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pywikibot is a well-known Python Wiki bot.

It can be used with Wikimedia projects, as well as on a private Mediawiki server.

Here we will document how to use it on Wikimedia projects.


pip install requests

But this is already installed on a Mediawiki server.


wget http://tools.wmflabs.org/pywikibot/core.tar.gz

Now restore it in a user account:

tar -xf core.tar.gz
mv core pywikibot


cd pywikibot
python pwb.py generate_user_files
vi user-config.py
password_file = 'user-password.py'
user_script_paths = ['scripts.userscripts']
touch user-password.py
chmod 600 user-password.py
vi user-password.py
( 'User', 'password' )

Test your setup


Test your login account:

python pwb.py login

Show user page:

python pwb.py shell
site = pywikibot.Site()
page = pywikibot.Page(site, u'User:Geertivp')
print page
print text

User script

cp scripts/basic.py scripts/userscripts/getuserpage.py
vi scripts/userscripts/getuserpage.py
def main(*args):
 site = pywikibot.Site()
 page = pywikibot.Page(site, u'User:Geertivp')
 print page
 print text
python pwb.py getuserpage

Create a page

python pwb.py shell
import pywikibot
site = pywikibot.Site()
page = pywikibot.Page(site, u'User:Geertivp/Pywikibot test')
print page
print text
page.text=u'Pywikibot test'
page.save(u'Pywikibot test')