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Talk:Nazareth, Tamil Nadu

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Please do not add praise / adjectives when you add information. Information should be neutral, unbiased and non-dramatic. Words like Eminent, Meritorious etc., should not be used unless necessary.

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This page also looks very plagiarized. Need to do a plagiarism check for copyrighted content.

Eternaltyro (talk) 09:46, 13 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Every year the church is celebrating church anniversary —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:49, 19 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

History of Nazareth & Its speciality



The Cooperative spinning Mill does exist. It was shut down

Many eminent Missionaries rendered significant services not only to the growth of Christianity but also to the development of Nazareth in manifold dimensions. Of whom, the contribution of Canon A. Margoschis to the many sided growth of this village is matchless and unique. It is quite fitting to call the Rev. Canon Arthur Margoschis as “FATHER OF NAZARETH”. Words are inadequate to express the magnitude of works passionately done by him to this rural area. The remarkable development of Nazareth with the educational insititutions, the orphanage and Art Industrial School, the hospital and the church is principally due to the result of the untiring and unparalleled service and efforts of the great missionary Canon A. Margoschis. The fact that cannot or should not escape our knowledge is that during decades of the 19th Century, Nazareth was identified as a small hamlet situated near Valaiyadi or Vahuthankuppam and the people of Nazareth had to get things from the shops or the neighbouring villages crossing the sandy soil clustered with the bush and trees. Such a backward un-recognised hamlet has become a recognized and developed place with all facilities owing to the pioneering work, meticulously done by canon Margoschis, inspite of many untold difficulties. “Great actions speak great minds” says John Fletcher. It is of great interest to know a little about the life of such great man and also his great deeds done to this village. Arthur Margoschis, the eighth and last child to his parents was born on 24-12-1852 at Leamington, England and was broughtup in good Christian tradition. He had good education and was a gem of students. Though he had suffered a lot from Asthma from his childhood, he was very firm in using himself in the service of His Master, Jesus Christ. The burning zeal in him to become a missionary drove him to learn theology and then medicine. It was so dramatic that he embraced the work of a missionary when he was doing his final year of medicine. God found a great missionary in him and sent him to this place as His servant. To epoch-making event in the history of Nazareth is that Canon A. Margoschis became the missionary of Nazareth in December 1876. He plunged into his work with enthusiasm and felt the need to do a lot to alleviate the sufferings of the helpless and poverty stricken people. Religion did not engender in Canon Margoschis the desire to run away or escape from the problem of life, On the contrary, his deep commitment to religion kept him in the service of the needy also. A few of his important works be mentioned.

The Church : Inner view

Canon Margoschis gave a paramount importance to spiritual life and proved himself and eminent missionary in many a way. “Special Gospel campaign” among Hindus was vigorously done. Consequently thousands of persons were converted to Christianity. Scripture classes were conducted not only to children but also to the old people. As the number of Christians increased, the then church became too small to hold the congregation. He took efforts to extend the area of the church so as to accommodate more number of people. The newly constructed altar of the then Church was dedicated by him in 1884. The deadly cholera spread during 1902 was shocking but was a blessing in disguise. His faith in God was so great that he wished to have the communion service everyday since 6-12-1902 as a remedy to the dreadful malady. Communion being served everyday in this Church even to-day is a rarity found in a few churches only. “Nazareth Children’s Mission” was organized by him in 1903. He adopted different methods of raising funds from the local people for self-support. He was contemplating the construction of a bigger church to accommodate the ever increasing number of Christians at Nazareth. But his death on 27-4-1908 snatched him away from fulfilling his ardent wish. St. Luke’s Hospital, Nazareth : Though it was founded in the year 1870 by Dr. J.M. Strachan, the monumental growth was under the able stewardship of Canon A. Margoschis. As he had the knowledge of medicine, he could do marvelous medical service, helping thousands of sick flocking even from 20 to 30 miles away. This service was rendered freely to all irrespective of caste and creed. There was a dire need to provide more facilities to the swelling number of sick in the hospital with wards, compounding room etc., To meet the requirements, the main building of the hospital was built by him in 1892 and the hospital was Christened “St. Luke’s Hospital” by him on the day of St. Luke’s (18th October) in 1892. With this meritorious medical service, he was esteemed a ‘Life – saver’. The command of Lord Jesus Christ, “Heal the sick …. Preach the Gospel” was faithfully followed by this medical officer-in-charge of the hospital from the year of his arrival in 1876 to the time of his death in 1908. Orphanage and Art Industrial School : Art Industrial School Bungalow 26.2.42.

