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User:Jane023/Paintings in the KMSKA

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image Article creator inception inventory number depicts owned by
Saint Barbara Jan van Eyck 1437 410 Saint Barbara
De roeiers Jos Leonard 1919 3270

gouache painting

image Article creator inception inventory number depicts owned by
Fisherman's Wife Constant Permeke 1920 2179
Bij het raam Marc Chagall 1920s 2280
Droom Pol Mara 1958 2840
Bedreiging Pol Mara 1958 2898
Dier en kind op blauwe achtergrond Karel Appel 1953 3036
Landschap in Devon Constant Permeke 1910s 3118


image Article creator inception inventory number depicts owned by
The Seven Sacraments Rogier van der Weyden 1440s 393-395 sacrament of the Catholic Church
Eucharist in the Catholic Church
John the Apostle
15th-century clothing
Jean Chevrot
coat of arms
church building
Anointing of the Sick in the Catholic Church
Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Madonna at the Fountain Jan van Eyck 1439 411 woman
Christ Child
hortus conclusus
Christ Mocked Hieronymus Bosch 1500s 840 Jesus
Seated Nude Amedeo Modigliani 1917 2060 gaze towards the viewer
Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Condemned Prisoners Alexandre Cabanel 1887 1505 Cleopatra
black hair
Cyperus papyrus
domestic worker
hand fan
ancient Egyptian architecture
male toplessness
Calvary Antonello da Messina 1475 4 Mary
Crucifixion of Jesus
Christ on the Cross, so-called "Le coup de lance" Peter Paul Rubens 1620 297 Jesus
Crucifixion of Jesus
Mary of Clopas
Mary Magdalene
Joseph of Arimathea
Jacopo Pesaro, Bishop of Paphos, being Presented by Pope Alexander VI to Saint Peter Titian 1500s 357 Jacopo Pesaro
Saint Peter
Alexander VI
Man with a Roman coin Hans Memling 1473 5 Bernardo Bembo
Landscape with the Flight into Egypt Joachim Patinir 1515 64 tree
Adoration of the Magi Peter Paul Rubens 1624 298 Christ Child
Meleager and Atalanta Jacob Jordaens 1618 844 Meleager
Calydonian Boar
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ Quinten Metsys 1511 245 Jesus
The Daughters of Cecrops Finding the Child Erichthonius Jacob Jordaens 1617 842 Herse
Aglaurus, daughter of Cecrops
The Fisher Boy Frans Hals 1630 188 boy
Charles Sedelmeyer
Portrait of Stephanus Geeraerdts Frans Hals 1644 674 Stephanus Geeraerdts
The Temptation of Antony Abbot of Egypt No/unknown value 15th century 25 Anthony the Great
Still Life with Fish Clara Peeters 1615
16th century
834 Esox
common carp
Atlantic herring
shrimp and prawn as food
Saskia van Uylenburgh, Wife of the Painter Rembrandt No/unknown value
Abraham van Dijck
1651 293 Saskia van Uylenburgh
A Dutch breakfast Floris van Schooten 17th century 836 cheese
The blind man Gustave Van de Woestijne 1910 2043 person with visual disabilities
The Collection of paintings of Sebastiaan Leerse Frans Francken the Younger 17th century 669 painting
art collection
Sebastiaan Leerse
Barbara van den Bogaerde
A Collection Frans Francken the Younger 1619 816
art collection
Simon Bening
Saint Catherine of Siena Surrounded by a Garland of Flowers Daniel Seghers 1650 331
Catherine of Siena
The Ironer Rik Wouters 1912 1932 Nel Duerinckx
clothes iron
kerosene lamp
Still life with asparagus, a spray of gooseberries, a bowl of strawberries and other fruit in a niche Adriaen Coorte 1703 5035 gooseberry
Arthur Kay
Portrait of Eleazar Swalmius Rembrandt 1637 705 man
Eleazar Swalmius
Still life of fish, dead birds, vegetables, kitchenware and a cat Alexander Adriaenssen 17th century 1
Crucifixion Jan van Amstel No/unknown value 2 Jesus
Saint Romuald Forbidding Entry to the Monastery to Emperor Otton III Fra Angelico 1430s 3 Romuald
Otto III
Justitia and Pax Jacob de Backer 6
The Warship "De Jacob" at Anchor Ludolf Bakhuizen 2nd millennium 7
Returning from the Meadow Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem 1650 8
War Time Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem 1650 9
Italian Landscape Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem 1650 10
The Dam in Amsterdam Gerrit Adriaenszoon Berckheyde 1668 11 Royal Palace of Amsterdam
Joseph Sold by his Brothers Balthasar Beschey 1744 12
The Story of Jacob and his Sons Balthasar Beschey 1744 12-13
The Viceroy of Egypt Receives Joseph's Brothers Balthasar Beschey 1744 13
Self-Portrait Balthasar Beschey 1763 14 Balthasar Beschey
Fighting Cocks Jacob Biltius 17th century 16
Coronation of Mary Thomas Willeboirts Bosschaert 17th century 17
Vanitas Jan Baptist Boel the Younger 1644 18 bird
Still Life Pieter Boel 17th century 19
The Envoy Theodoor Boeyermans 1644 20
Christ Healing the Sick People Lying near the Pool of Bethesda Theodoor Boeyermans 1675 21
The Visit Theodoor Boeyermans 17th century 22
Antwerp, Nourishing the Painters Theodoor Boeyermans 1660s 23
Zolderstukken van de Antwerpse schilderskamer Jacob Jordaens 1602 23-218-219
Southern landscape with travellers on a flooded track Jan Both 1641 26
Village Scene Pieter Bout 1686 27 house
Madonna and Child Dieric Bouts 15th century 28 Mary
Christ Child
Saint Christopher Quinten Metsys 1490 29 Saint Christopher
Huy, Seen from Ahin Lucas van Valckenborch 16th century 30 tree
The Bearing of the Cross Pieter Brueghel the Younger 17th century 31 tree
Saint Jerome and Donor No/unknown value 15th century 32
The Dauphin François, Son of François I Jean Clouet 1522 33 Francis III
Portrait of a Woman Gonzales Coques 17th century 34 woman
Pierson la Hues, Drummer and Page of the Old Archers' Guild Gillis Coignet 1581 35 drummer
Saint George Gillis Coignet 1581 36
The Adoration of the Shepherds Jan Cossiers 16th century 37 Christ Child
The Smoker Jan Cossiers 17th century 38
Portrait of a physician Jan Cossiers 17th century 39 physician
The Adoration of the Shepherds Jan Cossiers 40 Christ Child
Flagellation Jan Cossiers 17th century 41 Jesus
Adam and Eve Lucas Cranach the Elder 1520s 42 Adam
Caritas Lucas Cranach the Elder 1540 43
Blazon of the Diest Chamber of Rhetoric "De Christus-ooghen" No/unknown value 1561 44
Blazon of the Turnhout Chamber of Rhetoric "Het Heibloemke" No/unknown value 1561 45
Stopping Place for Horsemen and Horses Abraham van Calraet 46
Rest on the Flight into Egypt Gerard David 1515 47 Madonna and Child
Man in gebed, schenkersportret No/unknown value 48 man
Triptiek met schenkers No/unknown value 1602 48-49
Vrouw in gebed, schenkersportret No/unknown value 49 woman
Rebus-Blazon No/unknown value 16th century 51
Rebus-Blazon No/unknown value 16th century 52
Elijah Fed by the Raven Gaspar de Crayer 17th century 53 Elijah
Flowers and Insects Jan Davidsz. de Heem 54 flower
Virgin with child Jan van Orley 2nd millennium 55 Mary
Christ Child
The transfiguration Artus Wolffort 1614 56
The Miraculous Rescue of Maximilian of Austria Frans Francken the Younger 57
Portrait of a Woman with Sunflowers Carel de Moor 1730s 58 woman
common sunflower
Alexander en Diogenes No/unknown value 2nd millennium 59
Roman Orator No/unknown value 18th century 60
Adoration of the Magi Andries Cornelis Lens 1788 61 Christ Child
Gregorius Martens, Mayor of Antwerp and Dean of the Guild of Saint Luke Jacob Denys 17th century 62
De studie naar het naakt Jacob Denys 17th century 63
Portrait of Lodewijk Clarys Abraham de Rijcke 16th century 65 man
Epitaph of Lodewijk Clarys and his Wife Marie le Batteur Abraham de Rijcke 65-66-67-68-464
Madonna Abraham de Rijcke 16th century 66 Mary
Christ Child
Portrait of Marie le Batteur praying Abraham de Rijcke 16th century 67
St Louis IX, King of France Abraham de Rijcke 16th century 68 Louis IX of France
Rustige zee Simon de Vlieger 17th century 69
An Old Woman with a Bottle Ary de Vois 17th century 70
Crucifixion Maerten de Vos 1600 71 Jesus
Christ Triumphant Maerten de Vos 1590 72
Baptism of the King of Silene Maerten de Vos 1590 73
The Emperor Constantine erecting a church dedicated to Saint George Maerten de Vos 1590 74
Saint Georges delivering Saint Margaret Maerten de Vos 1590 75 Saint George
Saint Georges delivering Saint Margaret Maerten de Vos 1590 76 Margaret the Virgin
Altarpiece of the Guild of the Fur Workers Maerten de Vos 1574 77-81
The Baptism of Christ Maerten de Vos 1574 78 Baptism of Jesus
Jordan River
John the Baptist
Saint Thomas the Apostle Maerten de Vos 1574 79 Thomas the Apostle
The Beheading of Saint John-Baptist Maerten de Vos 1574 80 John the Baptist
beheading of John the Baptist
Saint Stephen Maerten de Vos 1574 81 Stephen
The Nativity Maerten de Vos 2nd millennium 82 Christ Child
Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's Maerten de Vos 1602 83
Altarpiece of the Guild of the Minters Maerten de Vos 1601
16th century
The Temple Tax Maerten de Vos 1602 84
The Widow's Offering Maerten de Vos 1602 85
The Burial of Sarah Maerten de Vos 1602 86
Abraham in Hebron Maerten de Vos 1602 87
Saint Luke painting the Madonna Maerten de Vos 1602 88 Luke the Evangelist
Altarpiece of the Guild of Saint Luke Maarten Pepyn 1620
Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Didacus of Alcalá Maerten de Vos 89
The Story of Saint Didacus of Alcalá Maerten de Vos 1620 89-100
Saint Didacus of Alcalà at Prayers Maerten de Vos 16th century 90
The Story of Saint Didacus of Alcalà Maerten de Vos 91
Saint Didacus Finds a Miraculous Meal Maerten de Vos 92
Saint Didacus Saves a Boy From the Oven Maerten de Vos 93
Saint Didacus Preaches in the Canary Islands Maerten de Vos 94
Saint Didacus Heals the Sick Maerten de Vos 95
Death of Saint Didacus Maerten de Vos 96
The Spanish Crown Prince Don Carlos Heals After Touching the Corpse of Saint Didacus Maerten de Vos 97
Saint Didacus Helps with a Difficult Birth Maerten de Vos 98
Saint Didacus Brings the Stillborn Girl to Life Maerten de Vos 16th century 99
Hendrik IV van Castilië en zijn dochter vinden genezing aan de heilige Didacus' graf Maerten de Vos 16th century 100
Saint Luke Appearing at the Curch of Our Lady in Tripoli Maerten de Vos 16th century 101
Heilige Lucas verschijnt in de kerk van Onze Lieve Vrouw van Tripoli Maerten de Vos 1620 101-102
Saint Luke Giving three Pilgrims Alms Maerten de Vos 16th century 102
The Temptations of Antony Abbot of Egypt Maerten de Vos 1594 103 Anthony the Great
Portrait of Abraham Grapheus Cornelis de Vos 1620 104 Abraham Grapheus
covered beaker
Donor man with five sons Cornelis de Vos 17th century 105 man
Donor woman with five daughters Cornelis de Vos 16th century 105bis woman
Donor and His Wife Simon de Vos 106 man
The Citizens of Antwerp bring back to Saint Norbert the Monstrance and other Sacred Vessels that they had hidden from Tankelin Cornelis de Vos 1630 107 Norbert of Xanten
The adoration of the Magi Cornelis de Vos 1620 108 Christ Child
Epitaph of Willem van Meerbeeck and His Wife Barbara Kegeleers Cornelis de Vos 1620 108-110
Portrait of Willem van Meerbeeck with Saint William of Aquitaine Cornelis de Vos 1620 109
Christ Cornelis de Vos 1620 109bis Jesus
Barbara Kegeleers with Saint Barbara Cornelis de Vos 1620 110 Saint Barbara
Mater Dolorosa Cornelis de Vos 1620 110bis
Vow to Mary No/unknown value 17th century 111
The Fall of the Rebel Angels Frans Floris I 1554 112
The Adoration of the Shepherds Frans Floris I 1568 113 Christ Child
Saint Luke Frans Floris I 1556 114 Luke the Evangelist
The Fortune-Teller Gaspar de Witte 1667 115 woman
Christ Healing the Blind Man at Jericho Gaspar de Witte 1671 116 Jesus
Coat of Arms of St. Michael's Abbey Cornelis Joseph d'Heur 18th century 117
Wapenschild van Jacob Thomas, 50ste abt van de Sint-Michielsabdij Cornelis Joseph d'Heur 118
Prudence Cornelis Joseph d'Heur 18th century 119
Deugden Cornelis Joseph d'Heur 119-121
Justice Cornelis Joseph d'Heur 18th century 120
Power Cornelis Joseph d'Heur 18th century 121
Instruction in Perspective Cornelis Joseph d'Heur 1761 122
Holy Kinship Derick Baegert 15th century 123
Elector of Saxony Frederick III Albrecht Dürer 1520s 124 man
Interior Cornelis Dusart 125
Bouquet of Flowers in a Sculpted Vase Jan Frans Eliaerts 18th century 126 flower
Saint Leonard Liberating Captives No/unknown value 15th century 127
Twee altaarluiken No/unknown value 15th century 127-130
Saint George No/unknown value 15th century 128
Scene from the Life of the Holy Hubertus No/unknown value 15th century 129
Saint Hubert No/unknown value 15th century 130
Young Couple in Shepherd's Costumes Gerbrand van den Eeckhout 17th century 131 man
Opvoeding van Maria Lucas Franchoys the Elder 133
Madonna Appears to Saint Simon Stock Lucas Franchoys the Younger 134
The Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes Ambrosius Francken I 1598 135
The Last Supper Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium
16th century
The Last Supper Ambrosius Francken I 16th century 136-140
The Supper at Emmaus Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium 137 Supper at Emmaus
The meeting of Abram [Abraham] and Melchizedek, the high priest and king of Salem, who brings bread and wine (Genesis 14:18-24) Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium 138
The sending forth of Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13:2) Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium
17th century
The prophet Elijah awakened by the angel on Mount Horeb (I Kings 19:5-6) Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium 140
Saint George tortured Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium
17th century
The Story of Saint George Ambrosius Francken I 16th century 141-144
Saint George on Horseback Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium 142
Beheading of Saint Georges Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium
17th century
Saint Margaret Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium 144
The Martyrdom of Saint Crispin and Saint Crispinian Ambrosius Francken I 1589 145
The charity of Saints Cosmas and Damian Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium 146
Altarpiece of the Guild of the Barbers and Surgeons Ambrosius Francken I 146-149
Saint Cosmas, Physician and Martyr Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium 147
The death of Saints Cosmas and Damian Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium 148
Heilige Damianus, arts en martelaar Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium 149
The Martyrdom of St Catherine of Alexandria Hieronymous Francken II 17th century 150
Saint Sebastian in Prison Ambrosius Francken I 1575
17th century
Altarpiece of the Guild of the Old Bow Ambrosius Francken I 151-152-153-154-261-371
Sebastian of Rome Being Captured by Diocletian Ambrosius Francken I 1575
17th century
Miraculous Healing of Zoë Ambrosius Francken I 1575 153
The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian of Rome Ambrosius Francken I 1575 154
Eteocles and Polynices Frans Francken the Younger 155
Miraculous Events at the Grave of Saint Bruno the Carthuisian Frans Francken the Younger 1630 156
The Acts of Mercy Frans Francken the Younger 1608 157
Emperor Diocletian shows the image of Aesculapius Frans Francken the Younger 1624 158
The History of the Four Crowned Frans Francken the Younger 1624 158-162
Flogging of the Four crowned Frans Francken the Younger 1624 159
The Four Crowned at work Frans Francken the Younger 1624 160
Martyrdom of Four Crowned Frans Francken the Younger 1624 161
The Four Crowned at work Frans Francken the Younger 1624 162
Horatius Cocles at the Pons Sublicius Hieronymous Francken II 1620 163
Saint Francis of Assisi Philip Fruytiers 17th century 164
Saint James of the Marches and the Poisoned Cup Philip Fruytiers 165
Saint Louis IX, King of France, the Crusader Philip Fruytiers 1638 166 Louis IX of France
The Apotheosis of Saint Antony of Padua Philip Fruytiers 1652 167
The Adoration of the Magi Master of Frankfurt 1510s 168 Christ Child
Epiphany Triptych Master of Frankfurt 1500
The Nativity Master of Frankfurt 1500 169
The Circumcision Master of Frankfurt 1500 170
Eagles Jan Fyt 17th century 171 bird
Two Greyhounds Jan Fyt 17th century 172
The Flight into Egypt Marc Antonio Garibaldi 1652 173
The Fine Arts Marten Jozef Geeraerts 1765 174
Minerva and the Muses in a Landscape Abraham Genoels 175
Saint Paul No/unknown value 1400 176
Saint Nicholas of Myra No/unknown value 1400 177
The Guild of the Crossbow Venerates the Portrait of Headman Jan Karel de Cordes Hendrick Govaerts 1713 178
The Holy Women and Saint John at Golgotha Gerard David 15th century 179 Mary Magdalene
John the Apostle
Christ Nailed to the Cross Gerard David 1480s 179-180
Pilate's Dispute with the High Priest Gerard David 15th century 180
Christ sitting on the Cold Stone Jan Gossaert 16th century 181 Pensive Christ
Portrait d'une dame Catarina van Hemessen 16th century 182 woman
Madonna No/unknown value 15th century 183 Mary
Christ Child
Margareta of Austria Bernard van Orley 16th century 184 Margaret of Austria, Duchess of Savoy
The Study of Art in Rome Anton Goubau 1662 185 Bentvueghels
Farnese Hercules
Capitoline Venus
relief sculpture
art of drawing
art educator
Piazza Navona in Rome Anton Goubau 1680 186 Piazza Navona
Four Rivers Fountain
Sant'Agnese in Agone
Heilige Norbertus van Magdeburg in aanbidding voor het heilige Sacrament Frans Goubau 1650 187
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 17th century 189 man
God the Father Jacob Herreyns I 18th century 190
Calvary No/unknown value 17th century 191 Jesus
The Passion of Christ No/unknown value 1575 191-195
Christ tied to a Column No/unknown value 17th century 192
Christ Sitting on the cold Stone No/unknown value 17th century 193
Saint Augustine No/unknown value 17th century 194
Madonna and Saint No/unknown value 17th century 195
Interior of the New Church of Delft with a man digging a grave Hendrick Cornelisz. van Vliet 17th century 196
Interior of the new church in Delft Hendrick Cornelisz. van Vliet 17th century 197
Pieter Gillis Quinten Metsys 1517 198 Pieter Gillis
Portrait of a Man Hans Holbein the Younger 16th century 199 man
Richard Williams
Ontvangst van de abt van Sint-Michiels door de leden van de Schermersgilde Jan Josef Horemans the Elder 1746 200
Landschap Cornelis Huysmans 201
The Engagement Lucas van Leyden 16th century 202
David Playing his Harp for Saul Lucas van Leyden 16th century 203
Heilige Lucas Lucas van Leyden 16th century 204
The Evangelists Lucas van Leyden 1505 204-206
Heilige Marcus Lucas van Leyden 16th century 205
Saint Matthew Lucas van Leyden 16th century 206
The Adoration of the Magi Jan Swart van Groningen 16th century 207 Christ Child
The Adoration of the Magi Master of the Antwerp Adoration 16th century 208 Christ Child
Saint George Master of the Antwerp Adoration 16th century 209
Annunciation (Mary) Master of the Antwerp Adoration 1519 209bis
Saint Margaret of Antioch Master of the Antwerp Adoration 16th century 210
Annunciation (Angel) Master of the Antwerp Adoration 1519 210bis
Madonna with the Infant Saint John the Baptist Abraham Janssens I 211
Scaldis and Antverpia Abraham Janssens I 1609 212 Scaldis
The Adoration of the Magi Abraham Janssens I 1616 213 Christ Child
The Death of the Pharaoh Vincent Malo (I) 17th century 214
The Last Supper Jacob Jordaens 1650s 215
Antwerp Hospital Nuns Jacob Jordaens 17th century 216
Christ's Entombment Jacob Jordaens 1665 217 Jesus
Pegasus Jacob Jordaens 1660s 218
Industry en Trade Promote the Flowering of Art Jacob Jordaens 1660s 219
Human Law Founded on the Divine Justice Jacob Jordaens 1665 220
The Adoration of the Shepherds Jacob Jordaens 1653 221 Christ Child
Portrait of a Woman Jacob Jordaens 1640s 222 woman
The Adoration of the Shepherds Aelbrecht Bouts 1490s 223 Christ Child
Adoration of the Sacrament No/unknown value 15th century 224
Saint Luke Willem Ignatius Kerricx 225
Easter in Egypt Willem Ignatius Kerricx 1730 226
The Lamb of God worshipped by the elders of the Apocalypse Willem Ignatius Kerricx 1730 227
Gillis de Smidt with seven children Adriaen Thomasz. Key 1575 228 child
Calvary and the Family of Gillis de Smidt en Maria de Deckere Adriaen Thomasz. Key 1575 228-231
Maria de Deckere, Second Wife of Gillis de Smidt, and Béatrix, One of their Daughters Adriaen Thomasz. Key 1575 229
The last Supper Adriaen Thomasz. Key 1575 230
The Last Supper Adriaen Thomasz. Key 1575 231
Portrait of canon Frans de Cock, cantor of the cathedral of Antwerp Godfrey Kneller 1697 232 canon
Quos Ego No/unknown value 2nd millennium 233
The Proclamation of the Peace of Münster at the Grote Markt in Antwerp Maximiliaen Pauwels 1649 234 Grote Markt
Peace of Münster
De paus verleent een privilege aan de orde van Prémontré Victor Honoré Janssens 1710s 235
Bekering van de heilige Norbertus van Magdeburg Victor Honoré Janssens 236
Kruisdraging Victor Honoré Janssens 237 Jesus
The Martyrdom of Saint George Godfried Maes 1681 240 Saint George
Christ as Salvator Mundi Quinten Metsys 1505 241
Christ Salvator Mundi and Mary at Prayer Quinten Metsys 1505 241-242
Virgin Mary Praying Quinten Metsys 1505 242
Saint Mary Magdalen Quinten Metsys 1525 243 Mary Magdalene
The Tax Collectors Marinus van Reymerswaele 1537 244 tax collector
financial adviser
Altarpiece of the Guild of the Joiners Quinten Metsys 1511 245-249
Salome is given the head of John the Baptist Quinten Metsys 1511 246 beheading of John the Baptist
Saint John the Baptist Quinten Metsys 1511 247 John the Baptist
The Martyrdom of Saint John Quinten Metsys 1511 248
