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User:Laura Ibrahim

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  • Birds are those living beings that can fly high in the sky.
  • Birds have big feathers that help them to lift their bodies in the air.
  • There are hundreds of types of birds on Earth and each of them is unique.

Importance of birds

  • They are a very important part of our ecosystem and the food chain.

The carnivorous birds eat rodents, insects and even snakes, in this way they help in keeping check on their overpopulation.

  • Birds also eat the corpses of other animals, by this, they help in keeping the nature clean of decaying matter.

The herbivorous birds which eat plants and animals both or the omnivorous birds which eat only plants and fruits, help to disperse seeds.

  • This happens when the birds eat the whole fruit and leave back the seeds on the ground.
  • These seeds grow into new plants.
  • This helps the environment to spread beautifully.

Why birds are going extinct?

  • Birds are beautiful and due to the greed of human beings, many birds are going extinct.
  • Humans hunt exotic birds and cage them and even sell them.
  • This is harmful to the environment and the bird’s kingdom.
  • Even man-made pesticides and pollution prove to be fatal to birds as bird’s breath the polluted air and eat the infected fruit.
  • We need to protect birds and save the ecosystem from falling apart.

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