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User:Aladdin Sane/B5-AS-notes/List of locations in Babylon 5 (sandbox)

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The location of the primary canon produced in the Babylon 5 fictional universe is a "former manufacturing plant for swimming pool and hot tub pumps" in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, California, USA, with the exception of The Lost Tales, which was primarily produced in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.[1][2][3]

The overall setting of Babylon 5 primary and secondary canon is four n-dimensional spaces, where n equals at least three. This article is structured as an outline in order to describe each specific setting in each specific dimension and provide the reader with real world context for each, where such exists. The article includes both settings, and certain references to places not used as settings, in cases where these have real world context.

The fictional universe was created by and is maintained by writer J. Michael Straczynski, and has a canonical bible.[4]

The name of the universe itself, Babylon 5, is named for the fictional space station, Babylon 5, a "home away from home...for a quarter of a million humans and aliens". The name of the station (and thematic elements not addressed in this article: see "Babylon 5 Themes") has a real world reference.

References to places which are neither used as settings, nor have a real world reference, are not listed in this article.

The table of contents attempts to organize the four dimensions of the fictional universe in a two dimensional outline form:

Normal space

Real world reference to outer space, courtesy NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory

A prevalent setting in the fictional universe are planets and other locations that exist in normal space. There is at least one scene that explicitly documents the real world location, the Milky Way galaxy, as portrayed in the lower image to the right.[5] Most references are implicit.

Within the fictional galaxy are at least one quadrant and grid or sector, and stars containing planetary systems. Several other sectors and quadrants are referenced in the fictional universe, but are not listed here because they are neither used as settings, nor do they have real world references.

There are at least five relevant real world references to normal space in this context.

The terms quadrant and sector have a real world reference.

Centauri system


The planet Centauri Prime is the homeworld of the fictional species Centauri. Neither the star, nor its system has a real world reference. The planet is used as a secondary setting in many episodes and movies.

Note that creator Straczynski has explicitly stated that Centauri in this context is not a reference to Alpha Centauri or Proxima Centauri.[6]

Chi Draconis system


The planet Chi Draconis A is the homeworld of the Minbari fictional species.[citation needed] The planet is used as a secondary setting for many scenes, including a civil war.

While there is no evidence of a planetary system there, the star Chi Draconis has a real world reference.

Deneb system

Deneb, in the Cygnus constellation

On the fictional planet Deneb 4 (also written Deneb IV) is an outpost/colony. It is the fourth planet from the star Deneb, which is located 1600 light years from Earth. It is only used as a reference, not as a setting.

It is mentioned twice in the fictional universe, hence not much information about the fictional reference is available:

As a real world reference, Deneb is a bright star, and if a habitable planet did in reality orbit it, it would need to do so at a distance of about 2.5 AUs, midway between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in our own solar system. Any closer and liquid water would not be able to exist.[8]

Drazi system


The Drazi homeworld is located in the Drazi system. It is the primary setting in one episode. Neither the star nor the planet has a real world reference.

Grid Epsilon


Grid Epsilon is the setting chosen by creator Straczynski as the main area of space for the fictional universe Babylon 5. It was named after the GEnie online forum (message base, known as a "RoundTable" on GEnie) where Straczynski originally communicated with fans starting in 1991, two years before the pilot telefilm aired. The precise coordinates of Grid Epsilon "470 by 18 by 22" are named for the specific GEnie forum, known in the early 90's on GEnie as "470/18/22" (Page 470, CAT 18, Topic 22).[9] While the name of the place has a real world reference, to GEnie, the place itself has no real world reference.

Epsilon Eridani system

The position of ε Eridani
"Double the Rubble" is a NASA conception of the planetary system at ε Eridani

The Epsilon Eridani (ε Eridani) system, situated 10.5 light years from Sol, is located in a fairly central position between the galactic powers. The position makes it a perfect, albeit second, choice for the Babylon 5 space station. The original location was abandoned after Babylon 4 disappeared in the region (see Sector 14, below).

The central, and neutral, location kept Babylon 5 close to the other powers without placing it in harm in the event of a war between them. Even so, alien wars managed to find their way to Babylon 5. This occurred twice during the Narn-Centauri war, first when a Centauri battle cruiser was engaged by a Narn heavy cruiser, resulting in minor damage to the station. Later, another Centauri warship heavily damaged Babylon 5 when it fired on the station, before it was destroyed by station defences.

