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Draft:Ice Melting in Antarctica

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  • Comment: Issues from previous decline were not fixed, submission also uses Wikipedia articles in the "external links section", you cannot use Wikipedia as a source. -Samoht27 (talk) 17:35, 17 May 2024 (UTC)

Antarctica’s Larsen C ice shelf threatened by climate change

Antarctica encompasses an area approximately 50% larger than that of the United States which measures around 12 million square kilometers. Despite its vast size, the continent experiences precipitation levels akin to those of a desert, averaging merely 13 cm of water equivalent annually, in stark contrast to the global mean of 100 cm water equivalent. Despite its dry climate, Antarctica is endowed with a remarkable reserve of freshwater, accounting for approximately 70% of the world's freshwater resources. Global sea levels are predicted to rise by an incredible 56 meters if all of the ice in this northern desert melted and spilled into the oceans. These distinctive characteristics underscore the unique hydrological significance and environmental importance of Antarctica on a global scale. The melting of ice in Antarctica presents a complex and alarming picture, with significant implications for global climate systems and sea level rise. Satellite observations have revealed a steady attrition of ice shelves over the past few decades, resulting in widespread thinning and accelerated ice loss across the continent. This phenomenon is driven primarily by warming ocean temperatures and changing atmospheric conditions, poses a dual threat of diminishing ice shelves and increased glacier discharge into the ocean. The loss of Antarctic ice not only contributes to rising sea levels but also disrupts ocean circulation patterns, with far-reaching consequences for global climate stability and marine ecosystems. Continued monitoring and research efforts, supported by advanced satellite technologies, are crucial for comprehensively understanding and mitigating the impacts of Antarctic ice melting in the face of ongoing climate change.[1]

Factors Contributing to Ice Melting in Antarctica


Warming Temperatures in Antarctica


Antarctica exhibits varied temperature trends across its regions. While some areas, like East Antarctica, show stable or slightly cooling trends, the Antarctic Peninsula experiences significant warming, leading to glacier retreat and ecosystem changes. Warming is also observed in West Antarctica, notably in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, contributing to ice shelf melting and concerns about the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The Southern Ocean's influence on Antarctica's temperature is significant due to its control over sea ice dynamics and ocean circulation. Scientific studies using satellite data, ground observations, and climate models continue to investigate these temperature changes and their causes, essential for predicting future climate scenarios and their global impacts. Since the Industrial Revolution, Earth's air temperatures have been rising primarily due to human activities, particularly the release of greenhouse gases. NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) reports an average global temperature increase of approximately 1.1°C (1.9°F) since 1880. The warming trend is evident in temperature records since the late 19th century, with recent decades being the warmest on record. Global warming does not uniformly affect all regions and periods. Factors such as landmasses, ocean basins, and thermal inertia contribute to variations in warming patterns. Historical temperature records indicate fluctuations, including periods of cooling, stabilized temperatures, and accelerated warming. Natural variability and aerosol pollution effects played roles in stabilizing temperatures until the mid-20th century. However, greenhouse gas accumulation in the atmosphere has driven the recent accelerated warming trend, outweighing the cooling effects of aerosols. Variations in global temperature are influenced by the balance between solar radiation entering the Earth's atmosphere and radiation leaving it. The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, notably carbon dioxide, affects this balance. Even minor shifts in temperature have significant consequences, as evidenced by past climatic episodes like the Little Ice Age. Historical observations, though limited, demonstrate synchronized temperature trends among different monitoring organizations, with recent decades showing a robust warming trend. Temperature analyses use baseline periods like 1951–1980 for comparison. NASA's GISS employs a comprehensive approach, incorporating measurements from various sources, including ships, buoys, weather stations, and Antarctic research stations. Projections based on emission scenarios suggest continued temperature rise by the end of the century, with potential increases ranging from 2.4 to 10.2 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on emission trajectories. These projections underscore the urgency of addressing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate future climate impacts.[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Warm water intrusions

