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Hope Beneath Our Feet is an anthology with contributions by Howard Zinn[1], Michael Pollan[2], Diane Ackerman[3], Alice Walker[4], Howard Zinn[5], Barbara Kingsolver[6], Bill McKibben[7] and Paul Hawken[8] with stories, meditations, and essays that address the question, “If our world is facing an imminent environmental catastrophe, how do I live my life right now?”. The anthology is edited by Martin Keogh[9].

Hope Beneath Our Feet features prominent environmentalists, artists, CEOs, grassroots activists, religious figures, scientists, policy makers, and indigenous leaders, Hope Beneath Our Feet offers readers ways to channel their energies and fight despair. With engagement and participation the contributors to this anthology celebrate the ways in which we can all engage in beneficial action for ourselves, our communities, and the world. Linda Buzzell, psychotherapist and editor at the The Huffington Post reviewed the book.[10]

The following has been said about the anthology: “This compelling and inspirational anthology raises a chorus of voices in defense of the earth. Hope Beneath Our Feet addresses the environmental problems plaguing our planet and the myriad forms of action each of us can take.” —Leonardo DiCaprio[11], actor and activist

“Wonderfully uplifting and inspiringly diverse perspectives on aligning ourselves with the fullness of our own possibilities as individuals and as a species. The bottom line: flavor and savor every moment, especially the toughest ones, with not-knowing, with good will, imagination, kindness, wisdom, humor, community, and action. My father-in-law, Howard Zinn, said it so well: “Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.’” —Jon Kabat-Zinn[12], author of Full Catastrophe Living and Coming to Our Senses

