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User:DReifGalaxyM31/Daredevil quotes

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Marvel's Daredevil, or simply Daredevil, is an American web television series developed by Drew Goddard with Steven S. DeKnight, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name.

Season 1


Into The Ring [1.01]

[first scene of the series: Matt Murdock goes to confession]
Matt Murdock: Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It's been, uh…it's been too long since my last confession. My dad, he used to come to this church back when I was a kid. He was a fighter. Old school. Boxer. Lost more than he won. Had a 24-31 record before he, uh… But he could take a punch. Jesus, he could take a punch.
Father Lantom: Language.
Matt Murdock: Sorry, Father. Yeah... Guys he went up against used to say it was like hitting oak. And nights when he was outmatched, my dad's strategy was to let 'em hit him 'till they broke their hands. Never got knocked out, my dad. Knocked down, sure, but he, uh, always got back up. He was always on his feet when he lost. Every now and then, though, uh… Every now and then, he'd get hit and something inside him would snap. My grandmother… She was the real Catholic. Fear of God ran deep. You'd have liked her. She used to say, "Be careful of the Murdock boys. They got the devil in 'em." And you'd see it sometimes in the ring. His eyes would go dead… and he'd start walking forward real slow, hands at his sides like he wasn't afraid of anything. And the other guy, he'd see that look, and he'd try to get away from him. Nah. My dad, he'd catch him and trap him in a corner. Let the devil out. Yeah. Now, I didn't understand it, you know? What he was feeling deep inside, I didn't understand it. Not back then.
Father Lantom: But you understand it now? Perhaps this would be easier if you tell me what you've done.
Matt Murdock: I'm not seeking penance for what I've done, Father. I'm asking forgiveness…for what I'm about to do.
Father Lantom: That's not how this works. What exactly are you about to do?
[Matt doesn't respond]

Susan Harris: [telling Foggy about the future offices Nelson and Murdock] You've got a reception area, a conference room and two offices. [Matt enters behind them] Corner suite has a view of the Hudson, you can flip a coin with your partner for it.
Matt Murdock: Uh, he can have the view.
Susan Harris: [turns, realizes Matt is blind] I'm so sorry! I didn't...
Matt Murdock: [smiles] Of course not.
Susan Harris: Susan Harris, Midtown Property Solution. [sticks her hand out]
Matt Murdock: Matt Murdock. [Susan remembers he can't see her hand and pulls it back, curtsying awkwardly]
Foggy Nelson: She just curtsied. It was adorable.

[debating whether to take Karen Page as their first client]
Foggy Nelson: All right, I'm just gonna say this once and we can move on. You don't necessarily show the best judgment when beautiful women are involved.
Matt Murdock: How would I even know if she's a beautiful woman?
Foggy Nelson: I don't know. It's kinda spooky, actually! But if there's a stunning woman with questionable character in the room, Matt Murdock's gonna find her and Foggy Nelson is gonna suffer.

[Matt and Foggy show up at an interrogation room where Karen is being held for questioning]
Karen Page: Who the hell are you guys?
Matt Murdock: I'm Matt. He's Foggy. [Foggy smiles and nods]
Karen Page: Who sent you?
Matt Murdock: No one sent us.
Karen Page: So…what? You're a couple of good Samaritans? Today's just my lucky day?
Foggy Nelson: [shrugs] I…bribed the desk sergeant with a box of cigars. For his mom.
Matt Murdock: Our practice is relatively young, Ms. Page, and we are aggressively pursuing new clientele. [to Foggy] Stop giving Bess cigars.
Foggy Nelson: She likes to smoke, man. It's a free country.
Karen Page: How long have you been practicing law?
Matt Murdock: What time is it?
Foggy Nelson: It's 12:22 AM.
Matt Murdock: About seven hours.
Foggy Nelson: Well, if you go from when we passed the bar...
Matt Murdock: I was going from when we got our own desks.
Foggy Nelson: Oh, then, yeah. Seven hours.

Leland Owlsley: Heroes and their consequences are why we have our current opportunities.

Cut Man [1.02]

[Karen is unpacking things for her desk at Nelson & Murdock. Foggy is in his office singing loudly and off-key]
Karen Page: Oh, you know I'm still here! Right? [Foggy opens his door. Karen waves meekly]
Foggy Nelson: Could you, could you hear me just now? [beat]
Karen Page: Nope!
Foggy Nelson: The correct answer is "Yes, and you sound amazing!"
Karen Page: Well, of the two lies, I took the lesser!
Foggy Nelson: I thought you went home. What are you still doing here?
Karen Page: Uh, I could ask you the same.
Foggy Nelson: Yes, but I am a partner at a prestigious law firm with very important documents needing to be documented so we can start generating some revenue, while you are....also very integral in your own special menage--[Karen laughs] I dug myself in too deep and I can't climb out.
Karen Page: You need a hand with that?
Foggy Nelson: Please.
Karen Page: Ooooh! Not. Gonna. Happen!
Foggy Nelson: Seriously, what are you still doing here?
Karen Page: I have work to do.
Foggy Nelson: What work? We don't have any clients yet.
Karen Page: Well, your shit's not gonna unpack itself!
Foggy Nelson: [taps the box on Karen's desk] This box of vital import will be here in the morning. I mean, you should be out having a life! Doing poppers and...flapper dancing! I don't know what kids do these days.
Karen Page: We're the same age, Foggy.
Foggy Nelson: So you're saying I shouldn't be here? [Karen giggles] Fair enough. But I'm on for it, and unfashionable. Those things don't seem to apply to you. [long silence]
Karen Page: I just don't feel like going home. Okay?
Foggy Nelson: Well we can't stay here. Not enough money in the can to keep the lights on after midnight.

Josie: [to Karen] You could do so much better, love.
Foggy Nelson: Thank you, Josie, but this is my employee for your information, and we are not on a date. [Looks at Karen] Are we on a date?
Karen Page: Definitely not.
Foggy Nelson: Okay, good because I was starting to worry you might be in love with me. What other explanation could there be? You hang around my office all day.
Karen Page: Well, I'm your secretary, Foggy.
Foggy Nelson: You refuse to leave. You're always at your desk.
Karen Page: I'm a good secretary!
Foggy Nelson: No. You gaze at me lovingly when you think I'm not looking. [Karen laughs] What? You might. How would I know? I'm not looking.

Karen Page: I don't see the city anymore. All that I see are its dark corners. I look around this room and all that I see are threats.

Claire Temple: I found a man who needed help, so I helped him.
Matt Murdock: Oh yeah? That simple?
Claire Temple: [glances at unconscious Russian] Do you really want to get into this in front of him?
Matt Murdock: He's out.
Claire Temple: Maybe he's faking.
Matt Murdock: [listens] He's not.
Claire Temple: Okay, that right there? That's what I'm talking about. Okay, I find a guy in a dumpster who turns out to be some kind of blind vigilante who can do all of this really weird shit like smell cologne through walls and sense whether someone's unconscious or faking it. Slap on top of that, he can take an unbelievable amount of punishment without one damn complaint.
Matt Murdock: The last part's the Catholicism.

Jack Murdock: [into his wife's answering machine] Hey, it's, uh, it's me. I'm about to go do something. Well I'm about to go be me. You know better than anybody that doesn't always go so well. I don't know how this is gonna go, but if I were a betting man, Matty's gonna need you. More than ever. Look after him, okay? And I know what I'm asking here, but he's a good kid. He sure as hell didn't get that from me. So It's better this way. Just once, I want Matty to hear people cheer for his old man. Just once.

Jack Murdock: Sometimes even when you get knocked down, you can still win.

Claire Temple: So, what? I'm supposed to take it on faith I'm on the right side of this?
Matt Murdock: You don't carry a masked man bleeding to death into your apartment on faith. You knew which side you were on the moment you found me. Why'd you help me, Claire?
Claire Temple: I'm a nurse. Work the ER at Metro-General. A few weeks ago, cops bring in three men. Said they were robbing tourists, beating them up pretty bad. Apparently, a man in a black mask took issue with their activities and decided to step in. I counted nine broken bones between them. A few days after that, EMTs bring in a 19-year-old waitress, said some guy she knew waited for her after work in the parking lot, attacked her tried to drag her in the alley. She said she screamed and screamed, and a man in a black mask heard her and he saved her life. So, yeah, word's getting around. And I want to believe in what you're doing.

Matt Murdock: We're gonna need help carrying Detective Foster to the roof.
Claire Temple: What the hell are we going to the roof for?
Matt Murdock: Less chance of someone in the building hearing him scream.

Karen Page: I needed this. I really needed this. But it's late, and we should go home.
Foggy Nelson: Are you kidding me? After what you told me, I'm never going home again. Men are waiting in the dark corners of this world to prey on us.

Rabbit In A Snowstorm [1.03]

[Karen is in early at Nelson & Murdock, reading a summons from Union Allied's lawyers. She looks up when Foggy walks in, looking disheveled and hung over]
Foggy Nelson: You know the whole "let's stay out all night" thing?
Karen Page: [hastily stashes the papers in her purse] Yeah.
Foggy Nelson: How about next time, we skip the part with the eel?
Karen Page: Deal.
Foggy Nelson: Hey, what do you think about getting a sign on the door? [points to the temporary paper sign over their front door]
Karen Page: Well you've got a sign.
Foggy Nelson: A real one.
Karen Page: [scoffs] You should get some clients first.
Foggy Nelson: Just one little sign! What could it cost?
Karen Page: But you can barely afford to pay me!
Foggy Nelson: I thought you were working for free.
Karen Page: [smiles] I—I did! For a day!

Matt Murdock: What is that line of work exactly?
Foggy Nelson: What my partner is trying to say is we're still building a practice, so we're very particular about our clientele.
James Wesley: I assure you, all my employer wants is for you to continue to be ethical, decent men--good lawyers. And for that, for nothing more than your exceptional skills and your discretion... you'll be fairly compensated. [Wesley passes a check to Foggy. Foggy looks at the amount]
Foggy Nelson: Uh-huh. It's... It's fair. That's... That's fair.
James Wesley: Your partner doesn't seem convinced.
Matt Murdock: Like Foggy said, we're particular about our clientele. [A smile flickers across Wesley's face. He glances at Karen]
James Wesley: I'm curious about your... clientele. Do they all end up working for you after you get them off for murder or just the pretty ones? [Karen glares at him]
Matt Murdock: [to Karen] You, uh, give us a minute, please?

[Ellison walks into Ben Urich's office while Ben is on the phone with his insurance company]
Mitchell Ellison: Insurance talk? [Ben buries his face in his hands] That's the worst. I remember, with my kids and the dentist....
Ben Urich: Yeah.
Mitchell Ellison: Yeah. You got a minute? Talk about next week's spread?
Ben Urich: Already working on it.
Mitchell Ellison: Another organized crime thing?
Ben Urich: All of Hell's Kitchen. There's a new player on the scene. No one knows who it is, or what they want. Everybody's scrambling.
Mitchell Ellison: Your assignment's the City desk, Ben.
Ben Urich: This is the city! [gets up from his desk] No one else is on this yet! I'm the only one who sees it.
Mitchell Ellison: It's not sexy.
Ben Urich: We're a newspaper, Ellison. Not a girly mag.
Mitchell Ellison: You know that's not what I meant, and nobody calls them that anymore.
Ben Urich: It's not just the Russians. I think maybe the Union Allied scandal might tie into this.
Mitchell Ellison: Right and you remember what that exposé did for circulation? Dick, with a side of "who gives a shit".
Ben Urich: This is a real story!
Mitchell Ellison: Yeah, and it's gonna end the same as it always does, right? A bunch of fat old guys and some white collar person with more fat old guys.
Ben Urich: The cops aren't even on this yet! We could be the ones to connect the dots-
Mitchell Ellison: It doesn't sell papers, Ben! Not anymore! [hands Ben a manila folder] I want you on the subway line piece. [Ben takes the folder and skims the contents with disdain]
Ben Urich: "Rumors Bubbling: Will Hell's Kitchen Finally Get a Subway Line?" Come on! We tell that every year!
Mitchell Ellison: And every year it kills.
Ben Urich: For a fluff piece.
Mitchell Ellison: You know, you like to be on the ground, right? You like to talk to people. Take a poll! What color do they like? Y'know, we've got a blue line, we've got a yellow line, we're running out of colors.
Ben Urich: Like M&Ms?
Mitchell Ellison: Yeah, see? Write the hell out of it.
Ben Urich: [steps up to Ellison] There used to be a time when the people in this building wrote the hell out of the news.
Mitchell Ellison: Everybody we know is making twice what we are, writing from blogs, working from home in their underwear. We're hanging on by our fingertips, Ben. You really want to be greasing that ledge?

[Matt delivers a closing statement at Healy's trial]
Matt Murdock: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, forgive me if I seem distracted. I've been preoccupied of late with, uh, questions of morality. Of right and wrong, good and evil. Sometimes the delineation between the two is a sharp line. Sometimes it's a blur, and often it's like pornography: you just know when you see it. A man is dead. I don't mean to make light of that, but these questions... these questions are vital ones because they tether us to each other, to humanity. Not everyone feels this way. Not everyone sees the sharp line, only the blur. A man is dead. Um, a man is dead. And my client, John Healy, took his life. This is not in dispute. It is a matter of record, of fact, and facts have no moral judgment. They merely state what is. Not what we think of them, not what we feel. They just are. What was in my client's heart when he took Mr. Prohaszka's life, whether he is a good man or something else entirely, is irrelevant. These questions of good and evil, as important as they are, have no place in a court of law. Only the facts matter. My client claims he acted in self-defense. Mr. Prohaszka's associates have refused to make a statement regarding the incident. The only other witness, a frightened young woman, has stated that my client was pleasant and friendly, and that she only saw the struggle with Mr. Prohaszka after it had started. Those are the facts. Based on these and these alone, the prosecution has failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that my client was not acting solely in self-defense. And those, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, are the facts. My client, based purely on the sanctity of the law which we've all sworn an oath to uphold, must be acquitted of these charges. Now, beyond that, beyond these walls... he may well face a judgement of his own making. But here, in this courtroom, the judgement is yours and yours alone.

[Matt and Foggy are arguing whether or not they should defend Healy]
Matt Murdock: You're the one that keeps saying we need real clients.
Foggy Nelson: That's not a client. It's a shark in a skin suit.

Leland Owlsley: You've lost your strong-arm and the tape. You got nothing on juror eight now.
James Wesley: She's only a piece of the puzzle.
Leland Owlsley: You ever try putting a puzzle together with a piece missing? It's damned aggravating.

[Healy has just given up Wilson Fisk's name to Matt]
John Healy: You think this is still about you? I gave up his name. You don't do that, not to him. He'll find me... and make an example... and then he'll find everyone I've ever cared about... and do the same to them... so that no one ever does what I just did. You should have just killed me. You coward. [turns and impales his head through a spike]

[Wilson Fisk is staring at a painting in an art gallery - it is made up of layers of textured white. Vanessa approaches him.]
Vanessa Marianna: There's an old children's joke. You hold up a white piece of paper and you ask, "What's this?" A rabbit in a snowstorm. You interested or just looking?
Wilson Fisk: Interested.
Vanessa Marianna: People always ask me how can we charge so much for what amounts to gradations of white. I tell them it's not about the artist's name or the skill required, not even about the art itself. All that matters is "How does it make you feel?"
Wilson Fisk: It makes me feel alone.

