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User:Jane023/paintings by Maarten van Heemskerck

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image Article RKDimages ID inception collection inventory number depicts owned by catalog code genre made from material P727
De Besnijdenis Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen N 130 (PK)
De geschiedenis van Achab en Elia: het offer van de priesters van Baäl Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen Heemskerck 1 (PK)
Die Geschichte von Achab und Elias: Das Opfer von Elias Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen Heemskerck 2 (PK)
De onthoofding van Jacobus de Meerdere Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen Heemskerck 3 (PK)
De triomf van de Heilige Stefanus Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen N 179 (PK)
De triomf van Isaäk Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen N 180 (PK)
De triomf van Jozef Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen N 178 (PK)
Job hoort het slechte nieuws van de boodschappers Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen MB 1959/T 21 (PK)
Job ontvangt geschenken Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen MB 1959/T 23 (PK)
Job op de mestvaalt Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen MB 1959/T 22 (PK)
Petrus door een engel uit de gevangenis bevrijd Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen Heemskerck 4 (PK)
Simeon the Patriarch 1549 National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1971.20.1 pen
brown ink
The Triumph of Job 1559 National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1990.47.3 pen
brown ink
Satan Challenges God to Remove his Protection from Job 1562 National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
2010.93.23 pen
brown ink
Judith 1560 Getty Center 91.GG.17
The Parable of the King Who Prepared a Wedding 1555 Getty Center 2003.18 ink
View of the Belvedere Sculpture Court 1530s British Museum 1923,0113.14 recto ink
Study of a male nude standing to front 1530s British Museum 1923,0113.14 verso ink
A battle with soldiers plundering a temple 1570s British Museum SL,5236.161 ink
Jael 1560 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1975.1.780 ink
Two Muses from Villa Madama (Roman Sketchbook) 1530s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin ink
Torso of Belvedere and fragment of an obelisk (Roman Sketchbook) 1530s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin ink
Head of the Laocoon (Roman Sketchbook) 1530s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin ink
Two Studies of the Head of the Apollo Belvedere (Roman Sketchbook) 1530s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin ink
Boot of the Genius Farnese (Roman Sketchbook) 1530s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin chalk stick
Belvedere Torso (Roman Sketchbook) 1530s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin ink
Three Views of a Crouching Venus (Roman Sketchbook) 1530s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin ink
Head of the river god Arno (Roman Sketchbook) 1530s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin ink
Horse legs from the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius (Roman Sketchbook) 1530s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin ink
Three views of a Venus statuette (Roman Sketchbook) 1530s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin ink
Elephant fountain in Villa Madama, figure from the ceiling of the Sistina (Roman Sketchbook) 1530s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin chalk stick
Crossing pillar of St. Peter's Basilica and northern transept of the old basilica (Roman Sketchbook) 1530s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin ink
Vatican obelisk in front of Santa Maria della Febbre (Roman Sketchbook) 1530s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin ink
Susanna and her relatives praising the Lord 1562 ink
View from Domus Severiana to the Colosseum 1630s Kupferstichkabinett Berlin iron gall ink


image Article RKDimages ID inception collection inventory number depicts owned by catalog code genre made from material P727
Self-portrait with the Colosseum 128765 1553 Fitzwilliam Museum 103 Maarten van Heemskerck
oil paint
Man of Sorrows 219759 1532 Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK) S-53 Jesus
Man of Sorrows
Crown of thorns
religious art oil paint
St. Luke painting the Virgin 5328
1532 Frans Hals Museum os I-134 Luke the Evangelist
150 religious art oil paint
Christ as the Man of Sorrows 5545 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-1306 Man of Sorrows
Dirk Margarethus Alewijn 1129 religious art
oil paint
Left wing of a triptych with the Erythraean Sibyl (outer wing) 5341 1564 Rijksmuseum SK-A-1910
Erythraean Sibyl man
Jan Pieter Six VI
Jan Six VII
1127 left
portrait oil paint
Samson destroying the Temple 220134 16th century Rijksmuseum
Frans Hals Museum
os 2005-6
Samson 1128A3 religious art oil paint
Samson rending the lion 220135 16th century Rijksmuseum
Frans Hals Museum
os 2005-7
Samson 1128A4 religious art oil paint
Hercules destroying the centaur Nessus 220137 16th century Rijksmuseum
