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Culture and heritage


Cultural centers


Currently, the National University of San Marcos has two important cultural centers in two of its historic buildings. The well-known Casona de San Marcos —its main cultural center— and the Colegio Real de San Marcos.

Casona of the National University of San Marcos


The Cultural Center "La Casona" of San Marcos (acronym: CCSM), is the main historical venue of the university. Founded as the headquarters of the Jesuit novitiate of San Antonio Abad, it became the headquarters of the university in 1861, remaining as such until the middle of the 20th century, when the university moved to its current campus in Ciudad Universitaria. After its recent restoration, the "Casona" is the main reference point for the cultural and artistic activity of the University, and one of the best preserved buildings from the colonial era in the city of Lima.[1] It is one of the main tourist attractions of the Historic Center of Lima. The complex is part of the area and the list of buildings in the historic center of the capital that in 1988 was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.[2][3]

The history of the Casona goes back to the year 1605, when Antonio Correa Ureña gave the Jesuits an important donation for the construction of their novitiate or probation house. In the early years the complex consisted only of a chapel and two courtyards. After its destruction by the 1746 earthquake, it was rebuilt by the Jesuits following the same layout as before. It would remain like this until 1767, when the Jesuit order was expelled from the Viceroyalty of Peru, it became the location of the Real Convictorio de San Carlos. In 1821, after the independence of Peru was proclaimed, the Casona complex became the main premises of the University of San Marcos, then reaching its maximum splendor. The general hall of the Casona had historical importance as the location of the first Constituent Congress of Peru at the time of independence, in addition to witnessing the events of the War of the Pacific with the Chilean invasion in Lima and the destruction and appropriation of several of its collections.[1][4][5]

Since the transfer of the university, the Casona remained a place of great historical value and importance not only for the university but for the city, which is why in 1989 the National University of San Marcos, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI) and the National Institute of Culture sign a Peru-Spain agreement to achieve the restoration of the architectural complex and adapting it to a new use as a space dedicated to culture, research and artistic creation. Currently, the Casona, as the Cultural Center of San Marcos, offers cultural extension courses, exhibitions and is the headquarters of several university museums and research centers. Inside the Casona, the Salón de Grados stands out —formerly the Chapel of Loreto—, where the official ceremonies of the honorary doctorates awarded by the university are held.[5][6]

Royal College of the University of San Marcos

Exterior view of the Royal College of the National University of San Marcos.

The "Royal College" Cultural Center of Contemporary Peruvian Cultures, established as such in 2006, is the second cultural center of the University of San Marcos and also one of the historic buildings of Lima as it is located in the environments of the old "Royal College" of San Marcos dating from the colonial period, next to the Congress of the Republic of Peru. It is made up of three units of the university: the Institute of Applied Linguistics CILA, the "Domingo Angulo" Historical Archive of the University of San Marcos, and the Andean Rural History Seminar. Exhibitions and shows are regularly held, which mainly take place in the exhibition hall of the Royal College.[7][8]

The history of the Royal College dates back to the end of the 16th century, when it was founded on the initiative of Viceroy Francisco Álvarez de Toledo in 1592. It was a school that studied canons and laws, for the education of the children, grandchildren and descendants of the conquerors. Spaniards and residents of the kingdom, as well as for people of recognized merit. The rector of the college was also the rector of the University of San Marcos; the day-to-day administration of the school fell to the vice-rector, who lived in the cloister. Both positions had a duration of two years and were maintained even in the event that the rector ceased to be rector of the University. The rectoral biennium ran from June 28, the eve of the feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. The constitutions and ceremonies of the Colegio Mayor Santa Cruz were kept in the College. After the Bourbon reforms that led to the expulsion of the Jesuits, the campus was recast as the Convictorio de San Carlos. At the end of the 18th century, the War Inspector Gabriel de Avilés y del Fierro dedicated the premises to the headquarters of the Royal Regiment of Lima. Later, during the Republican era, it was the headquarters of the General Staff of the Army. Since the end of the 20th century, the University of San Marcos has given the Royal College the functions of a Cultural Center and Historical Archive.