In The Blood [1.04]

[James Wesley pays a visit to Anatoly and Vladimir at the Veles Taxi garage]
James Wesley: [notices the injuries on Anatoly's face] Oof. Those look like they hurt.
Anatoly Ranskahov: I've had worse.
James Wesley: I know how much your people delight in extolling the amount of pain they can endure, but maybe next time you could try ducking? Leland's finalized the paperwork. [hands Anatoly and Vladimir some papers] Prohaszka's holdings in Kitchen Cab have been acquired and transferred via third party to Veles Taxi. Your distribution infrastructure just doubled.
Anatoly Ranskahov: Tell your employer we are grateful.
James Wesley: Don't think he really cares at the moment. You were light again this week.
Anatoly Ranskahov: There was a complication.
James Wesley: One you assured us you were addressing.
Vladimir Ranskahov: Do you know what he was asking? This fool who laid hands on my brother?
James Wesley: Not my concern.
Anatoly Ranskahov: It should be. He was asking about your employer, by name.
James Wesley: All the more reason to settle this. You sneeze, we all catch a cold. Madame Gao and Mr. Nobu have expressed their disappointment.
Vladimir Ranskahov: We have not heard of this.
James Wesley: Hmm, that's because we've been talking behind your back, about how the Russians can't seem to handle one man running around in a mask. I mean, if he had an iron suit or a magic hammer, maybe that would explain why you keep getting your asses handed to you.
Vladimir Ranskahov: We're done here. [Vladimir and Anatoly begin to walk away]
James Wesley: He's weakened your operation.
Vladimir Ranskahov: You think us weak?
James Wesley: This isn't personal, Vladimir. It's business. Distribution of Madame Gao's product has been affected, which in turn is causing delays in other ventures. This is not acceptable. Fortunately for all parties, my employer has agreed to help return you to solid footing.
Anatoly Ranskahov: How?
James Wesley: By aiding you in certain duties deemed vital to the continuation of service-
Vladimir Ranskahov: He wants to take over.
James Wesley: We value the services you provide, but clearly you need help providing them. We'll all profit nicely under the new structure.
Anatoly Ranskahov: How nicely?
Vladimir Ranskahov: [curses in Russian] Tell Mr. Fisk-
James Wesley: We don't say his name.
Vladimir Ranskahov: Tell Mr. Fisk that if he wants a pound of flesh, he can come here and carve it himself. [Wesley steps forward]
James Wesley: This is an offer, not an order. The choice of how we proceed is yours. Talk it over with your brother. We'll be in touch. [leaves]

[Karen meets with Ben Urich at a diner]
Karen Page: Did you look at it?
Ben Urich: Yeah, I looked at it.
Karen Page: And?
Ben Urich: And... it's a story I've heard before. Company gets caught up in a scandal, files for bankruptcy, then quietly restructures under a new name.
Karen Page: They killed Daniel Fisher. They tried to kill me.
Ben Urich: I'm still a little unclear on that point. [gestures to his notes] You say here, that Rance assaulted you in your apartment. And a man in a black mask saved your life?
Karen Page: Yes. But he just... He came out of nowhere.
Ben Urich: And you'd never seen him before?
Karen Page: No.
Ben Urich: [shrugs] Stranger things, right?
Karen Page: Well, what about Rance? Do you really believe that he just-just up and hung himself in jail? I mean, that guard tried to do the same thing to me! Why don't you ask him?
Ben Urich: Farnum? He's dead. Ate the barrel of his gun in his basement. And your old boss, McClintock? Overdosed on pills or some such. You seeing a pattern here, Miss Page?
Karen Page: Then why isn't anyone looking into this?
Ben Urich: You don't understand how lucky you are. Count the angels on the head of a pin, and move on.
Karen Page: So they just shuffle some papers and all this disappears?
Ben Urich: Wouldn't be the first time.
Karen Page: Oh, don't bullshit me! A construction company is brick and mortar. Literally! All right, you cannot just shift cranes and trailers and office equipment like you can numbers on a page. There has to be a trail of everything that's being liquidated!
Ben Urich: [exhales] Thanks for the coffee. [Urich gets up from the table]
Karen Page: What?! So that's it?
Ben Urich: Stories like this are built on sources, Miss Page. Credible sources. I did some digging into your, uh... past activities.
Karen Page: Well, I did some digging, too. I read every big story with your byline. The VA kickbacks, toxic runoff, the Teachers Union scandal. Hell, you pretty much brought down the Italian mob back when I was in diapers! What ever happened to that reporter, Mr. Urich?
Ben Urich: He got old. And a hell of a lot less stupid.

Ben Urich: You said you read a bunch of my articles. Remember the one about the, uh, the runoff? What that company was dumping into the river?
Karen Page: Yeah, sure.
Ben Urich: [The police] Fished the guy that tipped me off out of that same river a month later. And that fella trying to clean up the Teachers Union? Moved out of the state after flyers went up saying he was a pedophile. They underestimated what people in power will do to stay there. Didn't think you'd make the same mistake after what happened to you.
Karen Page: What about the woman, from your first series of articles about the VA? What happened to her?
Ben Urich: She met the worst fate: married beneath her. To a workaholic who never appreciated her.

Vanessa Marianna: How are you enjoying "Rabbit in a Snowstorm"?
Wilson Fisk: You remember.
Vanessa Marianna: Of course. It's one of my favorite pieces.
Wilson Fisk: I hung it in my bedroom. It's the last thing I see every night.
Vanessa Marianna: That's either very romantic or very sad.
Wilson Fisk: I like to tell myself it's the former.

Claire Temple: [laughing] You want to know his name? Ask him yourself.

Vanessa Marianna: The city's really changing.
Wilson Fisk: Not fast enough.
Vanessa Marianna: I don't know. Be a shame to see all the character scrubbed away.
Wilson Fisk: You didn't grow up here, did you?
Vanessa Marianna: [laughs] What gave it away?
Wilson Fisk: When I was a kid, I used to dream what it would be like to, to live somewhere far away from Hell's Kitchen. Somewhere beautiful.
Vanessa Marianna: What made you stay?
Wilson Fisk: I didn't. When I was 12 years old, my mother, she sent me to stay with relatives. Had a farm, middle of nowhere. Those were good years.
Vanessa Marianna: But you came back.
Wilson Fisk: Yes. Time and distance, they afford a certain clarity. I realized that this city was a part of me, that it was in my blood. And I would do anything to make it a better place for people like you.

Wilson Fisk: A woman that can be bought isn't worth having.

[Matt has rescued Claire from the Russians]
Matt Murdock: I'm sorry.
Claire Temple: It's ok, you've had a lot worse.
Matt Murdock: I mean, I'm sorry for getting you into all of this. I... never thought that I'd be putting anyone else at risk.
Claire Temple: It was my choice. You didn't ask me to pull you from that dumpster.
Matt Murdock: No, you did it because you're a good person. And, you almost got killed... because of me.
Claire Temple: Tell me it was worth it. [pause, stares at him] Tell me that you've got a plan.
Matt Murdock: Claire-
Claire Temple: An endgame. Anything?
Matt Murdock: [shakes his head] I'm- I'm just trying to make my city a better place, that's all.
Claire Temple: [winces from her injuries] I think maybe it's a little more complicated than that, now.
Matt Murdock: Nothing's changing out there. No matter what I do, I'm- I'm making things worse.
Claire Temple: Tell that to the boy you saved from the Russians. Or all the other people you've helped.
Matt Murdock: And what about the people I've gotten hurt? What- what do I tell them?
Claire Temple: Feel my heart. Come on, feel it. [she holds Matt's hand against her heart] What is it telling you?
Matt Murdock: That you're scared.
Claire Temple: [nods] Because I am. More than I've ever been in my life. And I am not alone. But, you can do something about it. For all of us, Mike.
Matt Murdock: Matthew. My name is Matthew.

James Wesley: They say the past is etched in stone, but it isn't. It's smoke trapped in a closed room, swirling changing. Buffeted by the passing of years and wishful thinking. But even though our perception of it changes, one thing remains constant. The past can never be completely erased. It lingers. Like the scent of burning wood.
[Wesley's cell phone rings]
James Wesley: Sir? Yes, passenger's side. [hangs up]
Anatoly Ranskahov: Was that him?
James Wesley: Hmmm. He'd like to have a word with you.
Anatoly Ranskahov: That's cool. [The door on Anatoly's side abruptly opens and Fisk yanks him from the car]

World on Fire [1.05]

Claire Temple: What do you do?
Matt Murdock: Lawyer. I have a practice, so I'm my own boss.
Claire Temple: Lawyer by day, vigilante by night…How does that work?
Matt Murdock: [laughs] I'll let you know when I figure it out.

Claire Temple: You have X-ray fingers now?
Matt Murdock: I can hear your bones shift when you breathe. No grinding means nothing's broken.
Claire Temple: What does a hairline fracture sound like?
Matt Murdock: [pause] An old ship?
[they both smile]
Claire Temple: How do you…I mean, I know that you're blind, but you see so much. How?
Matt Murdock: I guess you have to think of it as more than just five senses. I can't see, not like everyone else, but I can feel. Things like balance and direction. Micro-changes in air density, vibrations, blankets of temperature variations. Mix all that with what I hear, subtle smells. All of the fragments form a sort of impressionistic painting.
Claire Temple: Okay, but what does that look like? Like, what do you actually see?
Matt Murdock: [pause] A world on fire.
Claire Temple: If all I saw was fire, I'd probably want to hit people too.

Leland Owlsley: Where are the Smiley Twins? Sleeping off another kidnapping?
Wilson Fisk: The Ranskahovs are no longer a part of this organization.
Leland Owlsley: Since when?
Wilson Fisk: Since I removed Anatoly's head with my car door.

Karen Page: [smacks the new photocopier in frustration] UGH! Gosh! You don't make any sense!
Foggy Nelson: [amused] Whoa, be nice to it! You know, for when the machines take over.
Karen Page: [smiles] I can't get any of this crap I bought to work!
Foggy Nelson: Bad time to mention the phones? All I hear when I try to dial is a bunch of clicks. Could be the machines plotting, but I don't speak computer overlord.
Karen Page: No, it's the rats.
Foggy Nelson: The who what now? [Matt comes in]
Karen Page: [scoffs] They chewed through the main line. Phone guy's working on it now. Exterminator's Monday.
Foggy Nelson: We have rats now? I'm never sleeping here again!
Matt Murdock: Then there's an upside.

[Matt wants Foggy to go to Landman & Zack to get info for Mrs. Cardenas' case]
Foggy Nelson: I can't go to L&Z alone! They're gonna shark attack me, Matt! Look at me! I'm delicious.
Matt Murdock: Well, take Karen!
Foggy Nelson: [looks at her] I mean, yeah, if she wants to.
Karen Page: Oh... sure. [stands up] Never seen sharks feed up close before.
Matt Murdock: [laughs] Try not to splash too much. It attracts them. [Karen laughs]
Foggy Nelson: You both are so funny.

[While at the precinct, Matt overhears Detectives Blake and Hoffman in an interrogation room grilling Piotr]
Det. Christian Blake: Now I just want you to tell me again, how did it start? We have you at the scene with a dead Chinese illegal, Piotr, and a backpack full of drugs.
Det. Carl Hoffman: Uh-oh. I'd buy you a one-way ticket to thirty years in Assholeland.
Det. Christian Blake: Might give you some time to touch up on those tattoos. You boys do that to yourselves, or do you all get shirtless and poke each other?
Piotr: Do you know who I work for?
Det. Carl Hoffman: [gets up from the table] A couple of dipshit brothers nobody gives a wank about.
Det. Christian Blake: Bye-bye, dickhead. [taps the table] Enjoy your next thirty. [Blake and Hoffman get up and head for the door]
Piotr: Wait. [Blake turns around. Hoffman reenters the room] What I give you another name?
Det. Carl Hoffman: He'd have to be big.
Det. Christian Blake: He'd have to be King freakin' Kong.
Piotr: He is. His name... is Wilson Fisk. [Blake and Hoffman stare at Piotr for a few seconds. Blake walks around the table]
Det. Christian Blake: Well, what else do you know about this guy?
Piotr: Not much. No one is supposed to say his name. But I will tell you everything I know for deal.
Det. Christian Blake: [laughs; mockingly] "For deal." [Blake unlocks the handcuffs securing Piotr's right wrist to the table] [to Hoffman] Whose turn is it?
Det. Carl Hoffman: Yours.
Det. Christian Blake: I thought I took it for that thing in the bodega.
Det. Carl Hoffman: Oh, shit, yeah. [Hoffman closes his eyes and contorts his face, like he's anticipating being punched] All right, wait, wait. [Piotr looks between the two detectives, unsure what they're doing] OK. Come on. Come on.
[Blake suddenly punches Hoffman in the face; Hoffman falls and backs himself up against the wall]
Det. Christian Blake: Jeez! Watch out!
Det. Carl Hoffman: He's going for my gun! He's got my gun! [Blake pulls out his pistol and points it at Piotr]
Piotr: [holds his hands up; fearfully] No!
Det. Christian Blake: You really shouldn't have said his name.
Piotr: No! NO! [Blake shoots him in the head]

Karen Page: [Upon entering Landman & Zack] Feels like a place in a movie where you'd buy a clone... or maybe a robot baby. Or the clone of a robot baby.

[Marci Stahl, a lawyer at Landman & Zack, explains the terms of Tully's settlement]
Marci Stahl: Look, you know how this goes. It's her word versus my client's, and there's a whole backlog of these cases pending throughout the city. No one is going to help her but us. If I were you, I'd go to Mrs. Whatever today and strongly urge her to accept our offer.
Foggy Nelson: Marci, convincing my client to agree to your terms? That's your job, and I'm not going to do it for you. See, you think there are only two options: These tenants take the payout and leave, or leave without taking it. But given how long they've put up with Tully's bullshit, I think you're actually afraid that Mrs. Cardenas and her neighbors will find a way to eke by. And short of physically and very illegally forcing tenants from their rent-controlled homes, Armand Tully loses his condos. Your firm loses Tully. And that's very bad for business. You want me and my client to think that you're doing us a favor, that we have no leverage. When really, we have all of it. So you're gonna see us in court where I will absolutely dismantle you, from the top of your salon blowout to the bottom of your overpriced pumps. [Karen grins]
Marci Stahl: [pause] You would've killed it here, Foggy Bear. You never should have left.
Foggy Nelson: You never should have signed on, Marce. You were really something, back in the day. When you had a soul.
[he and Karen walk away]
Karen Page: "Foggy Bear?"
Foggy Nelson: We used to date.
Karen Page: You dated that?
Foggy Nelson: Yep! Let's step a little faster.

Vanessa Marianna: So why does a man like you feel alone?
Wilson Fisk: Nature of my business, I suppose.
Vanessa Marianna: And what kind of business is that?
Wilson Fisk: Rebuilding this city. I want to carve something beautiful out of its ugliness…set free its potential.
Vanessa Marianna: You sound like an artist.
Wilson Fisk: I'm just a man with a dream.
Vanessa Marianna: What do you think an artist is? [indicating his cufflinks] Are those the only ones you have? You were wearing them last time.
Wilson Fisk: They were my father's. I wear them every day to remember him.
Vanessa Marianna: Did he pass?
Wilson Fisk: When I was a boy. May I ask you something now?
Vanessa Marianna: I'd say you've earned it.
Wilson Fisk: What kind of gun is that you have in your purse?
Vanessa Marianna: It's a .22.
Wilson Fisk: Did you think you would need that tonight?
Vanessa Marianna: We've been sitting here talking for hours and you're going to insult me like I have no idea what you really do?
Wilson Fisk: What I said about what I want for this city is the truth. But money and influence is not enough to usher change on such a scale. Sometimes it requires force.
Vanessa Marianna: I know you're a dangerous man. That's why I brought a gun to a dinner date.
Wilson Fisk: Would you like to leave?
Vanessa Marianna: No. I'd like a reason to stay.
Wilson Fisk: I've done things that I'm not proud of, Vanessa. I've hurt people and I'm going to hurt more. It's impossible to avoid for what I'm trying to do. But I take no pleasure in it, in cruelty. But this city isn't a caterpillar. It doesn't spin a cocoon and wake up a butterfly. A city crumbles and fades. It needs to die before it can be reborn.
Vanessa Marianna: So I don't need the gun?
Wilson Fisk: No. By my side is the safest place that you could ever be.

Claire Temple: Why don't you go to the police with all that you have on the Russians?
Matt Murdock: I wear a mask and beat on people. Doesn't exactly mesh with police policy.

Claire Temple: Matt, wait, just... What are you going to do?
Matt Murdock: Whatever it takes.
Claire Temple: You know how that sounds, right? Um, you know, when we were on that roof you told that Russian... that you hurt people because you enjoy it.
Matt Murdock: And you said you didn't believe that.
Claire Temple: I can't believe that. Because if I do, that means you're not the man... that I believe you to be.
Matt Murdock: I need to be the man this city needs.

Condemned [1.06]

[Matt has just brought Vladimir to an abandoned building]
Matt Murdock: Don't move. You've been shot. [Vladimir curses in Russian] That sounds pretty bad, but I don't speak asshole.