Its location also makes it a hub for trade and commerce, with thousands of visitors passing through the system each day, and staying at Babylon 5. This is more than once a source of trouble, given the immense scope of keeping the peace on a five mile long space station, with humans and aliens coming and going constantly.

Within the fictional universe, in Grid Epsilon is the Epsilon Eridani planetary system. It is the location of the fictional planet Epsilon 3.

The referenced star, Epsilon Eridani (ε Eridani), has a real world reference.[10]

The star has a real world planetary system, discovered in 2000.

The general reference is to an exoplanet.

There is a second, unconfirmed, planet spotted in 2002.

Epsilon 3
Epsilon 3
'Babylon 5' location
Created byJ. Michael Straczynski
GenreScience fiction
In-universe information
LocationsThe Great Machine, Babylon 5 (space station)
CharactersVarn, Draal, Zath'ras, Zathras'

The fictional planet Epsilon 3 is the location of the Babylon 5 station and the Great Machine. While it has no real world reference, see above for more information on the real world planetary system.

Epsilon 3 is the third planet of the Epsilon Eridani system, which the eponymous space station in the universe Babylon 5 orbits. Formerly the home of an advanced alien race, it is now abandoned but still contains the Great Machine, which guards the planet against interference. Epsilon 3 has been the home to Varn, Draal, Zath'ras and Zathras'.

Epsilon 3 is seen in the episodes "A Voice in the Wilderness", "The Long, Twilight Struggle", "Voices of Authority" and "War Without End".

Battle of Epsilon 3

In "A Voice in the Wilderness", during the first contact with the Great Machine's controller, an unknown alien vessel engaged Babylon 5 defences, and the Earth Alliance warship Hyperion, claiming that they were descendants of the race who originally inhabited the planet. The fight lasted for quite some time before the ship made a suicidal run at the planet, only to be shot down by Draal, who had taken control of the machine’s defences.

Babylon 5
O'Neill cylinder interior. Source: NASA Space Colony Art from the 1970s
File:Amelia earhart.jpeg
Amelia Earhart

The Babylon 5 space station is the main setting in the fictional universe. It orbits Epsilon 3.

It has a specific, and a general, real world reference.

Some of the settings within the space station are notable as they have a real world reference.

  • Command and control (C&C) (Also known as "Observation dome")
Common setting aboard the station. It has a real world reference.
  • Earhart's
An officer's club in season two. It has a real world reference.
  • Zocalo
Main commerce area. It has a real world reference.
The Great Machine

Epsilon 3 serves as home not only to Babylon 5, but also to a species of ancients, whose name is still unknown. They departed the planet long before Babylon 5 was built, but they left their machines behind, a recurring theme in Babylon 5. The "Great Machine" is the name for a subterranean mechanism which has enormous power. This machine has been observed not only defending the planet with powerful energy weapons, but also allowing users to remotely view far away locations such as star systems, as well as creating and controlling time fields. The machine was thought to be able to destroy the entire planet if it destabilized. Additionally, the machine is controlled by a single individual, who is bonded to it both physically and mentally.

The fictional Great Machine has no real world reference. However, it does have a prior fictional reference.

Sector 14


Sector 14 is a spatial location near the Babylon 5 space station. It has contained a rift, and a space station/ship called Babylon 4.[11] It has no real world reference.

Narn system


The Narn system is the location of the Narn homeworld. It has no real world reference.

Orion system

In ancient Babylon, the Orion constellation was called "The Loyal Shepherd of Heaven".

Systemically, there are two references to Orion. The planet Orion 4 is referred to in "TKO" as the planet where Garibaldi was employed after losing work on Europa. Orion 7 was visited by the Vendrizi in "Exogenesis" and the Alexander was ambushed near there on 10 April 2260 in "Severed Dreams".[7] It is not a setting, only a reference.

The location has three real world references, none of which is a star.

Proxima system

Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf star (artist's conception/NASA illustration)

The Proxima system is the setting for a major offensive "to retake Earth".

A location in the Babylon 5 story. It is the site of a battle to take back Earth in episode "No Surrender, No Retreat".

Alpha Centauri plays a large role as one of the Earth Alliance's major colonies.[citation needed] The human designation for the star changed to simply "Proxima" to avoid confusing the star system with the name of the alien species Centauri. The Proxima system has 3 known planets, with Proxima 3 being a major colony of the Earth Alliance. In the year 2260, it was embroiled in the burgeoning conflict of the Earth civil war when it declared independence in response to then-President Clark's bombing of Mars (who refused to accede to martial law). In 2261 Earth sent military ships to blockade the planet and sent ground troops to secure it, prompting many refugees to attempt escaping the blockade. Refugee ships were destroyed by Earthforce ships, prompting Captain John Sheridan to attack Proxima 3 and liberate it from Clark's forces.

It has a real world reference.[12]

Regulus system


Regulus is the site of the Earth Alliance's first extrasolar colony.[citation needed] It is not a setting, only a reference.

The star has a real world reference.

The rim


The "rim" is notable for having no real world or in-universe reference, yet referred to frequently as a potential setting. There is no explanation in-universe as to whether it is "the rim of known space" or "the rim of the galaxy", and the reference is left ambiguous. In "Where is Earth?" King points out:

"Thus, there is no 'edge' or 'rim' to the galaxy. ([Writer] David Gerrold once commented that trying to find the 'edge' of the galaxy is like trying to bisect a sneeze.)".[13]

(David Gerrold wrote the episode "Believers".)

It is also notable in-universe as the location beyond which the First Ones have traveled, and also beyond which the characters Dr. Franklin and G'Kar are exploring.[3]

Sol system


The Solar System is a planetary system in the Orion spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy. The star, Sol, is commonly referred to as the Sun (☉).

The general location has three relevant real world references.


A small, rocky planet

Earth is the location of the Earth Alliance and EarthGov in the universe. EarthGov is a major political, diplomatic and military plot element in the story arc.

There is a real world reference to Earth (♁).


The Moon is a strategic element used in the Battle of the Line of the Earth–Minbari War in the 1998 telefilm, In the Beginning. Sheridan refers to the "Moon–Mars run" in "A Distant Star".

It has a real world reference.


On July 20, 2009 something impacted with Jupiter

A battle with a Shadow vessel occurs at Jupiter in "Messages from Earth".

Jupiter (♃) has a real world reference.

Many scenes are set near or on Jupiter's moons. See below.


Garibaldi refers to the loss of work on Europa in "TKO".

It has a real world reference.

Ganymede, the moon, is named for Ganymede, in Greek mythology, a Trojan prince

An "awakening" Shadow vessel is destroyed at Ganymede in "Messages from Earth".

It has a real world reference.


The transfer point on Io is an outpost. The outpost was constructed by Earth Alliance since the primary jumpgate of the Sol system orbits the moon. Space Station Io also orbits nearby; the base is second in size only to the Earth Alliance colony on Mars, and is the one most generally used by EarthForce.[14] Similar in some ways to the station Babylon 5 itself, Io functions both as a civilian and military way station for most out-of-system traffic, especially those ships too small to have their own jump engines. The area is always heavily patrolled since any damage to the jumpgate could cripple or seriously harm Earth's interests. Series creator wrote:

Yes, this is the primary jumpgate for Earth. It's positioned at Io (most of the base is actually in orbit outside Io, some of it on the surface, as we showed in "Chrysalis") to keep Earth a bit safer by removing it some distance, and because putting it near the huge energy field of Jupiter makes it more difficult for weapons to target it from a distance. It's mainly a tactical decision.

— Straczynski, J. Michael, America Online, 1996-03-27 04:20:09

It is located about three days in hyperspace travel from the jump gate near Babylon 5.

Three days is the time to the jumpgate off Io. Once you're within our solar system, it takes another several days or more to reach Earth itself. It's fairly common to keep your jumpgate a bit removed from your "core" planet so you have warning if any aggressors come out of it.

— Straczynski, J. Michael, CompuServe, 1996-08-22 12:28:18 -0700

According to Russo of Voltayre's Encyclopedia Xenobiologica Earth Force constructed the jumpgate at Io in 2198 and deactivated the Centauri jumpgate (built in 2156) in Earth orbit, due to Earth Alliance security concerns.[15] Unlike the cylindrical O'Neill-inspired Babylon-series of space colonies, the one time the Io station (in "Chrysalis") is seen, the station is shown to be in the shape of a large rotating wheel space station reminiscent of Space Station V.

Io is the most volcanic body in the solar system

In the Babylon 5 story, the impact of Earth–Minbari War on Io is unclear as Earth Alliance lost all contact with its colonies, including Io, before the Minbari fleet bypassed Mars and jumped straight to Earth at the Battle of the Line. It is not mentioned whether Io was destroyed or had its communications and defenses disabled.

On December 31, 2258, Station Io was the site of an official visit from President Luis Santiago prior to departing on a goodwill tour of the outer planet colonies. According to Interstellar Network News (ISN) at the time, "sources close to the President have hinted that he'll give a major policy speech New Year's Day from the jump point on Io. The speech is likely to concern human-alien relations over the remainder of his five-year term".

At the same time, a shipment of jammers set to broadcast static at a location near Io was discovered on Babylon 5 by Security Chief Michael Garibaldi just before he was shot in the back. He was able to warn Commander Jeffrey Sinclair only as he lost consciousness, but there was not enough time to warn the President that he might be in danger.

Just as it was about to dock with Space Station Io, the President's transport, EarthForce One, was utterly destroyed by a massive explosion, killing President Santiago along with many others. The explosion was broadcast live across the galaxy on ISN, who reported that Vice President Morgan Clark had previously disembarked "suffering from a viral infection, and had been hoping to catch up with the tour as it returned from Io". According to show creator Straczynski, Chief of Presidential Security Lianna Kemmer also survived since "she would've been handling the advance work on Io prior to Santiago's arrival".[16]

Susan Ivanova had served under John Sheridan for a time at Station Io prior to 2258. He had great respect and professional admiration for her, and they quickly became friends again once they were reunited upon his assignment to Babylon 5 as commander.

According to Worlds Of JMS' Helba, Sheridan took command of the EarthForce base on Io at the conclusion of the Earth–Minbari War in 2248, and was transferred in early 2251 after helping to suppress the Martian Food Riots.[17] Sheridan met and married Anna Sheridan in 2249 on Io. The same source suggests that after graduating from Officer Training School in 2249, Ivanova was posted to Io in 2250 where she worked with Sheridan for the first time. She was then transferred from Io to Earth in 2253.[18]

In 2259, General Richard Franklin used the official story that his 25,000 EarthForce troops arriving on Babylon 5 were traveling on to Io to cover the fact that they were really being deployed on Operation Sudden Death to attack the rebel stronghold at Matok, on the planet Akdor in the Sh'Lassen Triumvirate, at the request of the Sh'Lassen government.

In mid-2260, the transfer point on Io was again in the news when President Morgan Clark declared martial law, ostensibly because of the nearby confrontations between an insane Shadow vessel discovered on Ganymede, Sheridan's White Star, and the EAS Agamemnon ("Messages from Earth").

Shortly after, Io became the scene of the first space battle in the Earth Alliance Civil War when five rebel EarthForce ships led by General William Hague attempted to flee the Solar System via Io's jumpgate, but were ambushed by a superior force loyal to President Clark (including the EAS Schwarzkopf[19] and EAS Excalibur). Three of the rebel ships were destroyed (or four according to ISN).[20] After disabling or destroying their pursuit, the two surviving ships, including General Hague's flagship EAS Alexander continued onwards to a rendezvous at the Orion 7 Earth colony.

It has a real world reference.


Mars, the planet, is named for Mars, the Roman god of war

A large number of scenes throughout the series take place on Mars. The human Mars Colony eventually becomes an independent state.

Several of the major characters have close links to Mars and, alongside Centauri Prime and the White Star fleet, Mars is the most common setting for action other than the Babylon 5 space station itself. In addition, there is reference to a past Shadow presence on Mars, which left its remains behind, along with the half-legendary memory of Mars having once harbored hostile alien sentients.

Mars (♂) has a real world reference.

Phobos, named for the god of fear

According to EarthForce records, Abel Horn was killed in an encounter with an EarthForce warship in orbit of the Martian moon Phobos.