Higher education and research centers


The University of San Marcos has the following higher education and research centers, two of which also function as house-museums and have their respective specialized libraries:

Vista exterior del Instituto Raúl Porras Barrenechea: Centro de Altos Estudios y de Investigaciones Peruanas.
Exterior view of the Raúl Porras Barrenechea Institute: Center for Advanced Studies and Peruvian Research.
  • Raúl Porras Barrenechea Institute: Center for Advanced Studies and Peruvian Research (acronym: IRPB) was created in homage to the illustrious teacher from San Marcos, Raúl Porras Barrenechea. The institute is in charge of: the Raúl Porras Barrenechea House-Museum —part of the “Mario Vargas Llosa” Literary Route—, declared a historical and artistic monument, for which reason all its works of art, furniture are permanently preserved, guarded and exhibited , paintings, sculptures, photographs, family and personal memories; the Porras file; and the museum of Peruvian writers. It is located in the Miraflores district and is a neighbor of the Ricardo Palma House-Museum, which allows it to fully develop the purposes for which it was founded and which have made it one of the poles of cultural activity in the country. His main research spans the areas of humanities, arts and social sciences.[9][10]
  • Temple Radicati Library-Museum Foundation: Center for Advanced Studies and Peruvian Research (acronym: FBMTR) It was created in homage to the distinguished San Marcos residents Ella Dunbar Temple Aguilar de Radicati and Carlo Radicati di Primeglio, who donated their property and all their cultural assets to the university, including an invaluable collection of 26 quipus. The foundation is in charge of the Temple Radicati House-Museum, as well as its specialized library. Its functions include promoting studies and research of a legal, historical, anthropological, archaeological, sociological, ecological, and geographical nature, as well as carrying out various cultural activities.[11][12][13][14]
  • Center for Asian Studies (acronym: CEAS) is an organization focused on the study and research of Asian countries, such as China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, India, Thailand, among others, in matters of economy, politics, culture, art, society, history, and international relations.[15] It was founded on November 7, 2018 in the Casona de San Marcos within the framework of the Second Annual Meeting of the Fudan University Consortium - Latin America (FLAUC), an event co-organized by Fudan University and the National University of San Marcos.[16][17] The main objectives of CEAS are: the development and promotion of knowledge about the countries of Asia, the generation of related research, and the proposal of adequate policies for a better use of the opportunities offered by this region, in matters of development, investment, trade and tourism.[18]

University museums


In addition to the two centers for higher studies and research that also function as house-museums, the University of San Marcos currently has five institutions that function exclusively as museums, these are:[19]

