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Draft:The Path of Spiritual Awakening

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The Path of Spiritual Awakening

Spirituality is a profound concept, rooted in the sense of interconnection with oneself and the universe. It compels people to seek meaning in life, a quest that resonates with every human being. While often associated with religion, spirituality transcends religious practices and dogma. It is an experience of the sacred and the transcendental, an interrelationship with the deeper, unseen forces that govern our existence.

Spirituality is the search for the essence of life in its vast, cosmic form, a realm far beyond the physical. It connects all living things—humans, animals, plants—to one another and to the universe itself. While people may visit temples, churches, mosques, or undertake pilgrimages, these acts, rooted in culture and tradition, are not the core of spirituality. They are expressions of religion, not spirituality.

To truly follow the path of spirituality, one must transcend the boundaries of any single religion. A spiritual person is free, loving all humans, creatures, and nature without reservation. While many visit places of worship as part of their family or cultural routines, few grasp the deeper spiritual truth within them. Often, there is confusion, a blur between religion and spirituality. We mistakenly believe that being religious makes us spiritual, and that religious people are automatically spiritual.

It is often when material happiness leaves us unfulfilled that we turn inward, seeking ultimate peace of mind and asking the most profound question: "Who am I?" Science teaches us that everything in this world is made up of atoms—the smallest building blocks of life. But even as science uncovers the mysteries of the physical world, it remains limited in explaining the deeper metaphysical truths that govern life.

Scientists have explored the properties of the largest and smallest objects in the universe, yet they too are beginning to acknowledge that the universe is not just physical matter. There is something beyond—the realm of metaphysics, which accepts the presence of a cosmic force that imbues life with beauty and mystery. But what is this force? Who orchestrates the delicate balance between the material world and the living beings it supports?

The sky, the stars, the sun, the planets, and constellations—all move in harmony, impacting life on Earth. How is this balance maintained? Who manages these intricate rules that govern the universe? No one has a definitive answer. We know that even in a family, without leadership, relationships falter. How, then, does the universe, so vast and complex, operate so seamlessly?

Consider the soil. From it grow bitter gourds, sweet oranges, and spicy peppers, all with different flavors. How does the same soil produce such diversity? Who imparts the bitterness to the gourd, the sweetness to the orange, and the spiciness to the pepper? These qualities, which we perceive through taste, cannot be altered by science. Science can study the chemical properties of these plants, but it cannot change the inherent nature of their fruits.

Similarly, all living beings—humans, animals, birds, insects, and plants—are born with unique qualities, each connected to the universe in its own way. Who created this diversity, and who balances the gravitational forces of planets hanging in the sky? These are questions without answers.

At some point, each of us wonders, "Why am I here? Who am I?" Most people spend their lives chasing material comforts—food, sex, children, wealth. But a few rare souls devote their lives to pondering the mysteries of the universe. They seek to save nature, protect the environment, and ensure the well-being of all living beings. They dream of a world where no one suffers, where humanity and nature coexist in harmony. As the ancient prayer goes:

“सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु, मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत्।"

("May all beings be happy; may all be free from disease. May all see auspiciousness; may none suffer in misery.")

If humanity embraces the path of spirituality, we can become great individuals—capable of seeing the beauty in the world, understanding life, and loving ourselves and others equally. A truly spiritual person feels a deep connection with both the soul and the divine. Such a person stands firm in the truth and remains unshaken by life’s challenges. They have no room for pride, arrogance, jealousy, greed, or feelings of superiority. They do not seek recognition or respect from others, for their fulfillment comes from within.

True spirituality breaks the chains of religion. People often confuse spiritual seekers with religious followers, equating temple visits or prayers with spiritual growth. But religion is a social construct, a system of beliefs and practices tied to a specific faith. When someone like Buddha or Jesus breaks free from the confines of religion, society often turns them into gods and forms new religions around them.

Buddha, born a prince in a Hindu family, transcended Hinduism through deep meditation and self-realization. He never asked his followers to worship him, yet today his statues are revered in temples. Similarly, Jesus broke free from the dogma of Judaism, challenging the religious norms of his time. He sought liberation from the constraints of religion, but was later deified and placed within the confines of religious worship.

A truly spiritual person is one who breaks free from the "egg" of religious and social conditioning. They search for truth and liberation, rising above the boundaries of caste, religion, and dogma. This is the essence of spirituality—it is the pursuit of truth, a journey of the soul, free from the limitations of religious belief.

-Pundary Aryal