Frans Hals Museum
os 2005-8
1128A5 mythological painting oil paint
Neptune with a seahorse 220136 16th century Rijksmuseum
Frans Hals Museum
os 2005-9
1128A6 oil paint
Portrait of (possibly) Pieter Gerritsz Bicker, pendant of (possibly) his wife Anna Codde 5382 1529 Rijksmuseum
Centraal Museum
Jacques Goudstikker collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Pieter Gerritsz. Bicker
Alida van Ruytenburgh, Vrouwe van Vlaardingen
Sophia Dina, Rijksgravin van Leyden
Adriana Sophia van Rhemen
Willem Anne Assueer Jacob Schimmelpenninck van der Oye
Jacoba Christina Baroness Schimmelpenninck van der Oye-van Pallandt
Jonkheer Rudolph Everard Willem van Weede
portrait oil paint
Portrait of (possibly) Anna Codde, wife of Pieter Gerritsz Bicker 5381 1529 Rijksmuseum
Jacques Goudstikker collection
Munich Central Collecting Point
Centraal Museum
BRL 2004 SK-A-3519 (OK)
woman Alida van Ruytenburgh, Vrouwe van Vlaardingen
Sophia Dina, Rijksgravin van Leyden
Adriana Sophia van Rhemen
Willem Anne Assueer Jacob Schimmelpenninck van der Oye
Jacoba Christina Baroness Schimmelpenninck van der Oye-van Pallandt
Jonkheer Rudolph Everard Willem van Weede
Jacques Goudstikker
David Katz
portrait oil paint
The Baptism of Christ 8341 1560s Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
SK-A-4284 Baptism of Jesus
John the Baptist
2197 religious art oil paint
Portrait of Johannes Colmannus (1471-1538) 5365 16th century Rijksmuseum
Royal Dutch Antiquarian Society
SK-C-507 man Jan Pieter Six VI 1128 portrait oil paint
The Holy Trinity 249082 16th century Rijksmuseum
Royal Dutch Antiquarian Society
SK-C-1563 religious art verre églomisé
Portrait of a woman 5547
1530 Frans Hals Museum os I-553 woman
portrait oil paint
Adoration of the shepherds with Salome 5285 1546 Frans Hals Museum os I-135 Christ Child religious art oil paint
Drapers' altarpiece: outside doors with the Annunciation 1546 Frans Hals Museum os I-136e religious art oil paint
Triptych with Ecce Homo 5300
1559 Frans Hals Museum os I-140d 155 religious art oil paint
Landscape with the Good Samaritan 5283 1550 Frans Hals Museum os I-142 landscape painting oil paint
Christ crowned with thorns 5290 1540s Frans Hals Museum os I-138 Crown of thorns
Man of Sorrows
Crowning with Thorns
religious art oil paint
Setting up the Copper Snake 5251 1551 Frans Hals Museum os I-139 religious art oil paint
Draper's altar 1540s Frans Hals Museum os I-136f religious art oil paint
De profeet Jesaja voorspelt de terugkeer van de Joden uit de ballingschap Frans Hals Museum os I-173 religious art
Panorama with the Abduction of Helen Amidst the Wonders of the Ancient World 294339 1535 Walters Art Museum 37.656 Helen of Troy mythological painting oil paint
Jacob Willemsz. van Veen (1456–1535), the Artist's Father 261826 1532 Metropolitan Museum of Art 71.36 man
William T. Blodgett 119 portrait oil paint
Portrait of a Young Scholar 5386 1531 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen 1797 (OK) schoolchild
4 portrait oil paint
Portrait of Gemma Frisius 5385 1540s Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen 1347 (OK) Gemma Frisius portrait oil paint
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt 30553 1530 National Gallery of Art
Samuel H. Kress Collection of the National Gallery of Art
Samuel H. Kress Collection
Heinrich Wilhelm Campe
Heinrich Vieweg
Rudolph Lepke’s Kunst-Auctions-Haus
No/unknown value
Frederick Mont
Samuel H. Kress Foundation
religious art oil paint
Christ victoring over Sin and Death 296858 16th century Statens Museum for Kunst KMSsp338 religious art oil paint
Portrait of a Nineteen-Year-Old Woman 1548 Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 416 John G. Johnson 416 portrait
Portrait of Sophia van Amerongen 39614 1540 Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 417 John G. Johnson 417 portrait oil paint
Momos Reproaches the Works of the Gods 1561 Gemäldegalerie 655 Momus
history painting oakwood
Portrait of a Man 16th century Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie
564 man portrait oil paint
Calvary 1543 Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK) S-52 Jesus
Mary Magdalene
religious art oil paint
Portrait of a Lady spinning 64265 1531 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 183 (1969.14) portrait oil paint
Calvary (Triptych) 16th century Hermitage Museum ГЭ-415 Jesus 490
religious art oil paint
The Baptism of Christ 1530s National Museum in Warsaw 233314
233314 MNW
M.Ob.594 MNW
John the Baptist
religious art oil paint
oak panel
St. John the Evangelist and St. Margaret of Antioch 1544 National Museum in Warsaw M.Ob.595
M.Ob.595 MNW
John the Evangelist
Margaret the Virgin
religious art oil paint
St Luke Painting the Virgin 72378 1545 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes DT.801.1.6 woman
Luke the Evangelist
religious art panel
oil paint
The Triumphal Procession of Bacchus 1530s Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_990 Bacchus Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria mythological painting oakwood
The Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist 48420 1540 National Gallery NG6508.1 John the Baptist
religious art oil paint
