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Dance Day[1]


Dance Day is also called International Dance Day or World Dance Day but Dance Day is most common - just like Mother’s Day. It is celebrated on the 29th of April every year since 1982 in all countries[2] of the world. The International Dance Council CID,[3] being the official global organization for all forms of dance, promotes and monitors celebrations.

Everyone is free to celebrate it in his/her own way – it is not limited to dance professionals. Dance Day does not belong to any organization or person. The International Dance Council CID does not claim any rights, although it established it together with other organizations. All forms of dance are celebrated, though some businesses have attempted to create their own Days for particular forms of dance, thereby confusing the public. Dance Day is on the 29th of April for all countries of the world, this is its power – there can be no national Dance Day.

The principal aim of Dane Day[4] is attracting attention to the art of dance[5]. It is celebrated by millions of dancers[6] around the globe. On that day, dance companies, dance schools, organizations and individuals, professionals as well as amateurs, organize an activity addressing an audience different from their usual one. It is an opportunity to propagate the practice of dance and its appreciation by the public.

The 29th of April sometimes coincides with a national or religious holiday – in that case it is celebrated by an event held a few days before or after. It can be a performance, a class, a workshop, an exhibition, a lecture, preferably outdoors, open to the public, at an original location[7]. There have been performances[8] or dance classes in factories, supermarkets or prisons, on board ships, in underground shelters or archeological sites. Journalists and television crews are invited to cover them.

Dance Day preparations


On the 29th of April, as every year since 1982, the official Dance Day will be celebrated all over the world by millions of dancers. It is an initiative of the International Dance Council CID, UNESCO.

We have prepared the following guidelines as a checklist for persons active in the wider field of dance: teachers, choreographers, group leaders, journalists, researchers, associations, suppliers, organizations etc.


The main purpose of Dance Day events is to attract the attention of the wider public to the art of dance. Emphasis should be given to addressing a new public, people who do not follow dance events during the course of the year.


Dance Day events may be special performances, open-door classes, public rehearsals, lectures, exhibitions, articles in newspapers and magazines, dance evenings, radio and TV programs, visits, street shows, parades, shop window decorations etc.


Events are primarily organized by dance companies, amateur groups, schools, associations and other institutions active in dance. Wherever possible, it is better for events to be organized jointly with a non-dance institution such as a government agency, a public school, a municipality, a business enterprise, a trade union.


Organizers have full freedom to define the content of the event.

Make sure that you include general information on the art of dance, its history, its importance to society, its universal character. This can be done in a short speech, a note in the program, a text distributed to those present. By adding this dimension you make the event different from dance activities taking place any other day.

Read a message from a prominent personality, a poem, a passage from a text by a famous author.


In order to achieve maximum success, it is important that preparations start early enough.

It is imperative to inform the press and generally the media about your event.

Notify an organization holding a central position at regional or national level, which should publish a list of events planned for Dance Day.

Entrance to events should preferably be free, or by invitation. Invite persons who do not normally attend dance events.


At best, events should take place in “new” places, such as streets, parks, squares, shops, factories, villages, discotheques, schools, stadiums etc.

By setting the event in original surroundings you stress the fact that this is an event dedicated to the universal family of dancers.

Ideas for Dance Day


Every year, millions of dancers around the globe celebrate World Dance Day on 29 April. Initiated in 1982 and coordinated by CID, it is not linked to any particular form of dance.

Further to our documents “Dance Day Preparations” and the “Annual Official Message”, here is a list of ideas for this special day. We want to make sure that more and more persons on the planet will practice dance, watch dance or think dance.

1. Performances

Stage a performance, not as you would have presented another day, but a different one: change the content of the performance, or the venue, or the way you advertise it, or the persons who execute it.

2. Classes

Teach in a different way: hold non-stop open-door classes, teach to new people (very young, very old, impaired, passers-by etc.), in new locations (kindergarten, supermarket, factory, prison, hospital, ship, barracks etc.).

3. Lectures

Explain dance: people are used to watching dance or dancing themselves, but they very rarely think dance. Tell them about it, or invite speakers from various areas (historians, writers, journalists, painters, musicians, politicians, religious etc.) to speak about dance.

4. Exhibitions

You can exhibit collections of costumes, photographs, accessories, postcards, postage stamps, posters, books, works by your dancers, your students etc.

5. Articles

Write an article and send it for publication to a magazine or a newspaper. Ask a journalist to write an article with you, presenting your work and your ideas. Write a poem; make a blog; use social media to circulate news, photos, videos.

6. Programs

Cooperate with a TV or radio station to produce a program.