It has a real world reference.

Vega system

The star Vega, photographed by the Spitzer Space Telescope

The Vega Colony is an outpost/colony planet in the solar system of Vega, also known as Alpha Lyrae. Vega is an unremarkable white star about 25 light years from Earth, much brighter and hotter than our own star. In the fictional universe, Vega has at least seven planets, and serendipitously in reality it is strongly suspected to have at least several. It was mentioned several times through the course of the series, in such a way as to imply the presumption that it has a habitable world:[7]

Aside from these mentions, there is no information about the world, and it was never actually shown on screen during the run of the series or its various spinoffs.

The Vega Colony is not a setting, it is only a reference.

However, the star Vega does have a real world reference.

There is inconclusive evidence of a planetary system there.

Other settings in normal space


Marcus and G'Kar end up on a vague planet searching for Mr. Garibaldi.

The Excalibur visits many planets in Crusade.



In the Babylon 5 fictional universe many scenes take place aboard ships in hyperspace. Two scenes in Crusade take place in hyperspace itself. "The Well of Forever", and the one where Matheson goes out in a space suit.[episode needed]

There are real world references to hyperspace.



Thirdspace is a fictional setting used in the 1998 telefilm Thirdspace. While it has no real world reference, it has a prior fictional reference as an homage to the Cthulhu Mythos works of H. P. Lovecraft.[citation needed]

Quantum space


Quantum space is a fictional setting used in the 2007 direct-to-DVD anthology movie The Lost Tales – Voices in the Dark. It has no real world reference.

Other settings




Many of the scenes in the universe are set aboard spacecraft.


See the Babylon 5 Navigation bar at the bottom of the article for more ships in the Babylon 5 universe.

There are real world spacecraft.

Other places

8379 Straczynski orbital data

Places not included in canon, but still notable.

