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Talk:Circumcision/Sample PubMed

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The following represents the first two pages of results found when performing a search for 'circumcision hiv' using the PubMed search engine. The search was conducted today, within about an hour of this post. Although this is non-random (PubMed usually lists results in rough reverse chronological order), it should be reasonably non-biased, and probably less biased than any selection by a less systematic method would be. Two pages is a fairly small number of articles; if anyone wishes to add to the table that would be appreciated.

Note: the purpose of this sample was to identify and classify views specifically regarding circumcision and HIV. Consequently, the "classification" column indicates whether the viewpoint expressed was positive that circumcision reduced the risk of HIV or not. Thus in this context, "positive" does not indicate that circumcision is a good thing generally; it has a more specific meaning than that. I've included the rationale for each classification. In some cases definite classification was judged to be impossible from the data available; in these cases I have left it as unclassified.

PubMed IDClassificationRationale
PMID 19616720positivereasoning leading to "[m]ale circumcision programmes are thus likely to confer an overall benefit to women"in fulltext
PMID 19616704unclassifiedno abstract
PMID 19584700unclassifiedviewpoint not obvious from abstract
PMID 19571722unclassifiedviewpoint not obvious from abstract
PMID 19563093unclassifiedviewpoint not obvious from abstract
PMID 19545209unclassifiedviewpoint not obvious from abstract
PMID 19541890positive"Additional risk factors include ... no circumcision"
PMID 19532067positive"Male circumcision, however, prevents both HIV and HSV-2 acquisition."
PMID 19532064positive"Three trials showed that male circumcision reduces HIV acquisition in men by 50-60%."
PMID 19532063positive"Only five RCTs have demonstrated a notable decrease in sexually acquired HIV incidence. These include the Mwanza study of syndromic management of sexually transmitted diseases and three male circumcision trials in East Africa..."
PMID 19532059unclassifiedviewpoint not obvious from abstract
PMID 19524766unclassifiedviewpoint not obvious from abstract
PMID 19522226unclassifiedunclear from abstract whether viewpoint is negative or cautiously positive
PMID 19514549positive"Recent randomized controlled clinical trials in Africa have demonstrated that adult male circumcision (MC) efficiently decreases the rate of HIV, HPV and HSV-2 infections."
PMID 19514548positive"Studies have demonstrated the significant reduction of HIV, HPV, HSV-2 and other STD infection rates with male circumcision (MC)."
PMID 19474649positive"HIV incidence was 1.09/100 person-years and acquisition was associated with ... being uncircumcised"
PMID 19473540 positive"Scaling-up safe male circumcision has the potential to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS in Botswana significantly..."
PMID 19453887unclassifiedunclear from abstract whether viewpoint is negative or cautiously positive
PMID 19384102positive"Synergistic interventions focusing in preventing both HIV and HSV-2, like male circumcision, are warranted to be assessed, especially in MSM populations with low levels of circumcision and high incidence estimates of ulcerative STI."
PMID 19434216positive"It has been reported that circumcision reduced the incidence of HIV/AIDS infection. Beyond circumcision however..."
PMID 19430583unclassifiedunclear from abstract whether viewpoint is negative or cautiously positive
PMID 19421180unclassifiedunclear from abstract whether viewpoint is negative or cautiously positive
PMID 19410184unclassifiedno abstract
PMID 19393910positive"Epidemiologic research has shown, for example, that male circumcision reduces the risk of female-to-male transmission. Nevertheless, the question whether circumcision confers protection against HIV transmission in MSM remains open."
PMID 19390332unclassifiedno abstract
PMID 19389002positive"male circumcision reduces the acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in men and is recommended for HIV prevention"
PMID 19378441unclassifiedno abstract
PMID 19374078unclassifiedno abstract
PMID 19373012positive"a major breakthrough with the evidence that male circumcision prevents acquisition of infection"
PMID 19370585positive"There is strong evidence that medical male circumcision reduces the acquisition of HIV by heterosexual men by between 38% and 66% over 24 months. ... Inclusion of male circumcision into current HIV prevention measures guidelines is warranted"
PMID 19367793unclassifiedno abstract
PMID 19335172positive"Male circumcision can reduce the risk of HIV acquisition among heterosexual men, but its effectiveness is uncertain in men who have sex with men (MSM). ... Considerable community education will be needed in circumcision advocacy among MSM in China"
PMID 19334325unclassifiedno abstract
PMID 19327028positive"Risk of transmitting or acquiring HIV is reduced by ... male circumcision"
PMID 19324288unclassifiedno abstract
PMID 19322041unclassifiedno abstract
PMID 19321868positive"In addition to decreasing the incidence of HIV infection, male circumcision..."
PMID 19274070unclassifiedunclear from abstract whether viewpoint is positive or neutral
PMID 19256085unclassifiedno abstract
PMID 19241947positiveno abstract, inferred from title: "Doesn't the public have the right to know that male circumcision protects against HIV?"

(I'm inserting this here because it is expected that it will be useful to those responding to the Request for Comment, which suggests that readers 'see above'.) Jakew (talk) 16:42, 27 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]