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The Dirac Point Electron

An example of a point mass graphed on a grid. The grey mass can be simplified to a point mass (the black circle). It becomes practical to represent point mass as small circle, or dot, as an actual point is invisible.

The Electron Internal Structure has arguably been the holy grail of Quantum electrodynamics (QED) for a century. It started with Dirac and his postulation of the existence of positron. The electron and positron are created when two .511 Mev photons collide. This process is called Pair Production. This is the mainstream scientific consensus but it has many issues. The Infinite energy to compress a charge to a infinity small point being an obvious issue.[1] Feynman came up with Renormalizationto work around this and other issues that the point model produced but he and Dirac were not happy with the shenanigans. At his Nobel lecture Feynman said "Therefore, I think that the renormalization theory is simply a way to sweep the difficulties of the divergences of electrodynamics under the rug. I am, of course, not sure of that."[2][3]

The Mass of an Photon in a Confined Space


A Photon has a rest mass of zero but it can only be weighed if it's contained. When contained the container's mass increases by E=MC² of the photon.[4] In the case of pair production two .511 Mev photons enter the collision and the result is two .511 Mev charged particles. So it's possible that the mass of the electron and positron are totally due to the photons being confined.

The Torodial Electron

Electron Toroidal Model
3-D Torodial Model of an Electron in Momentum Space
Electron Clifford Torus
4-D Clifford Torus
Photon Torodial/Spinor Strip
Circularly Polarized Photon Ribbon wrapped 720° into a Torodial Partial

Doctors John Williamson, Martin Van Der Mark, and Stephan Leary [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] has done some very interesting work, a form of Relativistic electromagnetism, deriving a model of the electron that seems to be consistent with quantum electrodynamics. There are many Spinor theories for the Electron Internal Structure [10] [11] thought Williamson et. al. have been making rigorous contributions lately; and these will be presented as a likely leading edge on these theories.

Einstein's Last Question was "I would just like to know what an electron is.".[12] This problem also obsessed Feynman and Dirac, as both were unsatisfied with the QED Renormalization technique that Feynman developed to deal with the infinite energy needed to compress an electron charge to a point. Williamson's theory seems to remove the necessity of the existence of Electric charge. The magnetic field of a photon rotating in the toroidal loop presents a Electron magnetic moment that appears like the spin we observe in physics. Similarly, the electric field of the photon rotating in a torodial loop presents an Electric field that appears like that observed around an electron.

In summary, the work of Dr. Williamson et. al. proves that a high energy photon in a torodial loop produces the observable attributes of electron, including it's rest mass and size. These properties of an electron were also derived by Leigh Page in 1922 [13] where he derived a complete electromagnetic theory, including Maxwell's equations, from only Coulomb's law and the Lorentz transformation.[14]

Like Dirac, Williamson builds his derivation on Clifford Algebra.[15] