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List of biostratigraphic zones of Japan

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This list is of the biostratigraphic zones of Japan. The determinant Cretaceous "indices" being local species of Inoceramidae and Desmoceratoidea, the schema also differs from that of other regions.[1]: 55 


Japanese time scale ICS[2]
Stage / Age System / Period
Miyakoan (宮古統) Lower Miyakoan (宮古統下部階)[1] Aptian Lower Cretaceous
Upper Miyakoan (宮古統上部階)[1] Albian
Infragyliakian[1] Cenomanian Upper Cretaceous
Gyliakian (ギリヤーク統) Lower Gyliakian (ギリヤーク統下部階)[1]
Upper Gyliakian (ギリヤーク統上部階)[1] Turonian
Urakawan (浦河統) Lower Urakawan (浦河統下部階)[1] Coniacian
Upper Urakawan (浦河統上部階)[1] Santonian
Infrahetonaian[1] Campanian
Hetonaian (ヘトナイ統) Lower Hetonaian (ヘトナイ統下部階)[1]
Upper Hetonaian (ヘトナイ統上部階)[1] Maastrichtian

Palaeogene and Neogene


Palaeogene and Neogene stages in western Japan include (from the Middle Eocene to the Early Miocene):[3]: 640 

  • Takashiman (高島階)
  • Okinoshiman (沖ノ島階)
  • Funazuan (船津昔)
  • Mazean (間瀬昔)
  • Nishisonogian (西彼杵昔)
  • Saseboan (佐世保階)

Other Neogene stages include:[4]

  • Haranoyan (原谷階)
  • Tozawan (戸沢階)
  • Kaburan (カブラ階)
  • Fujian (富士階)
  • Yuian (由比階)
  • Totomian (遠江階)
  • Suchian (周智階)
  • Kechienjian (結縁寺階)
  • Yuzanjian (湯山寺階)


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Matsumoto Tatsurō [in Japanese] (1959). "Zonation of the Upper Cretaceous in Japan". Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyūsyū University. Series D, Geology. 9 (2). Kyushu University: 55–93. doi:10.5109/1524329.
  2. ^ "International Chronostratigraphic Chart" (PDF). International Commission on Stratigraphy. February 2022. Retrieved 10 June 2022.
  3. ^ Mizuno Atsuyuki 水野篤行 (1962). 西日本地域における古第三系および下部新第三系の古生物年代学的研究(第1報、西彼杵半島周辺の古第三系の層序と貝類化石群について) [Paleogene and Lower Neogene Biochronology of West Japan (I. On the Paleogene Stratigraphy and Molluscan Fauna in the Vicinity of Nishisonogi Peninsula, Northwestern Kyûshû)]. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan (in Japanese). 68 (806). Geological Society of Japan: 640–648. doi:10.5575/geosoc.68.640.
  4. ^ Ikebe Nubio; Tsuchi Ryūichi (1984). "Synopsis of Japanese Neogene stages". Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 46 (1–3). Elsevier: 1–10. doi:10.1016/0031-0182(84)90021-X.