Saint John Quinten Metsys 1511 249
Man of Sorrows Aelbrecht Bouts 1500 250 Jesus
Mary and Joseph find no lodgings in Bethlehem Jan Matsys 1558 251 Joseph
Florent van Ertborn
The Healing of Tobit Jan Matsys 16th century 252 Tobit
Florent van Ertborn
Portrait of a Monk No/unknown value 15th century 253 monk
Portrait of Philippe de Croy Rogier van der Weyden 1460s 254 Philip I de Croÿ
coat of arms
Croy family shield Rogier van der Weyden 1460s 254bis
Virgin and Child in a Church Master of 1499 1499 255
Diptych of Christiaan de Hondt, abbott at Ter Duinen Master of 1499 1499 255-256-530-531
Christiaan de Hondt, abbot of Ter Duinen Master of 1499 1499 256 Christiaan de Hondt
Angel of the Annunciation Simone Martini 14th century 257
Virgin of the Annunciation Simone Martini 14th century 258
Christ on the Cross Simone Martini 14th century 259 Jesus Florent van Ertborn
Descent from the Cross Simone Martini 1333 260 Jesus
Calvary Amongst Portraits No/unknown value 1590 261
Deipara Virgo Ambrosius Benson 1530 262 Madonna and Child
Portrait of a Man Jan Gossaert 1525 263 man
Porträts eines Fürstenpaares, Frank von Borsele und Jacoba von Bayern Jan Gossaert 1525 263-264 Frank van Borssele
Jacqueline, Countess of Hainaut
Woman at Prayers Ambrosius Benson 1525 264
Saint Francis of Assisi No/unknown value 17th century 265
Portrait of Geertruijd Coenen (1635-1716) Johannes Mytens 1656 266
View of Middelburg Bonaventura Peeters the Elder 17th century 270 boat
The Frozen Scheldt in Antwerp Jan Peeters the Elder 1670 271 house
horse-drawn wagon
Hemelvaart Pennemaecker 272
Passage through the Red Sea Maarten Pepyn 1626 273
Saint Luke preaches to the people Maarten Pepyn 1602 274
Saints John and Saint Matthew Maarten Pepyn 1602 275
Saint Mark and Saint Luke Maarten Pepyn 1602 276
Miracles of Saint Hugh of Lincoln Erasmus Quellinus II 17th century 278
Gratianus (Duncardus) Molenaar gered door de heilige Catharina Erasmus Quellinus II 279
A Bishop Saint Erasmus Quellinus II 17th century 280 man
Gaspar Nemius, Bishop of Antwerp Erasmus Quellinus II 281
Bron van Bethesda Jan Erasmus Quellinus 1618 282-283
The Martyrs of Gorinchem Jan Erasmus Quellinus 1610s 284-286 Christian martyr
Martyrs of Gorkum
Aubertus van Eede, Bishop of Antwerp Jan Erasmus Quellinus 17th century 287 Aubertus van den Eede
Sint Bernardus ontvangt het kleed van zijn orde Jan Erasmus Quellinus 288
Christ at Simon the Pharisee Jan Erasmus Quellinus 1692 289
Marteling van de heilige Agatha van Catania Jan Erasmus Quellinus 1684 290
The Nativity Jan Erasmus Quellinus 1689 291 Christ Child
Holy Family
Miracle of Saint Hugh of Lincoln Jan Erasmus Quellinus 1685 292
The Fisherboy Nicolaes Maes 17th century 294 fisher
Old man Abraham van Dijck 17th century 295 man
Saint Augustine Washes the Feet of Christ Theodoor Rombouts 1636 296
Holy Theresia of Ávila Peter Paul Rubens 1630s 299
The education of Mary Peter Paul Rubens 1630s 306 Mary
Education of Virgin Mary
Lamentation (central panel of the Epitaph of Jan Michielsen and his Wife Maria Maes) Peter Paul Rubens 1618 300
Madonna and Child Peter Paul Rubens 1618 301 Mary
Christ Child
Christ Salvator Mundi Peter Paul Rubens 1618 302
Saint John Peter Paul Rubens 1618 303 John the Evangelist
Madonna Peter Paul Rubens 1618 304 Mary
Christ Child
The Last Communion of Francis of Assisi Peter Paul Rubens 1619 305 Francis of Assisi
Christ's first appearance to the apostles in Jerusalem Peter Paul Rubens 1610s 307 Doubting Thomas
Nicolaas Rockox Peter Paul Rubens 1610s 308 Nikolaas Rockox
Coat of Arms of Nicolaas Rockox Peter Paul Rubens 1614 309 coat of arms
Portrait of Adriana Perez Peter Paul Rubens 1610s 310 Adriana Perez
Coat of Arms of Adriana Perez Peter Paul Rubens 1610s 311 coat of arms
The Holy Family with the Parrot Peter Paul Rubens 1614 312
The Crucified Christ Peter Paul Rubens 17th century 313 Jesus
The Holy Trinity Peter Paul Rubens 1620 314
The Arch of the Mint (front) Peter Paul Rubens 1635 316
The Arch of Honor of the Mint (reverse) Peter Paul Rubens 1635 317
Triumphal Chariot of Kallo Peter Paul Rubens 1638 318 processional parade
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ Peter Paul Rubens 17th century 319 Jesus
Landscape Jacob van Ruisdael 1649 320
Calm Water Salomon van Ruysdael 321
Peasant Meal David Ryckaert III 17th century 322
Landscape Pieter Rijsbraeck 323
Two Ages Godfried Schalcken 1673 324 man
Crucifixion Master of the Von Groote Adoration 1520s 325 Jesus
Portiuncula Cornelis Schut 1649 326
The beheading of Saint George Cornelis Schut 1653 327 Saint George
The purification of the holy virgin Cornelis Schut 17th century 328 Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
Madonna Surrounded by a Garland of Flowers Cornelis Schut
Daniel Seghers
17th century 330 flower
Madonna and Child
Saint Francis of Assisi Preaching to the Animals Johannes Siberechts 1666 332 tree
Portrait of the painter Willem Jacob Herreyns Frans Marcus Smits 19th century 333 Willem Jacob Herreyns
Crucifixion Jan Snellinck 1597 334 Jesus
Swans and Dogs Nicasius Bernaerts 16th century 335
Still Life Frans Snyders 17th century 336
The Bird's Nest Pieter Snyers 18th century 337 flower
Samson Mocked by the Philistines Jacques Ignatius de Roore
Jan Steen
1676 338 Samson
Wedding Party Jan Steen 17th century 339
Johannes Franciscus Van Sterbeeck Nicolaas Stramot II 1693 340 Johannes Franciscus Van Sterbeeck
Portrait of a young Man No/unknown value 16th century 341 man
Four Philosophers Jean-Pierre-Antoine Tassaert 342
Storm at Sea Jean-Baptiste Tency 343
The City Valenciennes David Teniers the Younger 1656 344
Tavern Scene David Teniers the Younger 17th century 345 tavern
Afternoon David Teniers the Younger 17th century 346 afternoon
Morning David Teniers the Younger 17th century 347 tree
An Old Woman Cutting Tobacco David Teniers the Younger 17th century 348 woman
Luteplayer Gerard ter Borch 1657 349 woman
sheet music
Hendrik van Halmale, Mayor of Antwerp Pieter Thijs 1661 350 Hendrik van Halmale I
Maximus Gerardi Pieter Thijs 1662 351
Portiuncula Pieter Thijs 352
Icarus and Daedalus Pieter Thijs 353
Mary Appears to Saint William of Aquitaine Pieter Thijs 354
Vision of Saint John of the Cross Pieter Thijs 355
Descent from the Cross Pieter Thijs 356 Jesus
Card Players Theodoor Rombouts 17th century 358
Dutch ships in a harbour firing salute Hendrick van Anthonissen 17th century 359
Concert of Angels Hendrick van Balen the Elder 361
Concert of Angels Hendrick van Balen the Elder 361-364
Saint Philip Benitius Hendrick van Balen the Elder 362
Concert of Angels Hendrick van Balen the Elder 363
Saint Ann Hendrick van Balen the Elder 364
John the Baptist preaching Hendrick van Balen the Elder 365 John the Baptist
Blazon of the Chambers of Rethoric "De Violieren Hendrick van Balen the Elder 1618 366
Landscape with a Shepherd Dirck van der Bergen 367
Lamentation Anthony van Dyck
No/unknown value
1650s 368 Jesus
Christ on the Cross Cornelis de Vos 1623 369 Jesus
The Good Samaritan Balthasar van Cortbemde 1647 370 horse
parable of the Good Samaritan
Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian Michiel Coxie 1575 371
Episode from the martyrdom of St George Michiel Coxie 16th century 372
The Story of Saint George Michiel Coxie 372-375
St George Michiel Coxie 16th century 373
Episode from the martyrdom of St George Michiel Coxie 16th century 374
St Agnes Michiel Coxie 16th century 375
Landscape with Diana and Actaeon (Ovid, Metamorphoses, III, 193) Michiel Coxie 2nd millennium
16th century
Five Senses Joos van Craesbeeck 1640s 377
Allegory of the Arts Theodoor Boeyermans 1666 378
The reception of Jan Karel de Cordes at the guild hall Balthasar van den Bossche 1711 379
The Last Judgement Chrispijn van den Broeck 1571 380
Adoration of the Christ-child by Saint Francis of Assisi Jan van den Hoecke 381
Portrait of a Girl as a Huntress Caesar van Everdingen 1665 382 child
hunting horn
The Bearing of the Cross and the Flight into Egypt Master of Hoogstraeten 1500 383
The Seven Sorrows of Mary Master of Hoogstraeten 1440s 383-389
Presentation in the Temple Master of Hoogstraeten 1500 384
Christ's Dispute with the Doctors Master of Hoogstraeten 1500 385
Calvary Master of Hoogstraeten 1500 386 Jesus
Entombment and the Lamentaion over the dead Christ Master of Hoogstraeten 1500 387
Mater Dolorosa Master of Hoogstraeten 1500 388
Oda Stecke Master of Hoogstraeten 1500 389
Landscape by moonlight Aert van der Neer 390 moonlight
sailing ship
Allegorie Michiel Frans van der Voort 391
Reeks van de Sint-Michielsabdij Michiel Frans van der Voort 391-392
Allegorie Michiel Frans van der Voort 392
The Seven Sacraments (central panel) Rogier van der Weyden 1445
The Seven Sacraments (left panel) Rogier van der Weyden 1445
The Seven Sacraments (right panel) Rogier van der Weyden 1445
The Annunciation Rogier van der Weyden 15th century 396
Philip the Good No/unknown value 1450s 397 Philip III the Good Florent van Ertborn
Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Landscape Adriaen van de Velde 398
The Canon Shot Willem van de Velde the Younger 399
Saint Bonaventura in Ecstasy Abraham van Diepenbeeck 400 Bonaventure
Christ on the Cross with Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Dominic and an Angel Anthony van Dyck 1620s 401 Catherine of Siena
Saint Dominic
Joannes Malderus, Bishop of Antwerp Anthony van Dyck 1632 402 Joannes Malderus
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ Anthony van Dyck 1629 403 Jesus
The lamentation over the dead Christ Anthony van Dyck 1635 404 Jesus
Cesare Alessandro Scaglia di Verrua, Abbé of Staffarda and Mandanici Anthony van Dyck 1634 405 Alessandro Scaglia Eugène Secrétan
Christ on the Cross Anthony van Dyck 1627 406 Jesus
Crucifixion of Jesus
Portrait of a Boy Erasmus Quellinus II 1655 407 boy
Chariclea is Recognized by her Parents Wilhelm Schubert van Ehrenberg 1666 408
Still life with pewter jug Jan Jansz den Uyl
Jan Treck
1635 409 jug
Madonna surrounded by Saint George, Saint Donatianus of Reims and the Donor Canon Van der Paele No/unknown value 15th century 412
The adoration of the Lamb (after the Ghent Altarpiece) No/unknown value 14th century 413
The Adoration of the Lamb No/unknown value 1625 413-424
Holy Hermits and Holy Pilgrims No/unknown value 14th century 414-415
The Knights of Christ and The Just Judges No/unknown value 14th century 416-417
God Almighty No/unknown value 14th century 418
Saint John the Baptist No/unknown value 14th century 419 John the Baptist
Mary No/unknown value 14th century 420
Music-making Angels and Eve No/unknown value 14th century 421-424
Adam and Singing Angels No/unknown value 1565 422-423
The Calling of Saint Matthew Marinus van Reymerswaele 16th century 425
Still Life of flowers in a terracotta vase on a stone plinth Jacob van Huysum
No/unknown value
Jan van Huysum
1750 427 Désiré Van den Schrieck
Pierre-Joseph de Marneffe
A concert of birds Paul de Vos 17th century 428
Landscape Jan van Kessel 429
Saint Catherine of Alexandria Pieter van Lint 430
At the Watering Hole Pieter van Lint 17th century 432
Saint Christopher Pieter van Lint 17th century 433 Saint Christopher
The Miracle of Saint John of Capestrano Pieter van Lint 17th century 434
A Franciscan Saint Pieter van Lint 435 saint
The Assumption of Mary Guido Reni 436
Fish Seller Willem van Mieris 1717 437 man
fish as food
Eastern Seaport Hendrik van Minderhout 1675 438
Adoration of the Magi Artus Wolffort 1615 439 Christ Child
A View on the Campo Vaccino in Rome Willem van Nieulandt II 1611 440
The Sibyl and the Church Lambert van Noort 1565 441
Sibillen Lambert van Noort 1565 441-447
Sibyl Agrippina Lambert van Noort 1565 442
Sibyl from Hellespont Lambert van Noort 1565 443
Sibyl from Delphi Lambert van Noort 1565 444
Sibyl with Lance and Sponge Lambert van Noort 1565 445
Sibyl with Column Lambert van Noort 1565 446
Sibyl with Chalice Lambert van Noort 1565 447
The Adoration of the Shepherds Lambert van Noort 1555 448 Christ Child
Christ Washing the Feet of the Apostles Lambert van Noort 1560 449
The Last Supper Lambert van Noort 1588 450
Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane Lambert van Noort 1565 451
Vijf passietaferelen Lambert van Noort 1565 451-455
Crowning with Thorns Lambert van Noort 1565 452 Jesus
The Bearing of the Cross Lambert van Noort 1565 453 Jesus
Crucifixion Lambert van Noort 1565 454 Jesus
Christ's Entombment Lambert van Noort 1565 455 Jesus
Resurrection of Christ Lambert van Noort 1565 456 Jesus
Andries Eugeen Valck Nisse, Secretary of the City of Antwerp Caspar Jacob van Opstal the Younger 1699 457
Jan Karel Nicolaas van Hove, Dean of the Guild of Saint Luke Caspar Jacob van Opstal the Younger 1699 458
The Christ-Child Joos van Cleve 16th century 459
Portrait of a Man Albert Cornelis 16th century 460 man
Portrait of a Man Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder 461 man
Triptych with Donors Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder 461-462
Portrait of a Woman Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder 462 woman
Madonna No/unknown value 16th century 463 Mary
Christ Child
The Adoration of the Magi Cornelis van Cleve 16th century 464 Christ Child
Intrede van paus Innocentius II in Rome Richard van Orley 465
The Smoker Adriaen van Ostade 1655 466 smoker
Gouda clay pipe
Winter Landscape Isaac van Ostade 1645 467 horse
Making Pancakes Jan van Pee 468
Landscape with Fables Adriaen van Stalbemt 1620 469 tree
Flower garland Jan Philip van Thielen 17th century 470 flower
Madonna in a flower garland Jan Philip van Thielen 1667 471 flower
Madonna and Child
Sketch of the front of the triumphal arch of the Cardinal-Infant Ferdinand Theodoor van Thulden 2nd millennium 472
Triumphal Arch of the Cardinal Infante Ferdinand Theodoor van Thulden 472-473-823
Sketch of the back of the triumphal arch of Philip IV Theodoor van Thulden 1634 473
Benedictus van Thulden, prieur de l'abbé de Saint-Bernard Theodoor van Thulden 1660 474
The Abbey of Saint Bernard Jan Wildens 1616 475 boat
Water Mill Lucas van Uden 17th century 476 tree
Landscape with Sunset Lucas van Uden 17th century 477 mountain
Still Life with Dead Swan Adriaen van Utrecht 478
The Calling of Zacchaeus who is Sitting in a Fig Tree Otto van Veen 1600s 479
Zijluiken van het altaarstuk van de meerseniers Otto van Veen 479-482
The Calling of Matthew Otto van Veen 1600s 480
The Charity of Saint Nicholas of Myra Otto van Veen 1600s 481
During a Famine in Myra Saint Nicholas Saves the People Otto van Veen 1600s 482 Saint Nicholas
Jan Miraeus, Bishop of Antwerp Otto van Veen 1611 483
Saint Paul before proconsul Felix of Caesarea Otto van Veen 1602 484
The Holy Sacrament of the Altar Nicolaes van Verendael 485
Madonna Raphael 486 Mary
Christ Child
The Fencer's Guild Receives J. Vermoelen, Abbot of Sint-Michiels François Xaver Henri Verbeeck 1713 487
Statue of Apollo with Flowers Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen the Younger 490
Hagar and Ishmael Banished by Abraham Pieter Jozef Verhaghen 1781 491
Madonna met de heilige Anna en Johannes de Doper No/unknown value 492
Kroning van Maria No/unknown value 493
Peasant Wedding Jan Victors 494
Village Fair David Vinckboons 1610 495
Landscape Jan Baptist Martin Wans 496
An Italian Seaport Jan Baptist Weenix 497
The Holy Family Theodoor Rombouts 1634 498 Mary
Christ Child
Garden Festival at Diesdelle Denis van Alsloot 499
Three Horsemen halting at a Well Philips Wouwerman 17th century 500 horse
Désiré Van den Schrieck
The Rider's Halting Place Philips Wouwerman 501 horse
Landschap Jan Wijnants 502
Landschap met vee Jan Wijnants 503
Jan Basptist Greyns, deacon of the Guild of Saint Luke and the Olijftak Peter Ykens 1690s 504
Saint Catherine of Alexandria in discussion with the fifty philosophers Peter Ykens 1688 505 Catherine of Alexandria
Steven Cornelis Janssens van Hujoel, Dean of the Guild of St. Luke and of the Chamber of Rhetoric De Olijftak Peter Ykens 1689 506
Saint Louis of Gonzaga Gerard Seghers 507 Aloysius Gonzaga
Marriage of Mary Gerard Seghers 17th century 508
Saint Theresa in Ecstasy Gerard Seghers 17th century 509
Christ Returning from Purgatory Gerard Seghers 510
Saint Clare of Assisi Adoring Jesus Gerard Seghers 511
Mary with Scapulier Gerard Seghers 512
Saint Norbert Recieves the Garment of his Order Gerard Seghers 513
Bouquet of Flowers Georges Frédéric Ziesel 514
Saint Leonard of Noblac No/unknown value 15th century 515
Coronation of Mary No/unknown value 14th century 516a
Kroning van Maria en Annunciatie No/unknown value 516a-b
The Annunciation No/unknown value 14th century 516b
Madonna No/unknown value 1470 517 Mary
Christ Child
Madonna with Two Donors No/unknown value 1515 517-518
Two donors (interior right wing) No/unknown value 15th century 518
Calvary of Hendrik van Rijn No/unknown value 1363 519
Madonna with Angels and Saints No/unknown value 14th century 520
The Seven Sorrows of Mary Bernard van Orley 1526 521
Portrait of a Young Man Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder 1528 522 man
Madonna Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen 1515 523 Mary
Christ Child
Triptych of Pompeius Occo and his Wife Gerbrich Claesdr. Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen 1515 523-525bis
Pompeius Occo Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen 1515 524 Pompeius Occo
Gerbrich Claesdr Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen 1515 525
Eve Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen 1500 525bis woman
Portrait of a Man Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder 526 man
Resurrection of Christ Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder 527 Jesus
Christ sitting on the Cold Stone and other Scenes of the Passion No/unknown value 16th century 528
Festival of the Archers Master of Frankfurt 1493 529 Schützenfest
Dutch Civic Guard
marksmen club
Christus Salvator Mundi Master of 1499 1499 530
Robrecht de Clercq, abbot of Ter Duinen Master of 1499 1499
531 Robrecht II de Clercq
Before the Crucifixion Cornelis Engebrechtsz. 16th century 532
Stairway to Heaven Master of the Amsterdam Death of the Virgin 1500 533
Stairway to Heaven and Crucifixion Master of the Amsterdam Death of the Virgin 1500 533-534
The Assumption of Mary Master of the Amsterdam Death of the Virgin 1500 534
Madonna with Angels Master of the Holy Blood 16th century 535 Mary
Christ Child
The Baptism of Christ Marcellus Coffermans 16th century 536 Jesus
John the Baptist
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 16th century 537 man
Philip the Good No/unknown value 15th century 538 Philip III the Good
Portrait of a Tournament Judge Rogier van der Weyden 15th century 539
John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy No/unknown value 1450 540 John the Fearless
Portrait of a Canon No/unknown value 15th century 541 canon
Donor and his Patron, Saint Simon Zelotes No/unknown value 1470s 542
Portrait of a Man Corneille de Lyon 543 man
Saint at Prayers No/unknown value 16th century 544
Gabriël Cambry No/unknown value 1549 545
Portrait of a Man Corneille de Lyon 546 man
Frans Sonnius, Bishop of Antwerp Frans Pourbus the Elder 1575 547
Mater Dolorosa No/unknown value 16th century 548
William of Orange Adriaen Thomasz. Key 1580 549 William the Silent
Blazon of the Berchem Chamber of Rethoric "De bloeiende Wijngaard No/unknown value 1561 550
Blazon of the Lier Chamber of Rethoric "Het jenetten bloemken" No/unknown value 1561 551
Blazon of the Diest Chamber of Rethoric "De Leliebloem" No/unknown value 1561 552
Blazon of the Chamber of Rhetoric "The Growing Tree" in Lier Chrispijn van den Broeck 1561 553
Blazoen met rebus No/unknown value 554
The Holy Trinity No/unknown value 16th century 555
The Holy Family No/unknown value 17th century 556 Mary
Christ Child
The Tiburtine Sibyl Jan Mostaert 16th century 557
The Holy Family with an Angel Master of 1499 15th century 558
Portrait of a Man Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen 1514 559 man
Portrait of a Lady Conrad Faber von Kreuznach 1510 560 woman
Madonna Enthroned Master of the Virgin with Saint Michael 15th century 561
Madonna Enthroned Master of the Virgin with Saint Michael 15th century 561-563
Saint Christopher Master of the Virgin with Saint Michael 15th century 562
Saint George Master of the Virgin with Saint Michael 15th century 563
Portrait of a Man Maarten van Heemskerck 16th century 564 man
Pietà Quinten Metsys 16th century 565 Jesus
La jeune courtisane Quinten Metsys 16th century 566
The Banker and his Wife Marinus van Reymerswaele 1575 567 money changer
The Bearing of the Cross Master of Frankfurt 16th century 568 Jesus
The Bearing of the Cross Bernard van Orley 1530 569 Jesus
Afflicta Virgo Jan Gossaert 16th century 570
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ Adriaen Isenbrandt 571 Jesus
Ecce Homo No/unknown value 16th century 572 Jesus
Christ's Entombment Ambrosius Francken I 2nd millennium 573 Jesus
Willem Luyckx, kanunnik van de kathedraal in Antwerpen No/unknown value 574
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 16th century 575 man
Saint Eligius preaches in Antwerp Ambrosius Francken I 1588 576 Eligius
Altarpiece of the Guild of the Smiths Ambrosius Francken I 1588 576-580
Saint Eligius visits the prisoners Ambrosius Francken I 1588 577 Eligius
