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Scorpius in Chinese astronomy

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The name of the IAU constellation Scorpius in modern Chinese is 天蝎座 (tiān xiē zuò).

In terms of traditional Chinese uranography, the modern constellation is located within the eastern quadrant of the sky, which is symbolized as the Azure Dragon of the East (東方青龍, Dōng Fāng Qīng Lóng) and includes the asterisms "Heart", "Room" and "Tail".



The map of Chinese constellation in constellation Scorpius area consists of:

Four Symbols Mansion (Chinese name) Romanization Translation Asterisms (Chinese name) Romanization Translation Western star name Chinese star name Romanization Translation
Azure Dragon of the East (東方青龍) Fáng Room Fáng Room
π Sco[1]
房宿一 Fángsuyī 1st star
房宿距星 Fángsujùxīng Separated star
房宿南第二星 Fángsunándìèrxīng 2nd southern star
左骖 Zuǒcān Left-side horse of three horses
ρ Sco[1]
房宿二 Fángsuèr 2nd star
左服 Zuǒfú Left-side clothes
δ Sco[1]
房宿三 Fángsusān 3rd star
房宿北第二星 Fángsuběidìèrxīng 2nd northern star
右服 Yòufú Right-side clothes
β1 Sco and β2 Sco[1]
房宿四 Fángsusì 4th star
房宿北第一星 Fángsuběidìyīxīng 1st northern star
房星 Fángxīng Star of room
右骖 Yòucān Right-side horse of three horses
1 Sco 房宿增四 Fángsuzēngsì 4th additional star
2 Sco 房宿增五 Fángsuzēngwǔ 5th additional star
4 Sco 房宿增六 Fángsuzēngliù 6th additional star
鉤鈐 Gōuqián Lock
ω1 Sco[1]
鉤鈐一 Gōuqiányī 1st star
鉤鈐西星 Gōuqiánxīxīng Western star
ω2 Sco 鉤鈐二 Gōuqiánèr 2nd star
鍵閉 Jiànbì Door Bolt
ν Sco[2]
鍵閉 Jiànbì (One star of)
天鍵 Tiānjiàn Celestial door bolt
天心 Tiānxīn Celestial heart
18 Sco 罰一 Fáyī 1st star
11 Sco 罰二 Fáèr 2nd star
16 Sco 罰增一 Fázēngyī 1st additional star
ψ Sco 罰增二 Fázēngèr 2nd additional star
西咸 Xīxián Western Door ξ Sco[2] 西咸一 Xīxiányī 1st star
Xīn Heart Xīn Heart
σ Sco[3]
心宿一 Xīnsuyī 1st star
心宿距星 Xīnsujùxīng Separated star
心宿太子 Xīnsutàizǐ Big in "heart"
心前星 Xīnqiánxīng Front star
α Sco[3]
心宿二 Xīnsuèr 2nd star
心宿中星 Xīnsuzhōngxīng Central star
心星 Xīnxīng Star of heart
心大星 Xīndàxīng Big star
大火 Dàhuǒ Great flame
Huǒ The flame
Chén 5th earthly branch
商星 Shāngxīng Commerce star
天王 Tiānwáng Celestial king
辰龙 Chénlóng Dragon of 5th earthly branch
青龙星 Qīnglóngxīng Star of azure dragon
龙星 Lóngxīng Star of dragon
农星 Nóngxīng Star for agriculture
閼伯之星 Ebózhīxīng
τ Sco[3]
心宿三 Xīnsusān 3rd star
心宿庶子 Xīnsushùzǐ Numerous in "heart"
心後星 Xīnhòuxīng Hind star
心宿后星 Xīnsuhòuxīng "Queen" star
12 Sco 心宿增一 Xīnsuzēngyī 1st additional star
13 Sco 心宿增二 Xīnsuzēngèr 2nd additional star
ο Sco 心宿增三 Xīnsuzēngsān 3rd additional star
22 Sco 心宿增五 Xīnsuzēngwǔ 5th additional star
25 Sco 心宿增八 Xīnsuzēngjiǔ 9th additional star
Wěi Tail Wěi Tail
μ1 Sco[4]
尾宿一 Wěisuyī 1st star
尾宿距星 Wěisujùxīng Separated star
尾宿西第二星 Wěisuxīdìèrxīng 2nd western star
ε Sco[4]
尾宿二 Wěisuèr 2nd star
尾宿西第一星 Wěisuxīdìyīxīng 1st western star
酒旗 Jiǔqí Banner of a wine shop
ζ1 Sco and ζ2 Sco[4] 尾宿三 Wěisusān 3rd star
η Sco[4] 尾宿四 Wěisusì 4th star
θ Sco[4] 尾宿五 Wěisuwǔ 5th star
ι1 Sco and ι2 Sco[4] 尾宿六 Wěisuliù 6th star
κ Sco[4]
尾宿七 Wěisuqī 7th star
三师 Sānshī Three masters
λ Sco[4] 尾宿八 Wěisubā 8th star
υ Sco[4] 尾宿九 Wěisujiǔ 9th star
27 Sco 尾宿增一 Wěisuzēngyī 1st additional star
μ2 Sco 尾宿增二 Wěisuzēngèr 2nd additional star
Q Sco 尾宿增三 Wěisuzēngsān 3rd additional star
HD 162391 尾宿增四 Wěisuzēngsì 4th additional star
神宮 Shéngōng Changing Room NGC 6231[4] 神宮 Shéngōng (One star of)
傅說 Fùyuè Fuyue G Sco[5] 傅說 Fuyue (One star of)
(One star of)
魚星 Yúxīng Star of fish

See also


