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User:Machila Rodger

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  Otherwise known as cervical carcinoma,is an invasive cancer that arises from the cervical epithelium and becomes an abnormal outgrowth on the mucosa(surface) of the cervix.The Cervix is a smooth passageway to the uterus(womb),and a 'cancer' is an accumulation of abnormal cells that form a mass of tissue(flesh) on an Otherwise normal tissue.Some cancers have the capacity to metastasize(spreading to other regions far from their origin) and cervical cancer is just one of those malignant neoplasms(cancer).It is this metastatic property of cervical cancer that allows it to invade through the anterior uterine wall into the bladder  and subsequently cause blockade of ureters(biological pipes carrying urine from kidneys into the bladder for storage).Blockade of ureters causes a backup of urine in the kidneys,a condition called hydronephrosis.Hydronephrosis almost always leads to kidney failure and this is the final cause of death in most cases of cervical cancer mortality.

       What then causes this cervical cancer?The causes are multifactorial and a strain of viruses known as high risk Human papilloma viruses (HR HPV 16,18,31 and 33) are the biggest culprits.Other risk factors include an immunodeficiency as in the case of high viral load HIV/AIDS and other immune system suppressing conditions.Smoking has also been linked to a high likelihood of developing cervical cancer.

      How can a female protect and prevent themselves from this kind of cancer?Screening is the answer.Screening means undergoing medical check ups where medical practitioners help you detect cancer cells at an early stage before they become highly dysplastic and difficult to treat.Cervival cancer affects all women of childbearing age and the elderly.So it is recommended to start visiting health centers for screening as early as 21 years and to be going for check ups once every after 3-5 years.