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Byzantine Empire


Traditional duration of Byzantine history: 330–1453
Centuries: 4th - 5th - 6th - 7th - 8th - 9th - 10th - 11th - 12th - 13th - 14th -


4th century

Year Date Event Significance
330 Consecration of the city of Second Rome, better known as Constantinople, on the site of ancient Byzantium Traditional start date of Byzantine history.
395 Death of Theodosius I Permanent division of the Empire in eastern and western halves.

5th century

Year Date Event Significance
410 Rome is captured by the Visigoths under Alaric I
428 The Vandals begin conquest of North Africa
474 17 November Death of Leo II. His father and co-emperor Zeno becomes sole ruler
476 The last Western Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustus, is deposed by Odoacer Conventional ending date of the Western Roman Empire.
491 11 April Anastasius I is chosen as her husband and emperor by the Augusta Ariadne
492–497 Isaurian Revolt
493 Ostrogothic Kingdom founded in Italy by Theodoric.

6th century

Year Date Event Significance

7th century

Year Date Event Significance
602 November Usurpation of Phocas, beginning of the Byzantine-Sassanid War of 602-628 Beginning of a period of troubles
608–610 Revolt of Heraclius against Phocas
614 Persians conquer Jerusalem, Slavs take Salona
619–620 Sassanid conquest of Egypt
622 Heraclius carries the war from the Caucasus into Persia
626 Failed Avar-Persian siege of Constantinople
628 Battle of Ninevi, Heraclius defeats the Persians
636 Decisive Arab victory at the Battle of Yarmuk Collapse of Byzantine field army, irreversible loss of Syria
641 Constans II ascends the throne
642 Alexandria falls to the Arabs Completion of the Muslim conquest of Egypt
655 Decisive Arab naval victory at the Battle of the Masts End of the undisputed Byzantine hegemony over the Mediterranean.
667 First mention of a theme
668 Constantine IV ascends the throne, against the usurpation of Saborios
668–669 First Arab expedition against Constantinople. The Arab troops reach Chalcedon.
674–678 First Arab Siege of Constantinople is repelled
681 Sixth Ecumenical Council condemns Monotheletism
681 Establishment of a Bulgar state south of the Danube is recognized It will become the Empire's major European antagonist in the centuries to come.
685 Justinian II ascends the throne
692 Quinisext Council
695 Usurpation of Leontios and exile of Justinian II Beginning of twenty years of instability.
697–698 Arabs capture Carthage and repel Byzantine attempts to recover it End of the [{Exarchate of Ravenna]], the Maghreb is opened up to the Muslims.

8th century

Year Date Event Significance

9th century

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10th century

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11th century

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12th century

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13th century

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14th century

Year Date Event Significance
1341–1347 Civil war between John VI Kantakouzenos and the Regents of John V Palaiologos Exhaustion of the Byzantine state. Establishment of the Serbian Empire by Stefan Dushan, who seizes Macedonia and Albania
1348 The Black Death arrives at Byzantium Heavy death toll, Serbs take depopulated Epirus and Thessaly

15th century

Year Date Event Significance
1402 July 20 Heavy Ottoman defeat at the Battle of Ankara Weakening of the Ottoman state results in a half-century lease of life for Byzantium
1453 May 29 Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans End of the Byzantine Empire
1460 Ottoman conquest of the Despotate of the Morea
1461 Ottoman conquest of the Empire of Trebizond

[[Category:Historical timelines|Byzantine Empire]] [[Category:History of the Byzantine Empire]]

Greek War of Independence



Date Event
19 March The Congress of Laibach receives news of Ypsilantis' revolt
23 March Kalamata falls to the Greeks. The revolution is proclaimed at Patras
27 March Salona falls to the Greeks
10 April Execution of Patriarch Gregory V in Constantinople
23–24 April Battle of Alamana
8 May The Battle of Gravia Inn stops Ottoman troops from advancing to the Peloponnese
12–13 May Greek victory at the Battle of Valtetsi. The Greek blockade around Tripolitsa holds.
18 May Battle of Doliana
26 May Founding of the Peloponnesian Senate at Kaltetza
14 June The revolution spreads to Crete
19 June Decisive Ottoman victory at the Battle of Dragashani ends the revolt in the Danubian Principalities
9 July Execution of the Archbishop of Cyprus and several other prelates
23 September Fall of Tripolitsa cements the Greek revolt in the Peloponnese
4–9 November Convention at Messolonghi, establishment of the Senate of Western Continental Greece
13 November Fall of Arta to the Souliots
15–20 November Assembly of Salona, establishment of the Areopagus of Eastern Continental Greece
20 December Beginning of the First National Assembly at Epidaurus


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[[Category:Historical timelines|Greek War of Independence]] [[Category:Greek War of Independence]]