Hello fellow wikipedians!
I tend to edit around somewhat niche areas of Scotland's politics, institutions and similar things. I also mainly edit around New Year time, as it's my only real break unfortunately!
Unfortunately my niche focus can sometimes lead to errors as I find a lot of sources in this domain are of poor quality or are incorrect! So please, if you know better, correct me as some sources in this area are just nonsense!
Examples of articles I've worked on a little (infoboxes, readability and sources) :
- Scottish Human Rights Commission
- Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body
I've also done some work on articles concerning the Scottish Greens, the first ones where I have really done a lot, probably too much (research, added too much on 2003-7, 2019-present, probably just enough on independence and general "glam" stuff like ✨TABLES✨)
- Scottish Greens
- Co-leaders of the Scottish Greens
- Bute House Agreement
- Lorna Slater
- Patrick Harvie
- My own creation: History of the Scottish Greens
On these, unfortunately my research ended up out matching my pretty entry level Wikipedia writing skills. However, after my culls it ended up a lot more sourced and evidenced than it was before. Hopefully someone else picks it up and finishes the job, as I ran out of capacity.