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Talk:Gough Whitlam's birthplace

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This seems like an ordinary house. nothing special beyond being associated with a politician. Where are the articles for Tony Abbott's birthplace or John Christian Watson's birthplace or Malcolm Fraser's birthplace? As the article notes, the house itself is not of sufficient importance to warrant a heritage listing, and as Whitlam's memory declines it is unlikely to become significant. Except maybe to the one-eyed partisan. --Pete (talk) 15:19, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

It has been subject to considerable media coverage, several assessment reports by statutory heritage authorities, the National Trust and heritage professionals and the subject of a public campaign to preserve it. There are about a hundred articles on Wikipedia for peoples birthplaces, and dozens of politicians birthplaces, regardless of whether they are ordinary houses or not. Fraser's birthplace was demolished years ago, but his farm "Nareen" is heritage listed and worthy of an article. Tony Abbot was born at the General Lying-In Hospital, but I can't find out where his parents lived at the time. Watson was born in Valpariso Chile, and if the house still stands, may well warrant a Wikipedia Article.Garyvines (talk) 22:14, 12 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Well, it's gone now. We going to have an article about a vacant block of land soon to be occupied by a completely different house? Whitlam's connection with the land here looks to be pretty tenuous, and the media coverage mentioned above was all posthumous, so it's nothing to do with the public figure. --Pete (talk) 11:05, 13 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]