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Talk:Togari (manga)

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Beginning the translations. :) Because of a pesky thing called copyright, the whole reviews will not/cannot be listed. Feel free to check and/or change. I will be literally translating the reviews to keep the original meaning or, well, most of it.

  1. Manga News Vol. 1 (Rated 18/20)
"Du côté du graphisme, c'est relativement beau, c'est clair et l'auteur à un style très épuré avec des cases qui ne sont pas surchargées."
Translation: "On the graphics, it is relatively beautiful, it is clear and the author (has?) a very pure style with boxes (panals?) that are not overdone."
"En bref un agréable premier tome, qui se lit facilement, sans temps mort et qui promet du très bon pour la suite."
Translation: "In summary, a pleasant first volume, which is read easily without idle time, and that is very promising for the sequel."

Note: I'm not sure if the author made a mistake in the first sentence or if he/she meant panals instead of boxes, which is the literal translation. Kaguya-chan (talk) 20:55, 9 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

  1. Manga News Vol. 2 (Rated 17/20)
"Un deuxième tome sous le signe des explications. En effet ce tome apporte beaucoup de précisions à beaucoup de niveaux."
Translation: A second volume under the sign of explanations. In effect, this volume brings lots of precision to lot of levels."
Kaguya-chan (talk) 17:32, 15 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  1. Manga News Vol.3
"L'évolution de Tobé est des plus intéressantes, il apprend petit à petit à devenir humains...Un troisième tome excellent, qui nous montre que le manga n'a pas encore dit son dernier mot."
Translation: "The evolution of Tobé is more interesting, he learns little by little to become human...An excellent third volume, which shows us that the manga still has not said its last word."
Kaguya-chan (talk) 20:29, 16 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  1. MN Vol.4
Un tome, qui maintient la série à un très bon niveau, même si l'action est plus discrète dans ce tome cela ne joue pas contre le manga. Au contraire, l'auteur ce concentre davantage sur l'intrigue et fait avancer l'histoire à grand pas avec ce tome.
Translation:A volume, which maintains the series at a very good level, even if the action is very discrete in this volume, this does not play against the manga. To the contrary, the author concentrates this more on the intrigue and does advance the story a large step with this volume.
Kaguya-chan (talk) 21:21, 4 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]
"Ce qui est intéressant à suivre dans ce tome, est une fois de plus l'évolution de Tobé...Un tome qui suit le chemin logique du manga, mais qui est un peu mou. Une petite baisse de régime."
'Translation: This which is interesting to follow in this volume is the time of more evolution of Tobei...A volume which follows the logical path of the manga, but which is a bit soft."
"Un tome que je qualifierais d’un cran en dessous des précédents. L’auteur semble revenir vers un schéma plus classique et le manga perd un peu de son intérêt. Il est clair que c’était prévisible, que le changement de Tobé devait s’opérer tôt ou tard."
Translation: "A volume which I will describe as a notch below the precedents. The author seems to return to a classic layout and the manga loses a bit of interest. It is clear that this is foreseeable, that the change of Tobei ought to operate on him sooner or later."
Kaguya-chan (talk) 21:20, 12 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Okay, so the staff critique on Manga Sanctuary has disappeared. Very odd. Kaguya-chan (talk) 15:35, 21 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]