Foggy Nelson: [Watching footage of the explosion] Jesus, look at this. It's like a war zone out there. We better call Matt and make sure he's okay. [Takes out his phone]
Karen Page: Foggy, you're bleeding.
Foggy Nelson: Huh? [looks and notices that his shirt is indeed soaked with blood] Oh, that explains it.
Karen Page: Explains what?
Foggy Nelson: The stabbing pain in my side.

[Matt needs to treat Vladimir's bullet wound, so he calls Claire]
Matt Murdock: I need your help. I found someone who has intel on what I've been looking for, but he's been shot.
Claire Temple: So call 911!
Matt Murdock: Can't. Police are the ones that shot him. I'm thinking they'd like a crack at finishing the job.
Claire Temple: Do you want me to come out to you? In all this?
Matt Murdock: No. I want you to walk me through stabilizing him.
Claire Temple: It's not as easy as it looks in the movies, you know?
Matt Murdock: I don't really go to the movies. I like records, though.

[A police officer enters the abandoned building and stumbles upon Vladimir, lying unconscious]
Officer Sullivan: Show me your hands! [no response from Vladimir; Sullivan steps closer to him] Show me your hands, now!
Matt Murdock: He can't hear you.
[Matt grabs Sullivan by his gun hand and throws him to the ground. Matt then sets his leg down on Sullivan's neck]
Matt Murdock: I'm gonna take me knee off your throat. Now stay quiet, and answer my questions, or your night's gonna get a hell of a lot worse. Understand? [Sullivan nods; Matt takes his knee off Sullivan's neck] Who do you work for?
Officer Sullivan: The City of New York.
Matt Murdock: I'm gonna ask you again. Think about your answer. Who do you work for?
Officer Sullivan: The City of New York! I've got two months on the job. [Matt reaches down to Sullivan's equipment belt and grabs his radio]
Matt Murdock: Call Central [Dispatch]. Tell them it was a false alarm, no need to send backup.
Officer Sullivan: I do that....you let me walk?
Matt Murdock: Eventually. [Sullivan gingerly grabs his radio with his left hand]
Officer Sullivan: [into radio] Central, Post 41-K.
Dispatcher: 10-4, Post 41. [Sullivan looks up at Matt, then back to his radio]
Officer Sullivan: [into radio] SECOND FLOOR! PERP IN MASK! WOUNDED CIVILIAN! [Matt strikes Sullivan on the head, knocking him out]
Dispatcher: 10-4, Post 41. 10-13, 10-13, abandoned building. 47th and 12th. Second floor.
Police Officer: [on radio] Roger that. Adam responding.
Det. Christian Blake: [on radio] 15-Squad, en route.

[Police are setting up a perimeter outside the building where Matt is holed up with Vladimir and the unconscious Officer Sullivan]
Officer Penski: [getting out of his car] Where's Sullivan? Anybody got eyes?!
Det. Christian Blake: Take it down, Penski. Me and Hoffman are HNT on this. Secure the perimeter and try not to piss yourselves. We've got to do this right; this is a hostage job: nobody goes in, and nobody comes out. Now let's go, move! [The assembled huddle of cops disperses]
Det. Carl Hoffman: Do you think he's in there?
Det. Christian Blake: Sullivan told Central it was a "masked perp." Russian was with the dickhead last we heard, so yeah, I'm thinking he's the wounded civvie.
Det. Carl Hoffman: All right, I'll make the call.
Burly Cop: [nearby] Hey, hey, hey, hey! Where do you think you're going? Let me see some ID. [Blake and Hoffman look in that direction and see Ben Urich showing his press credentials to another cop]
Det. Christian Blake: [under his breath] Oh, Christ...
Burly Cop: All right, go ahead. [Hoffman and Blake walk over to Urich]
Ben Urich: Detectives! I thought IAB'd have you riding a desk after that thing with the Russians at the station.
Det. Christian Blake: Do you see what's going on here? Nobody's riding a desk tonight.
Ben Urich: Can I get a statement?
Det. Christian Blake: Yeah. The world's a shitty place. You can quote me.
Ben Urich: Where's ESU?
Det. Carl Hoffman: Had their hands full with that building that went up.
Det. Christian Blake: Carl, don't talk to him. What's the matter with you?
Ben Urich: What about the cop in there? [checks his notes] Officer, uh... Sullivan?
Det. Carl Hoffman: How the hell you know that?
Ben Urich: How long have I been doing this?
Det. Christian Blake: Long enough to be a pain in the ass.
Ben Urich: I'm just doing my job.
Det. Christian Blake: And we're doing ours. So stay back and out of the way. You know, if this thing goes sideways, I can't promise you don't get caught up.
Ben Urich: Thanks. I'll keep my head down.
Det. Christian Blake: Yeah, you do that.

Wilson Fisk: You and I have a lot in common.
Matt Murdock: We're nothing alike.
Wilson Fisk: That's what you'll tell yourself.
Matt Murdock: You're feeding off this city like a cancer.
Wilson Fisk: I want to save this city, like you. Only on a scale that matters.
Matt Murdock: Now tell that to the people you've hurt.
Wilson Fisk: Young man, life is not a fairy tale. Not everyone deserves a happy ending.

Wilson Fisk: You're a child playing at being a hero.
Matt Murdock: No, no, I'm not trying to be a hero. I'm just a guy that got fed up with men like you and I decided to do something about it.
Wilson Fisk: That's what makes you dangerous. It's not the mask. It's not the skills. It's your ideology. The lone man who thinks he can make a difference. I'm glad we could talk. I, I respect your conviction even if it runs counter with my own.

Vladimir Ranskahov: This is not how I die.

Matt Murdock: I'm not a killer.
Vladimir Ranskahov: The moment you put on the mask you got into cage with animals. Animals don't stop fighting. Not until one of them is dead.

Stick [1.07]

Leland Owlsley: What, you think I'm a doddering pencil pusher who moves enormous amounts of money with no clue as to what it's connected to? [chuckles] The numbers are like tea leaves. Nobody reads them like I can.

Leland Owlsley: [seeing Matt in window] Oh, God! What do you want? My wallet?
Matt Murdock: You know what I want. Tell me about the man you work for.
Leland Owlsley: I work for Silver & Brent.
Matt Murdock: I'm gonna ask you again. Think about your answer. Who do you work for?
Leland Owlsley: I told you, I work for Silver and...
Matt Murdock: [scares Leland] You work for Wilson Fisk... moving his money around. Which means you have records, proof of who- [distracted by Stick]
Leland Owlsley: [Tases Matt] Asshole.

Young Matt Murdock: If I ask you a question, will you hit me?
Stick: Depends on the question.
Young Matt Murdock: How did you find me? How did you know?
Stick: Old bitty at the orphanage thinks it's her idea.
Young Matt Murdock: But it wasn't, was it?
Stick: Maybe it's one of my gifts. Or you just got lucky.
Young Matt Murdock: [scoffing] That's not an answer.
Stick: [chuckles] You catch on quick.
Young Matt Murdock: You're going to help me?
Stick: No, I'm going to train you. How to control your gift, make it work for you... use it, and how to fight.
Young Matt Murdock: My dad never wanted me to fight.
Stick: Your dad ain't here. You'll need skills for the war.
Young Matt Murdock: What war?
Stick: We'll get to that part... when you're ready.
Young Matt Murdock: I don't even know your name. What do I call you?
Matt Murdock: Stick.

Stick: [Before flashback] You just gonna lie there all night? [after flashback] Are you gonna lie there all night or get up off your ass?

Leland Owlsley: We need to be careful, all of us. I look out for you... you look out for me.
Nobu Yoshioka: Each man must stand... for himself... or fall with the unworthy.
Leland Owlsley: What the hell does that mean? [Nobu leaves] Prick.

[In a flashback, Matt and Stick are on a park bench, eating ice cream]
Young Matt Murdock: So what kind of training is this?
Stick: You like ice cream?
Young Matt Murdock: Yeah.
Stick: Then shut up and eat it. I'll ask the questions. First thing you gotta understand is nobody feels sorry for you and nobody ever will. 'Cause when it comes to being born lucky you won the friggin' lottery.
Young Matt Murdock: I did?
Stick: [Smacks him with his cane] What did I say about questions?
Young Matt Murdock: "Shut up."
Stick: Good. How old were you when you got blinded?
Young Matt Murdock: Nine.
Stick: Nine? So you had nine whole years of looking at movies, blue skies, up girlies' skirts that I never had. I was born blind. You don't hear me whining about it, do you?
Young Matt Murdock: No.
Stick: So, you're nine years old, walking along, minding your own business and whammo! Get hit by a truck, killed dead on the spot.
Young Matt Murdock: I wasn't killed.
Stick: You lived? Praise God, it's a miracle. So you survive the truck and get this chemical shit in your eyes. What next?
Young Matt Murdock: I hear things.
Stick: What kind of things?
Young Matt Murdock: Everything. Coughs and fights and cats meowing. Sometimes blocks away. I can sense things. I know where things are and when they move. But I can't see.
Stick: You know what they call stuff like that? Gifts. The special kind. The kind that very few people have. Or deserve.
Young Matt Murdock: I never thought of it that way.
Stick: Well, that's because you're stupid.
Young Matt Murdock: I'm not stupid, I'm smart.
Stick: Because you taught yourself how to run your little fingers over the bumps and read Braille? Smart don't come out of books, kid. Smart is making the right decision at the right time. Like now. What's it gonna be, Matty? You gonna spend your life crying and rocking yourself to sleep at night? Or are you gonna dig deep and find out what it takes to reshuffle those cards life dealt you? Your call. [Matt looks at Stick] [chuckles] Good choice, kid.

Stick: You wanted a father and I wanted a soldier.
Matt Murdock: Then I guess we were both disappointed.

Matt Murdock: You promised me you weren't gonna kill anyone.
Stick: Yep.
Matt Murdock: Then what the hell was that back there?
Stick: The mission.
Matt Murdock: That's what your war's come to? Killing children?
Stick: That thing in the container was not a child.

Stick: Ah, screw it. Ride with me tonight... help me destroy Black Sky, keep it off the streets, and I promise you this... Wilson Fisk will know the taste of fear the day he faces you 'cause he'll know that you kicked the guy he's afraid of right in the nuts.

Karen Page: It's like trying to straighten out a bowl of spaghetti.

Ben Urich: There are no heroes, no villains. Just people with different agendas.

Young Matt Murdock: No one's bought me ice cream since my dad died.
Stick: What's it taste like?
Young Matt Murdock: Vanilla.
Stick: [scoffs] Everybody can taste vanilla. Pay a little more attention, use those gifts. You know what you got? [sniffs] Sugar grains, vanilla bean, milk from three different dairies from two states... [licks] ugh... batch of chemicals straight off the periodic tables and... [sniffs] dirt off the guy's hand that served it to you. He spent his morning gardening. Whole world around you, Matty, and it is friggin' huge. And all you need... are the guts to let it in. Try. That dog, what's his story?
Young Matt Murdock: He's hungry... his stomach's growling... and he's dying to eat the hot dogs that guy's carrying just upwind of him.
Stick: Not bad. What about the girl?
Young Matt Murdock: Her skin's... Her skin's too hot. Her heart's beating fast. Is she sick?
Stick: Worse. She's in love. And the old man?
Young Matt Murdock: He's... He's dying.
Stick: And there's nothing you can do about it. Big world, not all of it flowers and sunshine. And the only way guys like you and me can survive is to grab it by the throat and never let go.

Young Matt Murdock: My dad. They paid him to lose against Creel. But... But I wanted him to win. So he did because of me. Because of me. I just wanted him to come home.
Stick: But he didn't and he never will. We all pay for our choices kid. Maybe your old man fought for you, maybe he did it for himself. The only thing you know for sure is he's gone now. But I'm here. Now, get up. Time to stop taking a beating and start giving one.

Elderly Nun: He's getting worse. When we first took him in, Matthew's problems seemed less severe. Now he's in so much pain. Doctors, clergy, no one has any idea what's wrong with him. We heard about your work with special children and thought maybe you could help.
Stick: Not for free.
Elderly Nun: His father left a sizeable inheritance.
Stick: What about the mother? Is she dead?
Elderly Nun: No, she's - Well, that's another story. Here we are.
Stick: Make the check out to cash. I'll take it from here.

Stick: [to Matt Murdock] They think you're getting worse. But... you're not, are you, kid? [throws keys to Matt; he catches them] You're getting stronger. [sighs] Let's get started.

Stick: [to Matt] Kid, in war, people die. If it's not you, it's the guy next to you. How many men have you killed protecting this city? You're still afraid to cross that line. Someday, it's gonna come down to you or the other guy. If it's not Fisk, somebody else. What're you gonna do then?

Shadows in the Glass [1.08]

[Karen and Foggy are at the office, arguing over whether or not to tell Matt about the incident at Mrs. Cardenas' building]
Karen Page: Matt wouldn't understand. You know what he would say.
Foggy Nelson: That we're awesome?
Karen Page: No, that we're being stupid.
Foggy Nelson: I prefer the term "foolheartedly provocative".
Karen Page: Yeah, that's lawyer talk for "stupid". You want coffee? [pours herself a cup of coffee from the pitcher]
Foggy Nelson: If we're going to be Nancy Drewing together, I think a certainly level of honesty is required.
Karen Page: What, you don't like my coffee?
Foggy Nelson: No. I hate it. [Karen can't help but stifle a laugh] I appreciate the effort, but the technique or lack thereof-
Karen Page: My god, you are such a dick!
Foggy Nelson: On occasion, some dickery may leak out. That doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Karen Page: Oooh. It means something.
Foggy Nelson: OK, let's say we keep Matt in the dark. How long do you think...[Matt suddenly opens the door and walks in; Foggy's eyes go wide] ...I should grow my hair? Matt, what's your take on that? Mullet? Full pony?
Karen Page: [notices the cut over Matt's left eye] Holy shit, did you fall down again?
Matt Murdock: It's nothing. Don't tell me what?
Foggy Nelson: Damn it!
Karen Page: You heard that?
Foggy Nelson: Guy's like a bat! [to Matt] Not blind like a—I mean, you know, with the hearing-
Matt Murdock: Bats aren't blind, Foggy.
Foggy Nelson: They're not?
Matt Murdock: It's a myth.
Foggy Nelson: So we're good? [Matt turns to Karen]
Matt Murdock: Karen?
Karen Page: Yeah.
Matt Murdock: What don't the two of you want me to know? [Karen looks at Foggy, who shakes his head, then back to Matt]
Karen Page: [sighs] We're investigating Union Allied.
Foggy Nelson: Remind me to keep you off the witness stand.
Matt Murdock: You can't be doing that.
Karen Page: Why not?
Matt Murdock: For starters you signed legal papers and took money to leave it alone.
Karen Page: No, I signed papers saying that I wouldn't go public and I won't.
Foggy Nelson: We have someone lined up for that part.
Matt Murdock: What part?
Karen Page: Breaking the story that, uh...Look, whoever is behind Union Allied or whatever they call themselves now? They are trying to strong-arm people like Elena so that they can sweep their homes away from them and build condos no one can afford!
Matt Murdock: And what do you think's gonna happen when these "whoevers" find out what it is you're up to?
Foggy Nelson: We already took care of it.
Matt Murdock: Took care of what?
Karen Page: The, uh, guys who busted up Elena's apartment. They, uh, came after me when I was leaving her place last night.
Matt Murdock: Are you OK?
Karen Page: Yes. Foggy was following me.
Matt Murdock: Mmm-hmm. Why? Why were you following her?
Foggy Nelson: She was acting funny.
Karen Page: No, there was no funny-
Foggy Nelson: There was a little funny!
Matt Murdock: This is what I'm talking about. There are things out there. You can't be doing this! You're gonna get yourselves hurt-
Karen Page: [exasperated] No I--I have already been hurt by those bastards! [beat] You know what? I don't care what I signed or how much money they paid me to forget, I don't. And I'm not just going to stick my head in the sand and let it happen to somebody else because I am scared! Which I am. A lot.
Foggy Nelson: [to Matt] If you could see her face, you'd know she means it.
Matt Murdock: Yeah, I kinda got that. [beat] Right, so who else is involved? Who's helping you break whatever it is you think you're gonna find out?
Karen Page: Ben Urich from the Bulletin.
Matt Murdock: The one who wrote the Union Allied piece.
Foggy Nelson: Karen's been working with him. He seems like a good guy.
Matt Murdock: Yeah, well everybody does until they aren't.
Karen Page: No, I-I trust Ben as much as I do you or Foggy, Matt. I know what I am doing. I am not some kid!
Matt Murdock: Then don't act like one! Both of you. I know you're just trying to do the right thing here, but we have to be smart about this.
Foggy Nelson: We?
Matt Murdock: First rule, no more skulking around, asking to get hurt. We do this, it's gonna be on our turf. The legal system.
Karen Page: You know, that's not nearly as heroic as you might think-
Matt Murdock: I don't want anyone to be a hero, Karen! I want you to be safe! And I want to protect this firm and everything we're trying to build here! We know the law. We'll use it to our advantage. Agreed?
Foggy Nelson: Do we have a choice?
Matt Murdock: Not so much.
Karen Page: Yeah, okay. So, what's the second rule?
Matt Murdock: ...I don't know, I'm making this up as I go along.

