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Academic grading in Luxembourg

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In Luxembourg, a grade system from 01 to 60 is used in secondary schools. A grade of at least 30 is required to pass. An insufficient mark (01-29) is called a Datz in Luxembourgish. The grades are distributed in the following way:[dubiousdiscuss]

Grade Number Description
50-60 Very Good
40-49 Good
30-39 Satisfactory/Sufficient
20-29 Insufficient
10-19 Poor
01-09 Very Poor

But in the secondary schools who are technique otherwise called général is much more different. It introduces intermediate grades (26-29, 36-39 and 46-49 ) whether the teachers will decide if the student will pass to the level is the next one or the past one.[1] Unlike the normal grading system (shown above), the grading system of the secondary school général has 5 so-called levels. The notes are :



50-60 Excellent
46-49 Excellent or strong
40-45 Strong
39-36 Strong or sufficient
30-35 Satisfactory/Sufficient
29-26 Sufficient or insufficient
20-25 Insufficient
01-19 Very insufficient

Grading at the University of Luxembourg instead operates with a French-style 20-point scale, with a minimum score of 10/20 required to pass.


  1. ^ "Que faire après la 5e de l'enseignement secondaire général?" (PDF).