The Donor and Saint Mary Magdalene 48420 1540 National Gallery NG6508.2 religious art oil paint
Portrait of a lady 1549 Fries Museum S1964-170 woman portrait oil paint
Portrait of a man 1554 Fries Museum S1964-169 man portrait oil paint
Crucifixion 239114 1543 Linköping Cathedral man
Ecce Homo
Resurrection of Jesus
Crucifixion of Jesus
Crown of thorns
Grote or Sint-Laurenskerk religious art oil paint
Lamentation of Christ 118433 1540 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 4936 Jesus 50 religious art oil paint
Vulcan showing the captured Mars and Venus to the gods 1540 Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_6395 mythological painting oakwood
Thetis empfängt von Vulkan den Schild für Achill 1540 Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_6785 mythological painting
Caritas 1545 Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_2683 religious art
The Four Last Things 272336 1565 Royal Collection RCIN 405786 Charles II of England
William Frizell
oil paint
Jonah Under His Gourd 1561 Royal Collection RCIN 405465 Charles II of England
William Frizell
Portrait of a Man 5539 1540 Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
Instituut Collectie Nederland
Jacques Goudstikker collection
Collection Goudstikker heirs
Hermann Göring Collection
Kunsthandel P. de Boer
man Jacques Goudstikker 88 portrait oil paint
Adoration of the Shepherds 5345 1540s Frans Hals Museum
Het Loo Palace
National Art Gallery of the Netherlands
os I-136a Christ Child Mauritshuis religious art oil paint
Adoration of the Kings 5347 1540s Frans Hals Museum
Het Loo Palace
National Art Gallery of the Netherlands
os I-136b
Christ Child religious art oil paint
Virgin Annunciate 5343 1540s Frans Hals Museum
Het Loo Palace
National Art Gallery of the Netherlands
os I-136c religious art oil paint
Annunciate Angel 5344 1540s Frans Hals Museum
National Art Gallery of the Netherlands
Het Loo Palace
os I-136d religious art oil paint
Ecce Homo 5305 1559 Frans Hals Museum os I-140a Jesus religious art oil paint
Triumphal Procession of Bacchus Frans Hals Museum os 2013-27 mythological painting
The Adoration of the Shepherds 5345
1546 Mauritshuis
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Het Loo Palace
National Art Gallery of the Netherlands
Frans Hals Museum
51 Christ Child religious art oil paint
The Adoration of the Magi 5344
1546 Mauritshuis
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Het Loo Palace
National Art Gallery of the Netherlands
Frans Hals Museum
52 Christ Child religious art oil paint
Mythological plot 16th century National Gallery of Armenia 15134 National Gallery of Armenia paper
India ink
watercolor paint
The Gods of Olympus 1556 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen 2964 (OK) Twelve Olympians oil paint
Visitation, Virgin and Elisabeth 5548 1550 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen VdV 36-37 religious art oil paint
oak panel
The Entombment of Christ 5323 1540s Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen 1291 (OK) Jesus religious art oil paint
Adam and Eve 1550 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg MBA 1747 (a) Adam
12 religious art
oil paint
Gideon and the Fleece 1550 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg MBA 1747 (b) Gideon
Golden Fleece
11 religious art oil paint
Portrait of Sophia van Amerongen (?-?) 5360 16th century Rijksmuseum Twenthe 0120 portrait paint
oak panel
Saturn Devouring a Child 237581 1550s Yale University Art Gallery 1960.50a Saturn mythological painting
Hercules Slaying the Hydra 237579 1550s Yale University Art Gallery 1960.50b mythological painting
Hercules Lifting Antaeus 237578 1550s Yale University Art Gallery 1960.50c mythological painting
Hercules Erecting the Columns of Calpe and Abyla 237580 1550s Yale University Art Gallery 1960.50d mythological painting
Saint Elisabeth 5551 1550 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen VdV 37 Elizabeth religious art oil paint
Virgin 5550 1550 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen VdV 36 religious art oil paint
Self-portrait 16th century Juan B. Castagnino Fine Arts Museum Maarten van Heemskerck self-portrait oil paint
Family Portrait 28438 1530 Hessen Kassel Heritage
Schloss Wilhelmshöhe
GK 33 woman
fig. 32 portrait oil paint
oak panel
Portrait of Machtelt Suijs 139612 1540s Cleveland Museum of Art 1987.136 Bruno Meissner portrait oil paint
Bullfighting in the Colosseum ruins 237921 1552 Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille P 819 donkey
military colours
musical instrument
Antoine Brasseur 385 genre art oil paint
Portrait of Emme 't Hoen van Souburgh (..-1563) 5378 16th century Museum Catharijneconvent
Bisschoppelijk Museum Haarlem
Aartsbisschoppelijk Museum
BMH s1541b portrait oil paint
Portrait of Jan Claesz. Diert (1497-1573) 5376 16th century Museum Catharijneconvent
Bisschoppelijk Museum Haarlem
Aartsbisschoppelijk Museum
BMH s1541a portrait oil paint
Jupiter 237576 1535 Allen Memorial Art Museum 1949.82 Jupiter mythological painting
Samson Slaying the Philistines 237577 1535 Allen Memorial Art Museum 1949.81 Samson religious art
Pluto and Cerberus 5356 1555 Rijksmuseum SK-A-5059 Pluto mythological painting oil paint
Samson Grasping the Gates of Gaza 5354 1550s
Rijksmuseum SK-A-5060 Samson religious art oil paint
The Crucifixion 28298 1530 Detroit Institute of Arts 34.15 Jesus religious art oil paint
Left wing of a triptych with the donor Matelief Dammasz and St Paul (inner wing) 5342 1564 Rijksmuseum SK-A-1910
Paul the Apostle
Jan Pieter Six VI
Jan Six VII
1127 right
portrait oil paint
Adam and Eve/Gideon and the Fleece 1550 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg MBA 1747 (b)
MBA 1747 (a)
religious art
oil paint
Portrait of a Donor and his Sons 27322
1560 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 467a man
9 portrait oil paint
Portrait of a Donor and her Daughter 27323
1560 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg MBA 467 (b) woman
Ville de Strasbourg 10 portrait oil paint
The Brazen Serpent 1549 Princeton University Art Museum y1990-44 religious art
Die Taufe Christi Gemäldegalerie 1698 religious art paint
Apollo and the Muses New Orleans Museum of Art 82.163 oil paint
Venus and Cupid 27228 1545 Wallraf–Richartz Museum WRM 0875 mythological painting oil paint
Concert of Apollo and the Muses on Mount Helicon 1565 Chrysler Museum of Art 71.479 oil paint
Der Sündenfall 1530 Adam
apple tree
religious art
Venus and Cupid in Vulcan´s Forge 27231 1536 National Gallery Prague DO 4290 mythological painting oil paint
Portrait of a man, possibly from the Delft family Meerman 5368 1550 Kunsthandel P. de Boer
portrait oil paint
Portrait of a woman 198902 1540 Johnny Van Haeften Gallery woman portrait paint
oak panel
Virgin with Child 296716 1530 Kunstmuseum Basel G 2015.7 Mary
Christ Child
religious art oil paint
The Lamentation 5292 1566 Prinsenhof Jesus religious art oil paint
De kruisiging 5287 1550 Sypesteyn Jesus religious art oil paint
Portrait of Andries Willemsz. van Sonnevelt, named Van Oudshoorn 5384 1540 Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar 021074 portrait oil paint
Portrait of Wilhelmina Paling, wife of Andries Willemsz. van Sonnevelt, named van Oudshoorn 5374 1540 Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar 021075 portrait oil paint
The adoration of the Magi 219390 1540s Wallraf–Richartz Museum WRM 484 Christ Child
biblical Magi
religious art oil paint
oak panel
The lamentation 28301 16th century Wallraf–Richartz Museum WRM 586 Jesus religious art oil paint
oak panel
Juda and Thamar 27194 1532 Sanssouci Picture Gallery religious art oil paint
Portrait of a Woman 1540 National Museum Cardiff NMW A 235 woman portrait oil paint
oak panel
Portrait of a Man 1540 National Museum Cardiff NMW A 234 man portrait oil paint
oak panel
Margaretha Banken 1540s Manchester Art Gallery 1958.55 oil paint
Catherine von Lowe The Box PLYMG.1926.12.8 oil paint
Jezebel (Allegory of Elizabeth I) 16th century allegory oil paint
Christ Appearing to St Peter on the Sea of Tiberias 1567 Bowes Museum B.M.952 Jesus
Saint Peter
religious art oil paint
The Quails Ludlow Library SHYMS: FA/1991/077 oil paint
An Allegory of Innocence and Guile Bowes Museum B.M.624 allegory oil paint
Anyone who is bitten by a snake is cured by looking at the brazen serpent raised by Moses (Numbers 21:6-9) 27165 1549 religious art
De terugkeer van de Verloren Zoon 27191 1559 religious art oil paint
Christus in het huis van Simon de Farizeeër 27199 1561 religious art oil paint
The Lamentation 27206 16th century Jesus religious art oil paint
Christ's entombment 27213 1540s Jesus religious art oil paint
Portrait of a family 27215 16th century Kunsthistorisches Museum portrait oil paint
Maria met kind 27221 1530 Mary
Christ Child
religious art oil paint
Christus als Man van Smarten en twee stichtsters 27227 16th century religious art oil paint
The Judgement of Paris 27230 1550s mythological painting oil paint
Landscape with a view on Rome 27320 1550 landscape painting
Portrait of Aert van der Goes 27324 1541 portrait oil paint
Portrait of Margaretha van Binchem, second wife of Aert van der Goes 27325 1541 portrait oil paint
Portrait of a man 27326 1540 portrait oil paint
Portrait of a woman 27327 1540 portrait oil paint
Portrait of a man 27358 16th century portrait oil paint
Portrait of a 59-year-old man 27361 16th century portrait oil paint
Portrait of a man 27362 16th century portrait oil paint
Portrait of a man 27365 1530 portrait oil paint
Portrait of a woman 27369 1540 portrait oil paint
Portrait of a man 33274 1530 portrait oil paint
Two holy bishops 48421 1540 National Gallery
Christ's entombment 237791 1545 Jesus religious art oil paint
The mocking of Christ 286481 1545 Jesus religious art oil paint
oak panel
Portrait of an unknown man 125428 1561 portrait oil paint
Portrait of an unknown woman 138199 16th century Kunsthistorisches Museum portrait oil paint
Portrait of an unknown man 138200 16th century Kunsthistorisches Museum portrait oil paint
Portrait of Adriaan van der Goes (1505-1560), Grand Pensionary of Holland 139322 1543 portrait
Portrait of Aert van der Goes (1475-1545) 165241 1541 portrait oil paint
Portrait of Margaretha van Banchem (1476-1545) 165245 1541 portrait oil paint
Portrait of Cornelis Musius (1500-1572) 172708 1570 portrait oil paint
