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We are 9V, and We are here to probe to you that the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games, the first and only in Latin America, was the best Olympic ever held. The games created a standard for the Olympic Games, which were still followed today. Not only did the Game promoted Human and Women Rights, it also created a set of regulation that is now part of every major competitions. Not only that, but the Games also created countless and long standing World Records.



The Event lasted for 15 days from 12th October 1968 to 27th October. There are 20 categories with 172 sports. This Olympic Games is the first ever game to be broadcasted live in full colour. The first ever Olympic Mascot also appeared at the Games: A Mayan Red Jaguar, which was used to show Mexico as the place where Mayan civilization thrived. The Olympic Torch Relay followed the course of Italian Christopher Columbus’ expedition to America.



In 1968, Mexico was not poor, in fact, the Olympics was hosted during a period known as “The Mexico Miracle”. As large quantities of oil were found in Mexico, the country grew rich exporting them, added with their expanding mining and farming activities, Mexico was at the time the fourth largest exporter in the world. This resulted in Mexico‘s GDP to reach its highest ever. Thus, Mexico is perfect able to construct buildings and stadiums needed for the Games.





The Mexico Olympic also promoted women and man rights. Not only that the number of Women contestants by around 13%, Mexican hurdler Norma Basilio became the first woman to light the Olympic flame in the opening ceremony, a giant leap for woman rights.



During the 200m medal ceremony, America Athlete Tommie Smith and John Carlo lifted up their black gloved hands to protest against segregation. Although the Two Athletes were punished for showing political gesture during the game, the incident did rouse attention towards the Civil rights problem in America. The event is now considered heroic and important part in the ending of segregation.



The Games also set a milestone in actions to stop doping and cheating in the Games. The Mexico Olympics introduced Gender Testing as well as a drug test for the first time. The Gender test is to prevent men participating in women events, and vice versa. No one was discovered to be competing in the wrong gender. However, the Mexico Games is the first game where the athletes have to undergo a doping test for stimulants, and a Swedish athlete was disqualified. The games also marked the first ever use of electronic timing, which gave more accurate and fairer results



As Mexico City is 2240m above sea level, the lack of oxygen in the air meant that any athletes found it difficult to adapt. However, many World records were still broken, in particular in the Athletics Category. There were World Records in 100, 200 and 400 meters, as well as long jump, high jump, and pole vaulting. The athletics track is made out of Tartan for the first time, a material used even now. Tartan improved athletes’ grip on ground, and is durable in all weathers.



There are many remarkable achievements in the Mexico Olympics. America Athlete Bob Beamon broke the long jump world record by 55 cm! His jump is still the Olympic record. Another America Athlete, Dick Fosbury broke the high jump world record using the “Fosbury Flop” technique, which revolutionized the high jump event and became the standard technique ever since. Yet another America, Swimmer Debbie Meyer became the first swimmer to win three individual gold medals which are 200, 400 and 800m Freestyle. Yet Another American, Al Oeter became the second person to win 4 consecutive gold medals.



To Sum up our reasons, we think the 1968 Mexico Olympic was the best ever held because it created a standard for future Olympics to follow, it promoted women and civil rights, posses great economic, environmental and Geological Factors. With its gender and doping tests, as well as electronic timing system, the game itself is fairer than the ones before it. And the amazing achievements by all of the Athletes, which resulted in long standing and numerous World records, made it beyond doubt that the Mexico City Games was the best Olympic Games ever.