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Talk:Minnechaug Regional High School

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I'm wondering if someone can put up a citation for the section that lists it as one of the most prestigious HS in Western Mass. I'm from Western Mass and can think of a bunch of schools that are betetr than Minnechaug. I'll put up a npov tag in a week or so if no one responds.

Name me a significant number of other secondary schools in the region that put as many students into Ivy and other elite colleges. Of the Western Mass independent schools, only Deerfield surpasses Minnechaug - definitely not Northfield Mt. Hermson. And of the other public high schools, Longmeadow is comparable, and perhaps East Longmeadow is up there too.

Re: the above -- as a current teacher in HWRSD who taught at NMH for 7 years, I can say with some authority that in reference to both the percentages given (for college-bounds), and in reference to the stats on which Ivy(ish) schools take in NMH/'chaug grads, NMH comes out on top. But this doesn't mean 'chaug doesn't deserve its great rep. Comparing private and public schools is a bit tricky, that's all, for all sorts of reasons.

How about this: it is commonly accepted that 'chaug is one of the finest PUBLIC schools in all of Mass, not just Western Mass. Can't we just rephrase to say that? - Jfarber 02:53, 21 August 2006 (UTC)

The article says "one of the finest," not "the finest." Anybody who knows anything about secondary education in Western Massachusetts would agree with that statement.

Look, I think this school system is a great place to work, and a great place to learn.
Unfortunately, however, for the purposes of encyclopedia writing, it doesn't matter what we THINK, or even what we think educated people in New England agree about. Wikipedia specifically does not allow either "common knowledge" or original research as evidence for its facts.
Instead, just like any OTHER encyclopedia, information must be NOTABLE to count.
The criteria that Wikipedia uses for notability is here -- in summary, it basically states that there must be multiple, PUBLISHED documentation on a NONlocal level in order for any fact to be "safe" to include in a Wikipedia entry...and that such evidence should be included as a reference in the article itself if you want to make claims based on that evidence. If you've got some documentation like that which shows that 'Chaug is especially strong academically, pass it on...there may be something in the Boston Globe archives, for example... Jfarber 17:31, 7 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]