Temperature trends in different layers of the Southern Ocean

The current state of Antarctica underscores the significant impact of warm water intrusions from the ocean's depths, accelerating the melting of glaciers and ice shelves encircling the continent. This phenomenon, driven by climate change, contributes to rising sea levels globally, threatening the delicate Antarctic ecosystem. To comprehend the ramifications of warm water intrusions, extensive simulations have been conducted. These simulations explore the consequences of maintaining current oceanic conditions versus a shift to a regime dominated by Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) intrusions. Four climate scenarios varying in emissions paths and oceanic features are analyzed to assess potential outcomes. A critical aspect of the analysis involves evaluating changes in the Antarctic ice volume throughout the simulations. Key measures, such as volume above flotation (VAF) and grounded ice area, provide insights into the dynamics of ice loss and grounding line retreat or advance. he EAIS emerges as a focal point of concern due to potential changes in oceanic conditions and their impact on warm water intrusions into the continental shelf. Advanced ice sheet modeling projections reveal the delicate mass balance of the EAIS, highlighting vulnerable areas facing increased ocean-induced melting. The study underscores the intricate relationship between emissions pathways and mass balance outcomes. While mid-range emissions scenarios (RCP4.5) may result in more pronounced negative balances compared to high-emission equivalents (RCP8.5), uncertainties persist due to varied model responses to future climate paths. Addressing increasing temperatures through climate action is imperative. Although rising temperatures may lead to more precipitation over Antarctica, mitigating the adverse effects of warm water intrusions, the extent of sea level rise ultimately depends on humanity's ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and comprehend the complex interplay between atmospheric and oceanic systems. Achieving a sustainable future requires international cooperation to establish resilience in Antarctica and mitigate the far-reaching impacts of climate change on a global scale. Collaboration and shared resources are essential in navigating the complexities of Antarctic climate dynamics and ensuring a resilient future for the planet.[8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Ice shelf thinning

Antarctica ice shelf system

Antarctic ice shelf depletion results from a complex interplay between atmospheric and oceanic processes, exacerbated by human-induced climate change. Atmospheric warming leads to accelerated surface melting of ice shelves, compromising their structural integrity. Additionally, increased air temperatures can cause more precipitation in certain areas, adding weight to the ice shelves and contributing to thinning. Oceanic processes, such as the influx of warm currents like Circumpolar Deep Water, further weaken the ice shelves through basal melting. These factors pose a serious threat to the integrity of the Antarctic ice sheet. The effects of Antarctic ice shelf depletion extend beyond the continent, significantly impacting global sea level rise. Thinning ice shelves accelerate glacier flow into the ocean, contributing to rising sea levels. Moreover, diminishing ice shelves are more prone to breakage and collapse, further accelerating ice flow into the ocean. This process has far-reaching implications for coastal communities and ecosystems worldwide, highlighting the interconnectedness of polar regions and global climate systems. Recent studies have shed light on the complex processes of ice shelf thinning and its consequences. Sophisticated models have revealed the extensive effects of localized thinning, known as 'tele-buttressing,' which accelerates ice flow in distant areas. Additionally, comprehensive evaluations of ice shelf mass loss over the past 25 years have underscored the urgent need for ongoing research and monitoring to mitigate the impacts of climate change on global sea level dynamics. Ice shelves serve as a crucial link between the vast oceans and Antarctica's grounded ice sheet. Recent research using data from CryoSat-2 radar altimetry has shown a significant slowdown in ice shelf thinning after 2010, particularly in the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Sea regions. This slowdown coincides with a reduction in the influx of warm Circumpolar Deep Water, which was previously responsible for underwater melting. The diverse geographical pattern of ice shelf thinning underscores the need for continued research to understand and mitigate ice loss rates accurately. The complexity of interactions between ice shelves and climate mechanisms presents challenges in forecasting the threshold for destabilizing ice shelves. However, records of ice shelf thinning provide valuable benchmarks for improving forecasts of future changes. To enhance understanding of the impact of warming ocean waters on Antarctic ice shelves, scientists must integrate observations and models effectively.[13] [14] [15] [16] [17]

Changes in wind pattern & influence on ice dynamic

Unusual Winds Drive a Small 2019 Ozone Hole

The Antarctic Oscillation (AAO), also known as the Southern Annular Mode, is a polar-symmetric mode of climate variability that exerts a significant influence on Antarctic climate patterns. It modulates the strength and direction of the Southern Westerly Winds, which envelop Antarctica, impacting temperature, wind, and precipitation patterns across the continent. The AAO's variability on month-to-month time scales plays a crucial role in shaping Antarctic climate dynamics. Antarctica faces challenges in meteorological measurements, including biases towards coastal areas and limited station density. The observational record, spanning less than 50 years, coupled with the complexities of natural climatic variability, diminishes the significance of observed patterns. To overcome these challenges and enhance understanding of Antarctic climate dynamics, researchers employ modeling and remote sensing approaches, utilizing satellite data to analyze spatial coherence and trends in surface temperatures and climate variability. Remote sensing techniques have proven invaluable in overcoming coverage gaps in observational data. Researchers utilize satellite-derived datasets to examine spatial coherence and trends in Antarctic surface temperatures, as well as climate variability using microwave brightness temperatures from Antarctic ice sheets. However, challenges such as biases related to snowpack penetration and cloud cover must be addressed when utilizing remote sensing data for climate studies. Changes in Antarctic climate patterns, influenced by factors like the AAO and sea ice coverage, have significant implications for Antarctic ecosystems. Variations in sea ice extent and distribution affect marine biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics, highlighting the importance of understanding these changes to forecast future events and mitigate ecological disruptions. Studying the impact of climate variability on Antarctic ecosystems is crucial for safeguarding their resilience in the face of ongoing environmental changes.[18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26]

