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Kyzylorda (until June 17, 1997 Kyzyl-Orda, Kyzyl-Orda, Perovsk, AK-Mosque, Kazakh: (Kyzylorda ) is a city in Kazakhstan, the administrative center of Kyzylorda region.

A population of 270 thousand people (2015), with the adjacent towns and villages live 380 thousand people (2015)

The city was founded in 1820 under the name of AK-Mosque — as a fortress of Kokand khanate. It is located on both banks of the Syr Darya, 830 km southwest of Nursultan. Railway station, airport. The city administration subordinated to the towns Tasboget, Belkol and Kyzylzharma, Akzharma (POS IIAs), the Mahanbet village (the village of Kirov).



Kyzylorda is the modern name of the city in Russian.

Since the founding of Kokand in 1820 and before the capture of Russian troops led by General Perovsky in 1852, the Fort was called AK-Mosque (AK-Meshit). The same name was officially worn by the city from 1922 to 1925.

Fort Perovsky since 1862, with the acquisition of the status of the city was called Perovsk by the name of General Perovsky.

Since 1925, the city was officially called Kzyl-Orda (in honor of the red army, translated into Russian means "red army").

Since 1997, the city has been named after Kyzylorda.


Кkarl brullov. "Portrait of the adjutant General count Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky", 1837

Since 1867, the County town of Perovsk Syrdarya region, the center of the County. Elementary schools were opened, a brick factory, windmills, workshops and shops began to work.

After the commissioning of the Orenburg — Tashkent railway in 1905, a railway station and a depot were built in the city.

30 October 1917 in Perovsk was established power the Soviets.

In 1925, the city was renamed Kzyl-Orda, from Orenburg here was moved the capital of the Kazakh Autonomous Republic as part of the RSFSR, in 1927 moved to Alma-ATA.

In the 1930s-1940s, the population of the region and the city increased significantly due to immigrants from other parts of the USSR: political exiles, deported poles from Western Ukraine and Belarus, Germans, Koreans from Primorye, the peoples of the Crimea and the North Caucasus, evacuees from the regions captured by Germany.

In the 1960-70s, together with the pulp and cardboard, mechanical, rice factories and Shoe factory there were such residential areas as the villages of Gagarin, Titov. In the same years created the trust "Gavrilovskoe". In 1980-90-ies on the current Abai Avenue, the streets of A. tokmagambetov, Zheltoksan appeared beautiful buildings and houses. Built in those years, the neighborhood Akmechet, Merey, the administrative building of the company "Yuzhkazneftegaz", a diagnostic center, a new large hospital complex even more decorated the city.

On June 17, 1997 by the decree of the President of Kazakhstan the transcription of the name of the city was changed from Kzyl-Orda to Kyzylorda, and the name of the region — from Kzyl-Orda to Kyzylorda.

In the second half of the 1990s, the city communications, roads, a number of houses were repaired; new squares were laid out.



Until 1897, the population mainly consisted of citizens of the Kokand khanate.

According to the 1897 census, there were 5,058 inhabitants (3,122 men and 1,936 women) in the city of Petrovsk.

Population distribution by mother tongue in 1897 Kazakhs — 44,6 %, Russians — 13,7 %, Sarty, At 27.3 %, Tatars — 8,5 %.

In Russian Perovsky district in 1897 there lived 133 663 people, the distribution of the population by native language was as follows[6]: Kazakhs — 97.5 %, Russians — 0.78 %, Sartas — 1.08 %, Tatars — 0.38 %, and in Kazaly district as a whole in 1897 there lived 140 541 people, the distribution of the population by native language was as follows[6]: Kazakhs — 96.7 %, Russians — 2 %, Sartas — 0.34 %, Tatars — 0.46 %, Tajiks — 0.34 %.

In Kyzylorda in Soviet times was one of the regional centers of Kazakhstan along with Guryev where the Kazakh population has always been the majority.

Since the end of 1980-ies was the emigration of non-Kazakh population of the city to their historical Homeland in Russia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Ukraine, and the influx of the Kazakh population from rural areas and small towns of the region.

The population of the city is now

As of January 2015. The total population is 268 908 people, the absolute majority of them are Kazakhs — 248 283 (92.33 %) . The rest Russians — 9 980 (3,71 %) , Koreans — 6 151 (2,29 %), Tatars — 1 260 (0,47 %) , Chechens — 403 , Ukrainians — 218, Turks — 196.

Administrative division

  1. Akzhar rural district Aksuat rural district Kosynierzy rural district Karatobe rural district Kyzylzhar rural district Kyzyl Ozek rural district Tassuat rural district

Economy, culture


The most important industrial enterprises: pulp and cardboard (closed), building materials, house-building plants, footwear, clothing and knitting factories (closed); food industry.

Since the mid-1980s, the region has been actively developing oil and gas production: "PetroKazakhstan Kumkol resources" (former. "Hurricane Kumkol Munai"), "Turgai petroleum", LLP "JV Kazgermunai" LLP, KuatAmlonMunai, NC "KOR", JSC "CNPC-AI-Dan Munai", LLP "BIS" and others. In October 2010, the construction of the Kyzylorda — Kumkol highway (Karaganda region), which lasted (intermittently) since 1989, was completed.

In the vicinity of the city there is a developed agriculture — rice and melon fields. But, despite the more or less developed agriculture, at least half of the residents of the city are forced to engage in self-employment, for example - trade (purchase and sale) in the markets of the city, due to the weak industry of the city, or even the absence as such on a significant scale for the employment of the population of the city.