Wings with he Haarlem families of Uitenhage and Akersloot assembled in front of praying desks with the coats of arms of the two families 192129 16th century portrait oil paint
Concert of Apollo and the Muses on Mount Helicon 218793 1565 oil paint
De bewening 219546 1545 Jesus religious art oil paint
Christ as the man of sorrows 287155 16th century religious art
Venus, Mars and Amor in the forge of Vulcan 294340 1536 oil paint
The fall of man: the snake offers the apple to Eve, Eve offers the fruit to Adam (Genesis 3:6) 296247 1530 religious art
Prophet Jesaiah predicting the return of the Jews 296814 1560 Frans Hals Museum religious art oil paint
oak panel
Portrait of a man (August van Teijlingen?) 296828 1520s portrait oil paint
Portrait of a woman (Joost Jansdr. van Egmond van de Nijenburg?) 296829 1520s portrait oil paint
Daughter taking leave of her mother 296839 1520s oil paint
The virgin with child and grapes 299017 16th century religious art oil paint
oak panel
Triptych of the Entombment 16th century Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium 2752 Joseph Pierre Geelhand oil paint
oak panel
Lamentazione su Cristo morto (Maerten van Heemskerck) 1520

painting series

image Article RKDimages ID inception collection inventory number depicts owned by catalog code genre made from material P727
Saturn Devouring a Child; Hercules Slaying the Hydra; Hercules Lifting Antaeus; Hercules Erecting the Columns of Calpe and Abyla 1550 Yale University Art Gallery 1960.50a-d
The Twelve Strong Men 237583 1550s No/unknown value mythological painting


image Article RKDimages ID inception collection inventory number depicts owned by catalog code genre made from material P727
Dienaars van Abigail bepakken de ezels met voedsel voor David 1575 Groeningemuseum 0000.GRO4074.III
Nabal weigert voedsel te sturen naar David 1575 Groeningemuseum 0000.GRO4075.III
David bewapent zijn manschappen 1575 Groeningemuseum 0000.GRO4076.III
David stuurt zijn boodschappers naar Nabal 1575 Groeningemuseum 0000.GRO4077.III
Abigail kalmeert David 1575 Groeningemuseum 0000.GRO4078.III
Nabals feest 1575 Groeningemuseum 0000.GRO4079.III
David onthoofdt Goliath Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen L 2014/1 a 30 (PK)
David onthoofdt Goliath Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen L 2015/315 28 (PK)
Ester en Ahasverus Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen L 2015/315 39 (PK)
The Doctor's Visit No/unknown value uroscopy
Les Actes des Apôtres : Saint Pierre guérissant Enée 1575 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 794.1.2144 man
religious art paper
La Planète Vénus et ses enfants 16th century Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 2009.1.1 couple
allegory paper
Triomphe de la Chasteté 16th century Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 1974.24.2 woman genre art paper
Triomphe de la Mort 16th century Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 1974.24.3 man
genre art paper
Cycle des vicissitudes des affaires humaines (09) : Le Jugement Dernier 1564 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 794.1.4167 angel religious art paper
Triomphe de la Renommée 16th century Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 1974.24.4 woman
genre art paper
Triomphe du Temps 16th century Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 1974.24.5 man genre art paper
Triomphe de l'Amour 16th century Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 1974.24.1 love genre art paper
L'histoire d'Achab, Jézabel et Naboth (03) : Naboth accusé par deux faux-témoins 16th century Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 794.1.2147 king
religious art paper
Paysage avec Saint Jérôme pénitent et le dieu Tibre 1552 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes 794.1.2143 landscape
art of sculpture
landscape painting paper
Angel appearing to St. Philip 1582 Musea Brugge 2014.GRO0232.III paper
Imperial troops bringing civilization to the Indians 1555 Musea Brugge 2014.GRO0583.III paper

series of prints

image Article RKDimages ID inception collection inventory number depicts owned by catalog code genre made from material P727
The Story of Esther Royal Library of Belgium
The Story of Job Royal Library of Belgium
The Story of Jonah Royal Library of Belgium
King Josiah Restores the Law of The Lord Royal Library of Belgium
The Story of St John The Baptist Royal Library of Belgium
The Disasters of The Jewish People Royal Library of Belgium
The Story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed- Nego Royal Library of Belgium
The Four Last Things Royal Library of Belgium
The Power of Women Royal Library of Belgium
The Parable of The Prodigal Son Royal Library of Belgium
The Story of Samson Royal Library of Belgium
The Story of St. Peter and St. John Royal Library of Belgium


image Article RKDimages ID inception collection inventory number depicts owned by catalog code genre made from material P727
De H. Johannes de Evangelist met Jan van Drenckwaerdt (links), Ecce Homo (midden), de H. Margaretha met Margaretha de Jonge van Baertwyck (op de buitenzijde in grisaille: de HH. Johannes de Evangelist en Margaretha) 142353 1544 National Museum in Warsaw religious art