A.I.S. Banyan Tree; the Eastern Bungalow27.2.41

The ravage of famine swept away 25% of the local population and left many helpless. Owing to acute poverty and deadly diseases many were in untold miseries and became orphans. Canon Margoschis the only hope of the deserted people, built a small hut hundred yards away from his bungalow for the orphans in 1877. As the number of orphans increased, he took all efforts to put up a building for them and the same was built in 1878 in the place where the Art Industrial School is now. He was made aware of his responsibilities and obligations towards the less-privileged and was very anxious to introduce teaching for them on industrial courses. Hence he founded the Art Industrial School in the orphanage itself on 14-11-1878. Carpentry, Black-smithy and sewing courses were started and then weaving section was introduced. In 1884, the first sewing machine was bought and the art of tailoring was introduced. The lower Secondary Training was provided and in 1900, Upper Secondary Training was transferred from Tuticorin to Nazareth. He was the manager of the school till his death. In those days the Art Industrial School, the brain-child of Canon Margoschis, was praised as the only one of its kind in the district and the oldest in the Presidency of Madras. He lovingly adopted orphans and carried out the responsibilities of a father. “Verily I say unto you, in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these brethren, ye have done it unto me” -St. Mathew XXV,40 Girls High School Canon Margoschis was made superintendent of the school 1876 itself. He founded Teachers Training School in 1877. He also stressed the need for good education to women and started kindergarten school. In 1886, he made a historic achievement of upgrading the Normal school to a High School. The school became a full-fledged high school in 1888 and the first set of women in the Presidency of Madras to pass the Matriculation Examination was from this school. The Standard of the school was very much appreciated by the Director of Public Instruction in 1890. This school is the first high school for women in south India. Boy’s High School : Canon Margoschis founded a Middle school for boys in 1882 in the name “Anglo – Vernacular School”. It is heartening to know that in 1885 ; this school was awarded “ The Best School” title in the Presidency of Madras, He made a successful venture of upgrading it as “High School “ in 1889 inspite of the stiff opposition from the then Bishop Rt. Rev. Caldwell. This infuriated the Bishop who closed down the High School section in 1892. Theological Seminary :

Another brain – child of Canon Margoschis was the Theological Seminary. It was founded by him in 1890 with eight students. It had grown from strength to strength in the following years. Other Developments and Benefits : Since Canon Margoschis adopted Nazareth as his “Child”, he put his heart and soul to see Nazareth filled with many blessings of God. With the help of the orphans and hired laborers, he laid the metal road from Nazareth to Valaiyadi and planted trees on both sides. Telegraphic office was opened on 25-12-1894, as a result of the initiative taken by him. He showed interest in town planning also and the 5th street was formed by him. As a result of his efforts, the original plan to lay the railway line from Tirunelveli to Tiruchendur via. Thenthiruperai was changed and it was decided to lay it via. Nazareth. This monumental work, which transformed the very face of Nazareth, was put into operation a few years after his death. Adult Education Programme was launched by him in 1880 at Nazareth and other neighboring villages. “S.P.G. Nazareth Christian Death Aid-Fund” was setup by him on 1-4-1884. It is gratifying to note that by the end of 1900, Rs. 66,331 was contributed to the bereaved families. He founded “S.P.G. Widows’ Association” to help the helpless widows. Such were the manifold benefits which the people of Nazareth enjoyed owing to his selfless service. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant” – St. Mathew XXV, 12. The Great Man, who had endeared himself to the people of Nazareth passed away on 27th April 1908 and the sad news gave a rude jolt to them. The loss was irreparable. They wanted to build a bigger church in memory of him but later the idea was changed to be in conformity with his lofty ideals. The Boy’s High School was named after him. Recently a college was built here in memory of him. We owe it to posterity to perpetuate the memory of such a great missionary, by means of such things which will truly reveal the man and inspire others to follow the ideals which he symbolised. The 32 years of selfless service of Canon A. Margoschis has left an indelible mark on the History of this area. His dedicated service to this people will remain a memorable historical fact for people of all religions and cultural traditions. He excelled all other missionaries who came before and after him to Nazareth by virtue of being not only a missionary but also being a doctor an educationist, a philanthropist, a philosopher, a guide, a friend, a father and what not. When Canon A. Margoschis left this world on 1908, he left behind the memory of a great and good life, lived usefully a memory that has become a legacy, one that deserves to be passed on to generations unborn. “ Lives of great men all remind us We Can make our lives sublime And, departing, leave behind us Foot prints on the sands of time “

The people of Nazareth celebrating the 100th Death centenary of Canon A margoschis at Nazareth from 23 April to 27th April.

The Grave of Canon Arthur margoschis

Rev Canon Arthur Margöschis (1852-1908) of Leamington, Warwickshire. London medical student who gave up his final year when recruited by Caldwell for the Tirunelveli mission. St Augustin's College, Canterbury. He arrived at Madras with Caldwell in 1875. Deacon 1877. Nazareth 1877-1908 (Priest 1880). An adherent of the Oxford Movement. Fellow of Madras University 1894. "A remarkable instance of the work of a solitary unmarried missionary is to be found in Nazareth" in the medical, industrial, educational and evangelical labour being organised and to a large extent created by Canon Margöschis ["The East & West", Archbishop of Brisbane's article, Jan 1904]. Awarded the Kaisar-i-Hind Medal 1901. He died at Nazareth "after 31 years faithful and successful labour" there. A dedicated and ambitious priest of the high church persuasion with medical training, but severely handicapped by asthma. Relations with his neighbouring missionary colleagues were under strain in his early days due his tendency to make 'slanderous' criticisms of them behind their backs.

Nazareth CSI church is a head of Tuticorin-Nazareth diocese. It has a engineering college managed by the diocese —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:27, 4 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Christmas at Nazareth


One thing the nazarethians always cherish is celebrating christmas in Nazareth. Most of the natives have migrated to various parts of the country and the world. They take the christmas vacation to get a break from their routine life, return to their birth place, meet friends and relatives.

People decorate the streets with lights. The coronation of the christmas will be the fireworks display at the huge church grounds. It a feeling one would never miss in his life. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Jebakaran (talkcontribs) 16:31, 22 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]