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Talk:Battle of Shizugatake

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conflicting articles/versions


from the Shibata Katsuie article:

"Katsuie had no option but to surrender. Katsuie committed seppuku and set the fire to the castle.
 He implored Oichi to take their daughters and leave, but she decided to follow his death,
 while letting her daughters escape.[1]"

Now when we read this article (Battle of Shizugatake) we are told:

"Hideyoshi's army pushed Sakuma's forces into a rout and pursued them back to Shibata Katsuie's fortress at Kitanosho Castle (Fukui) in Echizen province.
They seized the castle but not before Shibata set the keep on fire, killed his family and committed seppuku."

I looked around a bit and found at the website: http://wiki.samurai-archives.com/Shibata Katsuie

"Katsuie, who had not so much as lifted a spear in the war personally,
decided that his cause was lost. He therefore shut himself in the castle and together with his wife, O-Ichi,
committed suicide while the castle keep burned around him."

Im quite interested in japanese history and know quite a bite about it, but not of this event i'm afraid. However it appears to me that the one article stating that he(Shibata) killed his family is plausibly not correct with what i've just read and presented here. Would be approciated if anyone more knowledgeable on on this perticular subject (Shibata & his family's fate) could confirm or dement this.

--Byzantios (talk) 00:17, 15 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Shibata's wife, Oichi died with him by her choice, but Shibata sent Oichi's three daughters (from Oichi's previous marriage) across the lines to Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi became their guardian and one of them (Chacha) became his favorite concubine. (talk) 01:34, 16 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]