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User:Kelechi Isiodu

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have used Wikpiedia almost from its inception but not as one editing anything but simply as one over-awed by the availability of information and the sincerity and general accuracy of writers, users, editors and contributors.

With my daughter; riding on the London Underground

I have always loved, dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri and reference books and my various dwellings are over-run with them / by them ? I am not sure ... I have to check. I used Encarta quite a bit and never online really, I always got the CD's and when it took 5 CD / DVDs I used to borrow from the libraries and rip them off - just to have them without having to 'dial-up' and then Microsoft pulled the format and made it an online only affair. My discs are now personal Museum pieces.

This is what I look like on Facebook: [1]

My name is Kelechi Ụnawụnwa Isiodu and I presently work for a Borough in London as a document manager (I supervise a small team as part of a scanning and indexing department) cataloguing government information. I trained as a petroleum engineer with a Nigerian University, but sometimes I think I should have trained originally for a career in the liberal and communicative arts, but who is to say?

I have created a few accounts for Wikipedia and lost passwords but since 2010 I created a moniker which I swore never to lose and decided to go beyond merely looking at the articles on Wikipedia and learning, I wanted to give back a little. So I began to edit things a little, letter by letter - and the original authors couldn't spot the changes. Wikipedia doesn't allow any old edits anyhow and I have got nothing to show for my activity. I also have supported the project with little gifts when I can.

These days, I do some work with my native language - Igbo - and I write in social space, contributing senses and ideas for the growth of Igbo Language. I am thinking of contributing major interpretations, translations in Igbo language before I retire, expire? I also write using the nom de plume: Ifeatụ Fọnts.

People say the Igbo language is about to go extinct. Well, I am a self-styled spokesperson for the language and I say that 'Rumours of our extinction are grossly exaggerated'. :-)

I love, Africa, good food, movies, church, great books - simple things. That's me pictured with my daughter atop the page - saddled in - riding on the London Underground. Favourite past-time. The free newspapers are great.