Impacts of ice melting


Sea level rise

Snow over Antarctica Buffered Sea Level Rise during Last Century

The West Antarctic ice sheet's potential collapse poses significant risks of sea level rise, with projections suggesting a possible increase of up to five meters. Contrary to earlier expectations of a gradual collapse over centuries, recent analyses indicate that even substantial emissions reductions may not halt the melting process. Projections under optimistic scenarios of limiting global warming to 1.5°C or less over pre-industrial levels still anticipate a tripling of the rate of melting of the Amundsen Sea's floating ice shelves this century compared to the previous one. The removal of floating ice shelves accelerates the flow of glacial ice sheets into the ocean, posing a heightened risk of sea level rise. Coastal cities such as Shanghai, Mumbai, and New York, where more than one-third of the world's population resides within 100 kilometers of the shore, are particularly vulnerable to increasing sea levels. Sea level rise results from multiple processes, including glacier melting, thermal expansion of seawater, and ice sheet collapse. However, uncertainty surrounding Antarctica's response to climate change presents a challenge in accurately predicting future sea level rise. Accurate forecasts based on up-to-date information on glacier melting are crucial for mitigating the impacts of sea level rise. Rising air and ocean temperatures accelerate glacier melting, exacerbating storm surges and coastal erosion. The Greenland ice sheet, melting at four times the rate observed in 2003, contributes significantly to observed sea level rise. Both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are major contributors to global sea level rise, with future projections indicating a potential quadrupling of the rate of melting of the Greenland ice sheet by the end of the century. Complete melting of Greenland's ice would result in a staggering 20-foot rise in global sea levels. Addressing the effects of sea level rise caused by climate change requires comprehensive solutions and adaptation measures.[27] [28]

Climate feedback

Temperature change and carbon dioxide change measured from the EPICA-Dome-C ice core in Antarctica

Paleo-Global Climate Models (GCMs) simulations suggest that Southern Hemisphere Sea ice was absent during the warmest periods of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras, while it likely existed during relatively cooler periods of Antarctic ice sheet expansion in the Paleogene and Neogene epochs. The formation and growth of sea ice along the Antarctic border may have significantly impacted periods of cooling and glaciation due to its strong albedo/cooling feedback. Connections between sea ice and ice sheets may have influenced warming events, as evidenced by ice margin retreat in the Lambert Glacier/Prydz Bay area during Pliocene periods marked by low sea ice and high sea surface temperatures (SSTs), although causal connections remain uncertain. Research on Antarctic Sea ice variability has drawn on observational data and climate models, revealing potential regional climatic effects that extend beyond polar regions and influence temperatures in tropical and even the Northern Hemisphere through various teleconnections. Changes in Antarctic Sea ice dynamics affect the dynamics of clouds, stationary planetary waves, cyclogenesis, and storm track locations. Well-studied phenomena include the sea ice-albedo feedback mechanism, where colder climates encourage sea ice formation, increasing surface albedo and maintaining cooling by reducing net radiation. Sea ice's insulating qualities also impact surface air temperature and moisture availability, influencing polar and potentially global climates. Recent observational data suggests lower heat exchange between the ocean and atmosphere over sea ice-covered regions compared to nearby open-water areas and polynyas. The hysteresis dynamics between sea ice and Quaternary ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere are linked to changes in sea ice extent and moisture availability variations. GCM simulations show increased precipitation over ice-covered regions and coastal areas after sea ice cover decreases, balanced by increased evaporation and moisture convergence over the continental ice sheet.[29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34]

