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Talk:Syzygiella colorata

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Unsure what it means


I used the Grolle monograph as source for writing this stub. I'm a bit unsure of some of what is presented though, in particular with respect to the different names. I can copy some of the monograph entry so that others may understand what is implied:

Jamesoniella colorata (Lehm.) Schiffn. 1893
 ≡ Jungermannia colorata Lehm. 1829
 = Jamesoniella raknesii Kaal. 1911; synonymized by Grolle (1971b)

At the bottom of the monograph entry, the following is written:

General range: Eury-circumsubantarctic (type of Jungermannia colorata from Cape Province, type of Jamesoniella raknesii from Possession I.)

__meco (talk) 12:32, 24 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Ah, this means that Lehmann originally described this species in 1829 as Jungermannia colorata. Schiffn. came along in 1893 and moved the species to the genus Jamesoniella. Kaal. described what he thought was a new species in 1911, but which was later reduced to a synonym of Jamesoniella colorata by Grolle in 1971. Hope that helps. --Rkitko (talk) 23:40, 6 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I basically added what you explained here to the article as I think many will find this detailed explanation helpful, as I did. __meco (talk) 09:03, 7 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]