  • Kyzylorda regional music and drama theatre. N. Bekezhanova. Historical Museum. A Bicycle marathon in honor of Anuar abutalipov Is held in Kyzylorda


  • Korkyt ATA Kyzylorda state University[kk] University "Bolashak" Technical-humanitarian Institute "Amest" Agrotechnical College Higher College named after Abylai Khan Medical college Pedagogical college Kyzylorda College of music named Kazangap Tlepbergenova Kazakh humanitarian law and technical College (Kazguu) Medical College "Bolashak" Medical College "Orkeniet"





The city stretches for over 10 km along the Syr Darya river (the water level of about 123 m above sea level, the river width of 150-200 m, depth 2-5 m) and located on the subhorizontal alluvial plain with absolute marks 125-135 m; along the river the height of the cliffs reaches 5-7 m. the Whole area occupied by the valley of the Syr Darya river; the river is unnavigable, with lots of sleeves and about of which heavily regulated and used to irrigate the fields) and the adjacent sand areas and takyrs. The river is rich in fish. The riverbed is unstable, often moves, forming new channels and lakes-oxbow lakes, filled with water in the spring and drying up at the end of summer. The flood is long — from September to March. The river freezes in December, opens in February-March. A significant part of the surrounding area is occupied by rice crops (flooded with water). From the East and South at a distance of 1-5 km from the city there are separate massifs of ridge-bumpy fixed Sands (height of ridges 2-8 m).

The climate is continental, with low rainfall (especially in summer), lots of Sunny days; summer is long and hot, winter is pretty frosty and with strong winds (snow cover is low, in many winters with frequent thaws — unstable).

Plant zone: sagebrush-baluchova (North) desert. Soil: growing desert interspersed with salt marshes, on the banks of the river in some places marshy-alluvial.

In the floodplain of the river and on the Islands are common thickets of thorny shrubs and trees 3-7 m high (tugai), there are significant areas of meadow vegetation. In depressions, pour the waste liquid in the rice fields, and along creeks, ditches and channels, and abundantly grow the rushes with a height of 5 m. vegetation consists of Desert shrubs (tamarisk, Calligonum) up to 2 m, shrubs (Balic, the beds are covered, wormwood) up to 0.5 m and herbs (camel thorn). Grass cover in the desert is sparse, green is only in the spring, by the beginning of June the grass burns out..

The city is poorly landscaped — mostly grass cover is negligible, there are a large number of trees (elm, poplar, ash, Jida, tamarisk, willow, apricot, cherry, peach, pear) 3-10 m high; in the summer irrigation of green spaces is carried out by means of stationary irrigation systems (cascade pipes) and water ditches (ditches).

The climate of the city is transitional from continental temperate zone to subtropical continental.

  1. Kusherbayev, itbi Lewowicz (may 2005 — 7 Nov 2005) Ongarbayev, Imamudin Zakirovich (November 7, 2005 — February 15, 2007) Kozhaniyazov, Serik salavatovich (15 February 2007 — June 2008) The yergeshbaev, Murat Algosaibi (July 2008 — June 2010) Zhaiymbetov, Markhabat Zhaiymbetov (June 2010 — February 2013) Nalibayev, Nurlybek Mashbekovich (since February 14, 2013)

Sister cities

  • Aktau Orenburg Nukus Zarafshan Uchkuduk Ghazli



Kazakh SSR

modern Russian name on "Atlas of the world", — M.: PKO "Cartography" Federal Agency of geodesy and cartography of the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation: ed. "Onyx" ISBN 5-85120-243-2 (cartography)

AK-Mechet // Military encyclopedia : [in T. 18] / ed. by V. F. Novitsky [and others]. — SPb. ; [M] : Type. t-VA I. D. Sytina, 1911-1915.

Prosecutor's office of the city of Kyzyl-Orda of Kyzylorda region. kzl.prokuror.kz. Accessed January 27, 2017.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 17, 1997 № 3550 "On changes in the administrative and territorial structure of Aktobe, West Kazakhstan, Kzyl-Orda and Kustanay regions»


according to the TSB

"Modern explanatory dictionary": ed. "Great Soviet encyclopedia", 1997

City & town of Kazakhstan (eng.).  pop-stat.mashke.org. Date accessed 29 March 2016.

The construction of the road from Kyzylorda to the Kumkol oil field has been completed

the official website of KSU.Korkyt-ATA

official website of the College.Abylai Khan

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  • Kyzylorda region (official website) Map of Kyzylorda and Kyzylorda (official interactive geoportal) the city of Kyzylorda (the official site) The history of the city of Kyzylorda Kyzylorda region (website) Coat of arms of Perovsk of 1909 Perovsk / / Encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron : 86 tons (82 tons) and 4 balls.). - SPb.- M.: publishing house of KAZ. AK-Mosque (Kazakhstan) / / Kazakhstan. National encyclopedia. — Almaty: publishing house of KSU them. Al-Farabi, 2004. — T. I.-ISBN 9965-9389-9-7.

[[Category:Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015]] [[Category:Kyzylorada]] [[Category:The former capital of Kazakhstan]] [[Category:Cities of Syr Darya]] [[Category:Regional centers of Kazakhstan]] [[Category:Russian military fortifications]]