Wilson Fisk: I understand your position. You need to understand mine
[Nobu says something in Japanese]
James Wesley: He questions the validity of your position.
Nobu Yoshioka: I say it is of piss and shit!
Wilson Fisk: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way.

[Wilson Fisk wants Detective Hoffman to kill his partner Detective Blake so that Blake won't squeal on Fisk]
Wilson Fisk: I know that you have feelings regarding this matter. I respect that. But if Detective Blake chooses to speak out of turn the result would be unpleasant, for you and for me.
Det. Carl Hoffman: Out of turn? You shot him!
James Wesley: Technically, we paid someone else to shoot him.

Bill Fisk: Respect. You gotta give it if you want it.

Matt Murdock: [as Daredevil] I didn't blow the hell out of the Russians. And I didn't shoot those cops.
Ben Urich: So, what? You want me to write your side of this?
Matt Murdock: No, I want you to expose the man responsible. The man who's tearing this city apart, piece by piece.
Ben Urich: You got a name?
Matt Murdock: Wilson Fisk.
Ben Urich: Never heard of him.
Matt Murdock: Because he doesn't want you to. That's what makes him dangerous. Living in the shadows, no one knowing who he is.
Ben Urich: Said the man in the mask.

Ben Urich: Right now they hate you. And have no idea who this Fisk guy is.
Matt Murdock: [as Daredevil] You can change that.
Ben Urich: So could a hundred other reporters. Why me?
Matt Murdock: There are good people who trust you, Ben. I have faith in their judgment.
Ben Urich: Union Allied. Guessing that was you who dumped that guy on the doorsteps of the Bulletin?
Matt Murdock: I think he's connected to Fisk.
Ben Urich: That woman you saved that night? She's a good kid. Still believes you're a hero, despite what everybody's saying.
Matt Murdock: People like her are why I do this.
Ben Urich: If I do the smart thing and say no?
Matt Murdock: Then I'll have to stop him some other way.
Ben Urich: That has a ring of finality to it.
Matt Murdock: I'm not a killer. I keep telling people that.
Ben Urich: But that could change, couldn't it?

[Fisk is being told about Detective Blake's death]
Wilson Fisk: Is it taken care of?
James Wesley: Yes, but there was a complication.
Leland Owlsley: Well, there's a word I'm hearing more and more.

[After Madame Gao calls Fisk out on pretending to not understand Chinese just so that he could keep Wesley on hand for meetings]
Madame Gao: It is the clever man who plays the fool. And a foolish woman who does not recognize it.

Foggy Nelson: What about Elena's landlord? That Tully guy? I mean, he's gotta know something about this. [Stands] See if I can track him down.
Matt Murdock: Use the phone.
Foggy Nelson: Oh, come on!
Matt Murdock: I'm making that rule number two.
Foggy Nelson: Your rules suck. I want that on record.

Foggy Nelson: This is pointless, Matt. We should be out on the streets, cracking names and taking skulls.
Karen Page: I think you have that backwards.
Foggy Nelson: Not the way I do it.

Ben Urich: "You get what you deserve." It's an old saying. One that survived the years, because it's true. For the most part. But not for everyone. Some get more than they deserve. Because they believe they aren't like everyone else. That the rules, the ones people like me and you, the people that work and struggle to live our lives, just live, don't apply to them. That they can do anything and live happily ever after, while the rest of us suffer. They do this from the shadows. Shadows that we cast with our indifference. With a pervasive lack of interest in anything that doesn't directly affect us, we, in the here and now. Or maybe it's just the shadow of weariness. Of how tired we are, struggling to claw our way back to a middle class that no longer exist, because of those who take more than they deserve. And they keep taking, until all that's left for the rest of us is a memory of how it used to be before the corporations and the bottom line decided we didn't matter anymore. But we do. You and I, the people of this city we still matter. There's someone in Hell's Kitchen that doesn't share this belief. He's been among us for quite some time. You've never heard his name. You've never seen his face. He's stayed in the shadows. Because men like him, men that want to control our city, our lives, fear the light and what it reveals. This man must no longer be allowed to operate in the darkness. If he has nothing to hide, let him step forward.

[Wilson Fisk calls a press conference]
Wilson Fisk: I'm not very good at this, out, being in public. But I felt the need to speak up for this city that I love with all my heart. No one should have to live in fear. In fear of madmen who have no regard for who they injure. In fear of the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, who has inflicted untold pain and suffering. This masked terrorist and psychopaths of his kind, we must show them we will not bow down to their campaign of coercion and intimidation. We must stand up to them. As this man, my dearest friend, Leland Owlsley, a pillar in the financial community, stood up when he was recently assaulted. But this assault was for no other reason than to send me a message. A message warning me to stop. To give up my dream that I have for this city. A dream of a better place. A place for its citizens to feel safe. To feel pride. I tried to do this quietly, not wanting to draw attention. The last thing I wanted was for anyone close to me to become a target from those who do not share my dream. For those who will have this city stay exactly as it is, mired in poverty and crime. But I know now it was foolish to make that decision. That I can no longer do it alone. That I cannot keep living in the shadows afraid of the light. None of us can. None of us should be forced to. We must do this together. We must resist those who would have us live in fear. My name is Wilson Fisk. And together, we can make this city a better place.

Speak of the Devil [1.09]

Matt Murdock: Do you believe in the Devil, Father?
Father Lantom: You mean... as a concept?
Matt Murdock: No. Do you believe he exists? In this world, among us.
Father Lantom: You want the short answer or the long one?
Matt Murdock: Just the truth.
Father Lantom: When I was in seminary I was more studious than pious, more skeptical than most of my peers. I had this notion which I was more than willing to speak about, at length, to whoever I could corner, that the Devil was inconsequential. Minor figure in the grand scheme.
Matt Murdock: Not very Catholic of you.
Father Lantom: Uh-huh, yeah. In my defense, in the scriptures, the Hebrew word "Satan" actually means "adversary." It's applied to any antagonist. Angels and humans, serpents and kings. Medieval theologians reinterpreted those passages to be about a single monstrous enemy. And, in my youthful zeal, I was certain I knew why: propaganda. Played up to drive people into the church.
Matt Murdock: So you don't believe he exists.
Father Lantom: Am I done talking?
Matt Murdock: Sorry.
Father Lantom: Years later, I was in Rwanda trying to help local churches provide aid and sanctuary to refugees. I'd become close with the village elder, Gahiji. He and his family had the respect of everybody, Hutu and Tutsi alike. He'd helped them all through famines, disease. The militia liked to force Hutu villagers to murder their neighbors with machetes. But nobody would raise a hand against Gahiji. They said, "Well how can we kill such a holy man?" So the militia commander sent soldiers with orders to cut his head off in front of the entire village. Gahiji didn't try to put up a fight. Just asked for the chance to say goodbye to his family. By the time he was done, even the soldiers didn't wanna kill him. So they went to their commander and asked permission to shoot him. At least give him a quick death. The commander wanted to meet this man who had won the respect of so many. He went to Gahiji talked with him in his hut for many hours. Then he dragged him out in front of his village and hacked him to pieces along with his entire family. In that man who took Gahiji's life, I saw the Devil. So yes, Matthew. I believe he walks among us, taking many forms.

Father Lantom: I was worried you might've gone out and done something foolish, after our talk this morning.
Matt Murdock: I haven't done anything. Not yet.
Father Lantom: Sounds a bit on the ominous side.
Matt Murdock: I went to visit someone close to the... close to the Devil. Not to hurt her, just to get a sense of him. Of who he is and what it would take to... do what I have to.
Father Lantom: And... what did you learn?
Matt Murdock: That he has someone he loves... who loves him, who'd mourn his loss.
Father Lantom: Mmm-hmm. Few things are absolute, Matthew. Even Lucifer was once an angel. It's why judgment and vengeance... are best left to God. Especially when murder is not in your heart.
Matt Murdock: How do you know?
Father Lantom: You're here, aren't you?

Matt Murdock: I know my soul is damned if I take his life. But if I stand idle, if I... if I let him consume this city, all the people that will suffer and die...
Father Lantom: There is a wide gulf between inaction and murder, Matthew. Another man's evil does not make you good. Men have used the atrocities of their enemies to justify their own throughout history. So the question you have to ask yourself is are you struggling with the fact that you don't want to kill this man but have to? Or that you don't have to kill him but want to?

Karen Page: Nobody can totally erase their past. I mean, somewhere out there, there has to be a piece of paper, a witness... the truth.

Matt Murdock: You religious, Karen?
Karen Page: My parents were. That's probably why I'm not.

Wilson Fisk: How about Detective Hoffman?
James Wesley: Our sources in IAB tell me he was supposed to give a follow-up statement about what happened at Metro-General. He never showed.
Wilson Fisk: We need to put this behind us.
James Wesley: If he's still in the city, we'll find him.
Wilson Fisk: If he isn't?
James Wesley: We'll still find him. It might just take a little longer.

Vanessa Marianna: You don't need sight to appreciate art, but you do need honesty.
Matt Murdock: Sight helps.
Vanessa Marianna: Sure. But there's something very intimate in experiencing art through someone else's eyes. That's a good line, by the way. You should use it.

Vanessa Marianna: So, give me an idea what you're after.
Matt Murdock: I'm not sure.
Vanessa Marianna: Good... art isn't furniture. If you knew exactly what you were looking for, you'd be just decorating. Art should speak to you... move you. [Walks up to a piece] This one, for example. One of my favorite pieces.
Matt Murdock: Describe it to me.
Vanessa Marianna: Imagine a sea of tonal reds. The color of anger... of rage... but also the color of the heart... of love... hope. This strikes the perfect balance between the two.
Matt Murdock: I don't know, it sounds aggressive.
Vanessa Marianna: All depends on your point of view.

Foggy Nelson: Still not sure about this mask guy.
Karen Page: He didn't hurt Ben and he didn't hurt me. I'll take the Devil of Hell's Kitchen over Fisk any day. Plus, he kicks ass. [Matt smiles, Foggy scoffs] No, you should've seen the way that he was flipping around in the rain.
Foggy Nelson: Well, if he's such a badass, why did he come to Ben? Why not just take Fisk down himself?
Ben Urich: Maybe he knows there's some roads you can't come back from.

Nobu Yoshioka: I show you respect. You would be wise to return the courtesy.
Matt Murdock: [as the Masked Man] You'll have to earn it.

Foggy Nelson: I could say I'm Captain America; doesn't put wings on my head.

Matt Murdock: [as the Masked Man] I'm gonna kill you.
Wilson Fisk: Take your shot.

Nelson v. Murdock [1.10]

Foggy Nelson: Me and you, Maverick and Goose, no secrets!
Matt Murdock: Goose died and he was married.
Foggy Nelson: Details.

[flashback: Matt finds his way to his dorm room. Foggy is already unpacking]
Matt Murdock: Excuse me, is this room 312?
Foggy Nelson: Yeah, who're you looking for? Oh... uh, sorry.
Matt Murdock: What for?
Foggy Nelson: You're blind, right?
Matt Murdock: Uh, yeah, so they tell me. I hope that won't be a problem.
Foggy Nelson: Why would it? Oh! You're my roomie!
Matt Murdock: Uh, Matt Murdock.
Foggy Nelson: Foggy Nelson.

Foggy Nelson: Okay, so you get these whatever-you-call-thems when you're a kid. How do you go from that to what you're doing now?
Matt Murdock: When I was a kid, before the accident…I'd lay awake at night listening to the sirens. I liked to put stories to them. Trying to figure out what they were for, ambulance or cops, robbery or fire. I don't know, just a stupid game. But after I lost my sight, after my abilities developed, I realized how many sirens there actually were…how much this city suffered every single night.
Foggy Nelson: You've been running around doing this since you were a kid?
Matt Murdock: No. I…I tried not to fight…to make my dad proud. To…to block it out. The sirens, the pain, the fear, all strangling Hell's Kitchen. For years, I buried my head and turned away. Then one night, right after we quit Landman & Zack…I heard it.
Foggy Nelson: Heard what?
Matt Murdock: A little girl. Crying in her bed, in a building down the block. Her father liked to go to her room late at night…when his wife was asleep.
Foggy Nelson: [horrified] Oh, Jesus.
Matt Murdock: I called Child Services. Like you're supposed to. But the mom, she wouldn't believe it. Said it wasn't true. And the dad, he was smart. [scoffs] He made sure what he did, how he did it, didn't leave a mark. The law couldn't do anything to help that little girl. But I could. [Matt is shown beating said father senseless] He spent the next month in a hospital, eating through a straw. And I never slept better.

Foggy Nelson: We are both one day gonna be fine, upstanding members of the legal profession. El grande…how do you say "lawyers" in Spanish?
Matt Murdock: Lawyers? Abogados.
Foggy Nelson: El grande avocados!
Matt Murdock: [laughs] That's not Spanish, that's fruit.
Foggy Nelson: Pfft. It's a vegetable at best.

Foggy Nelson: You say all this, like…one day you'd just had it with how things are. But to do what you do…you had to keep training, all those years since that Stick guy, knowing you would do something like this. Maybe it isn't only about justice, Matt. Maybe it's about you having an excuse to hit someone. Maybe you just can't stop yourself.
Matt Murdock: I don't want to stop.

Madame Gao: There is conflict within you.
Wilson Fisk: Conflict?
Madame Gao: Man cannot be both savior and oppressor, light and shadow. One has to be sacrificed for the other. Choose and choose wisely. Or others shall choose for you.

Foggy Nelson: You're going to get yourself killed, you keep this up. You know that, right?
Matt Murdock: I can take care of myself.
Foggy Nelson: What about the rest of us? Me, Karen…we're a part of this now, because of you. And we didn't get a say in that.
Matt Murdock: What do you think's gonna happen if I give up now, Foggy? Who's going to stop Fisk?
Foggy Nelson: Oh, I don't know. The law?
Matt Murdock: Tell that to Elena. [pause] If you could have put on a mask and prevented what happened to her…you telling me you wouldn't have?
Foggy Nelson: It's not fair, Matt.
Matt Murdock: We don't live in a world that's fair. We live in this one.

Foggy Nelson: Me and you, pal. We're gonna have big, fancy offices one day, with steel and glass and chairs you don't even know how to sit in. Murdock and Nelson, attorneys at law!
Matt Murdock: Nelson and Murdock. Sounds better.
Foggy Nelson: You think?
Matt Murdock: Yeah, trust me. I can't see worth shit, but my hearing's spectacular.
Foggy Nelson: Me and you, pal... We're gonna do this. We're gonna be the best damn avocados this city has ever seen.
[both laugh]
Matt Murdock: Best damn avocados.

Foggy Nelson: So, you can see.
Matt Murdock: That's not… You're not.… Are you even listening to what I'm saying?
Foggy Nelson: Yeah, "world on fire," I got it. But you can see, right?
Matt Murdock: Yeah, in a manner of speaking. But I—
Foggy Nelson: [cutting him off] No! No manner! How many fingers am I holding up?
[he holds up his middle finger to Matt's face]
Matt Murdock: [with "Seriously?" look] One.

Karen Page: We all have things we hold onto for ourselves, that we don't want anyone to know
Ben Urich: But there's always someone who does, sooner or later.

