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Hjpospie: After my retirement in December 2004 as chief system engineer for the European contribution to ISS called Columbus at EADS Space Transportation in Bremen / Germany I decided not only to collect informations from Wikipedia but to contribute also in the field of manned space system engineering. If you need detailed data about Spacelab or Columbus do not hesitate to contact me.



Hjpospie studied communications at the Rheinisch Westfaelische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen ending with the degree Dipl.Ing.

In 1964 he entered the company ERNO in Bremen as development engineer for satellite and sounding rockets telemetry / telecommand systems. After development of some telemetry ground equipments he detected his interest in more broader engineering activities instead of laboratory work. So he become the Avionics system engineer for the proposal of the ESA satellite GEOS, the final contract went to MBB however. His next duty was the Avionics system engineering for Spacelab until his responsibility was raised to become the chief system engineer for Spacelab up to the end of this program at industry in 1982. In the following time he did built up the functional department "systems engineering" at MBB/ERNO covering all engineering disciplines needed for development of manned space elements.

Mid eighties the Germans and Italians proposed a new European manned space program based on Spacelab design. After the first bi-lateral steps the idea was taken up by ESA. After many studies assessing the Columbus module and other elements (a Man Tended Free Flyer and a plattform co-orbiting with the ISS), which were abandoned due to cost reasons, the development contract with the Prime Contractor DASA - the successor of MBB/ERNO - was signed in 1994. During all these phases up to the final qualification review end 2004 Hjpospie was the chief system engineer.

Now he is working as consultant for space industries and organizations and as coach for young system engieers in order to transfer his experiences gained in nearly 40 years in system engineering.