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Group Theory

Special unitary group
Representation of special unitary group
Representation of symmetric group

Linear Algebra

Gram–Schmidt process
Square root of a matrix
Logarithm of a matrix

Complex Analysis

Hilbert transform
Kramers–Kronig relation

Algebraic Topology

Betti number


Electromagnetic tensor
Covariant formulation of classical electromagnetism

Statistical Mechanics

Principle of maximum entropy
Partition function

Quantum Mechanics

Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula
Table of spherical harmonics
Tight binding last section table of interatomic matrix elements

Field Theory

Self energy
Propagator (Quantum Theory)
Chern-Simons Theory



Non-inertial Frames

Rindler coordinates uniformly accelerating frame
Born coordinates uniformly rotating frame

Computer Algorithm

Golden section search
Lanczos algorithm
Conjugate gradient method for solving large scale linear system
Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm for non-linear fitting

