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The Hänneschen Theatre, officially puppet Theatre of Cologne, is a traditional floor puppet theatre on "Eisenmarkt" (iron market plc) in the southern part of Martin Area in Cologne sector "Altstadt-Nord" . With around 25 permanent employees - including 14 Puppeteers - it is the puppet theatre with the most employees in Germany. It accounts for about 60 percent of its budget itself, making it by far the most efficient urban theatre nationwide. For more than 20 years Heribert Malchers, former actor, director and lawyer had been its Intendant. Since December 1, 2012 Frauke Kemmerling (* 1967) suceeded him. [1] Deputy Director since 2013 is Udo Müller.

History of the building The theatre was originally located in Mauthgasse (Mauth alley). It was founded in 1802 by Johann Christoph Winters, a tailor born in Bonn. Winters was successful, despite frequently changing venues from the outset. Hänneschen theater was represented in the very first first carnival parade in 1823 and still is.

The most important characters Place of action is "Knollendorf" (Knoll Village, a fictional town somewhere near Cologne.

Hänneschen is, apart from the dolls carnival meetings, the hero of most plays. Friendly, sincere and smart, but sometimes a bit too enthusiastic, he is the role model, especially in the matinees for children. Bärbelchen is Hänneschens girlfriend (in the children's performances in the afternoon, however, his sister), also a positive reception character with similar properties as the Hänneschen.

Peeling the type of the Cologne city dweller is sufficiently characterized by its name. He squints, and lots of it, and is also in character somewhat peeling (= false, bad, ugly). Always wearing a tailcoat, he thinks of himself as clever and educated and therfore believes he can con the villagers. Unfortunately he does not have enough capacity to back his cons and so his trickery usually go wrong and he ends up beeing ousted and punished. Of course, he is meeting President of dolls carnival meetings, just to be seen there, the actual happening mostly past him. Peel and Speimanes were added in 1850, while the rest exited from the beginning.Peel is the father of florets

Speimanes is effectively the court jester of theater company. Small grown, humped and with moist speech, he has respect for no one, and alwawys ready for any cutting remark - to the chagrin mainly by peeling.

Policeman Schnäutzerkowsky represents the carricature of a prussian permanent-offical sent to cologne for law and order but is balanced by rhenish peaceful cozyness and lazyness.

The grandparents Besteva and Bestemo.

Köbeschen Schmitz is the son of unmarried Tünnes. Although he is small and delicate, he already splendidly carrys his his often drunken father. He made many of the views of his father his own and blurts them out, whenenever he can. With his girlfriend Florets Peel he plays and quarrels as it is common with children.

Florets has a lot of trouble keeping her father Peeling halfway along straight paths. But if her patrimony kicks in and they will be involved in roguery, she finds yet again a way out of difficult situations. With a sigh, she then says; "Peel may be a scumbag but he still is my father". Again and again, it's interesting to witness how Köbeschen and florets continue the conflicts of their parents on children's level, and often - in contrast to the adults - solve reasonable. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:07, 1 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]