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John Lattier is my name. I'm a student at Emory University. I study stem cells & muscle regeneration. Someday I'd like to help find a cure for type I diabetes. -John L.

  • *Hi John, Funninly enough, we share the same name, although mine is spelled Jon Lattier, sans an H, but I googled my own name, seeing what happened, and I found your wikipedia page, I just thought I would stop in and say hi. I am a student at University of Cincinnati's College Conservatory of Music, studying Jazz Bass. I don't even know if you want me to write on your page, but I thought I would introduce myself to another Lattier, seeing as the name is not all that common, and it also gets constantly butchered. Anyway, good luck with your program, and keep the Lattier pride alive.

-Jon L.*

Hi! Your message caused me to dig around on the internet to try to find my genealogy. I managed to trace it all the way back to Jean Lattier (French for John Lattier) who lived in France in the early 1700s. Check out these two pages:
Apparently after Jean Lattier, it's Joseph (first to come to Louisiana), Francois Sr., Francois Jr., Francois Rene, Firmin, Alphonce, James, Ken, then me! That makes Jean my Great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather! I wonder if/how you and I are related. Do you have any family history from Louisiana? France? I'm at [email protected] if you ever feel like writing. But on here is fine, too.
John Lattier