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User:Kasunhashanga/Buddha's sacred relics in Sri Lanka

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Buddha's Sacred Relics in Sri Lanka



In The king of Magadha, Ajatashatru on hearing about the demise of the Buddha became uncontrollably distraught that he fainted several times. On regaining consciousness he said "The Buddha was a member of the Kshatriya clan and so am I. Therefore, I should be entitled to reeive a part of His Body Relics". Other royal clans, including Shakyas of Kapilavasthu, Liccavis of Vishala, Koliyas of Ramagrama all rushed to Kushinara to claim their share of Buddha's Relics. The Malla royal clan of Kushinara said that the Buddha came to thier city to attain Parinibbana. "Therefore, we are the ones who are entitled to His Relics". The royal clans then began to prepare for war in order to obtain the Relics of the Buddha. A panit named Drona Brahmin the reached the highest point in the city, and preached the Dhamma to the kings. He said, "It is not proper for you to fight the Buddha's Relics". After that all parties agreed to divide the Budda's Relics were taken to all parts of India.

Lalata Relic (Frontal bone)


Aku Relic (Clavicle)


Data Relic (Tooth Relic Canine)


Kesha Relic (Hair)


Nakha Relic (Nails)


Urna Roma Relic


Bhinna Relic