Saint Eligius in his smithy Ambrosius Francken I 1588 578 Eligius
Saint Eligius helps the crippled and buries the dead Ambrosius Francken I 1588 579 Eligius
Episcopal ordination of Saint Eligius Ambrosius Francken I 1588 580 Eligius
Calvary Peter Paul Rubens 17th century 581 Jesus
Portrait of an unknown Alexian friar (?-?) No/unknown value 17th century 582 monk
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 1611 583 man
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 1621 584 man
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 1613 585 man
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 1620 586 man
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 17th century 587 man
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 1678 588 man
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 1604 589 man
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 1603 590 man
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 1602 591 man
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 1607 592 man
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 1602 593 man
Portrait of a Man No/unknown value 1605 594 man
Portret van een man No/unknown value 17th century 595 man
Portrait of a Dominican No/unknown value 17th century 596 dominican friar
Portret van een dominicaan No/unknown value 17th century 596-597 dominican friar
Bishop No/unknown value 17th century 597 bishop
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ Anthony van Dyck 17th century 598 lamentation of Christ
Mary Magdalene
Two Girls as Saint Agnes and Saint Dorothea Michaelina Wautier
Thomas Willeboirts Bosschaert
No/unknown value
17th century
599 girl
Agnes of Rome
Dorothea of Caesarea
Pastoral Amusement Wouter Crabeth II 600
The Death of Abel No/unknown value 17th century 601
Vanitas Frans Wouters 602
Meekness Erasmus Quellinus II 603
Deugden Erasmus Quellinus II 603-608
Devoutness Erasmus Quellinus II 604
Force Erasmus Quellinus II 605
Justice Erasmus Quellinus II 606
Clemency Erasmus Quellinus II 607
Moderation Erasmus Quellinus II 608
Jan Baptist van Caukercken, Chaplain of the Guild of Saint Luke No/unknown value 17th century 609
The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Joannes van Buyten Frans Denys 1648 610
Deipara Virgo Theodoor van Thulden 611
Christ on the Cross Abraham van Diepenbeeck 612 Jesus
Winter Pleasures Sebastiaen Vrancx 17th century 613
Resurrection of Christ No/unknown value 16th century 614 Jesus
Old Man No/unknown value 1680s 615 man
Paus Pius VI No/unknown value 616 Pius VI
A Young Artist Wallerant Vaillant 617
Apostel Paulus Theodoor Boeyermans 618
Apostel Petrus Theodoor Boeyermans 619
Infante Isabella Clara Eugenia Anthony van Dyck 1632 620 Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain
St Ambrose and Theodosius Pieter Thijs 18th century 622
Slag bij Ekeren Constantijn Francken 626
Christus und der Krieger Paolo Veronese 627
Portret van een vrouw Jacob Adriaensz Backer 1635 628 woman
Alarm bij het Oosters huis te Antwerpen No/unknown value 629
A View of the Meir No/unknown value 18th century 630
De Leguit No/unknown value 631
Samson and Delilah Anthony van Dyck 632
Gezicht op Antwerpen No/unknown value 1540 633
Gezicht van het Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerkhof van Antwerpen No/unknown value 634
De Spaanse furie in Antwerpen No/unknown value 635
The Reception of Marie de' Medici in Antwerp Matheus Vroom 1631 636
Italian Landscape Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem 1645 637
De passie van Christus Hieronymus Cock 638
Jolly Company Richard Brakenburgh 640
The Death of Abel Bartholomeus Breenbergh 1645 641
Playing Cards Adriaen Brouwer 17th century 642
Flowers in a Vase Jan Brueghel the Elder 17th century 643 flower
Kermis of Saint George Pieter Brueghel the Younger 17th century 644
Visit to the Farm Jan Brueghel the Elder 16th century 645
The Village Lawyer Pieter III. Brueghel 17th century 646
De Ommegang van Antwerpen Alexander Casteels the Elder 17th century 647
De Grote Markt van Antwerpen in 1715 Frans Casteels III 1715 648 Grote Markt
Kruisiging Master of the Antwerp Crucifixion 649 Jesus
Kruisiging Master of the Antwerp Crucifixion 649-651 Jesus
De opstanding Master of the Antwerp Crucifixion 650
Kruisdraging Master of the Antwerp Crucifixion 651 Jesus
Philip of Asturias, later Philip III of Spain Frans Francken I 652
The Last Judgement Jacob de Backer 1571 653
Meirplaats in Antwerp Erasmus de Bie 654
Landscape Cornelis Gerritsz Decker 17th century 655
Still Life Cornelis de Heem 656
Portrait of a Boy Jacob Adriaensz Backer 1630s 657 boy
Fruit still life of pumpkin, melon, grapes, peaches and pomegranates; right a garden vase, left a sarcophagus David de Coninck 17th century 658
Still Life Pieter de Ring 1653 659
Een edelman No/unknown value 17th century 660
Portret van een vrouw No/unknown value 17th century 661 woman
Portrait of Simon de Vos (1603-1676) Abraham de Vries 1635 662
The Judgement of Solomon Frans Floris I 1547 663
Aankomst te Antwerpen in 1635 van de Kardinaal Infant Ferdinand, Gouverneur van de Spaanse Nederlanden. Peter Snayers 664
Birds Melchior d'Hondecoeter 17th century 665
Portrait of a Man in Eastern Attire Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich 666 man
The Pool of Bethesda Joost Cornelisz Droochsloot 667
Italian Landscape Karel Dujardin 1660 668
The Antwerp Castle No/unknown value 17th century 670
Kiel near Antwerp Jacob Grimmer 1579 671 boat
The Eel Huts in the Antwerp Polder outside the Lillo or Slijk Gate Abel Grimmer 1569 672
Still Life Peeter Gijsels 1680 673
The Watermill Meindert Hobbema 17th century 675 watermill
De Blijde Intrede van Karel van Lorreinen Jan Josef Horemans the Younger 676
As the Old Sing, So Pipe the Young Jacob Jordaens 1638 677
Shoot for a Prize Jan Miense Molenaer 17th century 679
Last Judgement No/unknown value 1500 680
Passion Play on the Grote Markt in Antwerp Gillis Mostaert 16th century 681 Grote Markt
Helena Fourment Jan Boeckhorst 1630 682
Helena Fourment
Interior of a Church Pieter Neefs the Elder 17th century 683 church interior
Belegering van Kallo Bonaventura Peeters the Elder
Gillis Peeters
1639 684
The Antwerp Shipyard Bonaventura Peeters the Elder 1650 685
De heilige Elisabeth schenkt haar juwelen aan de behoeftigen Maarten Pepyn 686
Het leven van de heilige Elisabeth Maarten Pepyn 686-690
Christus ontvangt de heilige Elisabeth in het paradijs Maarten Pepyn 687
Een arme familie op weg naar het godshuis Maarten Pepyn 688
De heilige Elisabeth op haar sterfbed Maarten Pepyn 689
De heilige Elisabeth verpleegt de zieken Maarten Pepyn 690
De doop van de heilige Augustinus Maarten Pepyn 691
De doop van de heilige Augustinus Maarten Pepyn 691-695
De heilige Augustinus bisschop gewijd Maarten Pepyn 692
De heilige Augustinus zijn goed aan de armen gevende Maarten Pepyn 693
De heilige Augustinus te bed, de laatste sacramenten aan de zieken toedienende Maarten Pepyn 694
Op weg naar het gasthuis Maarten Pepyn 695
Portrait of Gilbert van Schoonbeke (1519-1556) Master of the 1540s 1544 696 Gilbert van Schoonbeke
Gilbert van Schoonbeke en zijn vrouw Elisabeth Heynderickx Master of the 1540s 1544 696-697 Gilbert van Schoonbeke
Elisabeth Heynderickx Master of the 1540s 1544 697
Portrait of Gilbert van Schoonbeke (1519-1556) Frans Floris I 16th century 698 Gilbert van Schoonbeke
Portrait of Elisabeth Heynderickx, wife of Gilbert van Schoonbeke Frans Floris I 16th century 699
Alexander Farnese, hertog van Parma No/unknown value 700
Heilige Familie Erasmus Quellinus II 1660s 704 Mary
Christ Child
Joannes Gaspard Gevartius, (1593-1666) Peter Paul Rubens 1628 706 Gaspar Gevaerts
The baptism of Christ Peter Paul Rubens 1600s 707 Jesus
John the Baptist
Portrait of man with an unstarched ruff Anthony van Dyck 1619 708 man
Venus Frigida Peter Paul Rubens 1614 709 Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus
Christus wird zugunsten der Armen angerufen Peter Paul Rubens 710
Portrait of Nicolas Rockox (1560-1640), burgomaster of Antwerpen Peter Paul Rubens 1608 711 Nikolaas Rockox
Portrait of a young Dominican monk Peter Paul Rubens 17th century 712
Waterfall in Norway Jacob van Ruisdael 713 waterfall
pine tree
Storm at Sea Pieter Mulier the Elder 17th century 714
The Ferry Salomon van Ruysdael 1657 715 tree
De Franse Furie Antoon Sallaert 716
Gezicht op Antwerpen en de Schelde Mathys Schoevaerdts 717
The Beach at Scheveningen Lucas Smout the Younger 718
At the Fishmonger's Frans Snyders 17th century 719
The city of Antwerp begs Emperor Ferdinand to open the Scheldt again Huybrecht Sporckmans 1647 720
Laat de kleinen tot mij komen Bartholomeus Spranger 721
Mary Tudor No/unknown value 16th century 722
Portrait of a Man Benjamin Block 723 man
Portret van een vrouw No/unknown value 18th century 724 woman
Portrait of a Woman No/unknown value 17th century 725 woman
Duet David Teniers the Younger 726
Returning from the Hunt David Teniers the Younger 1670 727 tree
Flowers in a Vase Pieter Casteels III 728 flower
Fruit and Wine Glass Willem van Aelst 1659 729
The Antwerp Arms", Tavern Scene Joos van Craesbeeck 1630s 731 Bernard du Bus de Gisignies
Bernard du Bus de Gisignies
Nursery Visit Eglon van der Neer 1664 732 woman
Icy Pleasures Adriaen van de Velde 1662 733
Portrait of a Cleric Thomas Willeboirts Bosschaert
Anthony van Dyck
1640 734 cleric
Van Dyke beard
Grote parade van de Antwerpse burgerwacht op de Meir in 1673 Nicolaas van Eyck 1673 735
Landscape with Farmhouse Jan van Goyen 1631 736 farmhouse
Horrors of War Jan van Huchtenburgh 737
Venus and Cupid Willem van Mieris 18th century 738 Venus
Self portrait of Michiel van Musscher (1645-1705) with his family Michiel van Musscher 1689 739
Kanoniker Erasmus Quellinus II 17th century 740 man
The last judgement and the seventh act of mercy Bernard van Orley 16th century 741
Last Judgement and the seven Acts of Mercy Bernard van Orley 16th century 741-745
Three Acts of Mercy: Giving the Thirsty to drink, Visiting the Sick and Sheltering Strangers Bernard van Orley 16th century 742
Saint Martin and Saint Mark Bernard van Orley 16th century 743
Three Acts of Mercy: Clothing the Naked, Liberating the Imprisoned and Feeding the Hungry Bernard van Orley 16th century 744
Saint Laurens and Saint Elizabeth Bernard van Orley 16th century 745
Landscape with ruins Cornelius van Poelenburgh 746
The Continence of Scipio Africanus Theodoor van Thulden 748
Slag bij Ekeren Pieter Verdussen 749
De aftocht van Marten van Rossum na zijn aanval op Antwerpen Constantijn Francken 1710 750
Battle of Ekeren Constantijn Francken 1703 751
Still Life with Cock Melchior d'Hondecoeter 752
The Hare Hunt Philips Wouwerman 754 hunting
Cavalry Skirmish with Foot Soldiers Pieter Wouwerman 755 horse
Reception of the White Monks by the Magistrate and the Notables of the City of Antwerp Bonaventura Peeters the Elder 17th century 756
Lord Uxbridge Thomas Lawrence 1810 757 Henry Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey
Fruit Theodoor Aenvanck 1659 758
Smell Gonzales Coques 17th century 759
The Five Senses Gonzales Coques 17th century 759-763
Touch Gonzales Coques 17th century 760
Taste Gonzales Coques 17th century 761
Hearing Gonzales Coques 17th century 762
Sight Gonzales Coques 17th century 763
Resting Hunters David Teniers the Younger 17th century 764
Frederik Hendrik Nassau, Prince of Orange Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt 765 Frederick Henry of Orange-Nassau
The Hunt Peter Paul Rubens 1630s 766
Water Festival called 'Admiraalszeilen' Jan van de Cappelle 1650 767 Johan Verstolk van Soelen
Henry Bingham Mildmay
Bagpiper Adriaen van de Velde 1660s
17th century
768 cattle
Henry Bingham Mildmay
Johan Verstolk van Soelen
The Oosterhuis in Antwerp Lucas van Uden 1660 769 tree
Allegorical Figure with Flowers Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen the Younger 1688 770 woman
Allegorical Figure with Flowers (KMSKA 771) Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen the Younger 1696 771
Battle of Leckerbetken Sebastiaen Vrancx 1601 772
Landscape Jan Wijnants 773
Portrait of a woman Abraham de Vries 17th century 774 woman
Portrait of a Woman No/unknown value 1630 775 woman
Saint John the Baptist Preaching Pieter Brueghel the Younger 2nd millennium 777 John the Baptist
The Prodigal Son Peter Paul Rubens 1618 781 horse Diego Duarte
Henri-Joseph Stier d'Aertselaer
Interior of a painter's workshop with visitors Gerard Thomas 17th century 782
Kunstenaarsateliers Gerard Thomas 18th century 782-783
The Sculptors' Workshop Gerard Thomas 17th century 783
The old cattle market in Antwerp Peeter van Bredael 2nd millennium 784
Interior of Church Dirck van Delen 1635 785
Fair on the Antwerp Meir No/unknown value 17th century 786
Counsellor of the Aix-en-Provence Parliament Michel-François Dandré-Bardon 1733 787 man
Italiaans landschap Willem de Heusch 788
Interior of a protestant church Emanuel de Witte 789
The little Nurse Jacob Vrel 17th century 790 woman
Landscape with a Spinner and Cattle Dirck van der Bergen 791
Daniël décrouvant l'imposture des prêtres de Baäl Theodoor van Loon 792
The Painter Marten Pepijn Anthony van Dyck 1632 793 Maarten Pepyn Abraham Grapheus
Joannes Meyssens
John Smith
William II of the Netherlands
Théodore Patureau
John Waterloo Wilson
Edouard Pierre Rombaut Kums
Naples Joseph Vernet 18th century 794
Allegorical Adoration of the Birth of a Prince Johannes Ykens 1659 795
The Antwerp Waterfront and a part of the Vlaams Hoofd Jan Baptist Bonnecroy 1658 796
The Adoration of the Magi in the Snow Pieter Brueghel the Younger 2nd millennium 797 Christ Child
The Triumph of Frederik Hendrik Jacob Jordaens 1650s 799 Frederick Henry of Orange-Nassau
De rede van Antwerpen Bonaventura Peeters the Elder 800
Christ Driving the Money-changers from the Temple Theodoor Rombouts 17th century 801
Minerva overcoming Ignorance Peter Paul Rubens 1630s 802 Minerva
Portrait of a Man in a Guirland Gonzales Coques
Daniel Seghers
17th century 803 flower
A Ford Johannes Siberechts 1665 804 horse
Crossing the Somme in Cérisy Peter Snayers 1638 805
Slag bij Ekeren Pieter Verdussen 806
A Wedding Procession Pieter Brueghel the Younger 1630 807
Saint Ivo of Brittany Jacob Jordaens 17th century 808
The Painter Jan Baptist Berré Balthasar-Paul Ommeganck 809 Jean Baptiste Berré
Portrait of a Family Anthonie Palamedesz. 1635 810 family
Saint Martin's Day Pieter Balten 16th century 811 tree
Double portrait of Jan van der Voort (1626-1678) and his sister Catharina van der Voort (1622-1674), with a servant Ferdinand Bol 1661 812
Holy Family in a Garland with Flowers, Vegetables, and Fruit Pieter van Avont 813
Vismarkt Joachim Beuckelaer 1574 814
Portrait of a Family Cornelis de Vos 1631 815 family
Antwerp and the Vlaams Hoofd in 1600 Abel Grimmer 1600 817
The Members of the Guild of the Large Crossbow of Malines Meister der Georgsgilde in Mecheln 1497 818
Two Female Heads and Torso of a Warrior Jacob Jordaens 1620s 819
Plundering Soldiers David Ryckaert III 17th century 820
Still Life with Dead Game Pieter Snyers 1734 821
Flemish Tavern Joos van Craesbeeck 1640s 822
Triumphal Arch of Philip IV of Spain, front Theodoor van Thulden 2nd millennium 823
Landscape Adam Pynacker 825 river
Landschap Jan Baptist Huysmans 1700 826
Italian Landscape with a Cavalry Battle Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem 17th century 827
Landscape with Prophet Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath Gillis d'Hondecoeter 1613 828
Lactatio of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Gaspar de Crayer 17th century 829
Landscape with Saint Jerome Cornelis Massijs 1547 830 Jerome
The Four seasons Abel Grimmer 1607 831
Summer Abel Grimmer 1607 831/1 tree
Autumne Abel Grimmer 1607 831/2
Winter Abel Grimmer 1607 831/3
Spring Abel Grimmer 1607 831/4
The Massacre of the Children at Bethlehem Pieter Brueghel the Younger 2nd millennium 832
Mother of God from Iviron No/unknown value 18th century 833
Still Life with Dead Game Pieter Snyers 835
Diana and Actaeon Andries Cornelis Lens 18th century 837 Diana
The Martyrdom of St Catherine Jan Provoost 16th century 838 Catherine of Alexandria
The Cruxifixion and the Life of Saint Catherine of Alexandria Jan Provoost 16th century 838-839 Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Barbara from Nicodemia Jan Provoost 16th century 839
Portrait of a Family Cornelis de Vos 1631 841 family
The King drinks Jacob Jordaens 1640 843
Koeien en schapen Eugène Verboeckhoven 845
Still Life with a Poor Man's Meal of Porridge, Cheese, Herring and Pancakes No/unknown value 2nd millennium 846 jug
What is the use of the candle or glasses, if the owl does not want to see
The Adoration of the Magi Pieter Brueghel the Younger 17th century 847 Adoration of the Magi
Christ Child
Knight Jan van Eden Cornelis Engebrechtsz. 1525 848 man
The Legend of Saint Christopher Jan van Amstel 1550 849
Death is Fierce and Quick Joos van Craesbeeck 1640s 850
The crucifixion Pieter Aertsen 16th century 851 Jesus
Tryptich of the soapmaker Jan van der Biest Pieter Aertsen 851-853
Jan van der Biest in Antwerpen Pieter Aertsen 852
Heiliger Franziskus von Assisi Pieter Aertsen 852a
Der heilige Johannes Pieter Aertsen 853
Heilige Willem van Maleval Pieter Aertsen 853a
Charles II, when Prince of Wales Adriaen Hanneman 854
Seascape Joseph Vernet 856
The Beheading of John the Baptist Master of 1518 16th century 857 beheading of John the Baptist
Brothel scene Joachim Beuckelaer 1563 858
The Temptation of Antony Abbot of Egypt David Teniers the Younger 859 Anthony the Great
Christ Washing the Feet of the Apostles and Last Supper No/unknown value 15th century 860
Still Life Joachim Beuckelaer 1564 861
The Bearing of the Cross Pieter Aertsen 16th century 862 Jesus
The Egg-girl Pieter Aertsen
Huybrecht Beuckeleer
16th century 863
The Stallholders Pieter Aertsen 1550 864
Landscape with Tobias and the Archangel Raphael Denis van Alsloot 1610 865 Tobias
Birds Roelant Savery 1618 866
Landscape Jacques d'Arthois 868
Ecce Homo Pieter Balten 16th century 869 Jesus
Beggar Woman in a Tavern Willem van Herp 870
Ill-Matched Couple Jan Matsys 871 ill-matched couple
If the Blind Lead the Blind, Both shall Fall into the Ditch Pieter Brueghel the Younger 872/1
I Mourn because the World is so Untrustworthy Pieter Brueghel the Younger 1594 872/2 man
money bag
It is too Late to Fill in the Well After the Calf has Drowned Pieter Brueghel the Younger 872/3 man
Unidentified Flemish Proverb Pieter Brueghel the Younger 2nd millennium 872/4
Who Knows why Geese Walk Barefoot ? Pieter Brueghel the Younger 2nd millennium 872/5
Cheat Profiting From His Master Pieter Brueghel the Younger 1599 872/6
Norbertus van Couwerven, abbot of St Michael's Katharina Pepijn 1657 873 Norbertus van Couwerven
Christian cross
Crucifixion of Jesus
Cat and dead fowl Carstian Luyckx 17th century 874 bird
Tavern Scene Jan van Amstel 16th century 875
Landscape with Diana and Actaeon Kerstiaen de Keuninck 16th century 876 tree
The Beheading of Saint Paul Simon de Vos 1648 877
Plundering of a Hamlet Sebastiaen Vrancx 878
Het galgenveld No/unknown value 17th century 879
Landscape with Travellers Attacked by Robbers Sebastiaen Vrancx 880
The Sower, Parable of Christ Master of the Prodigal Son 16th century 881 Parable of the Sower
After the Hunt Jan Fyt 17th century 882
The Baptism of Christ Hans Rottenhammer
Hendrick de Clerck
17th century 883 tree
John the Baptist
Portrait of a Girl Pieter van Lint 1645 884 girl
toy rattle
Kermis in a Flemish village Peeter Gijsels 1687 885 fête
horse-drawn wagon
A Ford Johannes Siberechts 1665 886 woman
Saint Joseph Jusepe de Ribera 17th century 887
Portrait of a Woman Nicolaes Maes 1676 888 woman
Garden Festival No/unknown value 16th century 889
The Adoration of the Shepherds Gillis van Tilborgh 890 Christ Child
The Siege of Koblenz by Turenne Jan Baptist van der Meiren 2nd millennium 891 Koblenz
Equestrial Portrait of the Painter Cornelis de Wael Anthony van Dyck 1620s 892 Cornelis de Wael
Flowers and Fruit Frans Snyders 17th century 893 bird
Parnassus Hendrick de Clerck 17th century 894
Lot and his Daughters Master of the Prodigal Son 16th century 895
Madonna with Little Saint John Alessandro Allori 17th century 896
A Porter Adriaen Brouwer 1630s 897 man
Landschap met overval op reizigers Sebastiaen Vrancx 898
The Fortune Teller Simon de Vos 1639 899 soldier
Bear Hunt Carl Borromäus Andreas Ruthart 900
Landscape Cornelis Huysmans 901
Landscape with a deer hunt Alexander Keirincx 1630 902 tree
The rape of Europa Abraham Govaerts 1621 903 Europa
The Fish Market of Antwerp Hendrik van Minderhout 1695 904
Landscape with Rainbow Lucas van Uden 905
Flowers and a branch of berries in a glass vase on a stone ledge Abraham Mignon 17th century 906 flower
Still Life Frans Snyders 17th century 907
Rural feast Abraham Teniers 1641 908 tree
Landscape Jan Wijnants 1670 909
A River Landscape Jan Brueghel the Elder 1603 910
The Kiss of Judas Hans Rottenhammer 17th century 911
Portrait of Nicolas de Hellincx, counselor of the king Frans Pourbus the Younger 1592 912 man
Portret van een man Adriaen Hanneman 913 man
Landscape Jan Brueghel the Elder 914
Seascape Bonaventura Peeters the Elder 915
Forest View Bonaventura Peeters the Younger 1689 916 tree
Shallow Water near a Castle Johannes Siberechts 1661 917