Entrada principal del Museo de Historia Natural "Javier Prado".
Main entrance of the "Javier Prado" Natural History Museum.
  • Museum of Natural History of Lima: The Natural History Museum, founded on February 28, 1918,[20] was located until 1934 in the Casona de San Marcos; It is currently located outside the university campus, in the Jesús María district. The museum is an important information center on Peruvian biodiversity, thus serving students and national scientists in a documented way. Studies carried out by museum researchers include ecological studies, inventories of the country's biodiversity, and monitoring of natural communities.[21] The museum's collections include specimens of flora, fauna and geology, many of which also have historical value, as they are specimens obtained by important naturalists such as Antonio Raimondi, Augusto Weberbauer, Ramón Ferreyra, Emma Cerrate, Wolfgang Karl Weyrauch, Hans Koepcke and María Koepcke, among others. Currently the collections exceed a million and a half copies, many of which are exhibited to the public in an open and permanent manner or in temporary exhibitions.[22]
  • Sacaco Paleontological Museum: It is a paleontological museum located in the Bella Unión district, one of the thirteen districts of the Caravelí province, located in the department of Arequipa. It is part of the set of museums of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos attached to the Faculty of Biological Sciences and a subsidiary of the Museum of Natural History of Lima. The museum protects the Sacaco Paleontological Zone, recognized by the Ministry of Culture of Peru as Cultural Heritage of the Nation, this being one of the Paleontological Sites of the Pisco and Camaná Basins that together form part of the indicative list of possible nominees as Heritage of Humanity in Peru.
  • Museum of Art: Founded in 1970 by the art historian Francisco Stastny, under the name of Museum of Art and History, it is located in the right-hand courtyard of the Casona de San Marcos. It is currently made up of four collections: the “Popular Art” collection, made up of ceramics and fabrics from towns in the mountains and jungle, which reflect ancient traditions in their elaboration; the collection of "Portraits" that represent teachers from San Marcos and authorities from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries; that of "Modern and Contemporary Art", made up of paintings and sculptures that won competitions organized by the university between 1950 and 1970; and the archive collection of “Peasant Painting”.[23] In addition to the exhibitions, the museum publishes various publications,[24] and promotes workshops for university students and the general public.[25]
  • Museum of Archeology and Anthropology: Founded in 1919 by the Peruvian archaeologist Julio C. Tello, under the name of Museum of Archeology and Ethnology, it is located between the Patio de Letras and the Patio de los Jazmines de la Casona de San Marcos. The museum has received throughout its history the support of renowned researchers such as Julio César Tello, Luis Eduardo Valcárcel, Luis Lumbreras, Ruth Shady, among others. In 1946, a considerable set of historical objects was transferred to the National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology and History of Peru, however, the museum's collection continues to encompass a wide diversity of cultural objects: lithics, ceramics, textiles, metals and organic material. The participation of the museum and the archeology area of the university in various archaeological projects is highlighted, such as: studies on Chavín, Paracas and the Casma valley; the recovery and study of the constructions of Caral, the first American civilization; and the research work carried out in many archaeological sites and huacas in the country.[26] The museum also carries out various courses and workshops;[27] as well as publications,[28] exhibitions and conferences where they present the results of recent archaeological and anthropological studies.[29]
    Foucault's pendulum in the area of mechanics, heat and waves of the Historical Museum of Physical Sciences.
  • Historical Museum of Physical Sciences: It was created on November 11, 1986 with the aim of exhibiting the pieces that were part of the physics cabinet that was previously located in the Casona of the University of San Marcos. The current Historical Museum of Physical Sciences is made up of four areas: the optics and modern physics area, the solid and fluid mechanics area, the heat and waves area, and the electricity and magnetism area. The current purpose of the museum is to promote this discipline, as well as to publicize instruments that long ago allowed experiments to be carried out in this area of research. The museum is located in the pavilion of the Faculty of Physical Sciences of the university, in the University City.[30][31]
  • Museum of the History of Peruvian Medicine: It is the institution in charge of preserving the medical, historical, bibliographic and documentary heritage of the origins of modern medicine in Peru and the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of San Marcos.[32] Among the objects and documents that it preserves, the following stand out: historical medical instruments; the minutes of the Faculty councils and graduation records; the Hipólito Unanue file; the Daniel Alcides Carrión archive made up of his family letters and publications on the wart; watercolors and manuscripts by Antonio Raimondi; paintings of outstanding alumni; old volumes of centenary journals: The Lancet, JAMA, among others; collection of bachelor's theses and medical doctor's theses from 1856 to 1978; works from the 16th century by classical authors; film material, and others.[33][34]
  • Museum of Paleontology: It is the institution in charge of preserving and exhibiting the collection of the Faculty of Geological, Mining, Metallurgical and Geographical Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. It is made up of the paleontology, petrology and mineralogy cabinets.[35]
  • Museum of Minerals: It is the institution in charge of preserving and exhibiting the collection of the Faculty of Geological, Mining, Metallurgical and Geographic Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and part of the private collection of Guido del Castillo, mining engineer and Peruvian cultural manager. It was inaugurated in September 2019, within the framework of the 35th anniversary of the Professional School of Geological Engineering. It has an important collection of fluorescent minerals, the second of its kind in Peru.[36]

