Are you one who is interested in giving people appropriate praise, but don't like Americanised garble? Well, the answer is here! You may now rank wikipedians based upon their contributions to articles in general and their behavior towards others!
First order of squirely pursuits - On the way to becoming a knight; has sufficient edits to becoming an established editor and references work if required.
Pensive Newborn - Seems to be coming along well, recent aquisition of the squire class. May only be blessed as such by a knight of the higher order.
Highest order of knightliness - Has shown consistent editing trends and referencing prowess, as well as vast or in-depth knowledge of the subject he/she edits.
Honorary Knight' - Shows consistent editing trends and referencing skill, is a well-heard voice in discussions and proposals.
Master blacksmith - Shows consistent prowess in the forging and strengthening of new articles through the addition of referenced material and verified facts. Provides logic and reason to debate and ensures fine-tuning of articles.
Apprentice blacksmith - Shows good skill in creation of new articles, referencing and maintaining order, provides sound reasoning.
Master mathematician - Able to resolve complex issues in mathematics articles, shows excellent trends in new article creation, expansion, referencing and shows efforts towards sharing the wealth of knowledge beyond wikipedia.
Persistant thinker - Continually questioning the tenets of mathematics within wikipedia articles; makes good improvements to articles and ensures that their skill in mathematics is readable by the laymen.
Creator - Able to resolve complex issues in Chemistry articles, shows excellent trends in new article creation, expansion, referencing and shows efforts towards sharing the wealth of knowledge beyond wikipedia.
Potion brewer - Continually questioning the tenets of Chemistry within wikipedia articles; makes good improvements to articles and ensures that their skill in Chemistry is readable by the laymen.
Timeless - Able to resolve complex issues in History articles, shows excellent trends in new article creation, expansion, referencing and shows efforts towards sharing the wealth of knowledge beyond wikipedia.
Book collector - Continually questioning the tenets of History within wikipedia articles; makes good improvements to articles and ensures that their skill in History is readable by the laymen.