Portret van een vrouw Cornelis de Vos 1609 918 woman
Portret van een man Willem Key 1543 919 man
Portrait of a Lady Adriaen Thomasz. Key 1577 920 woman
Portrait of a Woman Pieter Pourbus 1548 921 woman
Adoration of the Magi Jan Brueghel the Elder 1600 922 tree
Christ Child
The Dunes at Scheveningen Hendrick de Meijer 1653 923
Scheveningen Cornelis Beelt 1655 924
The Baptism of Christ Jan van Balen 925 Jesus
John the Baptist
Landscape Mattheus Molanus 926
A Martyr Hieronymous Francken II 927
The Adoration of the Shepherds Jacob Jordaens 17th century 928 Christ Child
View of the Necker Jacobus Storck 17th century 929
Portrait of the Antwerp canon Antoon de Vries Willem Jacob Herreyns 18th century 930
Saint Jerome in a Landscape Lucas Gassel 16th century 931 Jerome
Saint Louis IX, King of France, Receives Pierre de Corbie Lucas Franchoys the Younger 17th century 932 Louis IX of France
The Baptism of the Moorish Chamberlain Mattheus Molanus 1613 933
Still life with pottery, herring and pancakes, a print of an owl on the wall Hieronymous Francken II 1607 934 jug
What is the use of the candle or glasses, if the owl does not want to see
Portrait of a Woman Jan van Ravesteyn 935 woman
Palaces Paul Vredeman de Vries
Sebastiaen Vrancx
16th century 936
Return from the Fishing No/unknown value 16th century 937
Shrove Tuesday on the Ice Louis de Caullery 17th century 938
Landscape with Figures Balthasar-Paul Ommeganck 940
De Grote Markt met plechtigheid aan het stadhuis No/unknown value 941
Horsemen Attacked by Robbers Jacques Callot 17th century 942
Village Fight Jacques Callot 17th century 942bis
Landschap met vee Hendrik-Jozef Antonissen 1776 943
Village at the Scheldt Jacob Grimmer 1587 945 horse
Fighting Cocks Frans Snyders 946
The Tower of Babel Jan Brueghel the Elder
Tobias Verhaecht
16th century 947 Tower of Babel
The Holy Family Master of the Legend of the Magdalene 16th century 948 Mary
Christ Child
Portrait of Peter Paul Rubens No/unknown value 17th century 949 Peter Paul Rubens Baroness Edith van Eersel
Bear Hunt Carl Borromäus Andreas Ruthart 1700 950 bear
Baroness Edith van Eersel
Portrait of the Family de Bie Theodoor Boeyermans 1670 952 Baroness Edith van Eersel
Mary Tudor Hans Eworth 16th century 954
Banquet of the Gods Frans Floris I 1550 956 banquets of the deities
Minerva Visits the Muses Hendrick van Balen the Elder
Joos de Momper the Younger
Jan Brueghel the Elder
17th century 957
Saying Grace Jan Miense Molenaer 958
Inn Scene Adriaen van Ostade 17th century 959
Crucifixion Pieter Brueghel the Younger 962 Jesus
Landscape in the Roman Campagna Karel Dujardin 1675 965 tree
Baroness Edith van Eersel
Italianate Landscape Jan Both
Andries Both
17th century 966 Baroness Edith van Eersel
The Painter Jan van Wueluwe No/unknown value 1556 968 Jan van Wueluwe
The Acts of Mercy Pieter Brueghel the Younger 17th century 969
The Nativity Bernard van Orley 970
Adoration of the Magi; Presentation of the Christ-child in the temple Bernard van Orley 1530 970-972
Aanbidding door de koningen Bernard van Orley 971 Christ Child
Presentation in the Temple Bernard van Orley 972
The Dance of the Bride No/unknown value 16th century 973 bride
Landscape Marten Ryckaert 16th century 974 mountain
Saint Jerome in a Landscape Alessandro Magnasco 18th century 975
Lactatio of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux with Donors No/unknown value 15th century 976
Holy Family Aertgen van Leyden 1535 977 Holy Family
Triptych of Count Henry III of Nassau Aertgen van Leyden 16th century 977-979
Count Henry III of Nassau with the Tiburtine sibille Aertgen van Leyden 1535 978 Henry III of Nassau-Breda
Maria Aertgen van Leyden 16th century 978bis
Saint John on Patmos Aertgen van Leyden 1535 979
Angel Gabriel Aertgen van Leyden 16th century 979bis
Bridge over a River Jan van der Heyden 17th century 980 house
The Israelites in the Desert Hendrick van Balen the Elder 981
Madonna and Child Jan Sanders van Hemessen 16th century 982 Mary
Christ Child
Wooded landscape with a robbery on a forestpath Jan Brueghel the Elder 1607 983 robbery
The Lute-Player Theodoor Rombouts 17th century 984
In the farmyard David Teniers the Younger 17th century 985 tree
Portrait of Cornelis van der Heijde, his wife Ariaentgen de Buijser and their five children Jan Daemen Cool 1639 986 family
Landscape with dancing Shepherds Jan Wildens 1631 987 tree
Presentation of Mary in the Temple No/unknown value 16th century 988
The Fire of Troy Pieter Schoubroeck 2nd millennium 989
Saint Jerome in His Study Marinus van Reymerswaele 1541 990 Jerome
book cover
Portrait of a Woman Justus Sustermans 991 woman
Landscape with a Farm Lodewijk de Vadder 17th century 992
Partridge Hunt Paul de Vos 17th century 993
Landscape Frederik van Valckenborch 2nd millennium 994
Portrait of a Woman Jan van Scorel 995 woman
Portrait of a 43-year old man with wife and child Cornelis van der Voort 1620 996 family
The Alchemist David Teniers the Younger 17th century 997 alchemist
Country Fair Pieter Stevens 1596 998
Grooming Léon Abry 1887 1000
Fen in the Kempen Alphonse Asselbergs 1878 1001
The Forest of Fontainebleau - Autumn Evening Théodore Baron 1002
Salome Watching the Beheading of John the Bapitist Polydore Beaufaux 1873 1003 beheading of John the Baptist
Heather near Oosterbeek Euphrosine Beernaert 1885 1004 cattle
The Old Fish Market in Antwerp François Bossuet 1833 1005
The Return Henri Bource 1878 1006
Remembering the National Festivities of 1880 Constant Cap 1880 1008
Episode uit de opstand in Vendée in 1793 Évariste Carpentier 1879 1009
Still Life with Fish Edouard Chappel 1888 1010
Flaxweeding in Flanders Emile Claus 1887 1011
Calm before the Storm at Dordrecht Paul Jean Clays 1876 1012
Kamer van de bisschoppen in het Hospitaal van Lier Théodore Joseph Cleynhens 1013
Shaving Day David Col 1873 1014
A Winter's Day in the Kempen Joseph Théodore Coosemans 1879 1015
Man in a Hat Jacques-Louis David 1017 man
The Alliance of the Noblemen in 1566 Edouard De Bièfve 1018
School is Out! Eugène De Block 1019
The Shoeing-Smith Adriaan De Braekeleer 1878 1020
The Spanish Fury in Antwerp Ferdinand de Braekeleer the Elder 1835 1021
Graaf Frederik de Mérode op zijn sterfbed Ferdinand de Braekeleer the Elder 1865 1022
Het springen van Van Speycks kanonneerboot Ferdinand de Braekeleer the Elder 1831 1023
De Sint-Jorispoortvest gesloopt Ferdinand de Braekeleer the Elder 1869 1024
De Kipdorppoortvest gesloopt Ferdinand de Braekeleer the Elder 1876 1025
Praalboog Ferdinand de Braekeleer the Elder 1840 1026
The Antwerp Castle after the Bombardement in 1832 Ferdinand de Braekeleer the Elder 1027
Young Artist in a Studio Ferdinand de Braekeleer the Younger 1851 1028
The old inn Henri de Braekeleer 1877 1029 inn
longcase clock
Afternoon Coffee François Antoine De Bruycker 1035
Mater Dolorosa Henri Decaisne 1834 1036
guardian Angel Henri Decaisne 1836 1037
Along the River Epte in Gasny César de Cock 1882 1040
Het Steen in Antwerpen in 1875 Albrecht De Keyser 1875 1042
Baroness Adelaïde Vanden Hecke-Baut de Rasmon Nicaise de Keyser 1862 1043
Bravo torero! Nicaise de Keyser 1880s 1044
The Village Chaslepont Alfred de Knyff 1881 1045
In Memory of Philips of Marnix, Lord of Sint-Aldegonde Hippolyte-Pierre Delanoy 1885 1046
Self Portrait Alexandre De Latour 1047
Marie Simons, Mother of the Artist Alexandre De Latour 1048 Marie Élisabeth Delatour-Simons
The bridal jewelry. Venetian women in the 16th century Cesare Dell'Acqua 1872 1050
Tivoli Waterfall Simon Denis 1793 1051
Landscape Simon Denis 1052
Italian Landscape Simon Denis 1053
Souvenir of Gouda Edmond de Schampheleer 1878 1055
Pope Paul III in front of the Portrait of Luther Albrecht De Vriendt 1883 1057 Paul III
Portrait of Martin Luther
Jairus' Daughter Juliaan De Vriendt 1888 1058
Moonlight in Winter Louis Douzette 1059
The Printer-Publisher Jozef-Ernest Buschmann Nicaise de Keyser 1834 1061
The Old Fish Market in Antwerp in 1882 Edgard Farasyn 1882 1062
Landschap bij Lyon Théodore Fourmois 1854 1063
Landscape near Kalmthout Lodewijk Juliaan Fuchs 1065
Interior of the Church of Saint Paul in Antwerp Jan Geeraerts 19th century 1070
Exorcism of Joanna of Castile Willem Geets 1876 1072
Guests at a Wedding Théodore Gérard 1882 1073
Mr Van Donick Cornelis Groenendael 1810 1074 man
Madame Van Donick Cornelis Groenendael 1810 1075 woman
The Young François I of France Goes out Hunting Edouard Hamman 1863 1076
Jozef Ghesquière, Jesuit and Bollandist Willem Jacob Herreyns 1793 1077 J. Ghesquiere
Portrait of Jacques de Bue, Jesuit and bollandist Willem Jacob Herreyns 18th century 1078 Jacques De Bue
Godefried Hermans, Abbot of Tongerlo Willem Jacob Herreyns 1793 1079 Godefried Hermans
Portrait of the Priest Jean-Jacques De Brandt Willem Jacob Herreyns 1809 1080
Calvary Willem Jacob Herreyns 2nd millennium 1081 Jesus
Fen in the Kempen Edouard Huberti 1082
Landscape in Limburg Frans Keelhoff 1886 1083
Landscape near Cleves Barend Cornelis Koekkoek 1846 1084
The Pharmacy in the Sint-Janshospitaal in Bruges Jules Lambeaux 19th century 1086
Prinsenvijver on the Isle of Walcheren Jean Pierre François Lamorinière 1876 1087
Summer evening Egide François Leemans 19th century 1088 boat
Portrait of the painter Jan Frans van Dael Robert Lefèvre 1804 1089 man
Jan Frans van Dael
Annunciation Andries Cornelis Lens 18th century 1090
The Engraver Pieter Franciscus Martenasie Andries Cornelis Lens 1762 1091 Pieter Franciscus Martenisie
Hercules Protects Painting from Ignorance and Envy Andries Cornelis Lens 1763 1092 Ignorantia
The Reception of Peter Paul Rubens by the Antwerp Arquebusiers Jan August Hendrik Leys 1851 1093
Wedding in Flanders in the Seventeenth Century Jan August Hendrik Leys 1839 1094
Nederlaag van de hertog van Anjou in Antwerpen Jan August Hendrik Leys 1840 1095
The Joyous Entry of the Duke of Anjou into Antwerp Jan August Hendrik Leys 1840 1096
Nederlaag van de hertog van Anjou in Antwerpen Jan August Hendrik Leys 1840 1097
The disasters of war Josef Lies 1859 1098
The enemy approaches Josef Lies 1857 1099
Albrecht Durer descends the Rhine Josef Lies 1855 1100
Puinen van de in 1858 afgebrande Beurs te Antwerpen Willem Linnig the Elder 1101
The Workshop of Geert de Winter Willem Linnig the Elder 1862 1102
The Meuse at Poilvache Ferdinand Marinus 1873 1103
The Scheldt in Mariekerke Isidore Meyers 1105
Interior of he Cathedral of Bruges André-Joseph Minguet 1106
Flowers Robert Charles Gustave Laurens Mols 1879 1107 flower
The Antwerp Waterfront in 1870 Robert Charles Gustave Laurens Mols 1878 1108
The South-Arsenaalkaai in Antwerp in 1870 Robert Charles Gustave Laurens Mols 1876 1109
Winter Landscape Ludvig Munthe 1110
Shepherds with Sheep in a Mountainous Landscape Balthasar-Paul Ommeganck 1111
Bij het wed Balthasar-Paul Ommeganck 1112
Landscape with Goats and Sheep Balthasar-Paul Ommeganck 1113
Philip II of Spain Honours Don John of Austria Karel Ooms 1873 1114
Farm in Merksem Gustave Louis Marie Piéron 1863 1117
Pool Gustave Louis Marie Piéron 1857 1118
Over the Plank Bridge André Plumot 1878 1119
The writer Hendrik Conscience Jean-François Portaels 1870 1120 Hendrik Conscience
Cattle in the Meadow Louis Robbe 1878 1121
Landscape near Waasmunster Jacques Rosseels 1122
De Grote Markt in Antwerpen in 1875 Jan Michiel Ruyten 1875 1123 Grote Markt
De Brouwersvliet te Antwerpen in 1875 Jan Michiel Ruyten 1876 1124
De Koolvliet te Antwerpen in 1875 Jan Michiel Ruyten 1875 1125
The Algeciras at the Battle of Trafalgar Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1879 1127 Battle of Trafalgar
Koeien Charles-Louis Verboeckhoven 1128
Librarian Louis Somers 1129
Proof Reading Louis Somers 1130
Desperate Alfred Stevens 1131
The Breadwinner Alexandre Struys 1887 1132
Leaving the barn Jan Stobbaerts 2nd millennium 1133 horse
Dogs Jan Stobbaerts 2nd millennium 1134
Lightning Henri Van Assche 1806 1139
The composer Peter Benoit Jan van Beers 1883 1140 Peter Benoit
Interior of the Museum of the Academy Henri Van Dyck 1886 1141
The Death of Peter Paul Rubens Mattheus Ignatius van Bree 1827 1142
Portrait of King Willem I (1772-1843) Mattheus Ignatius van Bree 19th century 1142bis
Allegorie Mattheus Ignatius van Bree 1144
Abdiction of Charles V Philippe-Jacques van Bree 1824 1145
Brand van het stapelhuis Philippe-Jacques van Bree 1146
Puinen van het stapelhuis Philippe-Jacques van Bree 1830 1147
The Settlement Pieter Van der Ouderaa 1879 1148
St. George's Gate, Antwerp Jan Jacob Croegaert-Van Bree 1860s 1151 city gate
De Kipdorppoort gesloopt in 1866 Jan Jacob Croegaert-Van Bree 1152
The Head of Saint John the Baptist Edmond Van Hove 1879 1154
Napoleon Bonaparte as First Consul Pieter Van Huffel 1804 1155
On their Way to the Field Louis Van Kuyck 1870 1156
Stable Interior Louis Van Kuyck 1865 1157
A Kempen Lumberjacks Family Frans Van Kuyck 1888 1158
Lady Godiva Jozef Van Lerius 1870 1159 Lady Godiva
Autumn Joseph Van Luppen 1873 1160
Cardplayers Quarreling Ignatius Josephus van Regemorter 1161
The Painter Mattheus Ignatius van Bree Antoon Van Ysendyck 1849 1162 Mattheus Ignatius van Bree
Turbulent Sea Charles-Louis Verboeckhoven 1163
Rising Tide Charles-Louis Verboeckhoven 1839 1164
Bull Eugène Verboeckhoven 1847 1165
Schapen en kippen Eugène Verboeckhoven 1854 1166
Promenade on the Beach - Heist-aan-Zee Jan Verhas 1884 1167 horse
The Seal of the Sailor Piet Verhaert 1888 1168
The Old Antwerp Butcher Hall Piet Verhaert 1882 1169 Vleeshuis
Portrait of the painter Joseph Lies Charles Verlat 1866 1170 Josef Lies
Mother of the Messiah and the Four Evangelists Charles Verlat 1873 1171
The mother of the messiah Charles Verlat 1873 1171/1 Mary
Two Evangelists Charles Verlat 1873 1171/2
Two Evangelists Charles Verlat 1873 1171/3
Defending the Herd Charles Verlat 1878 1172
The heavy load Charles Verlat 1857 1173
The Shattered Statue of the Duke of Alva Being Dragged Through the Streets Charles Verlat 1888 1174
Triomfboog op de Meir in 1840 Pierre Antoine Augustin Verlinde 1840 1175
De schilder Willem Jacob Herreyns Jan Antoon Verschaeren 1827 1176 Willem Jacob Herreyns
To the vigil Théodore Verstraete 19th century 1177
The Lawyer Jean Louis Bourceret Barthélemy Vieillevoye 1178
Margaret of Parma Recieves the Petittion of the Nobility Franz Vinck 1872 1179
Young Mother with Child Égide Charles Gustave Wappers 1854 1180
The De Witt Brothers in Captivity Égide Charles Gustave Wappers 1838 1181
Cairo Seen from the Kasr-el-Nil Bridge Emile Wauters 1881 1182
The Greeks and the Trojans Fighting over the Body of Patroclus Antoine Wiertz 19th century 1183
Constant van den Nest, Secretary of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp Antoine Wiertz 1184
Market Scene in the 17th Century Florent Willems 1886 1185
Deer Hunting in America Alexander Wüst 1875 1186
Young paintress in reverie Égide Charles Gustave Wappers 1857 1187
Shipwreck Henri Adolphe Schaep 1857 1188 boat
A contrast Josef Lies 1862 1189
Gipsy Victor Lagye 1878 1191
Model Gustaaf Vanaise 1890 1193
Belgian Emigrants Louis van Engelen 1890 1194
Flemish Kermis Charles Venneman 1849 1196
Vox Dei Charles Verlat 1877 1197
Jesus between Saint Peter and Saint John Baptist Charles Verlat 1877 1197a
The Persecuted, the Enslaved, the Unfortunates Charles Verlat 1877 1197b
The Oppressed, the Inquisitors, the Idolaters Charles Verlat 1877 1197c
Plough Oxes with Fellah Charles Verlat 1877 1198
The King of the Poultry Yard Charles Verlat 1857 1199
Seascape Louis Artan 1878 1200
Lost in Thought Leon Brunin 1891 1201
Brand van het Antwerps Stapelhuis in 1830 Ferdinand de Braekeleer the Elder 1202
Garden of a Florist Henri de Braekeleer 1864 1203
Le moulin à café en Scène d'hiver Charles de Groux 1857 1206
Before the Thunderstorm Johannes Hubertus Leonardus de Haas 1207
The Painter Henri Leys Nicaise de Keyser 1834 1208 Jan August Hendrik Leys
The Painter Eugène François De Block Edouard De Latour 1855 1209 Eugène De Block
Self Portrait Jacobus Josephus Eeckhout 1851 1211
The Painter Andries Lens Willem Jacob Herreyns 18th century 1213 Andries Cornelis Lens
Zampogna player and his wife Jan August Hendrik Leys 1856 1219
John I, Duke of Brabant, 1290 Jan August Hendrik Leys 1860s 1220 John the Victorious
John II, Duke of Brabant, 1306 Jan August Hendrik Leys 1860s 1221 John II
John III, Duke of Brabant, 1326 Jan August Hendrik Leys 1860s 1222 John III
Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor, 1415 Jan August Hendrik Leys 1860s 1223
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor Jan August Hendrik Leys 1860s 1224 Maximilian I
Henry I, Duke of Brabant, 1220 Jan August Hendrik Leys 1860s 1225 Henry the Courageous
Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor, 1309 Jan August Hendrik Leys 1860s 1226 Henry (VII) of Germany
Godfrey of Bouillon Jan August Hendrik Leys 1860s 1227 Godfrey of Bouillon
Madam Henri Leys-Van Haren Jan August Hendrik Leys 1866 1228 woman
Lucie Leys, Daughter of the Painter Jan August Hendrik Leys 1865 1229
Het Steen Jan August Hendrik Leys 1230
Old Antwerp Facade - Klaverbladpoortje Jan August Hendrik Leys 1231
Courtyard of the house of Christoffel Plantin Jan August Hendrik Leys 1232
De Krabbenstraat Jan August Hendrik Leys 1233
Courtyard of Antwerp Town Hall Jan August Hendrik Leys 1847 1234
Houses on the Handschoenmarkt Jan August Hendrik Leys 1866 1235 Handschoenmarkt
Mrs. Henri Leys-Van Haren Josef Lies 1857 1236 woman
Maria Leys, daughter of Henri Leys Josef Lies 1855 1237
A Bit of Teasing Edward Portielje 1891 1239
Singing Lesson Alexandre Robert 1889 1240
Minuet Jan-Willem Rosier 1891 1241
Siege of Vlissingen by an English Squadron Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1890 1242
Polyxena on Achilles' Stake Joseph Stallaert 2nd millennium 1243
Regentschapstraat in Brussels Gustave Walckiers 1244
Heathland in Spring Florent Nicolas Crabeels 1245
Hofstede in Brabant Marie Collart-Henrotin 1890 1249 tree
Sunny Lane Franz Courtens 1894 1250
View of Carmosteyn Castle in Hombeek Hendrik-Frans De Cort 18th century 1251 tree
Landscape in the Ardennes Jan Baptiste de Jonghe 1252
Good Friday Procession in Seville Nicaise de Keyser 1885 1253
Evening Gustave Den Duyts 1894 1255
Thunderstorm Louis Derickx 1886 1256
Hopoogst Félix de Vigne 1257
Captain Van de Woestijne Lievin de Winne No/unknown value 1259 man
Adam and Eve Discover the Dead Body of Abel Edward Dujardin 1843 1260
The First Deceased Edward Dujardin 1843 1260-1262
An Angel Brings the Dead Body of Abel to Heaven Edward Dujardin 1843 1261
Cain in the Spell of Satan Edward Dujardin 1843 1262
Les Boëchelles. Two Walloon Peasant Children Léon Frédéric 1888 1264
Waterfall in Norway Jacob Jacobs 1855 1269
Waterfowl Eugène Joors 1892 1271
Landscape Jean-Baptiste Kindermans 1272
The Idiot Evert Larock 1892 1274
A Session of the Art Society 'Als Ik Kan' Henry Luyten 1886 1275
Interior of St. Paul's Church in Antwerp Joseph-Chrétien Nicolié 1825 1278
Keuken Paul Emile Nicolié 1875 1279
A Victim Gerard Portielje 1894 1280
Happiness Gustaaf Vanaise 1888 1286
Woman in White Jan van Beers 19th century 1287 woman
Henri Rochefort, French Journalist and Politician Jan van Beers 1288
Priest Jacques-Matthieu De Moor Mattheus Ignatius van Bree 1289
Fruit Jozef Van de Roije 1894 1290
Antwerp Street Sweeper Pieter Van Havermaet 1890 1292 man
The Distribution of Bread in the Village Frans van Leemputten 1892 1293
Pilgrimage in the Kempen Isidore Verheyden 1295
Portrait of the painter Louis Derickx Charles Verlat 1886 1296 Louis Derickx
Plough Ox and Mule with Fellah Charles Verlat 1876 1297
After the rain Théodore Verstraete 1891 1299 mountain
Foals in the Paddock Alfred Verwee 1300
Square in Flanders Albert Baertsoen 1897 1303
The Stone Quarry of Nanterre by Moonlight René Billotte 1304
His Portrait Evert-Jan Boks 1898 1305
Amongst Friends Aloïs Boudry 1306
In Rome Édouard Brandon 1307
Evening Théophile de Bock 1898 1308
Countess L.H. Henri Decaisne 1309 woman
Into the Water! Virginie Demont-Breton 1898 1310
Wood Bathing in Sunshine Alfred Elsen 1312
Beheading of St. John the Baptist Alexandre Falguière 1313 beheading of John the Baptist
Portret van J.E. Houssement Jean-François Garneray 1826 1314
Previously in Nuremberg Léon Lucien Goupil 1315 woman
Before the Conclave François Marius Granet 1833 1316
At the Town Gate Jan August Hendrik Leys 1856 1318
Children of the Sea Henry Luyten 1898 1319
Hunting Trophy Charles Monginot 1321
Fantasia in Egypt Karel Ooms 2nd millennium 1322 horse
Immodest Henriëtte Ronner-Knip 1897 1325 house cat
Moereind in Wechelderzande Jacques Rosseels 1326
Self-portrait Jozef Van Lerius 1852 1327 Jozef Van Lerius
Interior of the Former Church of Saint George in Antwerp Petrus Johannes van Regemorter 1768 1328
The Docks La Villette in Paris Pierre Louis Léger Vauthier 1885 1329 Villette Docks
Windmills in Schiedam Auguste Anastasi 1867 1330
Massa near Sorrento Jean-Joseph Bellel 1846 1331
Bij Capri Jean-Achille Benouville 1332
An Excellent Choice of Weapons Leon Brunin 1333
Farm in the Valley of the Auge Louis Coignard 1334
Marsh Pierre Emmanuel Damoye 1897 1335
Landscape near Amiens Pierre Emmanuel Damoye 1895 1336
Landscape near Saint-Germain-en-Laye César de Cock 1879 1338
At the Louvre Blaise Alexandre Desgoffe 1868 1339
Public Water Pump on the Old Fish Market in Antwerp Josephus Laurentius Dyckmans 1341