See also



  1. ^ Straczynski, J. Michael (5/25/1994 4:40:00 PM). "Boy, I'm not sure where to start..." The J. Michael Straczynski Message Archive. Synthetic Worlds. Retrieved 2009-12-26. We make our show in Los Angeles... {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |separator= ignored (help)
  2. ^ Lurker's Guide contributors (Updated Tue 02 Apr 1996 03:00:00 PM CST per metadata). "Pioneering A New Frontier In Television Production: The Making of "Babylon 5"". The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5. compiled and archived by Steven Grimm. Retrieved 2009-12-26. A former manufacturing plant for swimming pool and hot tub pumps, the 70,000 square foot building was purchased by Babylonian Productions and converted into three sound stages and production offices in just nine weeks... {{cite web}}: |author= has generic name (help); Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |separator= ignored (help)
  3. ^ a b Straczynski, J. Michael (Writer/Director/Creator/Executive Producer) (2007-07-31). Babylon 5: The Lost Tales – Voices in the Dark (One disc, 72 minutes) (in English [Subtitles: English]). Burbank, CA 91522: Warner Home Video. Event occurs at disc 1. ISBN 1-4198-4706-6. OCLC 124074396. ASIN B000PHX8RA, UPC 0 85391 12984 4, Wikipedia Babylon 5 TV film releases. Archived from the original (DVD [Video Object (VOB)], Region 1) on 2009-12-06. Retrieved 2009-12-06. Episodes: 'Over here' and 'Over there' {{cite AV media}}: External link in |location= (help)CS1 maint: location (link) CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  4. ^ Straczynski, J. Michael (09/25/94). "JMS's Answers & Info about Babylon 5". The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5. compiled and archived by Steven Grimm. Retrieved 2009-12-26. The full project -- artwork, screenplay, series bible, treatment and sample stories -- was shopped to several places, including Paramount in 1989. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |separator= ignored (help)
  5. ^ Straczynski, J. Michael (Writer); Cremin, Kevin G. (Director) (2003-08-12 [first worldwide airdate November 6, 1995]). Babylon 5: The Complete Third Season (Point of No Return) (Six disc set, 968 minutes) (in English [Subtitles: English, Français, and Español]). Burbank, CA 91522: Warner Home Video. Event occurs at disc 1, episode 01, time mark 23:40 "Matters of Honor". ISBN 0-7907-7610-3. OCLC 52825322. ASIN B00009OOFK, UPC 085392424320, Wikipedia Babylon 5 season releases. Archived from the original (DVD [Video Object (VOB)], Region 1) on 2009-12-04. Retrieved 2009-12-04. Conquer all the worlds you like, we won't bother you. {{cite AV media}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); External link in |location= (help)CS1 maint: location (link) CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  6. ^ King, Larry. (2008-08-09) "Where are the alien homeworlds?", Science Fiction Timeline Site, "We know that the Centauri Republic does not contain the Alpha Centauri system. Long ago, [Straczynski] claimed that the Centauri do not come from any star in the constellation Centaurus, but rather that's where humans 'met' them."
  7. ^ a b c King, Larry. (2008-08-09) "Planets of the Earth Alliance", Science Fiction Timeline Site
  8. ^ Deneb, Internet Stellar Database, 3 October 1999
  9. ^ "koreth", et. al. (from page metadata) (Updated Sun 19 Mar 2006 05:17:37 PM CST per metadata). "What effect have fans had?". The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5. compiled and archived by Steven Grimm. Retrieved 2009-12-27. The location of Babylon 5 is at Grid Epsilon 470,18,22 which corresponds to the original location of the Babylon 5 topic on GEnie... {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |separator= ignored (help)
  10. ^ ε Eridani at Wikisky
  11. ^ Straczynski, J. Michael (07 Sep 1996 22:36:54 -0700). "(War Without End): Vorlons in the Past". The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5. CompuServe, compiled and archived by Steven Grimm. Retrieved 2009-12-24. Yeah, B4 had more firepower, and it had one thing B5 doesn't...engines that can move it forward if necessary. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |separator= ignored (help); line feed character in |quote= at position 53 (help)
  12. ^ TYC 9010-4949-1 (Proxima Centauri) at Wikisky
  13. ^ King, Larry. (2008-08-09) "Where is Earth?", Science Fiction Timeline Site
  14. ^ Straczynski, J. Michael (16 Feb 1994). "Transfer point at Io". The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5. Usenet, compiled and archived by Steven Grimm. Retrieved 2009-12-24. The transfer point off Io is a Jump Gate, the one most generally used by Earthforce. jms (It's not on Io, it's on a station *off* Io.) {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |separator= ignored (help)
  15. ^ Russo, Christopher (Updated Sat 06 Nov 2004 06:21:18 PM CST per metadata) Galactic Timeline, Voltayre's Encyclopedia Xenobiologica
  16. ^ Straczynski, J. Michael (2004-07-13). "'Chrysalis' section JMS speaks". The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5. compiled and archived by Steven Grimm. Retrieved 2009-12-24. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |separator= ignored (help)
  17. ^ Helba, Mike (Updated Sun 22 Apr 2007 04:15:13 PM CDT per metadata) John Sheridan Character Profile, Worlds of JMS
  18. ^ Helba, Mike (Updated Sun 22 Apr 2007 04:15:08 PM CDT per metadata) Susan Ivanova Character Profile, Worlds of JMS
  19. ^ Straczynski, J. Michael (01-Mar-96 00:44:09). "PoNR [Point of No Return]". The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5. CompuServe, compiled and archived by Steven Grimm. Retrieved 2009-12-27. And yes, that was the Schwartzkopf. [Editor's note: Straczynski is not the only person who has difficulty spelling Schwarzkopf.] {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |separator= ignored (help)
  20. ^ Straczynski, J. Michael (2004-07-13). "'Point of No Return' section JMS speaks". The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5. compiled and archived by Steven Grimm. Retrieved 2009-12-27. Actually, only 3 were destroyed, the other two took off separately, trying to throw off a united pursuit. But you know how ISN's been lately... {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameters: |month= and |coauthors= (help); Unknown parameter |separator= ignored (help)
  21. ^ NASA (2009-05-11). "8379 Straczynski (1992 SW10)". JPL Small-Body Database Browser. Retrieved 2009-12-24. Named in honor of J. Michael Straczynski (b. 1954), creator, executive producer, and writer of Babylon 5, an award-winning science fiction novel for television that chronicles the story of the last of a series of space stations, the last best hope for peace in the galaxy. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |pmd= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)

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