal name here], and today, I will show you on how to get Free Robux:

If you want to get free Robux,

  1. You have to uncontrollably vandalize Wikipedia
  2. Then go to totallynotascamfreerobuxhere.com
  3. Since you are on the website now, click get Free Robux
  4. Since you click it, click to get Robux now to get 1 Billion Robux
  5. And boom, you get 1 Billion Robux!

Signin- This user/IP Address has been blocked from editing Wikipedia

Wikipedia is not Spurdo Spärde :DDDD


I do nod gnow why dhere isn'd a spurdo spärde ardigle :DDDD in dhe english wigibedia :DDDD. Well, dhere's a bage in dhe bolish wigibedia :DDDDDD

also, if you inbud sburdish degsd do wigibedia ardigles, you may be blogged :DDDDDDD[9]

Wikipedia is not forgetful of citations


... and here they are:

  1. ^ Raidshadolovania, retrieved 2022-06-15
  2. ^ [1]
  3. ^ "BBC News: Customer got £500,000 phone bill". Retrieved 2008-07-30.
  4. ^ 5 kids down, Matt. "Do people realize that Wikipedia is fake?". Yahoo Answers. Retrieved 2014-03-09.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  5. ^ An intended parody of this YouTube post, here
  7. ^ Also Wikipedia is not Fast Food! So do not order a fried chicken, a burger and fries from here
  8. ^ (Clearly not here to build an Encyclopedia)
  9. ^ Translation: I do not know why there isn't a Spurdo Spärde Article in the English Wikipedia Well, there's a page in the Polish Wikipedia. Also, If you input Spurdish Text to Wikipedia articles, you may be blocked.
  1. ^ Translation: Wikipedia is not a place for leetspeak
  2. ^ Translation: If you leetspeak here, you will get blocked.
  3. ^ otherwise known as "less than one dollar"
  4. ^ if by console you mean Nintendo Wii
  5. ^ in this game "Rare" is the most common level
  6. ^ A pretty woman in a beautiful rainbow dress played this sting on the drum set!