Archaeological sites


The National University of San Marcos has under its custody various archaeological sites, remains, pieces and historical collections, highlighting the following:

La huaca San Marcos, anteriormente llamada Huaca Pando o Huaca Aramburú, captada por el investigador Thomas Joseph Hutchinson (1873). Forma parte del complejo Maranga. Antiguamente tenía a su frente a la huaca Concha, destruida a mediados del siglo XX.
The Huaca San Marcos, formerly called Huaca Pando or Huaca Aramburú, captured by the researcher Thomas Joseph Hutchinson (1873). It is part of the Maranga complex. Formerly it had in front of it, the Huaca Concha, destroyed in the middle of the 20th century.
  • Huaca de San Marcos and others of the Maranga archaeological complex: These archaeological sites are located within the main university campus. They are part of the Maranga monumental complex, belonging to the Lima culture, which extends between the district of Lima, the San Miguel district and the Pueblo Libre district, having preserved archaeological remains of this complex in other places such as within the Parque de las Legends and inside the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. The main building is located at one end of the campus and has the name of "Huaca de San Marcos" or "Huaca San Marcos". This is studied and guarded by archaeologists and researchers from the University of San Marcos, in it various ceramics have been found, offerings such as spondylus and quipus. Having the set of great cultural importance, the Ministry of Culture of Peru first declared the Huaca San Marcos and then all the minor archaeological sites on the campus, as Cultural Heritage of the Nation.[37][38]
  • Pacopampa Archaeological Site: This ceremonial complex is located in the department of Cajamarca, Chota province, Querocoto district. In 1966, Pablo Macera organized a trip to the archaeological site, previously identified by Rafael Larco Hoyle, and in 1970 he got Emilio Choy Ma, a researcher of Ancient Peru, to make a donation to San Marcos to acquire the Pacopampa Ceremonial Center. Since that date the university has had permanent care of the archaeological monument. Different archaeologists have come to carry out 16 archaeological campaigns. In the first stage, the archaeologists Hermilio Rosas and Ruth Shady intervened. Later, different investigations have been carried out by the archaeologists Rosa Fung Pineda, Peter Kaulicke, Isabel Flores, Idilio Santillana, Daniel Morales Chocano and Jaime Miasta Gutiérrez. In 2009, an archaeological mission from Japan led by Yuji Seki identified the grave goods of a woman called the "Lady of Pacopampa", which would be almost 3,000 years old. On November 21, 2010, the Ministry of Culture of Peru declared the Archaeological Site of San Pedro de Pacopampa as Cultural Heritage of the Nation.[39]
Whale fossil in the Sacaco paleontological zone, more than 5 million years old.
  • Sacaco Paleontological Zone: Millions of years ago, the current Sacaco desert was a bay with enormous beings due to its dimensions, a marine area that, as a result of geological changes, has preserved the fossils of various species that lived during the upper Miocene and lower Pliocene; among these stand out huge sharks, whales, giant oysters and megatheriums that are now exposed. In this context, Hans Jacob Siber founded the Sacaco Paleontological Museum to preserve the paleontological zone of the same name, which was recognized by the Ministry of Culture of Peru as Cultural Heritage of the Nation. This area is part of the Paleontological Sites of the Pisco and Camaná Basins that together are currently on the indicative list of possible nominees as World Heritage Sites in Peru.