Observations and data


Satellite monitoring

Ice melting in Antarctica

The Antarctic Peninsula has undergone significant changes in its glacial systems in recent decades, including ice shelf collapses, glacier acceleration and thinning, and shifts in glacier facies boundaries and fronts. However, due to a lack of systematic observations and knowledge of boundary conditions, accurately predicting how these glaciers will contribute to sea level rise and respond to climate and oceanographic changes remains challenging. The GLIMS Regional Center for the Antarctic Peninsula employs Earth observation imagery, primarily optical and radar data, along with international collaborations to address these challenges. Insights into dynamic adjustments across the Antarctic Peninsula's ice masses, changes in glacier frontal positions, and glacier facies boundaries are provided, although a comprehensive glacier inventory is still pending. Additionally, the assessment of digital elevation models (DEMs) for the Antarctic Peninsula, produced from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data, is included. Satellite monitoring efforts in Antarctica include cataloging over 820 glaciers in the Antarctic Peninsula as part of the Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS) project. A dataset comprising 560 glaciers situated north of 70°S is analyzed within a geographic information system (GIS) framework. A relational database system maintains various morphological criteria associated with glaciers, such as categorization, form, frontal, and longitudinal characteristics. Data from optical and radar sensors spanning from 1986 to 2005 are utilized in this study, with a focus on locations north of 70°S. Optical data from sensors like Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), and Terra ASTER, along with radar data from sensors like ERS 1/2 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Radarsat SAR, and Envisat ASAR, are employed. Additionally, the Landsat TM mosaic and orthorectification datasets from the Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project (RAMP) are used to create a digital elevation model (DEM) with enhanced topographical understanding, acknowledging limitations related to cloud cover and inadequate scene coverage. Despite advancements in satellite monitoring and data analysis, challenges such as limited observational coverage and cloud cover persist, hindering comprehensive glacier monitoring efforts in the Antarctic Peninsula. Continued collaboration and innovation are necessary to overcome these challenges and improve understanding of Antarctic glacial systems.[35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40]

Field studies

Lake Bonney Camp 2015

Antarctica, the southernmost continent on Earth, is home to some of the planet's harshest and least explored ecosystems. Despite its extreme environment, it has long been a focal point for scientific inquiry due to its unique contributions to various fields, including geology, ecology, and climate science. Field research conducted in Antarctica provides invaluable insights into global systems and aids in predicting environmental changes in the future. Scientific expeditions in Antarctica often concentrate on the Antarctic Peninsula, renowned for its rapidly changing climate and dynamic ecosystem. These expeditions typically involve establishing base camps and utilizing a range of scientific tools, including drones, remote sensing devices, and specialized equipment for sampling ice cores, soil, and marine life. Studies in the Antarctic Peninsula encompass a wide range of topics, including marine habitats, biodiversity surveys, glacier movement, ice core analysis, and atmospheric monitoring. Field observations and advanced satellite imaging reveal significant glacier motion and ongoing ice loss. Ice core samples provide insights into past climate conditions, including temperature fluctuations and air composition over millennia. Marine life diversity and distribution are studied using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and diver missions, along with assessments of salinity, temperature, and sea ice cover to understand the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems. Continuous monitoring of aerosols, greenhouse gases, and air contaminants sheds light on the complex dynamics of local and global atmospheres. Ground-based equipment records variations in ozone concentration, facilitating ongoing research on the Antarctic ozone hole. Seismometers placed in strategic locations monitor geological phenomena such as tectonic movements and subglacial lakes, providing insights into historical environmental conditions and geological processes through sediment core samples. Observational data collected during field studies in Antarctica is crucially integrated into climate models to improve accuracy and forecasting. Researchers simulate various climate scenarios to assess potential future effects on Antarctica and the global climate system, aiding in the understanding of Antarctica's influence on Earth's climate and biodiversity. Scientific research in Antarctica contributes essential knowledge to ongoing efforts to mitigate climate change and preserve Earth's natural equilibrium. By combining sophisticated scientific methods with field data, scientists continue to unravel the complexities of Antarctica and its role in shaping global ecosystems and climate patterns.

These represent notable field studies conducted in Antarctica.