7. Parades

Parades are very popular and mobilize crowds to watch. There are of three kinds: a) Ensembles advance more or less continuously while dancing. b) They dance for a few minutes, then they advance all together, then they dance again, c) They dance on platforms drawn by cars. Sections of the CID cooperate with municipalities to organize parades or other events.

8. Decorations

Public places are decorated around the theme of dance. Private places too, such as shop windows or building fronts – you can ask shop owners to take part in a competition for the best decoration.

9. UNESCO open policy

Dance Day is open to all, there is no copyright, no exclusivity, no priorities.

Members of the CID pioneer in celebrating, all others are encouraged to follow.

DD is addressed to all: dancers and non-dancers, amateur and professional, young and old, private business companies as well as public institutions and agencies.

Program of Dance Day celebrations


Every physical or moral person, whether connected to dance or not, is free to celebrate Dance Day; the International Dance Council CID claims no copyright to it. For more visibility and better promotion it is advisable to have someone coordinate events and inform the public.

The CID Section of the city is the official coordinator of events celebrating Dance Day. In case there is no CID Section yet, an individual (person) or an institutional member (dance school or company) of the CID undertakes the role of coordinator. Coordinating does not entail entering into the content of any event but simply taking care of general matters, especially establishing the program and distributing it.


Circulate a table (spreadsheet, Microsoft Word or Excel) with the following columns.

1. Number

Number of event, for easy reference.

2. Location

Square, crossroads, street & number, park, hall, stadium or other venue where the event takes place.

3. Time

Starting time, eventually also finishing time of the performance.

4. Dance

Type of dance, for example: ballet, Oriental, ballroom, folk, tango, hip hop, acrobatic.

5. Ensemble

Name of dance school, company, duo, solo performer.

6. Contact

Contact details of the above ensemble: website, phone, email.

7. Notes

Any useful information on the performance (name of choreographer, sponsor, title of choreography, description etc.).


Provide also:

a) Contact details of the coordinator of Dance Day events, especially mobile phone number.

b) Website or Facebook page of the CID Section

c) Official Dance Day website: https://danceday.cid-world.org/

d) List of cooperating media (TV stations, newspapers, radio stations etc.)

e) List of sponsors

d) Text with general information, for example: the spirit of Dance Day, history of celebrations in the city, translation of the official message by CID, the importance of dance for society etc.

The truth about Dance Day - Clarification


  Here is the truth about Dance Day (DD in short) by the official organization for Dance, the International Dance Council CID.

1.  Some call it International Dance Day or World Dance Day but Dance Day is most common – just like Mother’s Day.

2.  DD is not related to any particular choreographer or any particular form of dance – this makes its strength.

3. DD does not belong to any organization or any person. CID only monitors events and promotes DD but does not claim any rights, although it established it together with other organizations in 1982.

4.  DD is for all forms of dance – there is no reason to have Tango Day or Ballet Day or …

5.  DD is on 29 April for all countries of the world, this is its beauty – there can be no national Dance Day.

6.  Everyone is free to celebrate DD in his/her own way – it is not limited to dance professionals.

7.  All are equal in celebrating. Ignore attempts to play a leading role or claim rights on DD.

The official message


1.  The official message for Dance Day is sent to dance professionals in 200 countries. Translate the message to your language, post it online, send it to the media. Find guidelines for your own celebration as well as previous DD messages at www.DanceDay.CID-world.org

2.  Dance Day, every year on 29 April, established in 1982 and monitored by CID, aims at attracting attention to the art of dance. It is celebrated by millions of dancers around the Globe. On that day dance professionals organize an event addressing an audience different from their usual one.


  1. ^ "Dance Day official website – a program of the International Dance Council CID at UNESCO, the official organization for Dance world wide". Retrieved 2024-09-27.
  2. ^ "International Dance Day - Awareness Days Events Calendar 2024". Retrieved 2024-09-28.
  3. ^ "International Dance Council – CID UNESCO". Retrieved 2024-09-27.
  4. ^ "Celebrate Dance Day – International Dance Council". Retrieved 2024-09-28.
  5. ^ "2019 AHSA World Dance Day". WeSFBay. 2019-05-25. Retrieved 2024-09-28.
  6. ^ Cherian, Liju (2018-04-06). "Traditional Oman dances for global show". Oman Observer. Retrieved 2024-09-28.
  7. ^ "News – Dance Day official website". 2020-04-29. Retrieved 2024-09-28.
  8. ^ Whispers, Above (2016-04-29). "Promotion of Dance Day by the International Dance Council". AboveWhispers. Retrieved 2024-09-28.
