Sixteenth–Century Wooden Façade on Groenplaatsstraat in Antwerp Josephus Laurentius Dyckmans 1840 1342
Houthakkers Adolphe Pierre Leleux 1859 1343
Antwerp wedding Willem Linnig Junior 1866 1344
Scheveningen Wilhelm Emile Mayer-Rhodius 1346
Zeegezicht Petrus Johannes Schotel 1347
Dog with Tortoise Joseph Stevens 1856 1348
The Painter Jan David Col Pieter Van der Ouderaa 1897 1349 David Col
Studie Louis Van Kuyck 1350
A view near Saint-Jean-de-Luz Edmond Yon 1351
Sunset at the Banks of the Loing Henri Zuber 1896 1352
Saint Stephen Constantin Meunier 1867 1353
Portrait of a Man Edouard Agneessens 1354 man
Within the Walls of Antwerp in 1550 Charles Boom 1901 1355
Before Blessing at the Church of Hoogstraten Charles Boom 1910 1355bis
Winter Emile Claus 1900 1356
Washerwomen Thomas Couture 1357
The Dining Room at the Home of the Artist Henri Leys Henri de Braekeleer 1869 1358
The Retoucher Henri de Braekeleer 1876 1359
The printer Henri de Braekeleer 1875 1360
The Bill of the Dressmaker Henri De Smeth 1901 1362
Self Portrait Henri Fantin-Latour 1858 1363
Showery Weather in Nieuwpoort Victor Gilsoul 1901 1364
The Awakening of Michel Montaigne Edouard Hamman 1847 1365
On the Low Scheldt Frans Hens 1366
Death is Near Otto Heichert 1898 1367
Woodland near Bertogne Adriaan Jozef Heymans 19th century 1368
Emigrants Eugène Laermans 1896 1369 human migration
Emigrants - To the port Eugène Laermans 1896 1369a
Emigrants - Last glance Eugène Laermans 1896 1369b human migration
Emigrants - To the port. Eugène Laermans 1896 1369c
After Mass Jan August Hendrik Leys 1866 1370
Flowers Lucas Victor Schaefels 1882 1372 flower
The Parisian Sphinx Alfred Stevens 1870s 1373
The Archers Leo Van Aken 1901 1374
The Liberators of Flanders Jan van Beers 1879 1375
Jacob van Maerlant Predicting Jan Breydel en Pieter de Coninck the Liberation of Flanders on his Deathbed Jan van Beers 1879 1375A
Jan Borluut, Patrician of Ghent Jan van Beers 1879 1375B
Willem van Saeftinghe, Lay Brother of Ter Doest Abbey Jan van Beers 1879 1375C Willem van Saeftinghe
The Lawyer Armand-Désiré Auger Pieter Van Havermaet 1885 1376
Oud laboratorium Willem Albracht 1377
Oude apotheek Willem Albracht 1378
Countess Rattazzi, née Maria-Laetitia Bonaparte-Wyse Carolus-Duran 1872 1380 Laetitia Marie Wyse Bonaparte
Winter in the Kempen Florent Nicolas Crabeels 1385
Landscape Alfred de Knyff 1386
Turbulent Sea Alfred de Knyff 1387
De fluitspeler Emile Godding 1390
First Bricklaying of the Kattendijkdok in Antwerp Jan-Baptist Huysmans 1866 1392
Valley of Amblève Jean-Baptiste Kindermans 1848 1393 Amblève
Delicious Milk Marie Yvonne Laur 1394 house cat
Who Will Get it? Marie Yvonne Laur 1395
Afternoon Nap Jan Antoon Neuhuys 1399
Duinen Henri Rul 1401
A View of Temse Henri Van der Hecht 1403
At Nightfall René Ménard 1405
Embarkation at Calais James Tissot 1880s 1406
Cows in a Pasture Alfred Verwee 1407
Ill Man Leo Van Aken 1408
Rocher de Frêne near Profondeville Théodore Baron 1872 1409
Rocks by Night Théodore Baron 1410
In the Dunes Théodore Baron 1411
Still Life with Oysters James Ensor 1882 1412 oyster
Sorrow Pierre Jacques Dierckx 20th century 1413
Shrimpers on the Lower Scheldt Richard Baseleer 1904 1415
Breton Women in Mourning Charles Cottet 1903 1416 Ouessant
The Blue Thistle Emile Vloors 1904 1417
Equinox Rodolphe Wytsman 1901 1418
The Flock Cornelius Van Leemputten 1419
Het Zoute Paul Mathieu 2nd millennium 1420
Sunny Lane Frans Simons 1421
Alongside the beach Evert Pieters 1903 1422
An Old Façade on the Melkmarkt Jan August Hendrik Leys 1853 1423
The Chapel of Grace in Antwerp Henri de Braekeleer 1866 1424
The Gevangenisbrug Piet Verhaert 1880 1425
Palingbrugstraat Piet Verhaert 1880 1426
Two Dogs Louis Godefroy Jadin 1427
De Rochusstraat met het Vondelingenhuis, het St.-Rochusgasthuis en het Zinnelozengesticht Hendrik Van Der Borcht 1428
Het Vondelingenhuis in de Rochusstraat met de voormalige 'Schuif' Hendrik Van Der Borcht 1429
Facades on the Handschoenmarkt, Antwerp Hendrik Frans Schaefels 2nd millennium 1430 Handschoenmarkt
House in the Braderijstraat, Antwerp Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1869 1431
The Vleeshuis, Old Roofs and Crow-Stepped Gables Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1432 Vleeshuis
Binnenkoer in de Zilversmidstraat Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1871 1433
Old Houses Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1434
Sint-Annagodshuis in the Otto Veniusstraat, Antwerp Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1869 1435 house
Huis van Liere Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1436
Old Courtyrad of Antwerp Town Hall Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1870 1437
Old Courtyard of Antwerp Town Hall Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1873 1438
The Stoelstraatje and the tower of the Saint Paul's Church Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1869 1439
The Vleeshuis and Old Houses Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1440 Vleeshuis
The Vleeshuis and old houses Hendrik Frans Schaefels 2nd millennium 1441 Vleeshuis
n/a Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1903 1442
To our Future Household Alexandre Markelbach 1873 1443
Fighting Cocks Piet van Engelen 1902 1444
Seascape Egide François Leemans 1876 1448 boat
Thierry of Alsace Brings the Holy Blood to Bruges Albrecht De Vriendt 1890s 1451
Studies voor muurschilderingen in de feesthal van het Stadhuis in Brugge Albrecht De Vriendt 1890s 1451-1461
Poor Relief Albrecht De Vriendt 1898 1452
The Hanseatic League receives its Charter Albrecht De Vriendt 1890 1453
Bruges Receives its City Charter from Philip of Alsace Albrecht De Vriendt 1890 1454
The Victorious Return of Bruges Citizens from the Battle of the Golden Spurs Albrecht De Vriendt 1890s 1455
The Victorious Return of Bruges Citizens from the Battle of the Golden Spurs Albrecht De Vriendt 1890s 1455bis
The Magistrates Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1456
Jacob van Maerlant Writing His Spieghel Historiael Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1457
Louis of Male Laying the Foundation Stone of the Town Hall Albrecht De Vriendt 1893 1458
Jan Brito, Inventor of Printing in Bruges Albrecht De Vriendt 1893 1459
The annual fair Albrecht De Vriendt 1900 1460
The First Chapter of the Order of the Golden Fleece Albrecht De Vriendt 1890s 1461
Maria van Bourgondië Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1462
Vijfendertig historische figuren Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1462-1496
John I of Namur Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1463
Saint Eloi Bishop of Noyon Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1464
Baldwin VII of Flanders Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1465
Joan of Flanders, Daughter of Baldwin of Constantinople Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1466
Baldwin I of Flanders Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1467
Baldwin I of Constantinople Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1468
Jan Breydel Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1469
Thierry of Alsace Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1470
Philip of Alsace Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1471
Willem van Saeftinghe Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1472
Baldwin III Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1473
Margaret of Flanders, Daughter of Baldwin of Constantinople Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1474
Saint Donatian of Reims Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1475 Donatien de Reims
Robrecht van den Borse Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1476
Pieter de Coninck Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1477
William of Jülich Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1478
Virgin and Child Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1479 Mary
Christ Child
Charles I, Count of Flanders Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1480
Saint Boniface of Mainz Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1481
Jan Boonen Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1482
Tiedeman van den Bergh Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1483
Jan Borluut Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1484
Abbot of the Eekhout Abbey Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1485
Provost of Saint Donatus Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1486
Lord of Gruuthuse Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1487
Dean of the Armed Guild of Saint George Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1488
The Painter Gerard David Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1489
The Painter Jan van Eyck Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1490
The Painter Hans Memling Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1491 Hans Memling
Judith, Wife of Baldwin I of Flanders Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1492
The Man of Letters Gillis de Wevel Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1493
The Architect Jan van Oudenaerde Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1494
The Architect Jan Rogiers Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1495
The Architect Jan van de Poele Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1496
Gypsies Constant Wauters 19th century 1497
Harvest Edmond de Schampheleer 1498
Souvenir of the Zuiderzee Edmond de Schampheleer 1867 1499
Towboat leaving the port of Ostend at heyday Andreas Achenbach 1878 1500 boat
The Awakened Penelope Waits for the Return of Ulysses Eduard Bendemann 1877 1501
Self Portrait Eduard Bendemann 1882 1502
De architect Pierre Bourla François Antoine De Bruycker 1860 1504
Self-portrait Alexandre Cabanel 1885 1506
The Village School Ferdinand de Braekeleer the Elder 1854 1509
Self Portrait Ferdinand de Braekeleer the Elder 1854 1510
The Wetterhorn Alexandre Calame 1511
The Painter Alexandre Calame Luigi Rubio 1512 Alexandre Calame
Charles V Frees the Slaves in Tunis Nicaise de Keyser 1873 1513
Self Portrait Nicaise de Keyser 1874 1514
Portrait of the painter Paul Delaroche Jean-François Portaels 1889 1515 Paul Delaroche
The Blind Beggar Josephus Laurentius Dyckmans 1852 1520 beggar
Self-portrait Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1864 1526 Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
Porte d' Aval in Etretat Jacob Jacobs 1876 1527
The Painter Jacob Jacobs Eugène Joors 1884 1528 Jacob Jacobs
Courtesy Jean Baptiste Madou 1862 1531
The Painter Jean Baptiste Madou Alexandre Robert 1862 1532 Jean Baptiste Madou
Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist François-Joseph Navez 1848 1533 Mary
Christ Child
Self Portrait François-Joseph Navez 1854 1534
Christ Escapes the Pharisees Johann Friedrich Overbeck 1866 1535
The Painter Johann Friedrich Overbeck Karl Hoffmann 1860s 1536 Johann Friedrich Overbeck
Judith's prayer Jean-François Portaels 1872 1537
Self-portrait Jean-François Portaels 1860 1538 Jean-François Portaels
Titian Lying in State at the Palazzo Barbarigo Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury 1862 1541
Self Portrait Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury 1862 1542
The Architect Lodewijk Jozef Adriaan Roelandt Lievin de Winne 1859 1544 Louis Roelandt
The Architect Tieleman Franciscus Suys Alexandre Robert 1860 1546 Tilman-François Suys
Judith's Prayer Antoon Van Ysendyck 1547
Self Portrait Antoon Van Ysendyck 1861 1548
Leaving for the Market Eugène Verboeckhoven 1854 1549
Self Portrait Eugène Verboeckhoven 1854 1550
The Painter Peter von Cornelius Oscar Begas 1861 1552 Peter von Cornelius
Charity Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow 1828 1553
Painting of Wilhelm Schadow Eduard Bendemann 1860 1554 Friedrich Wilhelm Schadow
The Shulamite Égide Charles Gustave Wappers 1870 1555
Self Portrait Égide Charles Gustave Wappers 1871 1556
Pietà Charles Verlat 1866 1559 Jesus
The Painter Charles Verlat Jozef Delin 1891 1560 Charles Verlat
Jesus Going to Jerusalem to Accomplish his Mission Théodore-Joseph Canneel 1562
Self Portrait Théodore-Joseph Canneel 19th century 1563
Self Portrait Jozef Delin 1892 1564
Self Portrait Godfried Guffens 1889 1573
Self-portrait Jan August Hendrik Leys 1866 1574 Jan August Hendrik Leys
Self-portrait William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1895 1579 William-Adolphe Bouguereau
The Holy Women at the Tomb or The Three Marys at the Tomb William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1890 1580 myrrhbearers
Self-portrait Jules Breton 1895 1581 Jules Breton
Last Tribute to the Counts of Egmont and of Horn Louis Gallait 1582
The architect Alphonse Balat Jan August Hendrik Leys 1869 1583 Alphonse Balat
A Christian Martyr Ernest Slingeneyer 1860 1584
The Painter Charles Tsaggeny Frédéric-Pierre Tschaggeny 1585 Charles Tschaggeny
A Team of Horses Charles Tschaggeny 1855 1586
Horses in Stable Charles Tschaggeny 1587
The Painter Jean Pierre François Lamorinière Charles Verlat 1886 1588 Jean Pierre François Lamorinière
Fir Wood at Putte Jean Pierre François Lamorinière 1883 1589 tree
Self Portrait Joseph Stallaert 2nd millennium 1590
Felix Claessens, the painter's uncle Alexandre Markelbach 1879 1591
The Painter Alexandre Nestor Nicolas Robert Herman Richir 1901 1593 Alexandre Robert
Swamp Euphrosine Beernaert 1595 swamp
The Lock Euphrosine Beernaert 1596 lock
Self Portrait Pieter Van der Ouderaa 1904
The Holy Women Returning from Christ's Grave Pieter Van der Ouderaa 1893 1598
Kaarskensprocessie in Scherpenheuvel Frans van Leemputten 1900s 1599 tree
Candle Procession at Scherpenheuvel Frans van Leemputten 1900s 1599a
Arrival of the Procession Frans van Leemputten 1900s 1599b
Candle procession in Scherpenheuvel (right panel} - Pilgrims arrive at the church Frans van Leemputten 1900s 1599c
Landscape in Savoye Joseph Quinaux 1867 1600
Landschap bij Luik Joseph Quinaux 1864 1601
The Painter Constant Wauters Joseph Stallaert 1847 1602 Charles Augustin Wauters
In Front of the Mirror Gustave Léonard de Jonghe 1608
The Saint Anthony Church in Antwerp Anna Kernkamp 1904 1609
The Gorge aux Loups in Fontainebleau Joseph Théodore Coosemans 1610
Return from the Vintage Auguste Levêque 1900s 1611
The Harvest Auguste Levêque 1612
Seventeenth-century tinsmith Alexandre Markelbach 1884 1613 tinsmith
The Forester Karel Ooms 1614 man
Self-portrait in his studio Willem Linnig Junior 1875 1615
Pots and plates Willem Linnig Junior 1875 1616
Woman Washing Dishes Willem Linnig Junior 1873 1617
Façades Josef Lies 1860s 1618
Cows and Sheep Eugène Verboeckhoven 1619
Portrait of Edmond Picard Auguste Levêque 1900 1627 Edmond Picard
Miss Stevens Auguste Levêque 1628 woman
Love Hymn Auguste Levêque 1901 1629
Woman Bathing Ernest Slingeneyer 1872 1632
At the Art Dealer Jean Baptiste Madou 1873 1634
The Dentist Charles Verlat 1879 1636
Cow André Plumot 1638/1
Bull André Plumot 1638/2
Cow André Plumot 1535 1638/3
Bull André Plumot 1535 1638/4
Cow André Plumot 1535 1638/5
Bull André Plumot 1638/6
Goats André Plumot 1639/1
Goats André Plumot 1639/2
Goats André Plumot 1873 1639/3
Cow André Plumot 1639/4
Cows André Plumot 1873 1639/5
Pilgrimage Karel Collens 1640
Cow at the Ditch Hippolyte Boulenger 1864 1643
Winterstorm Georges Buysse 1644
Market Scene Théodore Joseph Cleynhens 1876 1645
Gabrielle Frederic, the Artist's Daughter Léon Frédéric 1907 1646 flower
Beneden-Schelde Gerard Jacobs 1648
Kitchen Romain Looymans 1649
Stokrozen Alice Ronner 1650
Spring Morning Henri Rul 1651
Reverie Jean Gouweloos 1652
Kantwerksters Jozef Horenbant 1653
The Holy Women on their Way to Golgotha Louis Hendrix 1869 1660
Portrait of William Barber Piet Verhaert 1874 1662
Woman at the table Richard Edward Miller 2nd millennium 1672
Cabbage Field by Moonlight Florent Nicolas Crabeels 1673
The Sacristy Henri De Smeth 1898 1674
A Sunny Day in March Cornelius Van Leemputten 1676
Sheep on the Fringe of the Wood Hippolyte Boulenger 1864 1677
The Fame of the Antwerp School, fifteen oil sketches for the Murals in the Hall of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp Nicaise de Keyser 1678-1682
The city of Antwerp, the Gothic and the Renaissance, surrounded by artists Nicaise de Keyser 1877 1678a
The Painters Raphael and Bernard van Orley Nicaise de Keyser 1877 1678b
The Painters Jan van Eyck and Rogier van der Weyden Nicaise de Keyser 1860s 1678c
Painters and Etchers Nicaise de Keyser 1843 1679a
Peter Paul Rubens in his Studio Nicaise de Keyser 1679b
Foundation of the Antwerp Academy by David Teniers II Nicaise de Keyser 1679c
Painters and Sculptors Nicaise de Keyser 1680a
Albrecht Dürer Visiting Quinten Massijs Nicaise de Keyser 1680b
The Architect Cornelis Floris II Nicaise de Keyser 1680c
The Painter Bartholomeus Spranger in Vienna Nicaise de Keyser 1681a
The Painter Anthony van Dyck in London Nicaise de Keyser 1681b
The Engraver Gerard Edelinck in Paris Nicaise de Keyser 1681c Gérard Edelinck
The Sculptor Artus Quellinus I in Amsterdam Nicaise de Keyser 1682a
The Painter Denys Calvaert in Bologna Nicaise de Keyser 1682b
The Painters Matthijs and Paul Bril in Rome Nicaise de Keyser 1682c
Madame LeDelier Jozef Van Lerius 1854 1686 woman
De zieke kat Charles Verlat 1687
The Sacristy André-Joseph Minguet 1857 1688
Peonies Margaretha Roosenboom 1689 Paeonia
Fortune and Misfortune Eugène Smits 1691
The Coast at Saintonge Martin Léonce Chabry 1879 1693
The Village Doctor Edgard Farasyn 1694
Oude brug in Vlaanderen Emmanuel Viérin 1910 1695
Still Life Eugène Joors 1889 1696
Fen in the Kempen Jean Pierre François Lamorinière 1865 1697
Winter in Brabant Jean-François Taelemans 1908 1698
Zomerdag August De Lathouwer 1699
Antwerp Harbour in Winter Maurice Blieck 1700
In familiekring Aloïs Boudry 1701
Nude Lieven Herremans 1702
Bakery Paul Gorge 1703
Beguinage Ferdinand Willaert 1704
Summer on the Maas Juliette Wytsman 1911 1705 Meuse
flowering plant
Dood van de heilige Godelieva van Gistel Ernest Wante 1911 1706
The Busybody Charles van der Eycken 1911 1707
Cowherd in the Ardennes Évariste Carpentier 1708
Birdcages Joseph Posenaer 1911 1709
Still Life Alfred Verhaeren 2nd millennium 1710
Erasmus and Quentin Matsys Eugène Siberdt 1908 1711
Bubble-blowing Theo Van Doormael 1899 1712
Fishersman's Widow Charles Victor Ensinck 1715
Jeanne Bertrand Égide Charles Gustave Wappers 1828 1717
Farm in Rahier Jean Pierre François Lamorinière 1864 1718a
An Old Farm in Xhierformont Jean Pierre François Lamorinière 1864 1718b
Barbizon at Dusk Jean Pierre François Lamorinière 1853 1718c
A View of Putte Jean Pierre François Lamorinière 1890s 1718d
Farms at Sunset Jean Pierre François Lamorinière 1718e
Landscape Josef Lies 19th century 1720 tree
Landscape Josef Lies 1721
Koolvliet in Antwerp Egide François Leemans 19th century 1722 house
Interior Bernard Blommers 1723
Interior Albert Neuhuys 1878 1724
Resting Model Auguste Durst 1725
Scene from the life of Gilbert of Schoonbeke Jan Swerts 1726
Schoonselhof Jan De Graef 1728
Saint Augustine in Ecstasy Romain Looymans 1730
Portrait of Théophile Smekens Charles Verlat 1886 1739
Princess Herminie de Looz et Corswarem Jozef Van Lerius 1860 1740
The sculptor Robert Fabri Jan Stobbaerts 2nd millennium 1742 Robert Fabri
The Painter Charles Verlat Edouard de Jans 2nd millennium 1745 Charles Verlat
Haycart Louis Robbe 1746
The Retoucher Leon Brunin 1919 1747
Mariakerke Jacques Rosseels 1748
Muzikanten Jan-Willem Rosier 1749
The Architect Leonard Blomme Gustaaf Vanaise 1901 1750 Léonard Blomme
The Cathedral of Seville François Bossuet 1843 1751
Haycart Jan Stobbaerts 1752
Mother's Happiness Léon Bazille Perrault 1890 1753
Landscape Joseph Van Luppen 1872 1754
Landscape Léon Richet 1755
Bouwval van een Egyptische tempel No/unknown value 1756
A Pack of Hounds V. Witte 1871 1757
The Geographer Leon Brunin 1891 1758
De familie van een Zeeuws burgemeester Frantz Charlet 1760 family
De schilder Albert De Vriendt Edouard de Jans 1761 Albrecht De Vriendt
The Painter Albert De Vriendt Edouard de Jans 1763 Albrecht De Vriendt
The Ring Juliaan De Vriendt 2nd millennium 1764
Nymphs in the Forest Hippolyte Boulenger 1860s 1769
Justin Peeters-Lacroix Edouard de Jans 1913 1770
Madame Mols-de Brialmont Nicaise de Keyser 1853 1772 woman
Strozzi tegen Doria Charles Fouqueray 1911 1773
The Spinner Henri de Braekeleer 19th century 1774
Kitchen Henri de Braekeleer 19th century 1775
The Tinker Henri de Braekeleer 1861 1776
Interior Henri de Braekeleer 19th century 1777
Interior of a Church Henri de Braekeleer 1871 1778
The Antwerp Castle in 1831 Ferdinand de Braekeleer the Elder 1833 1779
The Holy Family Charles Verlat 1883 1780 Mary
Christ Child
Marsh near Putte Jean Pierre François Lamorinière 1882 1781
Portrait of Albert De Vleeshouwer Jean-François Portaels 1889 1782 Albert de Vleeshouwer
Resting Hunter Ferdinand de Braekeleer the Elder 19th century 1783
Scene from the life of Rembrand Josef Lies 19th century 1784
Brook in the Forest Joseph Van Luppen 1873 1785
The Painter Alfred Elsen Edouard de Jans 1915 1786 Alfred Elsen
The Heath Alphonse Asselbergs 1787
De rede van Antwerpen Frans Simons 1788
Portrait of the artist's mother at the age of 60 Piet Verhaert 1880 1789 woman
The Rape of Europe Jozef Van Lerius 1790