1. Examining DMS Oxidation in the Antarctic Marine Boundary Layer: A Comparative Analysis of Model Simulations and Direct Observations: This project delves into the oxidation processes of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in the Antarctic marine boundary layer. By comparing model simulations with actual observations of various compounds including DMSO, DMSO2, H2SO4(g), MSA(g), and MSA(p), researchers aim to gain insights into the complex atmospheric chemistry of the region, particularly how DMS contributes to aerosol formation and cloud condensation nuclei.[41]

2. Investigating Plant-Flow Dynamics in the Seagrass Species Amphibolis antarctica: Field Insights and Computational Modeling: Focusing on the seagrass species Amphibolis antarctica, this project combines field observations with computational modeling to understand the interactions between seagrass and water flow dynamics in Antarctic marine environments. Insights gained from this study can inform conservation efforts and ecosystem management strategies in regions where seagrass plays a crucial role.[42]

3. Isotopic Impact of Nitrate Photochemistry in Antarctic Snow: A Field Investigation at Dome C: This project investigates the isotopic effects of nitrate photochemistry in Antarctic snow, specifically at Dome C. By conducting field studies, researchers aim to elucidate the processes involved in nitrate photochemistry and their implications for understanding past atmospheric conditions and climate change.[43]

4. Initial Findings from the Innovative Atmospheric Measurements of the Concordiasi Field Experiment in Antarctica: The Concordiasi Field Experiment in Antarctica aims to collect innovative atmospheric measurements to improve our understanding of Antarctic meteorology and climate dynamics. This project presents the initial findings from Concordiasi, shedding light on atmospheric processes over Antarctica and their links to broader climate patterns.[44]

5. Utilizing Field Observations and SAR Interferometry for Analyzing Ice Dynamics and Mass Balance in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: By combining field observations with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry, this project investigates ice dynamics and mass balance in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The integration of multiple data sources allows for a comprehensive analysis of changes in ice dynamics and mass balance, contributing to our understanding of Antarctic ice sheet behavior and its implications for sea level rise.[45]

6. FROST Project: The First Regional Observing Study of the Troposphere in Antarctica: The FROST Project aims to conduct the first comprehensive regional observing study of the troposphere in Antarctica. By deploying various observational tools and instruments, researchers seek to characterize tropospheric dynamics, atmospheric composition, and interactions with the underlying surface, advancing our understanding of Antarctic atmospheric processes.[46]

7. Validation of Satellite-Derived Temperature Profiles with Unprecedented Upper-Air Dropsonde Observations from the 2010 Concordiasi Experiment in Antarctica: This project focuses on validating satellite-derived temperature profiles using upper-air dropsonde observations from the 2010 Concordiasi Experiment in Antarctica. By comparing satellite data with direct measurements, researchers aim to improve the accuracy and reliability of remote sensing techniques for monitoring atmospheric conditions over Antarctica.[47]

8. Exploring the Objectives and Findings of the Concordiasi Project in Antarctica: This project provides an overview of the objectives and findings of the Concordiasi Project in Antarctica. By summarizing the key research goals and outcomes, it offers insights into the advancements made in understanding Antarctic atmospheric dynamics and their role in global climate systems.[48]

Future scenarios


The future trajectory of Antarctica is subject to various potential pathways influenced by a multitude of factors, including climate change, human activity, governance frameworks, and evolving values among Antarctic states. The Antarctic Treaty System, which governs the region, faces challenges amidst these dynamics, posing questions about its effectiveness and adaptability. A comprehensive understanding of global environmental and socio-economic trends, along with Antarctic governance dynamics, research efforts, and tourism, is crucial in shaping Antarctica's future. Through an extensive review of Antarctic literature and a facilitated workshop process, researchers have developed scenarios that explore different potential futures for Antarctica. These scenarios are based on the interplay of various drivers and offer insights into the evolution of Antarctic issues. Key drivers include global power shifts, research priorities, environmental conservation, and tourism growth, among others. Each scenario presents distinct possibilities for how Antarctica may develop over the next 25 years. Scenario 1, "Clean, white Antarctica – conservation's poster child," imagines a future where stakeholders prioritize environmental conservation and scientific research, bolstering the Antarctic Treaty System and promoting sustainable tourism. Scenario 2, "Back to the future – something for everyone," envisions an evolution of the Antarctic Treaty System towards collaborative resource management, accommodating both environmental concerns and expanded resource exploitation. Scenario 3, "Gold rush Antarctica – buy now while stocks last," depicts a scenario where political and financial investment in Antarctica wanes, leading to increased commercial exploitation and reduced environmental regulation. Scenario 4, "My Antarctica – eat, sleep, freeze," portrays a future characterized by declining support for Antarctic endeavors, resulting in reduced research funding, dwindling international collaboration, and niche tourism experiences. While these scenarios offer insights into potential futures for Antarctica, they are not precise predictions but rather tools for fostering dialogue and guiding decision-making. As stakeholders navigate the complex landscape of Antarctic governance and environmental stewardship, understanding the range of possibilities is crucial for informed planning and strategic action.[49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54]

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