[Owlsley talks with Fisk about Nobu's fight with the man in the mask]
Leland Owlsley: You burned him alive? Christ.
Wilson Fisk: I never laid a hand on Nobu.
Leland Owlsley: So, you maneuvered that masked idiot to take him out. Same result.
Wilson Fisk: I need you to speak with Gao.
Leland Owlsley: Me? The hell am I gonna say to her?
Wilson Fisk: Reassure her everything is fine.
Leland Owlsley: So, you want me to lie.
James Wesley: Mmm, you weren't particularly fond of Nobu. You thought he was unsettling, if I recall.
Leland Owlsley: I think you're unsettling half the time. See me lighting a match?

Matt Murdock: Foggy? What are you doing?
Foggy Nelson: Well, I'm gonna steal as many bagels as I can fit in this box. With you as my partner, there's no telling when I'll be able to afford a real meal again.

Matt Murdock: This city needs me in that mask, Foggy.
Foggy Nelson: Maybe you're right. Maybe it does. But I don't. I only ever needed my friend. [turns to leave] I wouldn't have kept this from you, Matt. Not from you.
Matt Murdock: You don't know that. You don't know that.
Foggy Nelson: Yeah. I do. [leaves]

Foggy Nelson: What are you doing, Matt? You're a lawyer. You're supposed to be helping people.
Matt Murdock: I am.
Foggy Nelson: In a mask! Do you know what they call that? A vigilante. Someone who acts outside of the law.

Karen Page: There's nothing worse, feeling choices are made for us. There's nothing you can do, but swim in shit and hope you don't get too much in your mouth.

Foggy Nelson: That news footage of you…in the alley, after the bombings…the way you were flipping around… Your dad was a boxer. He didn't teach you any of that stuff, did he?
Matt Murdock: He didn't want me to fight. You know that.
Foggy Nelson: So, how'd you get so good at it?
Matt Murdock: An old man named Stick.
Foggy Nelson: You're shitting me.
Matt Murdock: He found me at the orphanage. Blind like me. Well, almost like me.
Foggy Nelson: A blind, old man taught you the ancient ways of martial arts? Isn't that the plot to Kung Fu?

Doris Urich: What are you working on?
Ben Urich: Uh… It's nothing. Just, uh…outsmarted by a story.
Doris Urich: You'll figure it out. Always do.
Ben Urich: There are more important things than the job right now. I should be here with you, not chasing down leads, getting my ass in trouble.
Doris Urich: Your name is Ben Urich…and you are a reporter. It's not a job. It's who you are.

Leland Owlsley: This is getting out of hand. Ever since you started seeing that woman—
Wilson Fisk: [cuts him off] Leland. You have a son, yes?
Leland Owlsley: You know I do.
Wilson Fisk: Which means at some point in the past, I assume you met a woman…fell in love.
Leland Owlsley: What does that have to do with this?
Wilson Fisk: Everything.
Leland Owlsley: Gao is right. You've changed.

Karen Page: All the people here, all the years that they've lived, there must be so many stories.
Ben Urich: Only thing we have, everything said and done. No buildings named after us, fancy inheritances to leave behind, just…the stories those who were close to us tell to keep us alive. Even if it's just in memory.
Karen Page: Well, maybe that's enough.

Foggy Nelson: You tried to kill him, Matt. You told me yourself. How is that any different than the way he solves his problems?
Matt Murdock: I made a mistake. I know that.
Foggy Nelson: Misspelling "Hanukkah" is a mistake. Attempted murder is a little something else. You ever stop to think what would happen if you went to jail? Or worse?

Foggy Nelson: It's a drawing of a sign. "Nelson and Murdock, Attorneys At Law."
Matt Murdock: You, uh… You really want to do this?
Foggy Nelson: No, I'm pissing my pants. There is actual urine in my trousers. But I trust you. You think this is what we should be doing…then I'm with you. For better or worse.
Matt Murdock: Sounds like we're getting married.
Foggy Nelson: This is way more important than a civil union! Come on, we're gonna be business partners. We're gonna share everything with each other. Our thoughts, our dreams, bills, crushing debt… There is no one I'd rather be doing this with, buddy. Seriously.
Matt Murdock: Me too, pal.

The Path of the Righteous [1.11]

Karen Page: You think someone's trying to kill Fisk?
Ben Urich: I've been writing about crime in this city since before you were born. The only thing I know without a doubt is you don't get to be the man at the top without making enemies looking to tear you down to the ground.

Wilson Fisk: [to Wesley] You need to find who did this. You need to. I want to look in their eyes when I salt the earth with their blood.

Father Lantom: Yes, Matthew, I'm not an idiot. I have a pretty good idea who you are and what you do. How you do it… That's something else entirely.
Matt Murdock: Accident when I was a kid. Used to think it was God's will.
Father Lantom: Used to?
Matt Murdock: Yeah, he made each and every one of us with a purpose, didn't he? A reason for being.
Father Lantom: I believe so, yes.
Matt Murdock: Then why did he put the Devil in me? Why do I feel it in my heart and my soul clawing to be let out if that's not all part of God's plan?
Father Lantom: Maybe you're being called to summon the better angels of your nature. Maybe that's the struggle you're feeling deep within you.
Matt Murdock: And how do you know the angels and the Devil inside me aren't the same thing?
Father Lantom: I don't, but nothing drives people to the church faster than the thought of the Devil snapping at their heels. Maybe that was God's plan all along. Why he created him, allowed him to fall from grace to become a symbol to be feared warning to us all, to tread the path of the righteous.

Karen Page: If you're going to kill me, just do it. I'm sick of your bullshit.

Karen Page: You think someone's trying to kill Fisk?
Ben Urich: I've been writing about crime in this city since before you were born. The only thing I know without a doubt is you don't get to be the man at the top without making enemies looking to tear you down to the ground.

Karen Page: Isn't it a bit early for beer?
Matt Murdock: Depends what kind of day you're having.

Claire Temple: I'll always be there... when you really need me... to patch you up. Beyond that...

Marci Stahl: You're not in the woods. Grunts don't count as words, Foggy Bear.
Foggy Nelson: Please don't call me that.
Marci Stahl: I'll call you whatever I damn well please.
Foggy Nelson: Okay, just... can you do it with your inside voice, without speaking?
Marci Stahl: That's a very asshole thing to say. I'm impressed.
Foggy Nelson: Sorry.
Marci Stahl: And now you've ruined it.

Karen Page: We should sue. You know, whoever hit you, we should go after 'em and... What kind of car was it? Please tell me it was expensive and German.
Matt Murdock: Japanese.

James Wesley: Reach out to Gao.
Leland Owlsley: Me? What if she's the one who did all this?
James Wesley: Well, you said you didn't think it was her.
Leland Owlsley: What the hell do I know? I was almost poisoned. I'm not thinking straight.
James Wesley: Speak with Gao... if she wasn't involved, we might need her support against further unpleasantries.
Leland Owlsley: And if she was involved?
James Wesley: Then it's been an honor doing business with you.

James Wesley: Do you love this city?
Karen Page: I, I, um, haven't been here long enough.
James Wesley: Huh. I find a few days, a week at most, is ample time to form an emotional response. Growing to love something is really simply forgetting slowly what you dislike about it. I'll be perfectly honest, the situation calls for it, I do not love this city. The crush of the unwashed garbage stacked on the sidewalk, the air that seems to adhere to your skin, the layer of filth you can never completely wash away.
Karen Page: Maybe you should move.
[. . .]
[after Wesley leaves his gun on the table, Karen summons up enough strength to grab it and point it at him]
James Wesley: [bluffing] Do you really think I would put a loaded gun on the table where you could reach it?
Karen Page: I don't know. [cocks it] Do you really think this is the first time I've shot someone?
James Wesley: Miss Page—
[Karen calls Wesley's bluff and shoots him in the right shoulder; he stares at her in shock, and she puts six more rounds into his chest, killing him]

The Ones We Leave Behind [1.12]

Wilson Fisk: It's a difficult thing, isn't it? Taking a life. Feeling the weight and responsibility of all the years the person you've murdered has lived—moments that they've cherished, the dreams that they've struggled towards—gone, because of you. I want you to know something. Something important that I've learned: that it gets easier the more you do it.

Ben Urich: Run the article. It'll sell papers, it's sexy.
Mitchell Ellison: You sound like a whore.
Ben Urich: Well, I learned how to be one from you. I get lucky sometimes, sure. Land a story that makes a difference, like Union Allied. But most of the time, now, working for this paper... I might as well be wearing lipstick and a red dress.

[Fisk has just given a beating to his head bodyguard, because the guy didn't protect Wesley]
Leland Owlsley: Maybe this isn't the best time to be beating your men to death. He, he did what he was told. I think they call that loyalty, or something.

Madame Gao: My interest here has never been about heroin, Leland. That was borne of convenience, and it is no longer so.
Leland Owlsley: Do what you want. I could honestly care less. If he finds out what we did... this isn't gonna matter.
Madame Gao: Wilson suspects?
Leland Owlsley: Not yet, but that could change.
Madame Gao: We knew the risk, and the reward, if his woman were to be removed as a distraction.
Leland Owlsley: I should've just had her shot.

Leland Owlsley: So, what's our play here?
Madame Gao: The wheel constantly turns. We must adapt to its position, or be crushed beneath it.
Leland Owlsley: What? Where the hell are you going?
Madame Gao: I will visit my homeland and reflect upon the future.
Leland Owlsley: Home? China?
Madame Gao: It is a considerable distance farther.

Leland Owlsley: Wind blows the hardest the closer you get to the mountain top.

[Wilson Fisk has broken into Ben Urich's apartment]
Ben Urich: People seek the truth no matter where they find it.
Wilson Fisk: That may have been the case when you and I were young. This world around us is preoccupied with celebrity weddings and videos of cats. But complicated issues, issues that matter? They take too much focus. They take too much time away from texting and the thousand channels on the satellite dish.
Ben Urich: Guess I have more faith in humanity.
Wilson Fisk: Ah. So did Christ, if I recall. I'll go. Just one more thing: Were you alone when you spoke to my mother?
Ben Urich: [realizing] Your guy at the Bulletin [told you]?
Wilson Fisk: Yes, I received a call that was upsetting. Were you alone?
Ben Urich: Yeah. I was alone.
Wilson Fisk: [Did you kill] Wesley, was that you?
Ben Urich: Wesley?
Wilson Fisk: Yes, I didn't think so. You're a man of principle, of conviction. I understand that, I even admire it. But you went after my mother. That's not something that I can forgive.
Ben Urich: I wrote a lot of stories in my years pushing ink. You know how many times people have threatened me get me to keep my mouth shut?
Wilson Fisk: [seething with rage] But this is my mother that you brought into this, Mr. Urich. My mother! So I am not here to threaten you. I'm here to kill you. [He suddenly stands up and grabs Urich by the neck. Urich struggles. Fisk throws him to the ground and chokes him to death with his bare hands]

Daredevil [1.13]

[at Ben Urich's funeral]
Father Lantom: How you holding up?
Matt Murdock: Like a good Catholic boy.
Father Lantom: That bad, huh?

Wilson Fisk: I was thinking about a story from the Bible.
FBI Guard 1: Did I tell you to open your mouth?
FBI Guard 2: Let 'im talk. Don't mean nothin'.
Wilson Fisk: I'm not a religious man, but I've read bits and pieces over the years. Curiosity more than faith. But this one story… There was a man, he was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was set upon by men of ill intent. They stripped the traveler of his clothes, they beat him, and they left him bleeding in the dirt. And a priest happened by, saw the traveler, but he moved to the other side of the road and continued on. And a Levite, a religious functionary, he came to the place, saw the dying traveler, but he, too, moved to the other side of the road, passed him by. But then came a man from Samaria, a Samaritan, a good man. He saw the traveler bleeding in the road and he stopped to aid him without thinking of the circumstance or the difficulty it might bring him. The Samaritan tended to the traveler's wounds, applying oil and wine, and he carried him to an inn, gave him all the money he had for the owner to take care of the traveler, as the Samaritan, he continued on his journey. He did this simply because the traveler was his neighbor. He loved his city and all the people in it. I always thought that I was the Samaritan in that story. It's funny, isn't it? How even the best of men can be deceived by their true nature.
FBI Agent 1: What the hell does that mean?
Wilson Fisk: It means that I'm not the Samaritan, that I'm not the priest or the Levite…that I am the ill intent who set upon the traveler on a road that he should not have been on.

Wilson Fisk: You are my heart. You're my everything.

Sgt. Brett Mahoney: The way things are going around here, I'm thinking about taking an early pension. Move my mom somewhere warm.
Matt Murdock: Be a shame. The only cop on the force we know for sure is honest.
Sgt. Brett Mahoney: Never see Serpico? Honest cops are usually the ones get shot in the face.

Daredevil: You were right, what you told me on the radio that night. Not everyone deserves a happy ending.
Wilson Fisk: You!

Wilson Fisk: I wanted to make this city, something better than it is, something beautiful. You took that away from me! You took everything! I'm gonna kill you!
Daredevil: Take your shot.

Wilson Fisk: [as he thrashes Daredevil] This city doesn't deserve a better tomorrow! It deserves to drown in its filth! It deserves people like my father! People like you!
Daredevil: [suddenly blocking his attack] This is my city! My family!

Wilson Fisk: [laughs at Daredevil] You really think…you can change anything? You think, one man, a silly look costume, will make a difference…? [Daredevil knocks him down]

[Karen and Foggy discuss Matt's new costume]
Karen Page: I cannot believe this is the same guy who stopped that Union Allied nut from stabbing me in my apartment! That is a serious upgrade.
Foggy Nelson: I dunno. I think the horns are a little much.

Season 2


Bang [2.01]

[Matt and Foggy are walking to work]
Foggy Nelson: Do you ever wake up in the morning, and...from the second you get out of bed, it's like... every molecule in your body hurts?
Matt Murdock: No, never.
Foggy Nelson: Oh! I'm in agony, dude!
Matt Murdock: What, did you go back to the gym?
Foggy Nelson: Hell no! Do I look capable of making healthy life choices? I went out, Matthew. Went out dancing.
Matt Murdock: I'm choosing not to believe that.
Foggy Nelson: And yet, it's true.
Matt Murdock: Mind if I ask you a personal question?
Foggy Nelson: Go ahead.
Matt Murdock: Are you insane?
Foggy Nelson: Yes.
Matt Murdock: Tell me it was the barista! [A passerby waves to Foggy]
Passerby: Hey Foggy! Looking good.
Foggy Nelson: [to Matt] Her name is Bethany, and she is..very limber.
Matt Murdock: [grins] You're my hero!
[Foggy bumps into a passing woman]
Woman: Watch it, asshole!
Matt Murdock: So, uh, when's the next date?
Foggy Nelson: Therein lies the true pain.
Matt Murdock: No!
Foggy Nelson: Yes. One and done. [Matt laughs] End of the night, she hugged me like a cousin and said "I'll call you".
Matt Murdock: Oh, that's brutal!
Foggy Nelson: You know what my problem is?
Matt Murdock: Well, it ain't the moves.
Foggy Nelson: You know I got the moves. That's the tragedy of you being blind, you've never seen me dance.
Matt Murdock: Yeah, but I can cite the legends I heard in law school. So come on, what is it? What's the problem?
Foggy Nelson: No wingman! You never come out with me anymore! Can you imagine Nelson & Murdock on the dance floor?
Matt Murdock: [laughs] Yeah I can't deny, that does sound epic.

[Matt and Foggy arrive at work, to find Karen tending to a waiting room full of clients]
Karen Page: Good morning, guys! You take the scenic route this morning?
Foggy Nelson: Good morning to you too.
Matt Murdock: Morning, Karen. What do we got?
Karen Page: All right. [motions to a man with a dog in his lap that's wearing a funnel] Well, uh, Mr. Marino's dog was viciously beaten by his neighbor after the dog, um... defiled the neighbor's statue of Saint Francis.
Matt Murdock: "Defiled"?
Karen Page: Um, humped repeatedly until completion.
Foggy Nelson: That's a dog I want to defend.
Karen Page: Oh, well, he's all yours, cowboy. [motions to a tough-looking biker dude] And Mr. Maxwell here was attacked in a barfight last night.
Mr. Maxwell: He started it!
Karen Page: Well I called Metro-General, and the other guy will recover. But if you are looking at trial, you'll probably want to wait until his jaw is unwired.
Mr. Maxwell: [to Matt and Foggy] Your girl's a badass.
Karen Page: [laughs] You have no idea.

