User:Espantalho de Oz
- 🎵 I used to be a blob of nothing at all
- But now I walk and talk and I'm twenty-foot tall
- I'm the new one in the family
- I wanna thank you for this opportunity
- To see the sky is blue and the ocean is too
- And when the world spins round you can see the moon
- There's a million stars inside this grain of sand
- And there's still so much we don't understand (So much!)
- Like who really built the pyramids (People!)
- And why are we even here?
- What's our purpose? Some people think we're in a simulation (Computers!)
- It's interesting just to think about that!
- Look, guys, I'm getting my core values: honesty, the spirit of adventure... finance! 🎵
— Stain Edwards, the Forever Boy