John the Evangelist (left wing) and St. Margaret (right wing) 244979 1544 National Museum in Warsaw religious art

work of art

image Article RKDimages ID inception collection inventory number depicts owned by catalog code genre made from material P727
Elisha Receiving Elijah's Mantle 1571 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 54367
Isaiah's Prophesy over Jerusalem 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 54368
Christ as The Light of The World 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 54319
Esther Crowned by Ahasuerus 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.II 88472
Esther Crowned by Ahasuerus 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55689
Mordecai Overhearing the Treason of Bigthan and Teresh 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55690
Ahasuerus Commissions to Destroy The Jewish People 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55691
Esther's Servants Telling Her of Mordecai's Refusal of The Raiment 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55692
Esther Before Ahasuerus, Inviting Him for a Banquet 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55693
Ahasuerus Consulting The Book of Chronicles 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55694
Ahasuerus Consulting Haman 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55695
Esther Accusing Haman at The Banquet 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55696
Job Sacrificing for The Sins of His Children 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55700
Job Sacrificing for The Sins of His Children 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55701
The Sons of God, Satan amongst Them, present Themselves before Him 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55703
The Sons of God, Satan amongst Them, present Themselves before Him 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55704
Job Receiving The ill- News of His Misfortunes 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55705
Job Receiving The ill- News of His Misfortunes 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55706
Satan Challenging The Lord to Remove his Protection from Job 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55707
Satan Challenging The Lord to Remove his Protection from Job 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55708
Satan Smiting Job With Boils 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55710
Job Sitting on The Dunghill 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55711
The Lord Answering Job 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55712
The Lord Answering Job 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55713
Job Receiving Gifts 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55714
Jonah Fleeing The Presence of The Lord 1566 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55698
Jonah Cast on Shore by The Fish 1566 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55699
The People of Niniveh Repenting upon Hearing the Prophesies of Jonah 1566 Royal Library of Belgium S.II 136362
Jonah Complaining Under the Gourd 1566 Royal Library of Belgium S.II 136361
Saphan Reading the Book of the Law to Josiah 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55716
The Book of Law Read Before the People 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55718
The Destruction of The Temple of Baal and The Slaughter of His Priests 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55720
The Removal and Destruction of The Chariot and The Horses of The Sun 1569 Royal Library of Belgium NHD 44 -S.II 111910
The Destruction of The Temple of Ashtoreth, Chemosh and Milcom 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55723
The Destruction of The Altar at Bethel and The Exhumation of The Bones From The Sepulchres 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55725
The Slaughter of The Priests of Samaria 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55727
Josiah Celebrating Passover 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55728
The Annunciation to Zacharias 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55746
The Birth and Naming of St John The Baptist 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55747
St John The Baptist Preaching to The Multitude 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55748
The Baptism of Christ 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55749
The Dance of Salome at Herod's Banquet 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55750
Salome Receiving The Head of St John The Baptist 1564 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55751
Title to Series: The Disasters of The Jewish People 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.II 30124
Title to Series: The Disasters of The Jewish People 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.III 52807
Noah's Sacrifice 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52819
The Mocking of Noah 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52818
The Destruction of The Tower of Babel and The Dispersion of The Peoples 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52822
