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User:Mitternacht90/Mitternacht90 Randmoness

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People I respect




Word of the week

  • Sep 21-28: Aquaresis - is the excretion of water without electrolyte loss. It is preferable to diuresis in the treatment of hyponatremia.
  • Sep 29-Oct 5: Scintillant - shining, sparkling. Scintillant Hummingbird. :)
  • Oct 6-11: Redundant - repeating, excessive.
  • Oct 12-19: Stoic - unaffected, indifferent; restrained.
  • Oct 20-27: Furtive - stealthy; sly; shifty.
  • Oct 28-Nov 4: Stolid - not easily stirred or moved mentally; unemotional; impassive. Stolid Flycatcher :).
  • Nov 5-12: Nonchalant - coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unexcited; casual

Word of the month

  • September: Aquaresis. Seems to be a useful word.
  • October: Stoic. An interesting word... seems useful.

Bird of the Month Archives




I made up my own profiles for people in Pokemon. :P

See this: PokemonFakemon

Alternate history here