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Talk:Violinist of Hameln

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Time for a clean up


I'm planning on doing a massive clean up of this entry soon. If anyone's reading this and is a fan of the series, I'd like some input. --ShoutaShura

Oops i forgot to log in. I just wanna say that I love the SNES version by ENIX. Would love to see some pictures up here!
This article does need pictures. Would be nice if the Character section was formatted a bit better; I'm a novice at this Wikipedia stuff, and threw up the list of names on a whim. ^__^; A comparison section between the Anime and Manga would be good, too. I haven't actually seen that much of the Anime...so I'm not the best person for it. --Whynnd. (May 3rd, 2006)
Currently working on the article. Please bear with me. If there are any suggestions, etc, please drop a line. --Whynnd. (April 24th, 2007) —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 05:33, 25 April 2007 (UTC).[reply]
Byy the way...can someone think of a better, non-spoiler plot summary for the intro? "The story's basic premise is that a group of adventurers are traveling north to The Northern Capital (a.k.a Hameln) to prevent a catastrophe" feels/sounds like an understatement. I'd do it myself, but I haven't read much Hameln lately. --Whynnd. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 05:51, 25 April 2007 (UTC).[reply]
Someone pointed me to this article, and when I read it over I discovered several inaccuracies and inappropriate exaggerations in the text. Some of the information that was included came from an online fan RPG, and is different from or absent in the source material. Having read most of the manga in its original language and seen the entire anime, I went through and tidied up a bit. Also rewrote some things for clarification, and added in some extra info that wasn't there previously. --E.B. (May 16, 2007)
Ahh, thank you~ If it weren't most likely very inappropriate and unbecoming of me, I'd, uh, kiss you and all that, but, um.... New, more accurate information is always a good thing. :) To be honest, I'm a little afraid of touching the profiles- mostly, what I've been doing is proofreading what other people put down.
On another, only vaguely related topic...VoH has a lot of minor characters, so I was wondering about people's opinions on whether we should list them all or not. And if we do, should we just list names and chapter or with actual profiles? --Whynnd
It's a possibility to add them but we would need to come to a sort of consensus about how to describe them and whether or not we should create a new page listing them and relative information.
On another note, sorry for not doing anything with this article like I was supposed to. I never managed to get around to it. I'll make some adjustments to it though. For example, I disagree with the comment that the anime is of a darker tone than the manga. The manga is just as dark but the humor that exists in the manga gives a balance to all the gloominess that is in it. The anime doesn't have the humor so the tone is oversaturated by the heavy sections. Any thoughts? ShoutaShura 05:15, 15 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Now that I think about it...you're right on the 'oversaturated' thing. Still, it's a subtle difference at best. Maybe we could say 'the manga switches between humorous and dark tones quickly so the two moods are in stark contrast' and that 'the anime has a more consistent dark tone'.
About the 'not updating' thing, though? It's alright. I said the same thing and didn't get around to doing much either. --Whynnd
Made a ridiculously large update regarding character descriptions, plot, setting and history as well as minor changes to existing character descriptions. I believe we should just make a whole new page for characters, or at least for key characters since the page is pretty much flooded by the characters description. Also need to merge the two Olin description. As for the plot, I want to make a separate page for it as well, for spoiler reasons since I wanna add more information, but too much would ruin the series for those who haven't read or watched it yet. (April 23 2008, 1:44pm Eastern Time) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:45, 23 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I second making new pages for characters. (Hamel in particular looks like he has enough for his own page.) Maybe a page for Protagonists, another for Antagonists, and another for Minor Characters? --Whynnd —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:15, 13 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Neutrality Dispute


I have added the disputed neutrality template to this article. Remember this is an encyclopedia, not a fansite! --Squilibob 09:57, 1 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Can you point out which places are biased, so that they can be fixed? I've read over the page and know the series well, but find nothing particularly biased anywhere. --Woostill 18:18, 7 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I'm fiddling with the profiles, but I have a question. I know Pandora taught Hamel and Raiel how to make magical music, but what of Sizer? Pandora lost her when she was...I don't think the comic artist gives a specific age...but when she was very young, maybe just over five or six? Would that be enough time for Sizer to learn and remember magical music? Or did Ocarina teach her?
Sorry if this has been asked before. --Whynnd. (June 19th, 2006)
What about the line "it's like a big shot of angst injected directly into your veins?" That doesn't exactly sound neutral to me. Maybe there is a better way to express that the series is more serious than the manga, because that doesn't sound like something you would find in an encyclopedia to me. -- 19:54, 31 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
How about "polar opposites in terms of atmosphere, tone, and presentation"? (Though the 'polar' part might be pushing it a bit.) It seems that way, judging from what I've read (reviews, etc). --Whynnd. (December 26th, 2006)

Description of Anime and English Translation


"The anime was low-budget and because of the budget it has little animation (some even jokingly refer to it as "The Slideshow of Hameln"), the few animations are used over and over again."

I don't think this is an entirely fair description: a) what animation there is is of very high quality (and the "slides" are exquisitely drawn---although I grant I've never seen that animation cheat outside of KOR, where it's a very different thing), and b) it looks more like a work with a limited animation budget that targeted what it would animate well, e.g. the fantastic combat sequences between Clarinet and Drum.

"The manga has never been translated into English."

The scanlation group Scythe GP is up to chapter 54, the start of volume 14, as of this note. Hga 18:58, 24 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Would 'never officially translated' work? Though... I've read a rumor somewhere that said the VoH Manga was officially liscensed, but there wasn't much evidence to back the claim. --Whynnd (June 24th, 2006)
That would of course work, but is at best a half-truth. Does Wikipedia have a policy of not even mentioning the particular existence of fansub/scanlatation versions? I.e. I can see not including a link to a (possibly transitory) scanlation group, but at least saying something like "The anime has been fansubbed and the manga is in the progress of being scanlated into English" would be the most accurate. And that tells a reader there's something they can search for without (I think) edging towards a contributory copyright violation.
Come to think of it, the sentence in question ("The manga has never been translated into English.") is rather odd in context; there's no mention of any subbing/non-Japanese versions of the anime (when it has in fact all been fansubbed into English). Hga 06:52, 30 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sequel Series


I frankly have no time working multiple jobs and going to school full time or I'd do it myself, but I thought I'd mention there's a sequel series to Hameln out now, titled "ハーメルンのバイオリン弾き ~シェルクンチク~". I have a copy of the first volume sitting right here on my desk, so given a bit of time, I could add information on it. However, it'd take me a while to do given my time situation. I just checked the article to see if the information was there yet or not.

I got mine from amazon.jp. ZaininOmega (talk) 03:05, 10 September 2008 (UTC)[reply]



--Gabriel Yuji (talk) 22:44, 12 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]