Lot and His Family Leaving the Burning Sodom 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52821
Lot Making Love to His Daughter 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52820
The Destruction of Jericho 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52823
The Destruction of Ai and the Stoning of Achan 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52824
The King of Ai Hanged 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52825
The Corpse of The King of Ai Brought to The Gate of The City 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52827
Samson Let Out of Prison And Destroying The Temple of The Philistines 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52826
Samson Let Out of Prison And Destroying The Temple of The Philistines 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52828
The Burial of Samson 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52830
The Burial of Samson 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52829
The Capture of Tirsah 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52832
The People of Israel Divided Between Tibni and Omri 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52831
Jehu Destroying The Temple and Statue of Baal 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52835
Jehu Adoring The Golden Calves 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52834
The Chaldeans Carrying Away the Pillars of The Temple of Jerusalem 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52833
The Chaldeans Carrying Away the Temple Treasures 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52838
The Adoration of The Magi 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52837
The Destruction of Jerusalem by Emperor Titus 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52836
The Three Jews Accused of Not Worshipping the Golden Statue 1565 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55731
The Three Jews Brought Before Nebuchadnezzar 1565 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55732
The Three Jews Cast Into the Fiery Furnace 1565 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55733
Nebuchadnezzar Seeing The Three Jews Unhurt in the Flames 1565 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55734
Jonah Complaining Under the Gourd 1565 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55730
St Peter Healing The Lame at The Beautiful Gate 1558 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52811
The Lame Accompanying St Peter and St John in The Temple 1558 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52812
The Priest and The Sadducees Laying Hands on St Peter and St John 1558 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52813
St Peter and St John Before the High Priest and The Council 1558 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52814
St Peter and St John Dismissed with Threats 1558 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52815
St Peter and St John Reporting to Their Company What Had Befallen to Them 1558 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52816
The Dying Hour 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52808
Lot And His Daughters 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52810
Jael Slaying Sisera 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52809
Samson and Delilah 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52805
Solomon's Idolatry 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52806
Judith Slaying Holofernes 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52807
The Prodigal Son Leaving His Father's House 1562 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55736
The Prodigal Son Squandering His Inheritance on Harlots 1562 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55737
The Prodigal Son Squandering His Inheritance on Harlots 1562 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55738
The Prodigal Son Eating with The Swine 1562 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55739
The Return of The Prodigal Son 1562 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55740
The Return of The Prodigal Son 1562 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55741
The Slaughter of the Fattened Calf 1562 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55742
The Slaughter of the Fattened Calf 1562 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55743
The Elder Son Remonstrating with His Father 1562 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55744
The Elder Son Remonstrating with His Father 1562 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55745
The Return of The Apostles from Mount Olivet and The Election of Matthias as Apostle 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55753 religious art
The Descent of The Holy Ghost 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55755
St Peter Preaching In Jerusalem 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55756
The Apostles Baptizing in Jerusalem 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55757
St Peter Healing The Lame at The Beautiful Gate 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55758
