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User:Drift chambers/ Khormusan culture

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Khormusan is the name used /applied to describe a historical period in Egypt's pre-history. Artifacts findings specifically characteristic of this industries are differing significantly so as to necessitate a seperate classification.

The Khormusan industry began in the Middle Period .In view of the evidence available the technology of the core artifacts located in surveys of the Nubian Nile area indicated to E.Paulissen and P.M.Vermeersch (1987) that this industry occured within the middle Paleolithic [1]about 40,000 B.C. to 30,000 B.C.[2]




dating history for the Khormusan


Angela E.Close - radiocarbon techniques are insufficiently accurate for confident measurement of Middle Paleolithic of Eastern Africa.[6]

Evidence from a 1981 work seems to indicate that the Khormusan having had the lower boundary placed late is instead a legitimate part of the Mousterian.[7]



re-assesment of boudaries of classification(range within Khormusan)[8]



Flake industry with Levellois technologies[9] Industry fused with Levallois of theMiddle Period (M.p).[10]