Johanna van der Gheynst with her Child in the Cradle Victor Lagye 1861 1791
Dike Building on the Beach at Knokke Richard Baseleer 1909 1792
Children's Game Charles Mertens 1894 1793
Women Bathing Alfons Van Beurden II 1794
Sombeke in de winter Edmond Verstraeten 1919 1795
Bath of roses Jan Stobbaerts 2nd millennium 1799
Windmill at the Kiel Jan Stobbaerts 2nd millennium 1800 horse
Dredging in the Woluwe Jan Stobbaerts 1896 1801 Woluwe
The Sow Jan Stobbaerts 1914 1802
To the stabes Jan Stobbaerts 2nd millennium 1803
At the Slaughterhouse Jan Stobbaerts 1804
Slaughter shed Jan Stobbaerts 1805
Sunken Road Jan Stobbaerts 1914 1806
Portrait of a Man Charles Boom 1887 1825 man
Portrait of a Woman Charles Boom 1887 1826 woman
The Painter Quinten Massijs Jan August Hendrik Leys 1868 1831 Quinten Metsys
Seascape Louis Artan 1832
Greedy and Lazy, Moderate and Industrious Charles Verlat 19th century 1833
Slaughterhouse Jan Stobbaerts 1834
Shrimpers Albert Crahay 1835 shrimp fisherman
shrimp fishing on horseback in Oostduinkerke
Portrait of a Woman Josse Impens 1837 woman
The Man on the Chair Henri de Braekeleer 1875 1845 man
At my Neighbour Isidore Meyers 1846
The Old Cloister in Lier Willem Linnig Junior 1871 1848
Entchantment Willem Linnig Junior 1886 1849
Still Life with Pastries Willem Linnig Junior 1886 1850
Grey Seascape James Ensor 1880 1851
Afternoon in Ostend James Ensor 1881 1852 drawing room
Woman with Blue Shawl James Ensor 1881 1853 woman
Theo Hannon James Ensor 1881 1854 Théodore Hannon
Theatre of Masks James Ensor 1889 1855
The Intrigue (Ensor) James Ensor 1890 1856 mask
Skeletons fighting over a Hanged Man James Ensor 1891 1857 skeleton
Flowers and Vegetables James Ensor 1896 1858 flower
At the Nile Karel Ooms 1894 1868 Baroness Edith van Eersel
Self-portrait Karel Ooms 1896 1869 Karel Ooms Baroness Edith van Eersel
Portrait of Mrs. Karel Ooms-van Eersel Karel Ooms 1895 1870 Baroness Edith van Eersel Baroness Edith van Eersel
Madame Edith Marie Antoinette Constance van Eersel, the Artist's Wife Karel Ooms 1878 1871 woman
The Cloud Adrien Demont 1880
Paul and Edmond Roger, the Artist's Stepchildren Alfred Cluysenaar 1872 1884 child
Bowlers Ramah 1921 1885
The Fallen Star Jan van Beers 1874 1919
Man with Beret Périclès Pantazis 1875 1921 man
Christ Showing His Wounds Gustave Van de Woestijne 1921 1925
The Studio Jan August Hendrik Leys 1851 1926
Bowers Jan August Hendrik Leys 1863 1927
Under the glass ceiling Marie Antoinette Marcotte 1921 1928 greenhouse
flowering plant
Winterlandschap Constant Permeke 1912 1929
Begging Tolerated Alfred Stevens 1930
Still life Jan Sluijters 1921 1934 flower
Stable Interior Adriaan Jozef Heymans 1935
Vrouw in het blauw Willem Paerels 1921 1936 woman
Zeegezicht Maurice Blieck 1937
Horsemen at the Inn Jean Baptiste Madou 1856 1938
The Box Henri Evenepoel 1896 1939
Sunday at the Bois de Boulogne Henri Evenepoel 1891 1940
The blind one Eugène Laermans 1898 1941
Snow Louis Artan 1942
Morning Louis Artan 1943
After the Catching of Fish Louis Artan 1944
Stilleven Jos Albert 1923 1945
Mother and Child Victor Hageman 1946
The Last Journey Frans Hens 1923 1947
Landscape William Henry Singer 1953
Spring Auguste Oleffe 1911 1954
Flowers and Lemons Albéric Coppieters 1900 1955 flower
Ostend Harbour James Ensor 1900s 1957 port
Mask and Crustaceans James Ensor 1891 1958 mask
Still Life with Chinoiseries James Ensor 1906 1959 mask
The Sculptor Paul De Vigne Xavier Mellery 1960 Paul De Vigne
Weigh Anchor Hendrik Willem Mesdag 1962
The Beautiful Portrait Willem Linnig the Elder 1963
Christusbeeld Georges Latinis 1964
The Pond in Ixelles Guillaume Vogels 1888 1969
Portrait of a Cleric Jan August Hendrik Leys 1973 cleric
Landscape Alfred Elsen 1977
Landscape Alfred Elsen 1978
A View of Cairo Camiel Wauters 1880s 1979
Cavalry Man Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier 1980
De wilg Louis Clesse 1921 1981
Emma Lejeune Cornelis Groenendael 1987 Emma Lejeune
Josaphat Valley at Schaarbeek Hippolyte Boulenger 1860s
1988 Josaphat
The disasters of war Josef Lies 1858 1990
Julien Leys, the Artist's Son Jan August Hendrik Leys 1863 1991
Landscape Jacques Rosseels 2000
Moonlight Jacques Rosseels 2001
The Painter Jacques Rosseels Henry Luyten 1907 2002 Jacques Rosseels
Landscape with Sheep Franz Courtens 2003
De schilder Franz Courtens Herman Courtens 2004 Franz Courtens
Portrait of the sculptor Jacques De Braekeleer Charles Verlat 1886 2008 Jacques De Braekeleer
The Painter Henri François Schaefels Eugène Joors 1885 2009 Hendrik Frans Schaefels
Suffer the Little Children come to Me Juliaan De Vriendt 1923 2010
Portrait of the engraver Frans Lauwers Jozef Janssens de Varebeke 1924 2011 Frans Lauwers
The violin maker Willem Linnig Junior 1878 2019
Women on the Rokin in Amsterdam George Hendrik Breitner 1890s 2020 Rokin
The Conversation Henri de Braekeleer 1884 2022
The Archdukes Albert and Isabella Visit the Printer Plantin Nicaise de Keyser 2023
Education Rik Wouters 1912 2024
Figuren in einem Park Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 1880s 2025
Restaurant Bernard in Estaque Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 1880 2026
Windmill in the Kempen Jakob Smits 1923 2027
My Garden Guillaume Vogels 1878 2028
Woman at the Window Auguste Oleffe 1924 2029
Still Life with Flowers Auguste Oleffe 1924 2030 flower
Evening in the Kempen Jakob Smits 2031
Interior in the Kempen Jakob Smits 1922 2032
Interior with Cradle Jakob Smits 20th century 2033
Kobeke Smits Jakob Smits 20th century 2034
Rode vis Walter Vaes 1906 2035
De architect Richard Vaes Walter Vaes 1912 2036 Richard Vaes
Hen with Chicken Charles Verlat 1856 2037
Beach Guillaume Vogels 1876 2038
Organ Grinder Constantin Meunier 1873 2040
Mining Area Constantin Meunier 1882 2041 Borinage
Astonishment of the Mask Wouse James Ensor 1889 2042 mask
Two Springs Gustave Van de Woestijne 1910 2044
Rainbow Guillaume Vogels 1887 2045
Motherly Upbringing Xavier Mellery 2046
Still Life Maurice Wagemans 1920 2047
The Cliff Périclès Pantazis 1882 2050
Sulking Périclès Pantazis 1875 2051
Pruilerij en verzoening Périclès Pantazis 1875 2051-2153
Steel Foundry Constantin Meunier 19th century 2052
Unloading a Sailing Ship Constantin Meunier 2nd millennium 2053
Cellar Willem Linnig Junior 1873 2055
Two Children Playing Around Jozef Van Lerius 1861 2058
Madame Van Camp, the Artist's Mother Camille Van Camp 2059 woman
Withered Roses Guillaume Vogels 2061
Self-portrait with cigar Rik Wouters 1913 2062 Rik Wouters
Climbing the Pole Louis Artan 2065
Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise James Ensor 1887 2072 Adam and Eve Albin Lambotte
The Oyster Eater James Ensor 1882 2073 woman
Albin Lambotte
The Wait James Ensor 19th century 2074 Albin Lambotte
Sloops James Ensor 1890 2075 fishing vessel Albin Lambotte
Still Life with chinoiseries James Ensor 1880 2076 Albin Lambotte
Girl with upturned Nose James Ensor 1879 2077 Albin Lambotte
Storm Eugène Laermans 1899 2079 house
De staatsman Camille Huysmans Isidoor Opsomer 1927 2080 Camille Huysmans
An Old Woman Evert Larock 1892 2081
Reverie Jacques-Émile Blanche 2083
Children Jacques-Émile Blanche 2084
Dieppe Jacques-Émile Blanche 1926 2085 Beach of Dieppe
Sea Wall Jacques-Émile Blanche 2086
Opkomende maan John Michaux 2087
At the Waffle House Charles Mertens 1895 2088
The Vlaaikensgang in Antwerp René Bosiers 2089
Archway René Bosiers 2090
An Old Corner René Bosiers 2091
Nude with Arms Crossed Hippolyte Daeye 1927 2092
Coffee Drinkers Constant Permeke 1927 2093
Kroegtafereel Francis de Erdely 1928 2096
Avond in de Kempen Leopold Haeck 1922 2097
Zelfportret Pieter De Mets 1914 2098
Speed Jules Schmalzigaug 1914 2099
Light Jules Schmalzigaug 1914 2100
Impression in a Dance Hall Jules Schmalzigaug 1914 2100bis
The Rialto Bridge in Venice Jules Schmalzigaug 1913 2101
San Marco from the Piazetta Jules Schmalzigaug 1913 2101bis
Snow in Flanders Valerius de Saedeleer 1928 2104 snow
Sierra de la Paramera de Avila Emile Gastemans 2107
Stilleven Maurice de Vlaminck 2108
Fisherman in the Moonlight Charles Mertens 2109
Harlekinade Floris Jespers 1929 2110
The Guild of the Archers Welcomes Margaret of Austria Jan August Hendrik Leys 1860 2111
The Spinner Charles Mertens 1889 2112
The Meal Charles Mertens 2113
Communicante verlaat het huis Albert Servaes 1920 2114
Het boerenleven Albert Servaes 1920 2114-2125
Uitreiken van de hostie Albert Servaes 1920 2115
Communicanten op weg naar de kerk Albert Servaes 1920 2116
Bruiloftstoet op weg naar de kerk Albert Servaes 1920 2117
Inzegening van het huwelijk Albert Servaes 1920 2118
Verloving Albert Servaes 1920 2119
Bezoek aan de kraamvrouw Albert Servaes 1920 2120
Doopsel Albert Servaes 1920 2121
Doopstoet op weg naar de kerk Albert Servaes 1920 2122
Het kisten van de dode Albert Servaes 1920 2123
Lijkdienst Albert Servaes 1920 2124
Lijkstoet Albert Servaes 1920 2125
Two Children Jan Verhas 1873 2127
Cherries Lawrence Alma-Tadema 1873 2128
The Virgin Felix Gogo 1920s 2129 Mary
Christ Child
Juliette Quénel Edouard Agneessens 2130
Kattendijkdok in Antwerp Clémence Michel 2132 Kattendijkdok
The Studio of Frans Floris Jan August Hendrik Leys 1868 2141
The Poulterer Henri Evenepoel 1897 2143
Workshop of a Painter Charles Mertens 1884 2148
Holy-Water Font Constantin Meunier 1854 2149
The Pithead Constantin Meunier 19th century 2150 mine
mine shaft
Woman and Children at the Harbour Eugeen Van Mieghem 1923 2151
Harmonica Player Eugeen Van Mieghem 1928 2152
Reconciliation Périclès Pantazis 1875 2153
The Fishing Port of Blankenberge Félicien Rops 2158
Pally Gustave De Smet 1922 2159
The Mussel Eaters Gustave De Smet 1923 2160 table
Mytilus edulis
Interior Louis Thevenet 1929 2162
De schets Edgard Tytgat 1929 2163
Cornfield Guillaume Vogels 1883 2164
Still Life with Flowers Guillaume Vogels 1876 2165 flower
Oude vrouw Henri-Victor Wolvens 1928 2166
Etching Table Rik Wouters 1909 2167
Self Portrait Rik Wouters 1900s 2168
Ironing Rik Wouters 1916 2169
Interior with Embroiderer Rik Wouters 1915 2170
The Cemetery Richard Baseleer 1912 2171
The Studio of Ferdinand De Braekeleer I, Father of the Painter Henri de Braekeleer 1877 2172
Strawberries and Champagne Henri de Braekeleer 1883 2173
The Rower James Ensor 1883 2174 rower
rowing boat
Félix Buelens
François Franck
The White Cloud James Ensor 1884 2175 cloud
Fall of the Rebel Angels James Ensor 1889 2176
The Inspiration Xavier Mellery 2177
Heaven Weeping upon the Rubble Jakob Smits 2180
Interior in the Kempen Jakob Smits 1910 2181
Rest of Diana Jan Stobbaerts 2nd millennium 2182
The interior of a windmill Jan Stobbaerts 2nd millennium 2183
A View of Antwerp Piet Verhaert 1884 2184
Wapenplein in Ostend Guillaume Vogels 1885 2185
Woman in White Rik Wouters 1915 2186
White Horse Philibert Cockx 1928 2187
The Skate James Ensor 1880 2188 fish as food
Rain on the Scheldt Frans Hens 1907 2189
The Studio Evert Larock 1892 2190
Sunset in Nieuwpoort Auguste Oleffe 1906 2192
Pietà Jakob Smits 1909 2193 Jesus
Horse Stable Jan Stobbaerts 2194
The heath Théodore Verstraete 19th century 2195 tree
The Lady with Red Parasol James Ensor 1880 2197 parasol
Albrecht Dürer's Visit to Antwerp in 1520 Jan August Hendrik Leys 1855 2198
Nude George Hendrik Breitner 1885 2199
Evening on Dam Square in Amsterdam George Hendrik Breitner 1890 2200
Portrait of a Chanteuse George Hendrik Breitner 1880 2201 singer
Theodora De Graaf, the Artist's Mother Jakob Smits 2205
Frans Smits, the Artist's Father Jakob Smits 20th century 2206
Woman Reading Henri de Braekeleer 1886 2207
Marsh in the Sunlight Guillaume Vogels 1888 2211
Frans Smits, the Artist's Father Jakob Smits 20th century 2212
Rising of the Moon in Blankenberge Théodore Verstraete 1890s 2215
Wrestling Barrack at a Fair Henri Evenepoel 1898 2216
Selfportrait Jozef Israëls Jozef Israëls 1905 2217
Inconsolable Frans Verhas 1878 2224
De rede van Antwerpen Isidoor Opsomer 1930 2226
Landschap Maurice de Vlaminck 2227
Landscape Constant Permeke 1931 2228
Serenity Hippolyte Daeye 1932 2229
Flowers Auguste Oleffe 2231 flower
Amélie Baschwitz Pieter Van Havermaet 1876 2233 Amelie Baschwitz
Portret van een kind Edgard Tytgat 1931 2234 child
De wolk Alfred Bastien 20th century 2235
Still Life with Dead Game Edouard Chappel 19th century 2262
Boten in de haven Willem Paerels 2265
Oosterse dans Alfons Proost 1929 2267
Clown Floris Jespers 1932 2268
Barges in Dinant Félicien Rops 2269
Avond aan de Schelde Ernest Albert 1925 2270
Bridge over the River Lesse Félicien Rops 2271
The Blue Tavern Constantin Meunier 2272
Kazematten Floris Jespers 1932 2274
Child Hippolyte Daeye 1933 2275
Oogst Albert Servaes 1922 2276
Figuren Mario Sironi 2277
Liggende vrouw André Dunoyer de Segonzac 2278
Vruchtendraagster Achille Funi 2279
Woman from Spakenburg Gustave De Smet 1917 2281 woman
Rupelmonde Constantin Meunier 2282
An Old Bridge Constantin Meunier 2283
Pupil in the Snow Constantin Meunier 2284
Zonnig landschap Jean Brusselmans 1933 2285
Figuren Léon Zack 2287
Tuin in Bretagne Edith van Leckwyck 1930 2288
Farmhouse Henri de Braekeleer 1870 2289
De beeldhouwer Josuë Dupon Antoon van Welie 1920s 2290 Josue Dupon
Woman at the Window Rik Wouters 1915 2292
The Heath Victor Thonet 2293
Landschap Walter Stevens 2294
Stilleven Albert Saverys 2295
Danseressen Alfons Proost 1932 2297
Azure Gustave Van de Woestijne 1928 2299
Madame Valentine De Give-LeDelier as a Child Jozef Van Lerius 1859 2300 child
Carolina Amalia LeDelier, daughter of Valentine De Give - leDelier Jan van Beers 1882 2301
Grauwvuur Pierre Paulus 1934 2303
Hellas Louis Buisseret 1932 2304
Antiek visioen Valentine Prax 2305
Still Life with Jar Henri de Braekeleer 1884 2312
Naakten Marie Howet 1934 2314
The Painter William A. Sherwood Jakob Smits 2315 William A. Sherwood
Zee Jan Cockx 20th century 2316
Green Sea Constant Permeke 1930 2317
The Artist's Mother Xavier Mellery 1871 2318 woman
Church at Kapelle-op-den-Bos Evert Larock 1891 2319
The expulsion Charles de Groux 19th century 2320
Flowers Juliette Cambier 20th century 2321 flower
Entrance of a Harbour by Night Guillaume Vogels 1889 2322
Catharina Beersmans Alexandre Struys 1895 2323 Catharina Beersmans
Naakt Antoon Marstboom 2324
The Parade of the Magi Jakob Smits 1925 2325 tree
The jews in the Middle Ages Karel Ooms 1890 2328
Malvina Jakob Smits 1890s 2329 woman
Music in the Vlaanderenstraat James Ensor 1891 2330 street
flag of Belgium
The Caravan William Degouve de Nuncques 1910 2331
Portrait of a Woman Albert Van Dyck 2332 woman
Buitenhuis Jozef Vinck 2333
Stilleven met vis Julien Creytens 1936 2335
Emperor Charles V as a child Jan van Beers 1879 2336
De schrijver Felix Timmermans Isidoor Opsomer 1936 2337 Felix Timmermans
Spaanse figuren Emile Gastemans 2341
Zinnia's Walter Vaes 2343
Strand Félicien Rops 2344
Madame Spée Edouard de Jans 1890 2345 woman
Azaleas James Ensor 20th century 2346 azalea
Pilgrimage in Diegem Charles de Groux 1857 2347
Head of a Man Périclès Pantazis 2348
Seringen Jean Brusselmans 1931 2349
Girl Hippolyte Daeye 1933 2350
Portrait of Monseigneur Gerassimos Mesara, metropolitan of Beirut Kees van Dongen 1928 2351
Noordelijke Madonna Paul Joostens 1930 2352
Madame Craeybeckx Pieter Rottie 2353 woman
Snow Landscape Constant Permeke 1929 2354
Jazzband Robert Van Cauwenberghe 2355
Badende vrouwen Carlo De Roover 1931 2356
Gezicht op Brussel Willem Paerels 2357
Caravans in the Rain Aloïs De Laet 2358
The Old Tenant Tony Van Os 2359 man
Vlissingen Reimond Kimpe 1937 2360
Stilleven Léon de Smet 2361
Farm Gustave Colsoulle 2365
Huis in het bos Jules Boulez 20th century 2366
Winterlandschap Paul Hermans 2367
Arbeid aan de haven Jozef Mous 2368
Interior Felix Gogo 2369
Portret van een vrouw Alice Frey 1936 2370 woman
Vegetables Willem Linnig Junior 1886 2371
Stilleven met groenten Taf Wallet 1935 2372
In Flanders Jan De Graef 2373
Gezicht op de Tuileriën Suzanne Van Damme 1938 2375
Steel Foundry Armand Jamar 1932 2377
Still Life with Herring Gustave De Smet 1934 2380
"Peut-être" Alexandre Struys 1875 2381
Stilleven met speenvarken Walter Vaes 1906 2382
Grootmoeder Louis De Maeyer 1936 2383 woman
De dochter van de schilder George Van Raemdonck 1934 2385 woman
Zelfportret Rodolphe Strebelle 1938 2386
On the Balcony Alfons Vermeylen 2387
Montmartre Pierre Thévenet 2389
Landschap Albert Jozef Claeys 20th century 2390
De rede van Antwerpen Cornelis Bender 20th century 2391
Vissershaven Julien Creytens 1938 2392
Blonde vrouw Hendrik Strick 2393
Miss Strobbe in a Park Jean-Baptiste Degreef 1880s 2394 woman
Vissersinterieur Victor Dolphyn 2395
Self portrait with hat Jaap Dooijewaard 1899 2397
Zelfportret met grijze hoed Anne-Pierre de Kat 1936 2398 Anne-Pierre de Kat
Lovers in the park Josef Lies 1855 2399 tree
Het koren Robert Buyle 1936 2401
Bruidsboeket Gerard Baksteen 1935 2404
Help in Time Charles Verlat 1872 2406
Loneliness. Landscape in the Surroundings of Schilde Jean Pierre François Lamorinière 1871 2407
A Forester Cottage in Putte Jean Pierre François Lamorinière 1894 2408
Horses Gustave Colsoulle 1878 2409
Interior of the Saint Peter’s Church in Louvain Jules Victor Génisson 1846 2410
Ida, the Fisherman's Daughter at the Doorway Jozef Israëls 1851 2411
De vuurtoren Ernest Albert 20th century 2412
Herberg Leo Bervoets 1930s 2413
Summer Hippoliet Van Heesvelde 1932 2414
Schoorstenen Albert De Roover 1936 2415
De overweg Jozef Vinck 2417
Landscape with three trees Charles Schenckbecher 2418
Place du Luxembourg in Parijs Albert Dasnoy 1936 2419
Britton Landscape Félix Denayer 1932 2420
Haven van Nieuwpoort John Michaux 2422 Port of Nieuwpoort
Zittende vrouw Zygmont Dobrzycki 2423
Evening Peace Carolus Tremerie 2424
Hoofd van een vrouw Edgard Wiethase 2425
Madame Charles Dumercy Léon Abry 1893 2426 woman
Park Antoon Marstboom 2427
Silver Wedding Louis Thevenet 1913 2428
Bloemen Gust Van Steenwegen 2429 flower
Portret van een vrouw Robert Freysz 2430 woman
Portret van een vrouw Herman Diels 2431 woman
Madame Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer 1905 2432 woman
Roses Jakob Smits 1925 2433
Interior Jakob Smits 1900 2434
Self Portrait Jakob Smits 2435
The Booth of Jan van Gent George Morren 1938 2436
Stilleven Armand Vanderlick 1938 2437
At the Harbour Oscar Verpoorten 2438 horse
An Old Garden Victor Thonet 2441
De beeldhouwer Alfons van Beurden I Julien Creytens 1936 2442 Alfons Van Beurden
Vlaams dorp Armand Deweerdt 1938 2444
A View of the Harbour of Hasselt, Overijssel Cornelis Springer 1862 2445
Girl in Pink Gustave De Smet 1937 2446
Johannes Hendrik Seije Cuperus, Husband of Hendrikje Duintjer Piet Verhaert 2449
Johannes Hendrik Seije Cuperus and his Wife Hendrikje Duintjer Piet Verhaert 1889 2449-2450
Hendrikje Duintjer, Wife of Johannes Hendrik Seije Cuperus Piet Verhaert 2450
Portrait Georg Brandes Lovis Corinth 1925 2452 Georg Brandes
Vier Männer am Tisch Karl Hofer 1926 2453
The Writer Walter Mehring George Grosz 1926 2454 Walter Mehring Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Little Jeanne Jules Pascin 1908 2455 woman
'Place de France' in Buenos Aires Carlos Washington Aliseris Genta 1937 2456
Edmond Khnopff Fernand Khnopff 2457
Portrait of a Family Xavier Mellery 2458 family
De schrijver, kunsthistoricus en politicus August Vermeylen Isidoor Opsomer 1939 2459 August Vermeylen
Winterse dag Carl Gunne 2460
A Dune Landscape Alfred Elsen 2464
Marsh in the Heath Alfred Elsen 2465
The Entrance of the Harbour at Zeebruges Alfons Vermeylen 1929 2467
Sirene Mig Quinet 2468
Huis achter bomen Mayou Iserentant 1939 2469
Zelfportret George Van Raemdonck 1929 2470
Ardeense meisjes Pierre Van Humbeeck 2472
Tree in Bloom Frits Van den Berghe 1930 2473 flower
Overstroomd landschap Albert Saverys 2475
The Pig Slaughterman Marten Melsen 20th century 2476 tree
The Bee Keepers Marten Melsen 1937 2477
Autumn Franz Courtens 2478
De advocaat Charles Dumercy George Van Raemdonck 1929 2479 Charles Dumercy
Girl from the Kempen Albert Van Dyck 20th century 2481
Moeder en kind Pierre Paulus 1940 2482
Portret van mijn moeder Émile Fabry 2483 woman
Sneeuwlandschap Jean Brusselmans 1938 2486
The Hofberg at Brussels Arthur Navez 1921 2487
Meisje met mand Léon Devos 1943 2488
Moeder en kind Marcel Stobbaerts 2489
Interieur Léon de Smet 1937 2490
Moeder en kind René De Pauw 2491
Nanette de Spoelberch, Madame Louis de Baillet-Latour Jacques de Lalaing 1902 2492
The Poet Jan Van Beers and his Wife, The Artist's Parents Jan van Beers 2493 Jan van Beers
Mijn tuin Alex Denonne 2494
The Side of the Meadow Franz Courtens 2495
Herfstvruchten Maurice Felbier 1941 2497
Still Life with Pewter Jar Paul Claes 1915 2498
The Painter Gerardus Van der Ven Ernest Slingeneyer 2499 Emanuel Ernest Gerardus van der Ven
Flowers Maurits Niekerk 1925 2500 flower
Lane under Snow Guillaume Vogels 1888 2501
Stilleven Carlo Van Her 2502
De koorlessenaar René Janssens 2503
Self Portrait Jean Vanden Eeckhoudt 1941 2504
Stilleven Robert Van Cauwenberghe 2505
Landschap Jozef Vinck 2508
Spelende kinderen in een park Jean Timmermans 2510
Woman with Toque Hippolyte Daeye 1934 2511
Piccolo Canale in Venice William A. Sherwood 2512
Interior of the Frans Hals Museum Dolf Van Roy 2514
Georgette Jacques Maes 1942 2515
Sournia bij Perpignan Victor Dolphyn 1940 2516
Young Girl Fritz von Uhde 2517
Landscape with Sheep Maurice Hagemans 2518
Landscape Jakob Smits 2519