The Death of Sapphira 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55759
Petrus Healing The Sick With His Shadow 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55760
St Stephen Before The High Priest and The Council 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55762
The Burial of St Stephen 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55763
St Peter, St John and St Philip Laying Their Hands on The Baptized at Samaria 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55764
The Angel Appearing to St Philip 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55765
St Philip Baptizing The Eunuch 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55766
The Blind Saul Led to Damascus 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55767 religious art
St Paul Escaping from Damascus by Night 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55768
St Peter Healing Aeneas at Lydda 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55769
St Peter Raising Tabitha at Joppa 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55770
The Angel Delivering The Apostles out of Prison 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55828
Samson rending the lion 1560 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 1558
Samson and Delilah 1560 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 1561
The Tower of Babel 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52817
Job Sacrificing for The Sins of His Children 1563 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55702
Title to Series: The Disasters of The Jewish People 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.II 11478
The Tower of Babel 1569 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 52817
The Prodigal Son Leaving His Father's House 1562 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55735 religious art
The Return of The Apostles from Mount Olivet and The Election of Matthias as Apostle 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55788
The Descent of The Holy Ghost 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55790
St Peter Preaching In Jerusalem 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55791
The Apostles Baptizing in Jerusalem 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55792
St Peter Healing The Lame at The Beautiful Gate 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55793
The Death of Sapphira 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55794
Petrus Healing The Sick With His Shadow 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55795
St Stephen Before The High Priest and The Council 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55797
The Burial of St Stephen 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55798
St Peter, St John and St Philip Laying Their Hands on The Baptized at Samaria 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55799
The Angel Appearing to St Philip 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55800
St Philip Baptizing The Eunuch 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55801
The Blind Saul Led to Damascus 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55796
St Paul Escaping from Damascus by Night 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55802
St Peter Healing Aeneas at Lydda 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55803
St Peter Raising Tabitha at Joppa 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55804
The Return of The Apostles from Mount Olivet and The Election of Matthias as Apostle 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55821
The Descent of The Holy Ghost 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55822
St Peter Preaching In Jerusalem 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55823
The Apostles Baptizing in Jerusalem 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55824
St Peter Healing The Lame at The Beautiful Gate 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55825
The Death of Sapphira 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55826
Petrus Healing The Sick With His Shadow 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55827
St Stephen Before The High Priest and The Council 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55829
St Peter, St John and St Philip Laying Their Hands on The Baptized at Samaria 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55830
The Angel Appearing to St Philip 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55831
St Philip Baptizing The Eunuch 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55832
The Blind Saul Led to Damascus 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55833
St Paul Escaping from Damascus by Night 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55834
St Peter Healing Aeneas at Lydda 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55835
St Peter Raising Tabitha at Joppa 1575 Royal Library of Belgium S.I 55836


image Article RKDimages ID inception collection inventory number depicts owned by catalog code genre made from material P727
Altarpiece Ecce Homo 1544 National Museum in Warsaw M.Ob.595
M.Ob.595 MNW
Ecce Homo
religious art oil paint
End of auto-generated list.