Specialized libraries


The University of San Marcos, in addition to its central Library and the libraries of its faculties located mainly in the University City, has four other important specialized libraries:[40]

  • Spain Library of the Arts: Previously known as the "Spanish Library of the Cultural Center of the National University of San Marcos", it is dedicated to collecting, organizing, preserving and disseminating the bibliographic and audiovisual heritage, facilitating access to specialized cultural information, as well as supporting research in its areas. themes.[41]
  • Library «Raúl Porras Barrenechea Institute»: It contains the personal papers of the San Marcos educator Raúl Porras Barrenechea, his research files, letters, ballot papers, notebooks, notebooks and notes, publications, and original texts of his written production, a documentary set that constitutes the Porras Archive. The Melitón Porras Archive and part of the José Gálvez Archive, handed over by his heirs, are also preserved in this location.[42]
  • Museum of Natural History Library: The "Javier Prado" Museum of Natural History has collections of enormous historical value in its library, which are the product of important naturalists such as Antonio Raimondi, Augusto Weberbauer, María Koepcke, among others. These collections make the library and the museum important information centers on Peruvian biodiversity — flora, fauna and geology.[20]
  • Temple-Radicati Library: It is part of the “Temple-Radicati” Library-Museum Foundation, which was established in 1996 thanks to donations from Ella Dunbar Temple Aguilar de Radicati and Carlo Radicati di Primeglio. The collection is made up of Spanish and Italian encyclopedias, dictionaries, books on history, geography, sociology, literature and various novels, law, art, archaeology, etc.[11]

Collections and manuscripts

Real Provisión, documento fundacional de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos en 1551, primera universidad fundada oficialmente en Perú y en las Américas.
Real Provisión, founding document of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in 1551, the first university officially founded in Peru and in the Americas.

Through its "Domingo Angulo" Historical Archive, the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos preserves copies of documents and writings of great historical relevance dating from the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, such as the Royal Provision and the Royal Decree of Emperor Carlos I of Spain and V of the Holy Roman Germanic Empire of May 12, 1551 and the papal bull Exponi Nobis of Pius V of July 25, 1571, with which the constitution of the University of San Marcos as the first university in the American continent. In 2019, the “Colonial Fund and Founding Documents of the National University of San Marcos: 1551 -1852” was incorporated into the UNESCO Memory of the World Register, in recognition of its significance for global collective memory.[43][44]

Various institutions of the University of San Marcos such as the Central Library, the Museum of Natural History, the Archeology and Anthropology Museum, the Raúl Porras Barrenechea Institute, among others, also have what were private collections and manuscripts of illustrious San Marcos people who left as a legacy to his university; works by authors and researchers such as César Vallejo, José María Arguedas, Raúl Porras Barrenechea, Ella Dunbar Temple, Julio César Tello, Antonio Raimondi, etc. These manuscripts and collections are kept by the University of San Marcos and entrusted to the corresponding university dependency according to their historical and scientific context.

Other centers, schools and cultural offices


The University of San Marcos has agencies and departments that promote cultural activities, below is a description of some of them:[19]