Landscape Prosper de Wit 2520
Hoevetjes Jan Van der Loo 1942 2523
Dorpje Gust Van Steenwegen 1921 2524
Kind Anna Martinowa Zarina 1939 2525
The IJsselpoort at IJsselstein Jan Weissenbruch 1852 2526
Life Frits Van den Berghe 1924 2527
After the Wedding Willem Linnig Junior 1875 2528
Interior Benjamin Linnig 2530
The Alchemist Willem Linnig the Elder 2532
Storm Landscape Willem Linnig Junior 1875 2534
Landscape Willem Linnig Junior 19th century 2535
Landscape Jozef Linnig 1871 2536
The Inn Willem Linnig the Elder 2537
Still Life with Sculpture Willem Linnig Junior 2538
Still Life Willem Linnig Junior 2539
School Willem Linnig the Elder 1875 2540
Still Life with Pewter Dish Willem Linnig Junior 1870 2541
Banquet Willem Linnig the Elder 1850 2542
Night View Egide Linnig 1843 2543 boat
The Powers of the World Willem Linnig Junior 1873 2544
Kitchen Willem Linnig the Elder 1883 2545
Wardrobe Willem Linnig the Elder 1875 2547
Vanitas Willem Linnig Junior 1869 2548
The Family Cuperus Piet Verhaert 1893 2551
Clergymen Joseph Bellemans 2554
Leontine War van Overstraeten 2556 woman
Tuintjes Antoon Marstboom 2557
Namiddag Bruno Capacci 1938 2558
Mevrouw Charles Counhaye Charles Counhaye 20th century 2559
Bloemen Narcisse Virgilio Díaz 2560 flower
The Bridal Dress Charles Mertens 2561
De afspraak Henri Kerels 2563
Stéphanie in White Guillaume Van Strydonck 1885 2564
Gezicht op Frahan Catherine de Korosmezey 2565
Tuin met bloemen Rachel Baes 1943 2566
Harvesting Potatoes Henri de Braekeleer 1875 2567
The prayer Felix Gogo 2568
Souvenir of Veere Victor Thonet 2570
Mijnwerkersdorp onder de sneeuw Mathilde Dumonceau de Bergendael 2571
De engel en de kinderen Alice Frey 1939 2572
Barinterieur Robert Buyle 1930 2573
Het venster Henri-Victor Wolvens 1931 2574
Self Portrait Xavier Mellery 2575
Acrobaten in Spaans dorp Adrien Dupagne 1935 2576
Landscape Johan Jongkind 1860s 2577
The Guard Jan August Hendrik Leys 2578
Golden Clouds Constant Permeke 1940 2581
Trapzaal Albert Geudens 2582
Interieur met bloemen Jean Émile Van Gindertael 1943 2583
Noordzee André-Victor Lynen 2584
Op het strand Alfons Proost 2585
Stilleven met dode vogel Jos De Swerts 2587
Hairdresser Marguerite Putsage 2588 woman
Vrouw bij het raam Henry van de Velde 1889 2589
Gladiolen en dahlia's Alfons Van Beurden II 2590
Op de Beneden-Schelde René Engelen 2591
Charleroi bij nacht Pierre Paulus 1945 2592
De wasvrouw Henry van de Velde 1887 2594
Charles Bridge in Prague René Leclercq 2595
The Mirror Emile Vloors 1905 2600
Hooimaand Gustaaf De Bruyne 1944 2604
The Old Oak Jan De Graef 2605
The Unfortunate Mother Louis Gallait 1843 2606
Zeegezicht Cornelis Bender 1938 2609
Turbulent Sea Louis Artan 2611
Cigar Makers in Sevilla Constantin Meunier 1882 2612
Landscape in the Ardennes Félicien Rops 1882 2613
Chapel of Our Lady of Bonne-Odeur Rik Wouters 1913 2614
Portrait d'une femme Édouard Vuillard 1912 2615 woman
Lucie Hessel
On the Beach Périclès Pantazis 19th century 2617
Spaniard René Leclercq 2622
The running girl Henri Evenepoel 19th century 2623
Frans Floris Attending a Banquet of the Guild of Saint Luke Jan August Hendrik Leys 1853 2624
Winterlandschap Jacques Gorus 2625
Spring Philibert Cockx 1948 2627
Collioure in blauw René Guiette 1947 2628
Rocks near Ornans Gustave Courbet 2629 tree
Professor Paul Errera Edouard Agneessens 1875 2630 Paul Errera
Saint Anne Chapel in Oudergem Jean-Baptiste Degreef 1885 2631
Gezicht van Céret Cedric Morris 1923 2640
Interior of the Church of Saint Paul in Antwerp Henri de Braekeleer 1860s 2641
Morgen Evert Larock 1895 2642 tree
Interior Jan August Hendrik Leys 2644
Prinsengracht in Amsterdam George Hendrik Breitner 2nd millennium 2649 Jan F. Esser
A Cave in the Forest Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 1883 2652
Standing nude Jan Sluijters 1910 2653 Jan F. Esser
Potato Diggers Willem Witsen 1880s 2654 Jan F. Esser
The Painter Franz Courtens Isidore De Rudder 1893 2656 Franz Courtens
Trio Charles Mertens 1891 2657
Woodland Gustave Den Duyts 1891 2659
The Mountain Coudon Seen from Cap Brun Othon Friesz 2661
The Harbour of Le Havre Othon Friesz 1921 2662
The Torment of Tantalus Joseph Stevens 2663
Nude Ferdinand Schirren 2664
De twee zusters Jan Cox 1948 2666
Nieuwpoort Walter Stevens 2668
Standing Nude George Hendrik Breitner 1893 2669 nude
Bathing children Eugène Laermans 20th century 2670
Stilleven met appelen Maurice de Vlaminck 2671
Lying Nude Philibert Cockx 1928 2672
Landscape with Black Italian Poplars Gustave De Smet 1942 2673
Haystacks Gustave De Smet 1942 2674
Sunset Gustave De Smet 1942 2675
Clouds Gustave De Smet 1933 2676
White Farm Gustave De Smet 1941 2677
Stable Gustave De Smet 1939 2678
Grijze zee Henri-Victor Wolvens 1946 2679
Gespan Hubert Malfait 1944 2681
Girl in Brown Hippolyte Daeye 1944 2682
Zelfportret Albert Crommelynck 1949 2683
The Ferry to Sint-Anna Frans Hens 1885 2684
The Sleepers Gustave Van de Woestijne 1918 2685
Fair Constant Permeke 1921 2688
Mr. Soons Lawrence Alma-Tadema 1857 2689 man
Maria Sèthe Théo van Rysselberghe 1891 2690 Maria Van de Velde
Oasis Eugène Laermans 1905 2691
Timidity Léon Frédéric 1896 2692
The Painter Alfred William Finch James Ensor 1880s 2694 Alfred William Finch
Mijn portret en mijn dorp Edgard Tytgat 1909 2695
Return of the Miners Constantin Meunier 19th century 2698
The Ponds of the "Grijze Molen" in Terhulpen Hippolyte Boulenger 1860s 2699
Still Life Requisites Henri de Braekeleer 1885 2701
Still Life Charles Dufresne 2704
Het blauwe vestje Carlo De Roover 1946 2705
The Rooftops of Ostend James Ensor 1884 2706 roof
Chartres Louis Van Lint 1950 2707
Haven in blauw Anne Bonnet 1950 2713
Sunday Fair at Les Invalides Henri Evenepoel 1897 2714
The Good Drink Jan Toorop 1885 2715
Landschap in Finland Aarre Heinonen 1950 2716
The Country House of Gustave Coûteaux Henri de Braekeleer 1871 2717
Gezicht op Lier Isidoor Opsomer 1937 2718
Lying Nude Philibert Cockx 1927 2719
The Peasant Constant Permeke 1934 2720
Woman at Prayers Constant Permeke 1925 2724
Collier with Safety Lamp Constantin Meunier 2725
Young Girl Constant Permeke 1948 2727
De beeldhouwer vereeuwigt zijn liefdes Edgard Tytgat 1951 2728
The Well Jakob Smits 1920 2730
The Liqueur Drinkers Gustave Van de Woestijne 1922 2732
Twilight Guillaume Vogels 1882 2733
The Bourgeois Salon James Ensor 1881 2735
Count Aymer de la Chevalerie Henri Evenepoel 1896 2766
Marokkaanse kruik Rik Slabbinck 1951 2768
Woman Reading Henri de Braekeleer 1880s 2770
Naar een vierde dimensie Gaston Bertrand 1952 2772
Zelfportret Louis De Maeyer 1936 2773
De stenen tafel War van Overstraeten 1952 2776
Kleine baadster Leo Bervoets 20th century 2777
Vespers Constant Permeke 1927 2779
View of Phnosie, luminous waves and vibrations James Ensor 1890 2780
Weesmeisje Edgard Tytgat 1939 2781
Still Life with Buste Henri Le Fauconnier 2783
Haven Léon Devos 2784
Large Landscape Constant Permeke 2789
Rode boot René Guiette 1952 2790
Krantenverkoper Georges Rouault 1909 2792
After the Mourning Louis Thevenet 1908 2793
Wood by Moonlight Adriaan Jozef Heymans 2794
Duck Nests in the Reed Adriaan Jozef Heymans 2795
Returning from Work at Sunset Henri Evenepoel 1896 2796
Henriette Van Beers, the Artist's Sister Jan van Beers 19th century 2797
De zee, symfonie in grijs Jean Brusselmans 1928 2798
De witte muur Jean Brusselmans 1933 2799
The Meal or Woman Seen from the Back Henri de Braekeleer 1880s 2804
Interior of the Terninck Institution in Antwerp Henri de Braekeleer 1884 2805
De schilder James Ensor Walter Vaes 1929 2807 James Ensor
De kleine slachterij Walter Vaes 1905 2808
Ensor at his Easel James Ensor 1890 2809 James Ensor
Hoeve in Herbet Jack Godderis 1954 2810
Het zwart schilderij Luc Peire 1953 2812
Louise in Mourning Henri Evenepoel 1894 2813 woman
Doek 52/44 Hans Hartung 1952 2814
Doek 52/46 Hans Hartung 1952 2815
Banyuls-sur-Mer Léon Navez 2816
Processie in Veurne Paul Joostens 1931 2817
Afrikaanse vrouwen op oranje grond Floris Jespers 1952 2818
Rood stilleven Gustave Camus 20th century 2819
The Meal Henri de Braekeleer 1885 2820
Mijn tuin onder de sneeuw Léon de Smet 2821
Homo ludens Jan Vaerten 1953 2822
Midzomer Marc Mendelson 1954 2824
Halfrond ovaal Ben Nicholson 1950 2825
Straat in Sammois Maurice Utrillo 20th century 2826
Vrouw met Koghai Naondo Nakamura 1955 2827
De markt voor de schouwburg in Antwerpen Emile Claus 20th century 2831
The Lady with Fan James Ensor 1880s 2833 hand fan
The Bride Josine Jakob Smits 20th century 2836 woman
Ruimte Jozef Vinck 1956 2839
Torso C Auguste Mambour 1944 2842
Bloemen in een vaas Isidoor Opsomer 2844 flower
The Picture Lover Henri de Braekeleer 1884 2845
Personages op het scherm Gianni Dova 1956 2848
Standing Nude Gustave De Smet 1935 2849
Pink Ribbons Paul Delvaux 1937 2850
The Painter on the Hoogbrug in Mechelen Rik Wouters 1908 2851
A View of Temse Guillaume Vogels 1875 2852
Interior in Marken Xavier Mellery 1878 2853
Musician Florent Willems 2854
Woodland Henri Rul 2855
A View on the Scheldt Frans Hens 1894 2856
Portrait of a Man Eugène Laermans 2866 man
Entrance of the Abbey of Tongerlo Emile Vloors 1900 2867 Tongerlo Abbey
Choir Stalls in the Salvator Church in Bruges Emile Vloors 1901 2868
A Choral Dance Emile Vloors 1912 2869
The Chess Game Emile Vloors 19th century 2870 Lucy Laridon
Louise Laridon
The Alhambra in Granada Emile Vloors 1901 2871
Boy Emile Vloors 19th century 2872
Portrait of a Child Emile Vloors 1900 2873
Gouden avond Helene Riedel 1959 2875
Krab Walter Vaes 2876
Ecce homo Paul Delvaux 1957 2877 Jesus
Naakt met rood gordijn Alice Frey 1955 2879
The "Finch" Hippolyte Daeye 1930 2880
Open Window on Bosvoorde Rik Wouters 1914 2881
Charles V Frees the Slaves in Tunis Nicaise de Keyser 2886
Malvina Jakob Smits 2888 woman
Peasant Woman Digging Up Potatoes Vincent van Gogh 1885 2889 woman
White people
potato harvest
Evening hunting Albert Kinert 2891
Witte Pomona Zlatko Prica 1957 2892
Still Life Gustave De Smet 1940 2894
Landschap nr. 37 Roger Dudant 1958 2896
Vliegende man Karel Appel 1958 2897
Rozen Jean Brusselmans 1933 2899
The Kiss of Judas Jakob Smits 1908 2902
Landschap Jacques Maes 1958 2903
Marktplein Paul Permeke 2904
Seascape Constant Permeke 1913 2905
In Nice Paul Maas 19th century 2909
Hunne Hoogheden Emiel Creado 1959 2911
Veerhuis bij de Schelde Jan Claessens 1943 2912
Louis Franck, minister van Staat Walter Vaes 1927 2913 Louis Franck
Stilleven met schelp Armand Vanderlick 1956 2914
Tulpen Albert De Roover 20th century 2915
Jong meisje Georges Creten 1929 2916
Compositie in rood Antoon Marstboom 2917
Composition Jozef Peeters 1921 2924
De rede van Antwerpen Dis Van Raemdonck 1959 2925
Het mazen van visnetten Gustave Camus 1961 2926
Hoeve Maurice Schelck 1947 2927
Oude baan in Schilde Albert Van Dyck 20th century 2928
Frieda Albert Van Dyck 2929
Sunday Gustave De Smet 1921 2931 woman
flag of the Netherlands
Fishing Port in Brittany Constant Permeke 1951 2932
Paul-Gustave van Hecke Ramah 1920 2933 Paul Gust Van Hecke
A Naval Battle Hendrik Frans Schaefels 1880 2934
The Mill at Kiel Henri de Braekeleer 1880s 2935
The Orchard of the Castle Louis Dubois 2936
Terugkeer in de paddock Edgard Wiethase 2942
Woman Reading Henri de Braekeleer 1872 2944
Slaughtering Jan Stobbaerts 1873 2946
The Cattle Market in Antwerp Jan Stobbaerts 1861 2947
Stilleven Marthe Donas 1917 2948
Adrienne Gustave Van de Woestijne 1919 2949 woman
Processie in 's-Gravenwezel Edmond Van Offel 1951 2954
Saloon Charles Mertens 1893 2955
The Red Inn Charles Mertens 1894 2956
Kathedraal Lode Sebregts 1961 2958
Self Portrait Frans Huygelen 1932 2961
Compositie Ronaldo de Juan 2962
The Stone Age Frits Van den Berghe 1928 2963
The Daughters of Fire Frits Van den Berghe 1930 2964
Pajottenland Jean Brusselmans 1938 2965
Noordzee Jean Brusselmans 1939 2966
Spring Jean Brusselmans 1935 2967 Gustave Van Geluwe
Bathing Hippolyte Daeye 1928 2968
Nude Child Hippolyte Daeye 1931 2969
Bathing-hut James Ensor 1876 2972 beach hut Gustave Van Geluwe
Large Blonde Nude Constant Permeke 2973
The Man with the Jacket Constant Permeke 1928 2976
Girl with a Bouquet Gustave De Smet 1938 2978
White Shirt on Black Ground Gustave De Smet 1941 2979
Model Edgard Tytgat 1926 2980
Zaragoza 1962 Luc Peire 1962 2984
Witte lente Louis Van Lint 1962 2985
Miss Armstrong Maria Aldernaght 1947 2990 woman
Pastry Stall Constant Permeke 1922 2991
Madame Constantin Meunier Théo van Rysselberghe 1882 2993 woman
Petrus Josephus Mariën, Mayor of Kapellen Edouard de Jans 1886 2997
The Teniersplaats in Antwerp Henri de Braekeleer 1878 2998
The Artist's Mother Romain Looymans 3000 woman
Statue of Mary Romain Looymans 3001
Head of a Woman Romain Looymans 3002
Mevrouw Antoine Franck Walter Vaes 1914 3003 woman
Before spring Valerius de Saedeleer 20th century 3004 tree
Huizen Dis Van Raemdonck 3007
In the Trenches Jakob Smits 3013
Model in atelier Edgard Tytgat 1918 3014
Winterlandschap Albert Servaes 1917 3015
Stilleven met fles Armand Vanderlick 1943 3019
Orchard in winter Valerius de Saedeleer 1907 3020 tree
Farm Gustave De Smet 1939 3021
Distances Frits Van den Berghe 1935 3022
François Franck Charles Mertens 3024 François Franck
Fair at Vrijdagmarkt in Ghent Gustave De Smet 1907 3025
Breakwater at Nieuwpoort Auguste Oleffe 1901 3028
Ciel René Guiette 1962 3029
Ainsi René Guiette 1964 3030
De stille machine Rudolf Meerbergen 1962 3031
De noodkreet Louis De Maeyer 3032
Haycart Jakob Smits 3037
De laatste dag Pierre Alechinsky 1964 3039
Dode rede Englebert Van Anderlecht 1958 3040
Florence III Gaston Bertrand 1961 3041
In elkaar Jan Burssens 1950s 3043
Kleur - vorm Jo Delahaut 1967 3044
Een bladzijde op wit geschreven Marc Mendelson 1964 3046
Het derde paar Antoine Mortier 1966 3047
Vertigo Luc Peire 1967 3048
Compositie Guy Vandenbranden 1967 3049
Zelfportret Serge Vandercam 1963 3050
Wandel Pjeeroo Pierre Vlerick 1966 3051
Het domein van het water Victor Servranckx 1927 3059
Compositie met kruis Dan Van Severen 1960s 3061
Duizendjarige aanwezigheid Louis Van Lint 1967 3062
Variatie Jef Verheyen 3063
Tragische figuur Roger Somville 1968 3064
Compositie nr. 37 Serge Largot 1967 3067
Kluizenaar Lucebert 1962 3069
Landschap Louis Van Lint 1962 3071
Paul Sulzberger Edouard Agneessens 3072
Landschap Floris Jespers 3075
My Ill Grandfather Henri Evenepoel 1892 3076 man
Boerentram Henri-Victor Wolvens 1948 3077
Zeegezicht Maurice Van Saene 3078
De ontmoeting Robert Geenens 1967 3084
Twee heksen Jan Cox 1962 3085
Kruisdraging Prosper De Troyer 1937 3088 Jesus
Quaedam Lode Jacobs 3091
Meisje Carl Hentze 3092
Eglise et Basilique Sacré-Coeur à Montmartre Maurice Utrillo 1912 3096
Amenophis Carlo De Roover 1970 3097
Landschap met omgevallen beeld Carel Willink 1942 3100
Stilleven met veer Raoul Hynckes 1969 3101
Hij droomt dat het putwater het houten beeld terugwerpt Matija Skurjeni 1964 3103
Troubadours van Ohrid Djordje Sijakovic 1969 3104
Familie van de tuinman Franjo Mraz 3105
Het uur U III Pyke Koch 1969 3106
The Sick Woman with the White Shawl Rik Wouters 1912 3111
Skeleton Painter in his Studio James Ensor 1896 3112 skeleton
View in the Kempen with a Plank Bridge Jakob Smits 3113
Interior with Cradle Jakob Smits 3114
View in the Kempen Jakob Smits 3115
Bloemen Walter Vaes 3116 flower
The Ferry House Piet Verhaert 3117
Landscape in Flanders Constant Permeke 3119
Green Sea Constant Permeke 3120
Gusta in a Little Hat Albert Van Dyck 20th century 3121 woman
Arthur Henry Cornette Albert Van Dyck 3122
The Architect Jean Jacques Winders Edouard de Jans 3126 Jean-Jacques Winders
By the Brook Xavier de Cock 1872 3127
Portrait of a Man Jakob Smits 3129 man
Malvina Jakob Smits 1890s 3130 woman
Mijn vader in coma Jan Cox 1972 3131
De verschijning Jan Cox 1948 3135
Vrouw met rode hoed Roland Bierge 1969 3138
Opus 20 Victor Servranckx 1922 3142
Morgen Jef Verheyen 1965 3143
Compositie Jozef Peeters 1922 3149
Quatre Bras Maurice Wyckaert 1975 3151
Ciertos signos lo presagian Marc Mendelson 1970s 3152
Le Cap des tempêtes René Magritte 1964 3155
Procession on the Grote Markt in Antwerp Jan Michiel Ruyten 1848 3156 Grote Markt
The Prima Donna Fernando Botero 1967 3157
Zonder titel Eduardo Oliveira Cézar 1970s 3158
De wandeling Roger Raveel 1964 3159
Bekoring van een provo Etienne Elias 1967 3160
Cat and man Etienne Elias 1967 3161
Bevreemdend personage Fred Bervoets 1976 3168
Zelfportret Walter Goossens 1973 3169
De oogst is groot Jan Antoon Verschaeren 3172/80
Landscape with Herons at Sunset Jean Pierre François Lamorinière 3175
A Path near Putte Jean Pierre François Lamorinière 3176
The Unknown Temple Frits Van den Berghe 1929 3177
Zelfportret Carel Willink 1973 3181
Zwarte ruimte Jef Verheyen 1959 3182
Twisted Strings Walter Leblanc 1970 3184
Groen Wiel Rood Bram Bogart 1965 3187
Large sun Otto Piene 1965 3196
Spatial Concept Lucio Fontana 1965 3197
Stilleven Jean Brusselmans 1936 3198
De juwelier A. Storck Jean Brusselmans 1939 3199 man
Werklieden bij het kanaal Jean Brusselmans 1920 3200
Suzanna en de grijsaards Floris Jespers 1927 3206
Hélène De Braekeleer, the Painter's Sister Henri de Braekeleer 19th century 3207
Betsy De Braekeleer, the Painter's Sister Henri de Braekeleer 1863 3208
Tavern Scene Ignatius Josephus van Regemorter 1828 3210
Gaston and his Sister Gustave Van de Woestijne 1923 3211 man
Quarantaine Bert De Leeuw 1960 3212
Landscape with Sheep Maes 19th century 3221
Bloemen in een vaas Isidoor Opsomer 1942 3222 flower
Emigrants Prosper Colmant 1905 3230
Stilleven Isidoor Opsomer 3232
Vrouwennaakt in landschap Gustaaf De Bruyne 1941 3233
The statesman Camille Huysmans and Reinaert de Vos Gustaaf De Bruyne 1947 3234
Still Life with Grapes Gustave Van de Woestijne 1937 3235 flower
Boerin en kind in landschap Gustaaf De Bruyne 1936 3236
Snowy Day William Henry Singer 1915 3239
Vaas met rozen Amedée Degreef 20th century 3246
Groenten en twee kruiken Adela Lambrechts 20th century 3247
Lady Godiva Jozef Van Lerius 1870 3248 Lady Godiva
Self Portrait in Studio Louis van Engelen 1885 3249 Louis van Engelen
Allegorie van de liefde Charles Mertens 1909 3251
Liquid Space Hugo Heyrman 20th century 3252
Botenweelde Léon Smets 3255
Vriendschap Jan Kiemeney 1921 3260
Grandmother's Feast Henri de Braekeleer 1873 3264
Kermistent Marcel Maeyer 1978 3266
The Studio of the Painter Joos van Craesbeeck Nicaise de Keyser 3267
Paul-Gustave van Hecke and His Wife Norine De Schrijver Frits Van den Berghe 1923 3268 Paul Gust Van Hecke
Landschap met koeien Albert Saverys 3273
De Leie Albert Servaes 1904 3274
Dying Albert Servaes 1910 3281
Landschap met figuren Albert Ciamberlani 1891 3282
Margaret at the Church Nicaise de Keyser 1864 3284
Self Portrait Charles Verlat 1863 3285
White Façades and Garden at Bosvoorde Rik Wouters 1907 3288
Self Portrait in Black Hat Rik Wouters 1908 3289
Nude Study Rik Wouters 1912 3290 nudity
The Red House, Late Snow Rik Wouters 1900s 3291
Woman Reading Rik Wouters 1913 3292
Autumn Rik Wouters 1913 3293 house
The Ravine A Rik Wouters 1913 3294
Tulips Rik Wouters 1913 3295
Woman in Black Reading a Newspaper Rik Wouters 1912 3296
Self-Portrait in a Black Eyepatch Rik Wouters 1915 3297 Rik Wouters
The Old Walnut Tree B Rik Wouters 1912 3298
Self Portrait in a Green Hat Rik Wouters 1915 3299
Haddock Rik Wouters 1916 3300
Lichtwerk Paul Van Hoeydonck 1961 3318
Man of Sorrows James Ensor 1891 3320 Man of Sorrows
De val van Pegasus Guillaume Hoorickx 1960s 3322/1
Serendipiteit Guillaume Hoorickx 1959 3322/2
Innominato Guillaume Hoorickx 1960 3322/3
Archipel Guillaume Hoorickx 1949 3322/4
Zonderlinge perspectieven Guillaume Hoorickx 3322/5
Zonder titel Guillaume Hoorickx 3322/6
Realiteit van het niet geziene Guillaume Hoorickx 3322/7
Mauthausen Guillaume Hoorickx 1945 3322/8
Zonder titel Guillaume Hoorickx 3322/9
Kosmische indruk Guillaume Hoorickx 1960 3322/10
Ezel en uil Roger Somville 1960 3324/5
De staatsman Louis Major Isidoor Opsomer 1952 3325 Louis Major
Village Street after a Thunderstorm Evert Larock 1895 3326 house
Snow on the left bank of the Scheldt river Charles Mertens 3327
Domestic Scene André Plumot 3328
Sibille Paul Joostens 1920 3329
Het paar Edmond Van Dooren 1920 3330
Stilleven met kolen Willem Paerels 1914 3336
Twee vrouwen met de heilige Sebastianus van Rome Paul Joostens 1935 3338
Apocalyps Paul Joostens 3339
Mercator and Ortelius Joseph Bellemans 1870 3342
The Breakwater James Ensor 1878 3380 breakwater
Woman on a Breakwater James Ensor 1880 3384
Groen/ zwart Amédée Cortier 1970 3410
The Death of Peter Paul Rubens Mattheus Ignatius van Bree 1827 3411
Twee honden vechten om een lijk Jan Cox 3412
The Artist Michelangelo at the Deathbed of Vittoria Colonna Nicaise de Keyser 1851 3413
't Zoete Land - Oostduinkerke Cecilia Vanderbeek 1962 3414
't Zoete Land - Oostduinkerke Cecilia Vanderbeek 3415
Zelfportret in de rolstoel Cecilia Vanderbeek 3416 Cecilia Vanderbeek
Elisabeth, zuster van de schilder Cecilia Vanderbeek 1966 3417 woman
The Fortune Teller Adèle Kindt 1828 3424
Landscape in Seneffe Alfred William Finch 3425
Girl holding a bouquet of violets Eugène Siberdt 2nd millennium 3426
De acteur Domien De Gruyter Jan Cox 1946 3429 Domien De Gruyter
Portrait of a Girl Piet Verhaert 1872 3445 girl
Descente Anna Staritsky 1972 3446
Temps variables Co Westerik 1996 3450
Hevig buitengebeuren Co Westerik 2007 3451
De dood van Socrates Jan Cox 1978 3452
Sitting Nude Ramah 1921 3457_N.I.I.
