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Haemodorum (Bloodroot) is a genus of plants found in Australia and Papua New Guinea. They are related to the Kangaroo Paws. Plants in this genus are known to be a source of dyes for woven materials such as Pandanus baskets, mats or string bags.



A genus of perennial herbs, 20-100cm high, basal leaves, often strap-like. Long erect inflorescences, most have red or orange flowers. Bulbous rootstock. Leaves often die back in cooler months.



Found in Western Australia, the Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Tasmania and Papua New Guinea.



H. austroqueenslandicum
H. brevicaule
H. brevisepalum
H. coccineum
H. corymbosum
H. discolor
H. distichophyllum
H. ensifolium
H. flaviflorum
H. gracile
H. laxum
H. leptostachyum
H. loratum
H. paniculatum
H. parviflorum
H. planifolium
H. simplex
H. simulans
H. sparsiflorum
H. spicatum
H. subvirens
H. tenuifolium
H. venosum