  • University Ballet: The San Marcos Ballet (BSM) has been in existence for more than forty years. Its main headquarters for the ballet school and its presentations are the premises of the Cultural Center of San Marcos. In recent years, the San Marcos ballet has been under the direction of Vera Stastny, in such a way that the collaborations of choreographers such as the Costa Rican Rogelio López and the British Royston Maldoom have been fostered.[45]
  • University Band: The San Marcos Band and Orchestra Direction is an artistic, cultural and protocol unit of the University of San Marcos. It is currently a dependency of the Cultural Center of San Marcos. It has its origin in 1996 when the university authorities conceived the idea of providing San Marcos with a Music Band. The group, made up of San Marcos people interested in the field, participates in the protocol acts of the university and invitations to which they were summoned.[46]
  • Language Center: The UNMSM Language center is the institution in charge of providing courses in: English, French, Portuguese, German, Italian, Quechua, Korean and Spanish for foreigners. It has a laboratory equipped with video and individual audio booths. It offers the courses at different times, daily, every other day and only on weekends. The language center of the University of San Marcos offers its courses to the university community and the general public, it works mainly at the premises of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, within the University City, in Lima district and Its stores are located in the Los Olivos district and in the San Juan de Lurigancho district.[47]
  • Film and Television: The current San Marcos Film and Television Direction has its main antecedent in the "Cine Arte de San Marcos", an organization that held its first session in 1967 at the Casona del Parque Universitario, currently the headquarters of the Cultural Center of San Marcos. Since then, film projections, conferences, exhibitions and seminars have been held regularly. In April 1998, the Cine Arte de San Marcos was incorporated into the San Marcos Cultural Center and began the publication of its cinematographic culture magazine: "BUTACA sanmarquina". Since 2006, workshops taught by filmmakers such as Giovanna Pollarolo, Josué Méndez and Armando Robles Godoy have been implemented. Since that same year, Mario Pozzi-Escot has been in charge of the Film and Television program, as it is currently called, at the university.[48]
Auditorio principal «Ella Dunbar Temple», donde se realizan las principales conferencias, exposiciones y seminarios de la universidad. En dicho auditorio se realizan también presentaciones de los elencos de ballet, teatro, coro, orquesta, etc.
Main auditorium "Ella Dunbar Temple", where the main conferences, exhibitions and seminars of the university are held. In this auditorium there are also presentations of the cast of ballet, theater, choir, orchestra, etc.
  • San Marcos University Choir: The Choir of the University of San Marcos (CUSM) was founded in November 1954 at the request of several students from San Marcos. Its first director was the musicologist, arranger and composer Rosa Alarco Larrabure, who dedicated a large part of her life to the investigation of traditional Peruvian music. The CUSM has offered innumerable presentations in various places in Peru and has participated in national and international festivals. Currently the CUSM is made up of students from different faculties, workers, teachers and graduates of the University of San Marcos.[49]
  • University Theater of San Marcos: The Theater of the University of San Marcos (TUSM) was founded on September 4, 1946 in Lima, at the request of several students from the Faculty of Letters, with Manuel Beltroy as director and only professor at that time; this being the first initiative in Peru for a university theater program. Over the years, TUSM has participated in numerous festivals and international meetings in Latin America, Denmark and Monaco, among other countries. It is currently under the direction of Mario Delgado Vásquez.[50]
  • Tuna of San Marcos: The tuna university was created by the initiative of some young students in 1996. In recent years the Tuna of the University of San Marcos has participated in various contests and meetings in the region, competing with national and foreign universities and obtaining first places. La Tuna de San Marcos has held recitals, festivals, meetings and contests with the aim of disseminating the art of good tunar music, such as those held in the main auditoriums of the University of San Marcos, the ICPNA, the Parque de la Exposición, among others. .[51]
  • Female Tuna of San Marcos: Better known as la tuniña, it was founded in 1999 at the initiative of the university students themselves. This is the only cast from the university that has represented it in Europe (Portugal and Spain), obtaining various awards and recognitions in contests and meetings. Likewise, he has participated in cultural activities in Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia, having also covered almost all of his country's soil. La Tuniña organizes, every two years, the Tunas Peru International Biennial, where it brings together the best tunas for a week, thanks to the support of the university and public and private institutions and international organizations.[52]
Plaque recognizing the Casona of the National University of San Marcos as part of the Historic Center of Lima, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Patrimonio de la Humanidad y del Perú


The Casona of the National University of San Marcos —historical location of the university with more than 400 years of history—, the Royal College of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and the Basilica and Convent of Santo Domingo, are monuments that are part of the of the area and the list of buildings in the Historic Center of Lima recognized as World Heritage by UNESCO since 1988.[2]

The National University of San Marcos also has —or is historically related to— several monuments considered by the Ministry of Culture of Peru as Cultural Heritage of the Nation, as they are architectural works or places of artistic, historical, cultural and social value.[53]

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