[Nelson & Murdock are relaxing after work by playing pool at Josie's]
Matt Murdock: [as Karen takes a shot] See, I don't know. That definitely sounded like cheating to me, Miss Page. Foggy, are you sure we're not being hustled here?
Foggy Nelson: As sure as Josie's AC is busted. [Josie shows up and sets down two pitchers of water]
Josie: What AC?
Karen Page: Well at least you've brought water. [Matt and Foggy promptly hold out their hands to block Karen from the water pitchers]
Foggy Nelson: No, you-
Matt Murdock: You can't drink the water here.
Foggy Nelson: Josie's pipes have issues.
Matt Murdock: Rust, mold.
Foggy Nelson: I think I can actually see the bacteria floating in there.
Karen Page: [laughs] Oh, ew, ew!
Matt Murdock: See, that... that's why we, uh, keep our cocktails neat.
Foggy Nelson: Pretend you're abroad. On vacation someplace exotic, but no mojitos. Josie just throws mint in the beer.
Matt Murdock: [laughs] Right.
Foggy Nelson: Take over, buddy. I gotta hit the head. [motions to Karen] And don't let her out of your four working senses. She's as quick as she is beautiful.
Matt Murdock: Right.
Foggy Nelson: She reminds me of myself. [Foggy heads to the bathroom]
Matt Murdock: Ah, this place brings out something...special in Foggy.
Karen Page: [giggles] Are you sure it's not the alcohol?
Matt Murdock: No, it's the company. He likes it when it's the three of us. [Karen levels her cue stick and prepares to take her next shot] If it were up to him, we'd be doing this the rest of our lives. [Karen takes her shot. The balls are all scattered, but none of them go into the pockets]
Karen Page: Goddamnit!
Matt Murdock: What happened?
Karen Page: There goes my shutout.
Matt Murdock: [smiles] Ummm, you're going for a shutout against a blind man? [Karen giggles] H-How do you sleep at night, Miss Page?
Karen Page: [grins] You don't get any sympathy from me, Murdock! Still not sure who's hustling who here! C'mon.
Matt Murdock: All right. [Karen guides Matt around and puts his left hand on the cue ball]
Karen Page: Here's a cue. All right, you're lined up with the cue ball. The six is at your 2:00, pocket straight away. [Matt rotates his position to aim his shot] Fire away. [Matt takes his turn, and the six-ball misses, instead bouncing off the side a few inches away from the pocket]
Matt Murdock: How--How did I do?
Karen Page: Well you've got potential!
Matt Murdock: All right.
Karen Page: Here. Here again.
[Karen guides Matt back around to the end of the table, and uses her left hand to place Matt's left hand on the cue ball, briefly running her fingers up his hand as Matt gets into position]
Karen Page: Six ball. [clears throat] Straight ahead. Just...real soft.
[Foggy emerges from the bathroom]
Karen Page: Come on you've done this before. Just go for it!
[Matt takes his shot. The cue ball hits the six ball, which then hits the eight-ball and ricochets it into the corner pocket]
Foggy Nelson: NOOOOOOOO!
Matt Murdock: That good, huh?
Karen Page: You sunk the eight-ball.
Matt Murdock: [smiles] Well, something went in.
Karen Page: I tell you what, you boys re-rack. I will, uh, buy rounds for the rematch. [heads off to the counter; an annoyed Foggy turns to Matt]
Foggy Nelson: I leave you two alone for ONE minute!
Matt Murdock: She wanted to teach me! [Foggy smirks at him] What? [Matt takes another turn, and manages to sink two balls at once]
Foggy Nelson: Showoff... [Matt laughs]

Matt Murdock: Brett... you can trust us.
Foggy Nelson: We're lawyers.

Brett Mahoney: Now, we got history, so I'll tell you as a friend, you stay out of this shit. If you got a witness, the smart move is to turn him over and walk away. Hell's Kitchen is about to explode.
Foggy Nelson: You hear that? He called me friend.

[Matt wants to find information on the Kitchen Irish hit]
Foggy Nelson: Did you even listen to Brett? We're talking about a squad of trained killers loose on the streets. Not the kind of guys you challenge to a fist fight in your underwear.
Matt Murdock: Hey! It's not underwear, Foggy. Underwear is comfortable.

[Matt is interrogating Turk for information on the gunman]
Turk Barrett: Come on, D. I'm out on parole, man. I can't go back to jail. Please. I missed Hell's Kitchen.
Daredevil: Yeah. It didn't miss you.

[Matt seems to have Castle cornered]
Frank Castle: [pulls a pistol] Bang. [shoots Daredevil in the head]

Dogs to a Gunfight [2.02]

Matt Murdock: Hey, Foggy, can I get some aspirin?
Foggy Nelson: You sure you don't want an x-ray? Maybe a psych eval?
Matt Murdock: An aspirin's fine, buddy.

Blake Tower: It's an ongoing investigation. But our intelligence people are close to completing a profile.
Foggy Nelson: A profile?
Blake Tower: Even got a code name.
Foggy Nelson: Like what? "Killdozer," or "Dumbass With A Gun"?

[Karen and Foggy are at the office]
Foggy Nelson: Anything else we've been ignoring?
Karen Page: Uh, yeah. Um... There you go. [hands Foggy a bunch of envelopes]
Foggy Nelson: Thank you. [flips through the mail] "Overdue." "Past Due." "Final Notice." Hey! "First Notice." That's a win.

[The Punisher walks into a pawn shop. He approaches the owner, who nervously grabs the handle of the double barreled gun under his desk]
Pawn Shop Owner: Do I know you?
Frank Castle: I need an NYPD mobile communications rig. One that gets encrypted tactical frequencies.
Pawn Shop Owner: [scoffs] What do I look like, RadioShack? Anyway, dealing in this shit is illegal. [Castle puts a couple $100 bills down on the counter] You sure you're not a cop? 'Cause that's trouble I don't need. [Castle moves to pick up his money] Whoa, whoa, whoa! I gotta ask, right? Just hold on. [The owner unlocks a cabinet in the back and removes a heavy satchel containing a communications rig] Yep. Straight out of Officer McDipshit's dashboard. Gets you tactical bands, surveillance feeds. Hell, it'll probably pick up the mayor banging his boyfriend. [Castle scoffs] It's a grand. We're talking about a one-of-a-kind item. [Castle counts out a few more $100s and plants them on the counter. Castle notices the surveillance camera watching the counter]
Frank Castle: Video tape.
Pawn Shop Owner: Sure. What the hell. [He removes the tape from the system]
Frank Castle: What about the double-barrel under the counter? [Castle deposits a few more $100s. The owner takes out his double-barrel and empties the shells. Castle pockets the shells, then picks up the communications rig and begins walking towards the door]
Pawn Shop Owner: [clears throat] Hey, man, hold on. Sure I can't get you anything else? You know, I got it all, man. Yeah, bondage... back-door, grannies. Or maybe you're in the market for something younger? She's barely 12. Guaranteed! [Castle stops and drops his satchel] Haha, you like that, huh? For a hundred bucks, she's all yours. [Castle flips the sign in the door from "Open" to "Closed", then turns around and begins walking back towards the counter] That's my man. [As he strides towards the counter, Castle picks up a baseball bat] What the hell are you doin'? Hey, man, just take it easy. [stammering] I'm just trying to make a buck! [Castle swings the bat at the owner's head]

New York's Finest [2.03]

Daredevil: War changes people. Sometimes they see things they can't unsee. Come home to find home's not there anymore. It changed. Or maybe they did.

Daredevil: You know, a funny thing about New York... few people are actually from here. The ones who are... they don't leave. They can't, they, uh... They feel like the city's a part of them.

Punisher: You a shrink, Red? Now, come on, you must be something when you're not wearing the long johns, right?
Daredevil: I'm just a guy.

Daredevil: I'm just saying, I know it can be hard.
Punisher: Do you? You know it can be hard? You run around this city in a pair of little boy's pajamas and a mask. You go home at night, right? Take that mask off, maybe you think... it wasn't you who did those things, maybe it was somebody else. Well, see, soldiers... we don't wear masks, yeah? We don't get that privilege.

Claire Temple: You know, you're good with people.
Foggy Nelson: Yeah, I'm a real charmer.
Claire Temple: I'm serious. The only thing I ever saw stop a thug mid-fight... was a bigger thug.
Foggy Nelson: Yeah, I like to keep it thuggish.

Punisher: I think that the people I kill need killing, that's what I think.
Daredevil: You left men hanging from meat hooks!
Punisher: They got off easy, in my opinion.
Daredevil: You shot up a hospital.
Punisher: Yeah, and nobody got hurt who didn't deserve it.
Daredevil: Oh, yeah. What--what about you, Frank? What happens the day someone decides you deserve it?
Punisher: I'll tell you what, they better not miss.

Punisher: Look around, Red. This city, it stinks. It's a sewer. It stinks and it smells like sh1t and I can't get the stink out of my nose. I think that this world, it needs men that are willing to make the hard call. I think you and me are the same!
Daredevil: That's bullshit, Frank, and you know it!
Punisher: Only I do the one thing that you can't. You hit them and they get back up, I hit them and they stay down. It's permanent. I make sure that they don't make it out on the street again. I take pride in that.

Daredevil: People don't have to die.
Punisher: Come on, Red. You believe that?
Daredevil: I believe it's not my call. And it ain't yours either.
Punisher: Somebody ask you to put on that costume or you take it upon yourself? You know what I think of you, hero? I think you're a half-measure. I think you're a man who can't finish the job. I think that you're a coward. You know the one thing that you just can't see? You know you're one bad day away from being me.

Daredevil: Why didn't you take off my mask?
Punisher: Because I don't give a shit who you are.

Daredevil: The people you murder deserve another chance.
Punisher: What, to kill again? Rape again? Is that what you want?
Daredevil: No, Frank. To try again, Frank. To try. And if you don't get that, there's something broken in you you can't fix, and you really are a nutjob.
Punisher: What did you say?
Daredevil: You're... you're unhinged... Frank. You are. You think God made you a one-man firing squad. But you're wrong. There is goodness in people, even in you. And you're gonna have to kill me, 'cause I'm never gonna stop coming for you, until I take you down. You wanna know why? Why's that? Because you're insane.

Punisher: Take the shot.
Daredevil: Go to hell.
Punisher: Too late.

Punisher: Take the shot, Red, take the shot.
Daredevil: No.
Punisher: You don't do it, his death's on you. Either way, you're a killer. Two...
Daredevil: What kind of choice is that?
Punisher: The kind I make every time I pull the trigger. The kind I'm gonna make right now.

[Blake Tower is working late in his office when Karen drops in]
Karen Page: Late night?
Blake Tower: What are you doing here?
Karen Page: Protecting our client, who is still out there, alone.
Blake Tower: [scoffs] You're talking about him like he's a a lost puppy. Mr. Grote is a convicted criminal and lucky we gave him the time of day. [scoffs] I'd forget about him if I were you.
Karen Page: We promised to protect him!
Blake Tower: Maybe you shouldn't have.
Karen Page: Your boss said she could take down a firm like ours pretty quickly.
Blake Tower: She wasn't lying.
Karen Page: Huh. So, she could also take down someone like you? [Karen takes several file folders out of her purse] ADA Elliott James. Took the fall after Reyes mishandled informants in the, uh, Teller case about a year ago. [puts down a second folder] Nicole Kent. Got booted from your office after she failed to quiet the EnSynth scandal. [puts down a third folder] And Chris Davidson. Did you ever meet him? [no response from Tower] Fired after the State Supreme Court disqualified her entire office from the Pell case due to "widespread misconduct". Widespread! But not everyone got fired. See, Reyes walked out in one piece. She's good at throwing people to the wolves. So sure, she can take down Nelson & Murdock this month. But how long before you are getting pulled into the shit with the rest of us?
Blake Tower: You trying to scare me?
Karen Page: I am here to show you that you and Reyes, are not on the same team.
Blake Tower: [chuckles in disbelief] Where would you even find this shit?
Karen Page: I want protection for Nelson & Murdock. We're small. We can't survive getting thrown to the wolves. Not without your help. After what happened today, someone's gonna crash and burn and I need to know that that won't be us.
Blake Tower: [leans forward] What makes you think I could help you, even if I wanted to?
Karen Page: You have information on the Punisher.
Blake Tower: That's classified.
Karen Page: Do I look like I'm going to post it on YouTube? Your boss is threatening to disbar my friends and dismantle our law firm!
Blake Tower: Yeah, my boss is a piece of work. Look, how will the Punisher files, assuming they even exist, help you stop that from happening?
Karen Page: [sighs] I'll let you know.
Blake Tower: [smiles in disbelief] Unbelievable. So, you expect me to implicate the D.A. on purpose? [no response from Karen] Listen very carefully: you cannot come into my office, asking me to betray my boss, throwing around allegations about this department you cannot substantiate. So I'm going downstairs to get security. [stuffs some files into a briefcase] And you will not contact me again. No emails. No phone calls. Nothing. [hands the files to Karen] Good night, Miss Page.

Penny and Dime [2.04]

Finn Cooley: Now, this bloody shooter, he stole $1.2 million of my money. Man takes my son. I lose a boy. He takes my money. I'm getting it back.

Father Lantom: Praying for the light... but Elliot died still in the dark... with no one to mourn his loss... except the three of you. And so, we might say... one life gone... one sinful life... but one person is not just one person. In each of us there is a world, webbing out, reaching others. Creating reactions. Sometimes equal, sometimes opposite. We rush to say, one life gone... but each of us is a world. And today, a world has been lost...

Father Lantom: Nothing shines up a halo faster than a death, Matthew. But funerals are for the living... and revising history... only dilutes the lessons we should learn from it.

Matt Murdock: We're on the same side, you and I.
Brett Mahoney: You're on your own side.

Finn Cooley: You're dying tonight. The hole's been dug. But I'm giving you one chance to meet your maker with arms and legs attached. Generosity's my defining trait.

[Matt has rescued Frank Castle from the Irish]
Frank Castle: I gotta say, sometimes... sometimes I think you really just might be the Devil.
Daredevil: Sometimes I think I might be, too.

Frank Castle: I guess, uh... I guess I was wrong.
Daredevil: About?
Frank Castle: About you being a pussy.
Daredevil: Don't get all sweet on me now, Frank.

[Matt has laid Frank Castle down to rest while they wait for the police to arrive at the cemetery]
Frank Castle: It's... One Batch, Two Batch, Penny and Dime, you know? It was her favorite book. You gotta cross the ocean, and go fight. You see, whole time you're thinking you're gonna be scared, right? But then you're not. See, that part of it was always easy for me. Killing. Even watching my buddies die, it just didn't mean nothing. The first time I got scared was on a plane on the way home. I kept thinking God was gonna pull the rug out from under us, you know? Shit, that's his kind of funny, you know. But the plane landed safe and we were home. Driving through traffic. Yeah, you pass fast food and donut shops and all that greasy shit, the shit you fought to protect, and then the car stops. We were outside her school. I get to her classroom, right? She's in there, but she's got no idea. She's got no idea Daddy's home. I walk in, these kids, they're not even studying, they're-they're doing some kind of yoga. Yeah. You know? She's there. She's doing her poses, you know, she's bending and, you know, she's moving. She looks like a flower. Yeah. And you know, you can't even understand it, you know, how does something like that have... How does something that beautiful have... How does that... how does that come from me, you know? And she looks up and she sees me. I see her. By God, that's real. That's real, Red. Boom. In an instant, she's across that classroom floor, she's in my arms. She's squeezing me so tight, I swear I was gonna bust a rib, you know? We just stayed there like that, we're holding each other. Teacher's filming the whole thing on her phone, you know, she's gonna put it on YouTube or some shit. She can't hold the thing steady, because, you know, she's... she's bawling so hard, and the kids are all wailing, you know, they're screaming. And me? Shit, I'm the worst of all. I'm a... I'm a rubber-faced clown, you know? I cried so hard. But not my baby. Not my girl. You know, she's my girl. She's... she's not crying, she's holding me up. My girl, she's keeping me on my feet. She says, "I knew it, Daddy. I knew it." And then we go home. To the wife, the boy. Place is the exact same, it's like it was just holding its breath waiting for me to get back, you know? Then it hit me. All of it, you know? The first time I felt how tired I was, you know, I was just tired, you know? You ever been tired, Red?
Matt Murdock: Yeah.
Frank Castle: So, you know. It's just, I couldn't do nothing, you know? All the things. I couldn't take my wife to bed. Ball with the boy. Shit... I was too tired, I couldn't even drink a goddamn beer, you know? But not her. My girl was up. See, she wanted to, uh, she wanted me to tuck her in. She... she outgrew it, she knew it, but she didn't care. She wanted it. She had that book. Her favorite book was out on the pillows. One Batch, Two Batch, Penny and Dime, you know? I read her that book every night before this shit. I read it every single night, but, see, that was over now, because Daddy's home now. She looked at me and she begged me, Red. She begged. She begged. I said, "No. Daddy's too tired, see. But I'll... I'll read to you tomorrow night. I promise." Yeah. Never think that for her there was not gonna be any tomorrow, see? The last time I'd see her, I'd be holding her lifeless body in my arms. Meat was spilling out of her, Red. The place where her face used to be. I think I'm done, Red. I think I'm done.

