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Civil Rights Movement


The Civil Rights Movement was a turning point for African American citizens and was one largest movements of its time; which erected many great speakers are artists such as Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. The Civil Rights Movement was up-rise against segregation and control which had many movements happening around the same time within the 1960s such as the million man march or sit ins and many more. The Civil Rights Movement played a large role in the democratization of American society, internally and in its international relations through a liberal perspective.[1] The American Civil Rights Movement had many sparks that created anger in the masses such as the death of Emmett Till who was a young man that traveled to Money Mississippi to visit family. He met his demise after whistling at a white women that worked at the general store, Emmett considered it joke but her husband did agree. Later that day Emmett Till was killed and thrown into a river which later found as a bloated body. [2] This was a starting point for anger in African American communities which consisted of many riots and publication in newspapers.

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Grocery store in Money Mississippi where Emmett Till bought refreshments.

The picture on left shows what the grocery store where Emmett met his demise. The rebellion in the 1960s lead by the African American communities had great effect on the reconstruction of the capitalistic world system.[3] There was great loss and struggle through this economic turmoil which had control on one side and the truth on the other, being justice and equality for black citizens. The American Civil Rights Movement occurred just after world war two which was a disaster for the American economy and this symbolized at time for change.

What is Racism


Racism or race at that matter may be one the hardest definitions to define because of there use in everyday society. In that respect race cannot simply be defined as a single definition, since race or racism have many factor that lead to a different definition. Though when racism is considered you must remember the many movements which happening all around the world just because of race. The United States has a lot history relating to race and may be one most notorious countries in world when it comes down to race, but of-course not present day America rather the past specifically the 1950s as related to American Civil Rights. Racism in partial created by stereotypical norms of a single group that then becomes an expression of the entire group. Racism is simply a dislike or fear of another group because of their skin colour in most occasions. Race is very simply described as persons skin colour.[4] The African American society was more or less under the influence of the white American society by the means of control. The African American population in American be began as slaves who were owned by white slave owners, thus racism was used to keep everyone alert and segregate one group from another.



Segregation was used as deterrent in the United States to control the other group as if they were a lower class or use them for work. Segregation is simply the separation of groups. The most powerful group creates and segregates the other groups and subjects them to undeveloped areas such as ghettos. The white class in America took control of the African American class which latter led to anger and aggression with each coming day. Segregation created the building building blocks for the Civil Rights Movement. Segregation can occur through race, sex, language, complexion, country of origin, eye colour, and many more. Despite their status as second-class citizens often occupying segregated ghettos away from the American mainstream, the struggles of Black people have been remarkably central to the story of American democracy, and will continue to be central to the task of completing the great American Revolution.[5]

Key Figures


These two main key figures made a great impact in the Civil Rights Movements

Emmett Till: played a great role in the Civil Rights movement in his death as it led to riots and anger of an unequal society when the murders of Emmett were initially cleared of the murder charge. [6]

Emmett Till's dead bloated body was a building block on the American Civil Rights movement.

Martin Luther King: Martin Luther King spoke for those who were killed through racism and spoke to those who lived through racism, he for equality through is various speeches


  1. ^ Bush, R. (2003). The civil rights movement and the continuing struggle for the redemption of america. Social Justice, 30(1), 42-66. Retrieved from [1]
  2. ^ Harold, C., & DeLuca, K. M. (2005). Behold the corpse: Violent images and the case of Emmett Till. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 8(2), 263-286.
  3. ^ Bush, R. (2003). The civil rights movement and the continuing struggle for the redemption of America. Social Justice, 30(1), 42-66. Retrieved from [2]
  4. ^ Jackson, T. (2010). What is Racism?. American Renaissance.
  5. ^ Bush, R. (2003). The civil rights movement and the continuing struggle for the redemption of America. Social Justice, 30(1), 42-66. Retrieved from [3]
  6. ^ Harold, C., & DeLuca, K. M. (2005). Behold the corpse: Violent images and the case of Emmett Till. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 8(2), 263-286.