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Talk:IBM Yamato Facility

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Yes, I should start an official section, but I don't know how and don't much care. Am I supposed to feel like apologizing because I quit helping Wikipedia a long time ago? Sorry, but the pro-spammer policies are anti-me. I did modify the article to note that the last IBMers left Yamato over two years ago. They were actually a hardware-related branch of the research lab, but they went to Shin-Kawasaki rather than Toyosu. As of today's writing, the schedule is for the main part of the lab to move to the Hakozaki headquarters building next year. The main reason for this comment is actually to note that the Japanese version is also incorrect, but my Japanese writing is not good enough to fix it. Also, I'll note that I'm supposed to dig around for a public citation or webpage confirming the closure of Yamato, but as already noted, I no longer care that much about Wikipedia... I actually had a chance to walk past the Yamato site a few months ago. At least two of the main buildings are still there, but the sign was some other company, and the parking lot was full of dump trucks... Can't remember their name, but the new tenant apparently makes dump trucks and related equipment. Shanen (talk) 07:01, 5 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Nomination for deletion?


Well, at least I can now access the new section button, and I realized that what I should have done was nominate the entire article (and its Japanese counterpart) for deletion, since the bottom line is that there is no IBM Yamato Facility now. Even from my position within the IBM food chain, I don't see the historical events that happened at Yamato as being significant enough to merit preservation on that basis, though some of them should be folded into the history of IBM Japan or the history of IBM Research - Tokyo (nee Tokyo Research Lab AKA TRL). I feel redundant, but... I still don't care what Wikipedia does about it. (I used to look at Wikipedia quite often, but these days I prefer to avoid it entirely. Way NOT to build your support base, eh?) Shanen (talk) 07:07, 5 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]