[Brett and his partner have rolled up on Matt and Frank Castle in the cemetery]
Matt Murdock: Take the collar. Take the credit. Get a promotion, if you can. You've earned it.
Brett Mahoney: Bullshit.
Matt Murdock: No, people have to know the system works. Not his justice and not mine. Vigilante days are done in this town. The police are in charge.
Brett Mahoney: That's not how it happened.
Matt Murdock: Then make it how it happened.

[Matt and Foggy are listening to Karen outline the evidence she stole from Blake Tower]
Karen Page: He's lucky to be alive. This is all of the stuff that the D.A.'s collecting for her case. And most of it's about the Punisher's victims-the Dogs of Hell, the cartel. But this was in the middle of it. Not someone he shot. Him.
Foggy Nelson: He's insane. Maybe he shot himself.
Karen Page: I thought about that! But at that close of a range?
Matt Murdock: Yeah, he'd be dead already.
Karen Page: Okay, not to go all tinfoil hat here, but Tower obviously slipped this to me for a reason. What if the Punisher isn't the worst of it? What if Reyes is trying to cover something up?
Foggy Nelson: [incredulous] You think that murderous psychopath isn't the worst of it?
Karen Page: No. And I think our best shot at protecting Nelson & Murdock is to find him.
Foggy Nelson: That's our best shot at career suicide. [the phone in Foggy's office rings] Or just getting shot! [Foggy disappears into his office to answer the phone. Karen turns to Matt]
Karen Page: [sighs] Am I insane? Matt?
Matt Murdock: [looks up] I'm sorry, what? [clears his throat]
Karen Page: Nothing. Just....Father Lantom's eulogy really got to me, I guess.
Matt Murdock: Yeah, he does that.
Karen Page: The Punisher's a lunatic.
Matt Murdock: Would you care anyway?
Karen Page: Uh, I wouldn't say that. It's more like...curious. [sits down next to Matt] I mean, between these files and—and—and Reyes's obsession and the fact that...humans are a pretty complicated species to begin with. I just—I feel like there's got to be more to the story.
Matt Murdock: I think you are....
Karen Page: [smiles] Oh my god, you think I'm insane! [Matt laughs]
Matt Murdock: [grins] I'm kidding. Compassionate. It's a good quality, Karen. The stuff of saints.
Karen Page: Yeah, well I'm no saint.
Matt Murdock: I can't tell you how glad I am to hear that.

[Matt, Foggy, and Karen are at Josie's, watching the news on the Punisher's arrest]
Pat Kiernan: [on TV] Frank Castle, the gunman wanted in connection with the Metro-General shooting and linked to dozens of recent gangland-related killings throughout Hell's Kitchen, was apprehended just hours ago outside St. Michael's Cemetery. An NYPD spokesman says tonight, New York has Sergeant Brett Mahoney of the 15th Precinct to thank....
Foggy Nelson: Gotta hand it to Brett.
Matt Murdock: I'm glad people like him are looking out for Hell's Kitchen.
Foggy Nelson: Yeah. And I'm glad someone was looking out for him.
Karen Page: [smiles] Press are calling Castle a "cold-blooded psychopath." The D.A.'s gonna have a helluva time using his prosecution to turn herself into a hero. It's all working out perfectly.
Matt Murdock: Wow. Way to bring us down...
Karen Page: [laughs] I'm...!
Matt Murdock: Hey Josie, would you mind turning the TV off? It's upsetting some of the regulars. [to Foggy and Karen] I think we've had enough Punisher for one evening.
Karen Page: Okay.
Matt Murdock: All right?
Karen Page: I'll drink to that.
Matt Murdock: To Brett. And to a safe Hell's Kitchen.
Foggy Nelson: Here-here. [They clink their bottles and drink] I'm gonna get us another round. I hope you two saved room for shots. [Foggy gets up from the table]
Karen Page: Oh, no-no....
Matt Murdock: Thanks, Fog. [Karen takes another sip from her beer and runs a hand through her hair] Hey. You okay?
Karen Page: [smiles] Yeah. [Matt raises his eyebrows and smirks] Okay, that wasn't convincing, was it? [laughs nervously] Umm.....I don't know. I just, uh...Days like today remind me how precious life can be, you know? [Matt puts his left hand on Karen's right arm and rubs his thumb a few times]
Matt Murdock: What's your brother like?
Karen Page: Um....he's sweet. He's a....good brother.

Foggy Nelson: Careful, Matt.
Matt Murdock: What's that?
Foggy Nelson: Keep going like this, you just might end up happy. And for a Catholic boy, that's a pretty dangerous thing.
Matt Murdock: I don't know what you're talking about. [Foggy pats him on the shoulder]
Foggy Nelson: Godspeed, Matt Murdock. [Karen joins them outside.]
Karen Page: Hey! Where next?
Foggy Nelson: Home. I'm gonna sleep for a week. Someone had the awful idea of doing shots! [Karen giggles as Foggy removes his newspaper from his satchel to use as an umbrella] I think I've had enough excitement for one evening.
Karen Page: 'Kay...
Foggy Nelson: See you two in the morning! [dashes off into the rain]
Matt Murdock: See ya, Fog.
Karen Page: Bye!
[Karen smiles lustily at Matt. She looks up at the sky, and then sticks her left hand out to get a feeling of how hard the rain is coming down]
Karen Page: [nervously] Do you mind the rain?
Matt Murdock: No. [Karen slips one of her hands into his left hand]
Karen Page: Then I'll walk you home. [Karen giggles as she leads Matt away]

[Karen slowly walks Matt back to his apartment. Outside his apartment, he abruptly stops Karen, runs a hand up her arm and face, and kisses her]
Matt Murdock: Can I take you to dinner?
Karen Page: [breathlessly] Yes!
Matt Murdock: Tomorrow?
Karen Page: [grins] Yes!
[Matt musters up enough courage to pull away from Karen, and smiles]
Matt Murdock: ...Good night, Karen.
Karen Page: Good night, Matt. [Karen gently runs a hand across Matt's chest as she steps away and hails a taxi]

Kinbaku [2.05]

[Foggy and Matt are crashing a party; Foggy has swiped some caviar]
Foggy Nelson: Are you gonna kick us out, bro?
Waiter: Depends. Are you pompous jackasses?
Matt Murdock: Uh, well, we're not... pompous.

Elektra Natchios: Would you believe it if I said I missed you?
Matt Murdock: No.
Elektra Natchios: Smart man.

Elektra Natchios: A long time ago, before he died, my father did business with the Roxxon Corporation.
Matt Murdock: Roxxon?
Elektra Natchios: Energy, cleaning supplies, macaroni and cheese. Child labor, slave trade. They have their fingers in everything. I believe it's called diversification.

Elektra Natchios: You're the only person I can trust.
Matt Murdock: Well, sweetheart, you don't break into my house and then talk to me about trust.

[Blake Tower pays a visit to Nelson & Murdock]
Foggy Nelson: You know it's really not a good idea to piss her [Karen] off. So, what can I do for the Assistant District Attorney?
Blake Tower: It's more, "what I can do for you", Mr. Nelson. We need all your files on the Grote case. Notes, interviews, any and all recordings and e-mails.
Foggy Nelson: And in return, we get...
Blake Tower: I convince District Attorney Reyes to scratch the names of Nelson and Murdock off her shit-list.
Foggy Nelson: Wow. There's an actual list?
Blake Tower: Mr. Nelson, I-
Foggy Nelson: I'm sorry. Believe me, the sooner this Punisher mess is off our plate, the better. So show me a subpoena and....[Tower appears to be somewhat nervous] Is there a problem? [Tower takes a seat]
Blake Tower: Are you really gonna make me jump through hoops for this?
Foggy Nelson: Trust me, there's nothing I'd rather do more than cooperate with your office. But a legal firm sharing privileged communications with a client, I mean, even a deceased one, without a court order? I've seen lawyers get disbarred for less. And I don't know about you, but I worked really hard for my law degree. Nights and everything.
Blake Tower: Reyes... she staked all her political chips on the conviction of this Punisher freak. Now, if things'll go her way, there'll be an opening in the District Attorney's office in the not-so-distant future.
Foggy Nelson: And DA Tower has a nice ring to it.
Blake Tower: Now, I'd start considering the benefits that could accrue if your firm were more... cooperative.
Foggy Nelson: Like I said. Show me a subpoena, and I'll cooperate like a son of a bitch.
Blake Tower: Reyes is gonna roll over you like a tank.
Foggy Nelson: You keep saying that. And yet... still kinda here.

Matt Murdock: I don't drink anything they don't serve at Josie's.
Karen Page: Yeah, well, I don't see swill on the menu.

Karen Page: Yeah, you know... despite the crime, and the darkness, every once in a while, New York makes me feel...
Matt Murdock: Like, safe?
Karen Page: Yes, is that weird?

Regrets Only [2.06]

Matt Murdock: I wanna know how you found me.
Elektra Natchios: I know who you are because I watch the news. "The successful apprehension of Wilson Fisk."
Matt Murdock: I wear a mask.
Elektra Natchios: Well, you can't mask that ass. I'd know it anywhere.

Elektra Natchios: I have a rule of my own.
Matt Murdock: Shoot.
Elektra Natchios: No sex.
Matt Murdock: Oh, my God. You have a pair on you. This may come as a surprise to you, but I've actually moved on in the ten years since you left. I'm seeing someone now, which is only part of the reason why I have zero interest in ever starting anything up with you ever again.
Elektra Natchios: Of course you do. Check, please.
Matt Murdock: You're still so arrogant.
Elektra Natchios: Just realistic.
Matt Murdock: What makes you think every man you meet wants to sleep with you?
Elektra Natchios: Because so far, they have.

Foggy Nelson: Is this about saving a man or saving a vigilante?
Matt Murdock: He's a person. Like you, Foggy. Like me. And he shouldn't have to die.

Foggy Nelson: This much spotlight concern anyone else? I mean, we're about to step onto a big proscenium stage here. And how do I know what proscenium means? Because I did theater in summer camp, which is exactly the kind of thing that these reporters will find out if they start digging into me.

Matt Murdock: After last night, the Yakuza know they've been compromised, which means security's gonna be tight.
Elektra Natchios: There was a time when you trusted me.
Matt Murdock: When was that?

Elektra Natchios: You know I never pass up a chance to have my ass kissed, Mr. Hirochi.
Hirochi: Then, unless this fine gentleman has beaten me to the punch, allow me to be the first kisser this evening.

Karen Page: He'll be surrounded by criminals, people out for his blood.
Frank Castle: Sounds like a party.

Semper Fidelis [2.07]

Foggy Nelson: Mr. Castle is as much a victim... no, he's not. Okay, so... you're 19... standing in hot sand... sun burning down... noise... yelling, gunfire... The only thing that you know for sure is that you're surrounded by an enemy that wants you dead. But you do it. You endure it. Why? Because you have orders. And you have a duty. And also because your life doesn't end here. You have people you love waiting at home. Because... aside from being a decorated Marine, the man before you is a good husband and an excellent father. Frank Castle returned from the hell of war wanting nothing more than to pick up his life. But his wife, young son, and daughter were brutally murdered by criminals, and no one, not the police and certainly not the District Attorney stepped up to make it right. See, Frank Castle never came home. He just traded in one war zone for another. This trial isn't about vigilantes. It's about the failure of the justice system. And how one man, Frank Castle, is being used as a pawn to cover up that system's mistakes. The prosecution wants blood. But as the judge just said, to get it, they have to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. So all I'm asking of you today... keep an open mind. That's all, Your Honor.

Karen Page: Just for a minute... try... try to be Frank Castle. To be solely fueled by... by a single cluster of seconds. One moment in... in your entire life... And every time you close your eyes, you relive that moment. And every time you open them, you find only the... the briefest peace before you realize that that nightmare is real. That nothing has changed. Your family isn't coming back. And so you watch them die... all over again right in front of you. We're not talking about something that happened to Frank Castle, we're talking about something that is happening to him.

Matt Murdock: Your Honor, New York hasn't seen a trial this divisive and this public in years.
Foggy Nelson: Finding an impartial jury is not easy. Everybody has an opinion about Frank Castle.
Judge Cynthia Batzer: It's New York, Mr. Nelson. Everybody has an opinion about everything.

Karen Page: Yeah, yeah, I get that, but I'm not so sure Frank is insane.
Foggy Nelson: I'm no doctor, but I'd say he's at least driven past Crazy Town.

Elektra Natchios: What do you tell people? About? Where you got your scars?
Matt Murdock: Um... Lucky me, I wear suits to work, so... rarely comes up.
Elektra Natchios: What do you tell the women you bring home?
Matt Murdock: Well, they're enjoying themselves too much.

Elektra: You'd make a mighty good mess. More liquid than solid, I'd imagine.

Elektra: We should make bets on what the Yakuza are exporting. Hundred bucks says exotic animals... or counterfeit purses.

Foggy Nelson: Did Castle say anything that we can use? 'Cause when the judge calls his first witness tomorrow, my only plan so far is to run away, and... open a butcher shop.

Karen Page: Cross your fingers.
Foggy Nelson: I'm crossing everything.

Elektra: I was only following your rules.
Daredevil: What rules?
Elektra: You don't get what you want by day. You take it by force at night. This is who you are, Matthew. And don't fool yourself into thinking it's anything else.

Guilty as Sin [2.08]

Frank Castle: You know those, uh... those people? The ones I put down, the people I killed? I want you to know that I'd do it all again. This is a circus, all right? It's a charade, it's an act. It's bullshit about how crazy I am.
Judge Cynthia Batzer: Language.
Frank Castle: I ain't crazy! I'm not crazy. Okay? I know what I did. I know who I am. And I do not need your help. I'm smack-dab in the middle of my right goddamn mind, and any scumbag, any... any lowlife, any maggot piece of shit that I put down, I did it... because I liked it! Hell, I loved it! I'm sittin' here, I'm... I'm just itching. I'm itching to do it again. And you think... What, you think you're gonna send me to a nuthouse? Some doctor, they're gonna get me to stop from doing what I want to do? Well, that ain't happening! Not on my watch! You people, you call me the Punisher, ain't that right? The big bad Punisher.
Judge Cynthia Batzer: Bailiff
Frank Castle: Well, here I am!
Judge Cynthia Batzer: Remove the witness.
Frank Castle: You want it, you got it! I am the Punisher! I'm right here! You want it, I'll give it to you. And anybody who came here today to hear me whine, to hear me beg? Well, you can kiss my ass! Do you hear me? I'm guilty. Come on, please, Judge! I'm guilty, you hear me? I'm guilty! I'm guilty!

Matt Murdock: I want some answers!
Stick: Everybody wants something.

Col. Ray Schoonover: Son of a gun cleared that entire LZ all by himself.
Foggy Nelson: How?
Col. Ray Schoonover: By being Frank Castle.

Elektra Natchios: We live on the front lines. Like it or not.
Matt Murdock: It doesn't mean we have to fight Stick's way. He kills his enemies, and we don't have to.
Elektra Natchios: You make that choice sound so easy.
Matt Murdock: No, it's not easy. It's impossible. But it's a choice and it's a choice that I remake every single day. Every second, sometimes. And you can, too.

