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User:Daanschr/ Historical maps/ Maximinus Thrax

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Maximinus Thrax defeated the Alamanni in 235 and fought the Dacians and Sarmatians in 235-236.

Year of the Six Emperors

The Roman elite was disatisfied with the rule of Maximinus Thrax, who was regarded as a peasant and had the habit of killing people for unimportant reasons. A major revolt broke out in Africa. The local population made governor Gordian emperor with his son Gordian II. The senate quickly accepted Gordian as emperor and started convincing provincial governors to support Gordian as well. Maximinus Thrax used the Pannonian legions to invade Italy, besieging Aquileia which had called for Gordian. Governor Cappellianus of Numidia had a long grudge versus his neighbour Gordian and he had a legion and Gordian didn't. So, Cappellianus invaded Africa and killed father and son Gordian for Maximinus Thrax. The senate didn't want to accept Maximinus Thrax and voted two senators as emperors, Pupienus and Balbinus. Pupienus went up north to fight Maximinus Thrax.

In the meanwhile, the Goths invaded the Roman Empire, sacking the commercial centres in the Danube delta. Governor Tullius Menophilus of Moesia Inferior bought them off. King Tiberius Julius Ininthimeus of the Bosporan kingdom suffered from invasions of the Goths as well, and had to sort it out for himself. King Ardashir I of Persia used the occasion to invade the Roman Empire as well, conquering Nisibis and Carrhae.

Maximinus Thrax was killed by his own officers near Aquileia, when support for his cause was dropping everywhere.

Preceded by Head of state in Leiden as emperor of the Roman Empire
Succeeded by