This user is taking a wikibreak and may be away or inactive for varying periods of time.
Although he may occasionally be able to do some editing, messages left for him may not be replied to for a while.
He will be back on Wikipedia when school is over.
Alivemussel is busy in real life and may not respond swiftly to queries.
Alivemussel is taking a semi-wikibreak and will fully return to Wikipedia later.
I am Alivemussel, I am a man living in the cringe capital of the world. I do professional-ish spelling. I'll be here to spellcheck things.
I'll probably only do spellchecks, since I have no idea how to create articles for Wikipedia (just look at how bland my formatting is). I hope I can be of service :)
For semi-important things to talk about privately (e.g. to ask what I do, when I usually edit, etc.), please contact me at Discord:
Discord: jiiyou#0110
(Please do remember that I am a student, and pinging me horrendously will not help.)
For more important things (e.g. corrections to my work, announcements, etc.) use the talk page, I'll be happy to help.