Stick: They found the secret.
Matt Murdock: What secret?
Stick: Immortality. Bringing the dead back to life.
Matt Murdock: Come on, Stick.
Stick: I thought you were a Catholic, Matty. Doesn't your whole belief system hinge on one guy pulling that off?

Karen Page: (to Matt) You're right. This city really needs heroes. But you're not one of them.

Foggy Nelson: Frank's wearing a suit. He looks better than I ever have, and he's not even wearing a tie.

Matt Murdock: All right, Frank. You don't want to tell us? I'll tell you. I'm gonna tell you exactly what kind of man you are. You're the kind of man this city needs. Because, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we all know this city needs help. Needs it now. Not tomorrow, not next week, not when the day comes, when the corruption that Wilson Fisk left in his wake is flushed out for good, and the police force is finally back on its feet. We need it now. 'Cause this city's been sick. And the cops, they can't fix it alone, they need... we all need men and women who are willing to take the fight themselves. The kind of people who risk their lives so that we can walk safe at night in our own neighborhoods. The ones our esteemed District Attorney here is trying so hard to destroy. New York needs these people. We need... heroes.

Elektra: Get out... before I get nasty.
Stick: Are you threatening me?
Elektra: You're damn right, I am. Go

Elektra Natchios: Why are you so good?
Matt Murdock: I'm not.
Elektra Natchios: Yes. There's a light inside you. I tried to snuff it out in college. I'm so lucky I failed.

Seven Minutes in Heaven [2.09]

[Fisk has arranged for Castle to take out Dutton, the prison kingpin]
Frank Castle: What the hell is this?
Wilson Fisk: I'm in control now. And I've set you free.
Frank Castle: What does that mean, "free"? [stands up, panting] I'll show you.
Wilson Fisk: 'Cause everyone warned me that prison would be an inhumane environment. It is. But I... I find it refreshing. The perfect microcosm of the animal world. When an animal wants something, when it needs something, other things... need to be stepped on.
Frank Castle: You want me on the outside so I can step on every piece of shit I see. That way, nobody gets strong, and we... the city's yours for the taking.
Wilson Fisk: Something like that. Yeah.
Frank Castle: So... If you can do that, if you can get me out, why not just do it yourself?
Wilson Fisk: Because I play the long game, Mr. Castle. You see... When I'm finally let out of this cage, it won't be to wage war. It will be to win one. You, sir... You need to focus on now. I've given you a chance to walk free, to put that gift of yours to work, to find... What does Dutton call him? The Blacksmith. If I were in your shoes... I would use this opportunity to find your justice, to kill your way to justice. And not for me. Of course not. Not for yourself. For your family. For them.

Daredevil: You're an accountant. A greedy one, yes... but something tells me, even if you take that shot, you're gonna miss. And trust me... you don't wanna miss.

Foggy Nelson: (to Matt) You don't get to create danger, and then protect us from that danger. That's not heroic. That's insane.

Matt Murdock: We need to tell the police.
Elektra Natchios: Tell them what? I killed a member of an ancient organization of ninjas that are digging a giant hole in midtown Manhattan? Perhaps we should. Maybe they need a laugh.

Dutton: Those you cannot teach to fly, teach to fall faster.

Dutton: I just wanna make that clear... in case you get any ideas about stepping up.
Wilson Fisk: I have no intentions of doing that.
Dutton: Cut the shit, fat man. I've known guys like you my whole life. I killed most of 'em. You ain't never seen a throne you didn't wanna sit in.

Wilson Fisk: That's difficult to admit, but... you have a gift, Mr. Castle. I assumed that the stories that I read in the paper about your attacks on the criminal world were apocryphal. How could one man be capable of such... violence? But then I saw it... with my own two eyes. And when one comes across someone with such talent... with such a gift... well... you don't let that go to waste. No. No, you don't.

Daredevil: What do you know about the Hand?
Stan Gibson: I don't. Please, I'd rather die.
Daredevil: Well, that's not gonna help anyone.

Hirochi: There are more men outside.
Daredevil: Not conscious ones.

Wilson Fisk: [after Castle takes out the original prison kingpin] The physician says that your condition is grave, that your lungs are filling with liquid. In a few hours, you're likely to suffocate in your own blood. But you won't suffer alone. I'll be here. Because you were right. In prison, there's only room for one kingpin.

Daredevil: You're dead.
Nobu Yoshioka: There is no such thing.

The Man in the Box [2.10]

Daredevil: We need to find the people who did this to them.
Brett Mahoney: It would be a good start if you told me who that was.

Claire Temple: Always the last place you look. But you knew I was coming, huh?
Matt Murdock: I heard you. Three stories down.
Claire Temple: You do know that sounds creepy, right?
Matt Murdock: Yeah, I've been told.
Claire Temple: I brought you coffee.
Matt Murdock: No, thanks.
Claire Temple: Right. Forgot, you like to suffer. Well, the joke's on you... 'cause our vending machine coffee really sucks.

Claire Temple: I'll say this about you, Matt Murdock. You are a lot of bad things. Boring is not one of them.

Matt Murdock: I know where to start.
Foggy Nelson: You always know where to start. You just never know when to stop, Matt.

Matt Murdock: On paper, we're still Frank Castle's attorneys.
Foggy Nelson: And I am so proud of that.
Matt Murdock: Frank's out, but instead of going after him herself, Reyes is dragging us into the lion's den. What could we possibly know about his escape?
Foggy Nelson: Precisely dick.

Matt Murdock: Karen? Are you all right?
Karen Page: Other than being hauled in as a suspect in the escape of a confessed murderer? Yeah, I'm great.

[Matt is interviewing Wilson Fisk in prison]
Wilson Fisk: Sometimes I'm glad I'm in here. The fate of New York City is out of my hands, for once.
Matt Murdock: [slams his hand on the table] That's bullshit!
Wilson Fisk: I don't know what you expect from me. But we're finished here. Mr. Donovan? [Donovan clicks off the tape recorder]
Matt Murdock: Vanessa. [This gets Fisk's attention] You asked me if I remembered the art gallery. I do. I remember her very well. She's out of the country; she....wants to come back.
Wilson Fisk: [to Donovan] Leave us. [Donovan steps out]
Matt Murdock: So listen to me very closely: I will use every legal loophole and footnote to make certain that never happens. You see, unlike your other adversaries, Mr. Fisk, I can break you without breaking a single law. You may have expensive lawyers, but with one envelope and $6 postage, I can make sure Vanessa never sets foot on American soil again. One letter to the right office, and I get her visa pulled. I can prove she was an accomplice to every one of your crimes. And now you're thinking you can serve your sentence, hop on a jet, go to her whenever you like. Live somewhere like Monaco, or... I don't know, wherever the hell you fat cats go to sun yourselves. But you can't. You can visit her, but you'll never live with her. Because this is New York, Wilson. You live here. This is your jungle. This is your blood, like it is mine. She will never come... and you'll never leave. You screw with me now, just a little bit... and you'll never really be with your one and only Vanessa ever again.
[Fisk snaps, breaks his handcuffs, lunges over the table, and pounds Matt's head repeatedly against the table]
Wilson Fisk: SPEAK HER NAME AGAIN! GO AHEAD! [Matt punches him, and Fisk slams him into the table again] Yes, the son of a boxer!
Matt Murdock: You... You are running this place! Yeah, you did set him free...
Wilson Fisk: You ask such small questions, Mr. Murdock.
Matt Murdock: I know you're regaining power in here-
Wilson Fisk: Yes, ask my lawyer. He'll deny it. Ask the guards, they'll deny it! Ask the inmates here. They'll cut their tongues out before they talk! But I have something to say to you: When I finally get out of this cage, I will dismantle the lives of the two amateurs THAT PUT ME IN HERE!! You, Mr. Murdock, and Franklin Percy Nelson!
Matt Murdock: I put you here! Not Nelson! I did!
Wilson Fisk: The two of you took the laurels. You'll both take the blame. I'll chop both the heads off that snake, and I'll spend more than $6 on postage to bring you down! You see, I had a lot of time to reflect on my journey here, Mr. Murdock! My mistakes, everything I took for granted. While I try and sleep in this bleak place, the one thing that keeps me warm is the thought that I will look down upon this city, the city that birthed me, with the woman that I love, whom I love with everything that I am! If you're worried that Frank Castle will wreak havoc on Hell's Kitchen, [throws Matt back into his seat]...just wait.

Jacques Duchamps: I know what you've done, and who you have killed. The list is long. The pilot in Buenos Aires, the lawyer in Berlin... and that very messy episode in Morocco. I'm still trying to understand how one woman can fit six bodies in the trunk of a Maserati.
Elektra Natchios: Are you gonna try to kill me?
Jacques Duchamps: Something like that.
Elektra Natchios: Well, you ought to know... it's rude to keep a girl waiting.

Karen Page: You would never have pulled this patriarchal shit with Ben. I can take care of myself.
Mitchell Ellison: You're right. And I'll never make that mistake again. Not about someone I care about.

.380 [2.11]

Frank Castle: Now you need to go in the back and get the waitress. You tell the cook and anyone else who's back there to find the biggest piece of stainless steel and you get under it. Go now.
Karen Page: Wait a minute, wh-what's happening?
Frank Castle: The Buick. It drove around the block three times before it pulled up.
Karen Page: Who are they?
Frank Castle: Just some guys who are about to walk into a diner for the last time.
Karen Page: You-you wanted them here. You parked me outside like...bait.
Frank Castle: You need to go.
Karen Page: You're such an asshole.
Frank Castle: Yeah. You got that right.

Frank Castle: Look, I might generally be considered out of my skull, so this might not mean much, but this could be the craziest, most batshit thing I've ever heard in my life. People that can hurt you, the ones that can really hurt you, are the ones that are close enough to do it. People that get inside you and... and... and tear you apart, and make you feel like you're never gonna recover. shit. I'd... I... I would chop my arm off right here, in this restaurant, just to feel that one more time for my wife. My old lady, she didn't just break my heart. She... She'd rip it out, she'd tear it apart, she'd step on that shit, feed it to a dog. I mean, she was ruthless. She brought the pain. But she'll never hurt me again. You see, I'll never feel that. You sit here and you're all confused about this thing, but you have it. You have everything. So, hold on to it. Use two hands and never let go. You got it?

Claire Temple: That candle that you're burning at both ends? Sooner or later, it's gonna fizzle out.
Matt Murdock: I'm fine. Really.
Claire Temple: You know the problem with martyrs? The good ones end up dead.

Karen Page: I might have... feelings for Matt Murdock, but it's just... it's a swirl, it's a lot of things. Like... ingredients. It's not love.

Madame Gao: I see from the uniform you've taken the Devil's name to heart.
Daredevil: Yeah, I had to... 'cause of people like you.

Daredevil: Thanks, Madame Gao.
Madame Gao: But I fear that the path you've chosen... isn't going to be an easy one.
Daredevil: Yeah, it never is.

The Dark at the End of the Tunnel [2.12]

Young Elektra Natchios: You said we're going to war.
Stick: We are. And there'll be a time and place for you to turn yourself loose. But right now, the last thing you want is for everybody here to be scared shitless of you. Tame that fire... or they'll tame it for you.

Elektra: You tried to have me killed.
Stick: You got that right.

Elektra: You want me to help you save the man who ordered my death?
Daredevil: Yes.
Elektra: You really do hate me.

Nobu Yoshioka: It's painful, raising children. We spend our lives teaching them to be strong, to be independent. Not realizing that once we have achieved that... they are no longer in our control.

Mitchell Ellison: Look, look, Karen, Karen... I understand that this whole journalism thing is new to you, but a real journalist doesn't just up and quit.
Karen Page: Well, that's not fair.
Mitchell Ellison: That's exactly fair! Stories don't disappear, they... they change. They become different stories.

A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen [2.13]

Karen Page: "What is it, to be a hero? Look in the mirror and you'll know." (sighs) (typing) "Look into your own eyes and tell me you are not heroic, that you have not endured, or suffered... or lost the things you care about most. And yet, here you are... a survivor of Hell's Kitchen... the hottest place anyone's ever known. A place where cowards don't last long. So... you must be a hero. We all are. Some more than others, but none of us alone. Some bloody their fists trying to keep the Kitchen safe. Others bloody the streets in the hope they can stop the tide, the crime, the cruelty... the disregard for human life all around them. But this is Hell's Kitchen. Angel or Devil, rich or poor, young or old, you live here. You didn't choose this town. It chose you. Because a hero isn't someone who lives above us, keeping us safe. A hero's not a God or an idea. A hero lives here on the street, among us, with us. Always here, but rarely recognized. Look in the mirror and see yourself for what you truly are. You're a New Yorker. You are a hero. This is your Hell's Kitchen. Welcome home.

Foggy Nelson: Cases involving vigilantes.
Jeri Hogarth: Let's call them "people with complexities."
Foggy Nelson: You have no idea.
Jeri Hogarth: Try me.

Matt Murdock: These people are in danger because of me. And I'll be damned if I'm not getting them out.
Elektra: It's the wrong play.
Matt Murdock: It's the only play.

Elektra: One thing's for sure. We're gonna die.
Matt Murdock: Do you wanna end it here... or on the roof?
Elektra: I've always liked the fresh air.

[Karen is standing by her former desk at Nelson & Murdock when Matt walks in, carrying his cane and a paper bag]
Matt Murdock: Thanks for seeing me.
Karen Page: What am I doing here, Matt?
Matt Murdock: I, uh, have something...
Karen Page: No. I don't want...
Matt Murdock: I have something...that I need you to see. [Matt pulls his mask out of the bag. Karen looks at him, first in confusion and then in dawning realization and shock] I'm Daredevil.

Matt Murdock: So, what if... What if... from now on, if... if we make it... wherever you run, I... I run with you?
Elektra Natchios: You're not serious.
Matt Murdock: I've never been more serious. This... Elektra, this is a part of me that I need. And you're the only one who gets it. Without this, I'm not alive. I'm not. Not really. And I know that now, thanks to you. I don't know what we are together, and if we have any chance in the future... But I... I do know that I'm free with you. Like with no one else.
Elektra Natchios: You hide from yourself. You don't let anyone in.
Matt Murdock: You. I let you in. Think about it. What if this isn't the end? What if it's just the beginning?
Elektra Natchios: No... They'll find us.
Matt Murdock: No, we'll keep moving. We'll change identities. We'll... we'll hide. They'll never catch us. What do you say?
Elektra Natchios: Uh, I say... let's go to London. Yeah? Madrid. Tunisia. There are sexy places to hide.
Matt Murdock: Hey, I've never been further north than 116th Street, so...
Elektra Natchios: Because you love New York.
Matt Murdock: And I'd give my life for it, but... there's one thing in this world that makes me feel more alive. And that's you.
Elektra Natchios: I'm the Black Sky, Matthew.
Matt Murdock: Yeah, and I'm the Devil of Hell's Kitchen.

Daredevil: Remember they're trying to kill me, not you.
Elektra: Over my dead body.

Stick: [drives sword through Nobu's chest] This time, you piece of shit... [decapitates him] Stay down.

Matt Murdock: I wanted to say a few words, but... I don't have any.
Stick: God rest her soul. That should be enough.

Stick: Do you even have a plan?
Matt Murdock: I'm working on it.
Stick: Well, while you're working on it, son, do me a favor and pull your head out of your ass.

Stick: Was it worth it?
Matt Murdock: What?
Stick: Loving her.
Matt Murdock: You taught me to cut all my ties to humanity... to other people. I had only a few moments with her... amidst all the... noise, chaos, and the violence. We were together only for moments. That was all. Orchids. She likes orchids. And, yeah, Stick... it was worth it.
Stick: Matt, you are the toughest son of a bitch I have ever met. Let's go home.

Mitchell Ellison: Karen Page, what the hell are you still doing here? It's Christmas Eve. Shouldn't you be home celebrating with all that family that you... can't stand, like everybody else? Oh, no, I'm sorry. I must be projecting.

Mitchell Ellison: Look. If you... if you really wanna torture yourself this holiday, go ahead, be my guest. But at least write something new. Something different. Something that only you can write. Right. Which... which would be what? The truth. Your truth, Karen. All of it. Everything that you've been through. Don't pull any punches. This is New York. People think that they've seen everything. Prove 'em wrong. Tell them something they don't know.