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User:Barbara (WVS)/draft/Signpost/humor

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

April Fool's Challenge

Hamster racing

Tractor racing

File:Professional Hamster Racing Track.jpg

Eveyrthing about hamsters is funny

Professional Hamster Racing
A mouse in green hamster ball

Longest Words in the English Language

Antidisestablishmentarianism (word)

I'm glad to say that there are others in the 'movement' who have discovered the irony of so many things related to WM projects. Here are some examples from Meta Wiki:

"If I Were an Admin" (lyrics should be sung to the tune of 'If I were a Rich Man'.

Juicy Talk pages

  • This is a talk page discussion that started off with "How can an article be related to computer science while it also concerns itself with all aspects of computer science. That would make the article tagged completely and specifically about computer science. I doubt that is the intention. Certainely, those articles are not "concerning all aspects of computer science." The Haskell language, for example, is not concerned with all aspects of computer science. The article itself is "within" "all aspects of computer science." There are other articles that are just about a part of CS and not all aspects of CS." It is unfathomable that this editor was eventually blocked for being the such a dork.

puzzle key

What's not cool on Wikipedia


This or this

Wow, just the image makes me itch

funny maybe

A soldier stomping his foot to put out the fire rising up his leg during military fire-phobia training


Mongolian death worm

facitesemitasaphobia with opertisiphobia

WikiProject Med has an interesting problem to solve. Lots of good faith editors must actually be afflicted with these fears because articles on phobias continue to be created. The idea being discussed now is requiring good medical references to these articles that prove that each phobia is a real, documented malady instead of fabrications that appear in this article.

You see, you can actually create an article about the fear of anything if you just put the latin prefex in front of the noun or verb, sometimes even an adjective. this is then followed by the suffix -'phobia' You can probably already see where this article is going.

We all have phobias resulting in disabilities relating to what we are scared of. I'm thinking that we should all have a fear of wandering out on to the freeway (or toll road here in PA) blindfolded. This is facitesemitasaphobia and not enough opertisiphobia.

I realize it is beyond the purpose of WP to actually provide medical treatment. But what if all the scary things that have articles about them were illustrated with huge images that have been digitally altered to appear three dimensional so that the image desensitization had a part in the healing of sufferers from these debilitating conditions? The first time the user (or IP user and all their sox), loads the page the image is very small. The caption would read, "A small image of one of your your greatest nightmares."

For example - arachniphobia, the fear of spiders. Then there is the treatment of arachniphobia - Arachnicide

or Aquaphobia hydrophobia, a fear of water which is, interestingly, a sign of rabies infection in humans.

I'm all in favor making policies consistent and so I wonder out loud -"well spiders get the respect they deserve, why not other arachnids?

[null Xiphosurida]phobia - the fear of horseshoe crabs and

we all have this one:

pediculushumanusaphobia - the fear of catching body lice, it gives me the shivers

Using latin and precidence, another bunch of articles exist.

What about revamping all of western culture and fabricate phobias to encourage folks from continuing in their destructive behaviors, perhaps intilling phobias could solve most our problems. Fan the flames of our terrors. Inducing psychosis could have many benefits;

get people to stop smoking (and reduce the resulting high premiums included in my insurance plan) by afflicting them with:

fumiferiphobia plan: create the article with people dying from lung cancer

The philias I'm not quite as insightful when it comes to things that you're really not afraid of, but instead are really, really fond of:

List of people who have been pied