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The Second European War [fictional]


The Second European War Date: 2035-2038 Location: Europe Belligerents: - Italy - Austria, Slovakia, Hungary (Danube Coalition) - Turkey - Greece - Albania - Russia and Belgium (Neo-Soviet Union) - Ukraine - Moldova - Romania - Germany - Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Northern Poland, Denmark (Northern Coalition) - Spain - Portugal - Baltic Union (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) - Scandinavia Union (Finland, Sweden, Norway) - Croatia - Slovenia United Kingdom Ireland Result: Major territorial shifts; reformation of the Soviet Union; Italy and Germany secure dominance in Central and Eastern Europe; Turkey consolidates power in the Balkans; significant geopolitical realignment across Europe.

Background Following the **Adriatic Conquest War**, Europe entered a period of heightened tensions and rivalries, with several nations seeking to expand their territories and influence. The result was a series of interconnected conflicts that erupted across the continent, known collectively as the **Second European War**. This war saw old alliances shattered and new ones formed, as countries pursued aggressive expansionist policies, reshaping the political landscape of Europe

Italian Expansion and the Danube Conflict In early 2035, Italy, seeking to secure access to the Balkans and expand its influence, declared war on Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary. These nations, forming the **Danube Coalition**, attempted to resist the Italian advance but were overwhelmed by Italy’s modernized and highly effective military. By mid-2036, Italy had successfully annexed key regions of Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary, securing a direct route to the Balkans and significantly increasing its territorial holdings. This victory not only solidified Italy's dominance in the region but also allowed it to establish a stronger presence in Southeastern Europe, altering the balance of power in the Balkans . Turkish Expansion and the Balkan Reordering Meanwhile, Turkey, aiming to strengthen its control over the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans, declared war on Greece in mid-2035. After a series of rapid and decisive military operations, Turkey succeeded in annexing Northern Greece by late 2036. Albania, a close ally of Turkey, requested a portion of the annexed territory. In a move to maintain regional stability and strengthen their alliance, Turkey ceded a portion of Northern Greece to Albania. With this territorial acquisition, Turkey further consolidated its influence in the Balkans, while Albania expanded its borders, benefiting from the strategic partnership with Turkey

The Rise of the Neo-Soviet Union and the Eastern European Crisis In a dramatic geopolitical shift, Russia and Belgium united to form the **Neo-Soviet Union** in late 2035, signaling a revival of Soviet-style expansionism. Their first major move was the annexation of Northern Ukraine, taking advantage of Ukraine's internal divisions and military weakness. In response to this aggression, Ukraine, seeking to fortify its position, quickly annexed Moldova in early 2036. With Moldova under its control, Ukraine launched an invasion of Romania, aiming to consolidate its power in Eastern Europe. Despite fierce resistance, Romania was annexed by Ukraine by the end of 2037, further destabilizing the region and drawing the attention of the international community. These actions by the Neo-Soviet Union and Ukraine led to a new power struggle in Eastern Europe, with the region becoming a flashpoint for further conflicts

German Campaigns and the Northern Coalition Germany, driven by ambitions to expand its influence and secure access to Scandinavia, France, and Russia, declared war on Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Northern Poland, and Denmark in early 2036. These countries formed the **Northern Coalition** in an effort to resist German expansion. Germany’s military, having undergone significant advancements and strategic realignments, launched a series of blitzkrieg-style campaigns, quickly overwhelming Luxembourg and Belgium. The Netherlands and Northern Poland put up determined resistance, but were ultimately unable to withstand the German assault. Denmark, despite its strategic location, was similarly overrun by late 2037. With the defeat of the Northern Coalition, Germany secured a corridor to Scandinavia and established itself as a dominant power in Northern and Central Europe, marking a significant shift in the regional power structure

The Baltic and Scandinavian Unions In response to the growing threat from both the Neo-Soviet Union and Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia formed the **Baltic Union** in 2036. This defensive alliance was designed to protect the Baltic states from external aggression, with an emphasis on military modernization and mutual defense. Similarly, Finland, Sweden, and Norway established the **Scandinavia Union** in mid-2037, aimed at ensuring mutual defense and regional stability in the face of potential German or Russian incursions. The formation of these unions represented a collective effort by smaller European nations to protect their sovereignty and maintain regional security in an increasingly unstable environment . Spanish-Portuguese Unification Amid the chaos of the broader European conflict, Spain moved to annex Portugal in mid-2036, aiming to unify the Iberian Peninsula. The annexation was largely uncontested, with Spain successfully integrating Portugal by early 2037. This unification strengthened Spain’s position in Western Europe and allowed it to focus on domestic stability and regional influence.

The Baltic and Scandinavian Unions In response to the growing threat from both the Neo-Soviet Union and Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia formed the **Baltic Union** in 2036. This defensive alliance was designed to protect the Baltic states from external aggression, with an emphasis on military modernization and mutual defense. Similarly, Finland, Sweden, and Norway established the **Scandinavia Union** in mid-2037, aimed at ensuring mutual defense and regional stability in the face of potential German or Russian incursions. The formation of these unions represented a collective effort by smaller European nations to protect their sovereignty and maintain regional security in an increasingly unstable environment

The United Kingdom and the Partition of Ireland In a surprising turn of events, the United Kingdom launched a military campaign against Ireland in early 2037, with the goal of annexing Northern Ireland and extending its control over the island. By late 2038, the United Kingdom had successfully annexed the northern half of Ireland, significantly altering the political landscape of the British Isles and reigniting tensions within the region.

Aftermath and Impact The **Second European War** resulted in dramatic territorial changes and the reformation of old alliances into new geopolitical entities. Italy and Germany emerged as dominant powers in Central and Eastern Europe, while Turkey solidified its control over the Balkans. The reformation of the Soviet Union under the Neo-Soviet banner, along with the Ukrainian expansions, marked a significant shift in Eastern European politics. The formation of the Baltic and Scandinavian Unions highlighted the increasing desire for regional defense pacts among smaller nations, aiming to resist the influence of larger powers. The unification of Spain and the annexation of Portugal further consolidated power in Western Europe. The annexation of Northern Ireland by the United Kingdom added a new layer of complexity to the British Isles, leading to renewed political tensions. Overall, the Second European War drastically altered the map of Europe, setting the stage for a new era of political realignment, economic challenges, and the potential for future conflicts.