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Joël Goossens




Joël Goossens is Professor at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (U.L.B.), since October 2006. He founded and chairs the Parallel Architectures for Real-Time Systems research group, U.L.B. Joël Goossens received his Ph.D. degree in computer science in 1999, from the Université_Libre_de_Bruxelles, Belgium. His main research interests are presently in real-time scheduling theory, real-time operating systems and embedded systems.

Selected Publications

  • J. Goossens. Scheduling of Offset-Free Systems. Real-Time Systems: The International Journal of Time-Critical Computing, vol. 24(2): 239-258, March 2003.
  • J. Goossens and R. Devillers. The non-optimality of the monotonic priority assignments for hard real-time offset free systems. Real-Time Systems: The International Journal of Time-Critical Computing, vol. 13(2): 107-126, 1997.
  • S. Collette and L. Cucu and J. Goossens. Integrating Job Parallelism in Real-Time Scheduling Theory. Information Processing Letters, vol. 106(5): 180-187, May 2008.
  • N. Fisher and J. Goossens and S. Baruah. Optimal Online Multiprocessor Scheduling of Sporadic Real-Time Tasks is Impossible. Real-Time Systems: The International Journal of Time-Critical Computing, vol. 45(1--2): 26-71, June 2010.

R&D Projects

  • CRAFTERS — ConstRaint and Application driven Framework for Tailoring Embedded Real-time Systems (3 years project financed by the ARTEMIS Eurapean Union consortium and by the Brussels NFA Innoviris.
  • HIPPEROS — High Performance Parallel Embedded Real-time Operating System, is new application-oriented and configurable RTOS designed to use multi-core parallel architectures efficiently for embedded and mobile IT devices.