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My User Page


This user does not exist. However, if this user begins to exist, seek shelter immediately.
This user hates vegetarians.
WORNEENG! TIs USr dOs NOt kNow Hw tO maeKe A yusEr bOks! (NOr tyPe.)
This user does not understand American English and doesn't bloody well want to.
This user has an advanced understanding of British English.
This user likes Pi(e).
This user is a WikiPlatypus.
PS-NThis user is a native speaker of parseltounge.
This user wishes they could afford a 1993 Ford Taurus.
METhis user uses Microsoft Encarta along with Wikipedia.
WBThis user uses the World Book Encyclopedia along with Wikipedia.
rant It is more cathartic to curse the darkness than to light one stupid candle.
This user is a member of the Nintendo Task Force.
This person would never sink so low as to speak California English. It only brings up bad memories of those "cool" kids from the Eighties. Who wants to tock talk like them?
fan-3This user loves Owl City.
This user is nEurOtic.
This user does not care about real versus artificial Christmas trees.
This user believes in
Santa Claus.
This user is standing behind you.
☹ This user believes that anyone who thinks Wikipedia is an unreliable source should continue their quest to find a better website.
10This user realizes that there are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who do not.
Brackets make (this user) feel safe.
This user is confused by every aspect of life, including their own confusion.
This user believes that it is destiny you saw their user page.
7/0 =This user believes that math is broke.ERROR
This user is mortal.
abcThs usre haz verry goode spelng.
bi-0This user has no idea what burn-in is...!?
TK This user prefers ThyssenKrupp elevators.
This user's Wikistress level is SEVERE. Wikibreak is imminent.
This user is a cereal killer.
This user has flown aircraft...on their computer, that is!
d'oh!This user thinks The Simpsons is simply... excellent.
?This user wants to become an administrator, but doesn't have the courage to nominate themself.?
This user does not eat fish. Ever.
This user's favorite article is Rigor Mortis.
band-0This user can't stand 60s music(soul).
?met?This user prefers metric units and cannot figure out why Americans and Brits have such a hard time with them.
This user has social anxiety.
wiki-2This user is an intermediate Wikipedia editor.
Saint Bubba the Ball The sanity of this user has been disputed. Refer to the talk page to discuss this topic.
This user has one too many screws loose. We warned you.
PSM This user is a Parselmouth.
G This user is a Gryffindor.


This user collects userboxes as if they were trading cards.
YThis user is a member of
Generation Y.
This user is an Australian citizen.
This user collects model cars.
AU-4This user has a near-native understanding of Australian English.
AU-5This user believes that Australian English is the only real English, and will likely respond to any use of The Queen's or American English with disgust.
GeminiThis user is a Gemini.
a wjegoiwhegiaw jegoiahwegiwejaoiuata2398tueaf'fa]dfa\wevfawefjdfawThis User REALLY like baqsdfawefwfafwenging on his keyboard! apoiwehfiuovw;;
This user has insomnia.
Kitten, with meme phrase, "No more drama!"This user does not like teh dramah.
:(This user is melancholy.
This user would donate to the Wikimedia Foundation if they could; however, they are too young to do so or do not have a credit card.
:(This user thinks or feels they are hated by everyone else (or knows it).