Box 'The Innocent' Nele Vanthomme 2001 3460
Vrouwen in het Woud 3 Jan Vanriet 2001 3461
Noordzee Jack Godderis 3475
Zelfportret met witte hemdskraag Jan de Smedt 1937 3532 Jan de Smedt
Aline Jan de Smedt 1938 3533
Camilla in parmezaans blauw Jan de Smedt 1941 3534
Lezende vrouw Jan de Smedt 1941 3535
Voor de spiegel Jan de Smedt 1941 3536
Interieur met wieg Jan de Smedt 1942 3537
Asters Jan de Smedt 3538
Golfslag Jan de Smedt 1947 3539
Haven te Blankenberge II Jan de Smedt 3540 Marina Blankenberge
Voor het venster Jan de Smedt 3541
Raf met cowboyhoed Jan de Smedt 3542
Het blauwe salon Jan de Smedt 3543
Theatre on the Marketplace Peter van Engelen 5000
Concord, Charity and Sincerity Conquering Discord Abraham Janssens I 1622 5001
Portrait of a Woman No/unknown value 1601 5002 woman
Portrait of Christina Pijll Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt 1640 5003 woman
Christina Pyll
Madonna Master of the Bruges Legend of St. Ursula 1486 5004 Mary
Christ Child
Madonna with three Donors Master of the Bruges Legend of St. Ursula 1486 5004-5004bis
Three Donors Master of the Bruges Legend of St. Ursula 1486 5004bis
Landscape with Hunt of Meleager and Atalanta Jan Wildens 17th century 5005 horse
Christ carrying the cross Pieter Brueghel the Younger 1603 5006 Jesus Frans Hens
Portrait of Aletta Brasser (1579-1655) Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt 1641 5007
Fire in Antwerp Daniel van Heil 17th century 5008
Landscape with Figures Karel Breydel 5009
Landscape with Figures Karel Breydel 5010
A Dutch Interior Pieter de Hooch 5011 woman
Italian Landscape Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich 1617 5012
Orpheus and the Animals Roelant Savery 1617 5013 Orpheus
Elegant company playing music and singing in an interior No/unknown value 1620 5014
Portrait of a Lady Pieter Pourbus 5015 woman
Madonna No/unknown value 16th century 5016 Mary
Christ Child
Frans Hens
Ceres and Bacchus Cornelis van Haarlem 2nd millennium 5017 Ceres
The Adoration of the Magi Benjamin Gerritsz Cuyp 5018 Christ Child
Noach's Ark Jan van Kessel the Elder 5019
Village Fair No/unknown value 1600 5020
A Fair Adriaen Brouwer 17th century 5021 house
Return from the hunt Jan Baptist Boel the Younger 1644 5022
Cupid and Psyche Jacob Jordaens 17th century 5023 Psyche
The Calling of Elisha Jan Matsys 1572 5024 Elisha
De boetvaardige Maria Magdalena No/unknown value 18th century 5026 Mary Magdalene
Landscape with Figures Théobald Michau 5027
A Herald of Charles II Charles Wautier 17th century 5028 man
Still Life Jacob van Es 17th century 5030
Landscape with the Good Samaritan Frans Mostaert 16th century 5033
Portrait of a Family No/unknown value 1559 5034 man
Bellona Peter Paul Rubens 2nd millennium 5036
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ Josse Lieferinxe 5037 Jesus
Storm at Sea Andries van Eertvelt 1625 5038
The Notary Barthel van den Berghe Cornelis de Vos 1625 5040 man
Barthel Van den Berghe and his Wife Elisabeth Hoegaerts Cornelis de Vos 5040-5041
Portrait of Elisabeth Hoegaerts Cornelis de Vos 1625 5041
Saint John on the Island of Patmos No/unknown value 16th century 5042 John of Patmos
The Smokers David Teniers the Younger
Adriaen Brouwer
1633 5043 tobacco
square ceramic bowl with handle for embers or fruit
Adolphe Schloss
Alexander or Jan Vinck Anthony van Dyck 1619 5044 man Désiré Van den Schrieck
Frans Schollaert
François Schollaert
Vegetable Market Joachim Beuckelaer 1567 5045
Madonna with Saints Pier Francesco Fiorentino 1477 5046
Portrait of a Man Lucas Cranach the Younger 1557 5047 man Charles Sedelmeyer
Eve Lucas Cranach the Elder 16th century 5048 Eve
A maidservant with a basket of fruit and two lovers Jacob Jordaens 17th century 5049
The Conversion of Saint Paul No/unknown value 1616 5050 conversion of Paul the Apostle
Paul the Apostle
Holy Spirit
city gate
Bird's Paradise Roelant Savery 1616 5051
The Holy Family Jan Matsys 1563 5052 Mary
Christ Child
Landscape Jan van Goyen 1644 5053 town
Stillife with bust of a woman violin and a scull Jan Denens 17th century 5054
Madonna Jan Gossaert 16th century 5055 Mary
Christ Child
The Beach at Scheveningen Cornelis Beelt 17th century 5056
judgement of Paris Joachim Wtewael 1614 5057 Frans Heulens
St Dorothea of Caesarea in a Flower Garland Philips de Marlier 1640 5058 flower
Dorothea of Caesarea
winter landscape with skating Adam van Breen 1636 5059 Pieter Smidt van Gelder
Card Game Jan Josef Horemans the Younger 18th century 5060
Tea-Time Jan Josef Horemans the Younger 18th century 5061
Singing Man Adriaen van Ostade 17th century 5062 man
sheet music
Triumphal Arch in Venice Francesco Guardi 19th century
The Curious Cow Johannes Siberechts 1665 5064 horse
The Life of Saint Margaret of Antioch No/unknown value 1544 5065
The Story of Saint Margaret No/unknown value 1544 5065-5069
The Life of Saint Genevieve No/unknown value 1544 5066
The Last Supper No/unknown value 1544 5067
The Life of Saint Apollonia No/unknown value 1544 5068
Christ at the Garden of Gethsemane at the Mount of Olives No/unknown value 1544 5069
Man of Sorrows with Madonna and Saint Catherine of Alexandria Master of Saint Veronica 1500 5070 Emile Renders
The Annunciation No/unknown value 1500 5071 Emile Renders
Christ Driving the Money-changers from the Temple Quinten Metsys 1520s 5072 Jesus
Family of Ruffo de Bonneval
Crucifixion Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen 16th century 5073 Jesus
Olivier Nieulant Pieter Pourbus 1573 5074
Holy Family in a Flower Garland Jacob Denys
Daniel Seghers
1650 5075 relief sculpture
Georges Petit
Judith Jan Matsys 16th century 5076 Judith
beheaded head
Edouard Otlet
Vera Icon No/unknown value 1592 5077
Landscape with the Temptation of Saint Anthony the Great Kerstiaen de Keuninck 17th century
16th century
Street theatre on the Werf in Antwerp Balthasar van den Bossche 2nd millennium 5079
Mary Salome and her Family No/unknown value 1520s 5081
Still Life Frans Snyders 5082 fruit
Vanitas Jacques de Claeuw 17th century 5083
Still Life. Abraham van Beijeren 17th century 5084
The Bath of Diana and Callisto Peter van Halen 17th century 5086
Saint Jerome No/unknown value 1622 5087
The Garden of Eden Roelant Savery 17th century 5088 tree
Abduction of Ganymedes Paul Bril 17th century 5089 tree
Crucifixion Master of 1518 1507 5090 Jesus
Triptych of Antonius Tsgrooten Goswin van der Weyden 1507 5091 Antonius Tsgrooten
Anthony the Great
Christian cross
God the Father
Christ with the Instruments of Passion Goswin van der Weyden 1507 5091a
God the Father Goswin van der Weyden 1507 5091b
Maria Mediatrix and Antonius Tsgrooten Goswin van der Weyden 1507 5091c
Mitre and Motto of Tongerlo Abbey Goswin van der Weyden 1507 5091d
Blazon of Antonius Tsgrooten Goswin van der Weyden 1507 5091e
Cornelius Nutius, Parish Priest in Minderhout No/unknown value 17th century 5092
Christ on the Cross with Saint Mary Magdalene No/unknown value 17th century 5093
The Ascension No/unknown value 16th century 5094/2
Descent to Hell No/unknown value 16th century 5094/3
The Miracle of Pentecost No/unknown value 16th century 5094/4
Noli me tangere No/unknown value 16th century 5094/5
Shrove Tuesday Jan Baptist Monteyne 18th century 5095
The Painter and his Wife Master of Frankfurt 1496 5096 Master of Frankfurt
Hercules and Minerva expelling Mars Peter Paul Rubens 1630s 5097 Minerva
Flower Piece Jan Baptist Bosschaert 18th century 5099 flower
Visit to the Peasants Pieter Brueghel the Younger 1616 5100
Adoration of the Shepherds Jacob Jordaens 1616 5101 Christ Child
Vanitas Franciscus Gijsbrechts 17th century 5102
Aquarius (The Month of January) Pieter Snyers 1727 5103
Twaalf maanden Pieter Snyers 1727 5103-5104
Leo (The Month of July) Pieter Snyers 1727 5104
The Collector Gerard Thomas 5107
The Journey to Emmaus Lucas Gassel 1560 5108
The Creation of the World and the Garden of Eden No/unknown value 16th century 5109
The Antwerp Waterfront No/unknown value 17th century 5110
Proverbs Pieter Brueghel the Younger 1607 5111
Fishmarket Lucas van Valckenborch 5112
The Last Supper Willem Key 5121
Jupiter and Juno Cornelis de Vos 1635 5122 Jupiter
King David in a Landscape Michiel Gast 16th century 5123
Bacchus Jacob Jordaens 17th century 5127 Bacchus
The Flight into Egypt Lucas Gassel 1540s 5128 mountain
Sodoma and Gomora on fire Joachim Patinir 2nd millennium 5129
Madonna No/unknown value 15th century 5130 Mary
Christ Child
The City of Antwerp pay tribute to the Austrian dynasty Jacques Ignatius de Roore 1716 5131
View of a Eastern Harbour Jan Josef Horemans the Younger 1772 5132 boat
Snowy Landscape with Gypsies Gijsbrecht Leytens 17th century 5133 tree
Jester No/unknown value 17th century 5134
Madonna Petrus Christus 1449 5135 Mary
Christ Child
Landscape with Procne and Philomela No/unknown value 16th century 5136
Adam and Eve and their Children Frans Floris I 5137
Adam and Eve grieve over the Dead Body of Abel Frans Floris I 1550 5138 Eve
Monkey Trick David Teniers the Younger 17th century 5140 bird
Four Evangelists No/unknown value 14th century 5141
Merry Company Pieter Quast 5142
Augustus and the Tiburtine Sibyl No/unknown value 14th century 5143
Horseman's Scene Pieter van Bloemen 1713 5144
Kitchen Maid, Butcher and Boy around a Table Peter Paul Rubens 5146
The Sculptor Willem Kerricx and his Son Willem Ignatius Jacob Denys 1690s 5147 Willem Kerricx
Willem Ignatius Kerricx
Portrait of a Young Man Michaelina Wautier 1655 5149 man
Adoration of the shepherds Lucas Franchoys the Younger 1640s 5150 Christ Child
Sibyl Abraham Janssens I 17th century 5151 sibyl
Portrait of the painter Hippolyte Van Soom Eugène Siberdt 1883 5153 Hippolyte van Soom
The Painter and Madame Hippolyte Van Soom Eugène Siberdt 1883 5153-5154
Portrait of Mrs Van Soom Eugène Siberdt 1884 5154 woman
Portrait of a Man Charles Felu 1884 5155
De heer en mevrouw Meyer, ouders van mevrouw Van Soom Charles Felu 1884 5155-5156
Portrait of a Woman Charles Felu 1884 5156
Apollo and Diana Kill Niobe's Children Jan Boeckhorst 1630 5157 Apollo
Man with a Beard Frans Floris I 16th century 5158
A Roman Emperor Frans Floris I 16th century 5159
Antwerp crowns its artists: painters and master builders Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8001
The Fame of the Antwerp School Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8001-8039
Painters and Sculptors Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8002
Painters and Etchers Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8003
The Painters Jan van Eyck and Rogier van der Weyden Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8004
The Painters Raphael and Bernard van Orley Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8005
Cornelis Floris II Shows the Plan of the Town Hall Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8006
Albrecht Dürer Visiting Quinten Massijs Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8007
Foundation of the Antwerp Academy by David Teniers II Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8008
Peter Paul Rubens in his Studio Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8009
The Painter Bartholomeus Spranger in Vienna Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8010
The Painter Anthony van Dyck in London Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8011
The Engraver Gerard Edelinck in Paris Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8012 Gérard Edelinck
The Sculptor Artus Quellinus I in Amsterdam Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8013
The Painter Denys Calvaert in Bologna Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8014
The Painters Matthijs and Paul Bril in Rome Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8015
Heilige Lucas Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8016
Het huiselijk leven Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8017
De poëzie Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8018
De Bijbel Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8019
De geschiedenis Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8020
De wijsbegeerte Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8021
Het landschap Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8022
Het vaderland Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8023
Weldoeners Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8024
Gemeenten Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8025
Beschermers Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8026
Beschermers Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8027
Gilden Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8028
Schenkers Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8029
De invloed van de kunst op de beschaving en de zeden Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8030
1683 Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8031
1663 Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8032
1693 Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8033
1713 Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8034
Het kunstonderwijs Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8035
1741 Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8036
1750 Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8037
1805 Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8038
1817 Nicaise de Keyser 19th century 8039
Christ with Singing Angels Hans Memling 1400s 778 Jesus
Salvator Mundi
Music-making Angels Hans Memling 1480s
779 angel
Tromba marina
Music-making Angels Hans Memling 1480s
780 cloud
portative organ
Incredulity of Saint Thomas Maerten de Vos 1574 77
Descent from the Cross No/unknown value 17th century 315 Jesus
Winter Pleasures on the Ice Jan Griffier I 1710s 867 boat
Self-portrait Thérèse Schwartze 1910 1692 Thérèse Schwartze
Madonna Accompanied by Saints Adolphe Léonard De Mol 1859 1822/36
The Sixteenth of September René Magritte 1956 2843
Interior of an inn with an old man asleep and an amorous couple Adriaen Brouwer 17th century IB08.004
BKT 008
The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Peter Paul Rubens 1628 IB1958.001 Madonna and Child
mystic marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Vanitas Portrait of the Painter Antonie van Steenwinckel 16th century 5025 Antonie van Steenwinckel
Virgin and Child Surrounded by Angels Jean Fouquet 1450s 132 Christ Child
Bezoek aan het graf van Rubens in de Antwerpse Sint-Jacobskerk Philippe-Jacques van Bree 1786 KBS 0182 Heritage Fund
King Baudouin Foundation
Fonds Léon Courtin-Marcelle Bouché
Summer Emile Claus 1893 1836
Aartsengel Michaël, omgeven door engelenkoren Lluc Borrassà IB33
De kathedraal van Antwerpen Henri de Braekeleer IB001
De verminkte Victorie Robert Geenens 1942 IB004
Zijn Raoul Hynckes 1934 IB005
Schorseneren Raoul Hynckes 1962 IB006
Diptych of Philippe de Croy Rogier van der Weyden 1460 254-254bis
Martyrdom of St. Apollonia Jacob Jordaens 1628 IB1958.002
Naakt Paul Joostens 1917 3773
Twee schetsen van een interieur No/unknown value P039
Caroussel Maria Segers 1961 3665
Twee mannen op straat Maria Segers 1955 3666
Mending of the Edegem Flag Georges Nauwelaerts 1902 3674
Voorstudie Georges Nauwelaerts 3675
Voorstudie Georges Nauwelaerts 3676
Interior with a Lady Georges Nauwelaerts 1918 3677
Three Bigots Georges Nauwelaerts 1918 3678
Sciences Emile Vloors 3794
Arts Emile Vloors 3795
The Ideal Emile Vloors 3796
The Artist Emile Vloors 3797
Art and Beauty Emile Vloors 3798
Literature Emile Vloors 3799
Het intellectuele leven Emile Vloors 3794-3799
Jan Verhaert, the Artist's Father Piet Verhaert 1879 3839
n/a 5004V
n/a 5004bisV
Portret van een man Jan de Smedt 1930s 3581a man
The Virgin and Child in a Glory of Angels Lucas Franchoys the Younger 134-932
Census at Bethlehem Pieter Brueghel the Younger 17th century 776
St Augustine in Ecstasy Anthony van Dyck 1628 IB003 man
Augustine of Hippo
Legende van het leven van de H. Dymphna: de H. Dymphna en haar gevolg schepen zich in Goswin van der Weyden 1500s
Legende van het leven van de H. Dymphna: het vinden van de lichamen van H. Dymphna en Gerebernus Goswin van der Weyden 1500s
Legende van het leven van de H. Dymphna: de HH. Dymphna en Lucia (op de binnenzijde: de koning verneemt dat zijn dochter Dymphna is gevonden) Goswin van der Weyden 1500s
De aanbidding van de Wijzen No/unknown value 16th century Christ Child
biblical Magi
Licht verdringt duisternis 4085
Architecturaal 4086
Calvary Nicaise de Keyser 1832 4084 Jesus
Landscape Ramah 3985
Development of a Theme in Red: Carnival Jules Schmalzigaug 1914 4081
2 Conflict Paintings + Color Method in 7 Layers 2022 4146
De discipelen bij Emmaüs 4108
Interieur van de San Marco 1905 4145
Wigwam 2019 4161
Verre landen 2006 4162
Tribolo 1994 4163
Het beest en de schone 1938 4164
Cleopatra 1978 4165
Zelfportret met draak 1985 4166
Fred in Zijn Eeuwige Storm 1979 4168
Saint Theresa and the Education of Mary Peter Paul Rubens 299-306
Allegorical Scene Emile Vloors 20th century 4010
Back of a Chair James Ensor 1880 3978 chair
Machinezang 1940s 3988
Three Figures Constant Permeke 3992
Monique Segers-Brasseur 1963 3776
Study Head Anthony van Dyck 17th century 5168
Agnes Pieter Rottie 1941 3855
Self Portrait Pieter Rottie 1941 3856
Self Portrait Pieter Rottie 3857
Nuit agitée 1964 3859
Torso van een vrouw 1975 3879
Nachtelijke figuren 1927 3889
Landschap 3896
Forest Vladimir Baranov-Rossiné 20th century 3915
Portret van een vrouw No/unknown value 3918
Portrait of a Woman No/unknown value 3919
Portret van een vrouw 3920
Portait of a Man No/unknown value 3921
In de schouwburg 3937
De vrouw van de kunstenaar 1947 3939
Miner Constantin Meunier 3949
Eliane Jules Pascin 3971
Icon No/unknown value 5170
Daniëlle 3865
The Temptation of Saint Anthony the Great James Ensor 1927 4003
The Homeric Laughter Lovis Corinth 1919-04 4006
Winter in de Braamstraat 1962 4076
Mijn atelier 1965 4077
Portrait of a Family Philip Fruytiers 1642 824
A levade executed under the watchful eye of Mercury, Venus and a riding master Jacob Jordaens 1645 5120
Retabel van de Heilige Michaël 2nd millennium 923
De Emmaüsgangers 5018
De twee Muzen 1985
Het ravijn B 1913
Stadsgezicht van Antwerpen: Sint-Walburgakerk 639
Aanbidding van de herders 16th century
De Zeven Vrije Kunsten 50
Portret van een man No/unknown value 2nd millennium 575?
dubbelluik: Kroning van Maria en Annunciatie No/unknown value 14th century 516
Puinen van een Egyptische tempel No/unknown value 17th century
H. Martinus van Tours 1636
Het laatste avondmaal 17th century 238
H. Familie 17th century Mary
Christ Child
Landschap met vee
Landschap met vee
Stilleven met levende haan
Zeestuk 1870
Een steeg
Christus toont zijn wonden 1921 2013
Vriendschap 1920 3262.3
Portret van de zuster van de schilder 1891 2616
Balat object: 126962
Balat object: 126964
De werkstaking : de volksvergadering (midden) 1891 1740-a
De werkstaking : Armoe (links) 1891 1740-c
Portret van Luitenant-Generaal Baron Chassé, Commandant van de Citadel van Antwerpen 1823bis-49
Portret van een dame 1823bis-52
Compositie 1922
Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren van Antwerpen 2608
Musicerend gezelschap
Gezicht op Antwerpen 1893
Poseren 1918
Balat object: 130566
Dijk 1948
Saint Cloud 1947
Een edelman
De werkstaking : het grauwvuur (rechts) 1891 1740-b
Adoration of the Magi No/unknown value 1520 208-210
Kitchen interior Henri de Braekeleer 19th century 1775
Interior of a mill Charles Mertens 2nd millennium 2057
Baldwin II of Flanders Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1479
Dean of the Armed Guild of Saint George Albrecht De Vriendt 1889 1488
Lente Jean Brusselmans 1935 2967
Stilleven Jean Brusselmans 1936 3198
Rozen Jean Brusselmans 1933 2899
Noordzee Jean Brusselmans 1939 2966
Portrait of a Family Cornelis van der Voort 1620


image Article creator inception inventory number depicts owned by
Diptych of Philip de Croÿ with The Virgin and Child Rogier van der Weyden 1460
La vengeance René Magritte 1930s 2569
Saint Ignatius Surrounded by a Garland of Flowers Jan van Balen
Daniel Seghers
Cornelis Schut
1643 329 Ignatius of Loyola
De besnijdenis; De geboorte No/unknown value 1510s

∑ 2937 items.

End of auto-generated list.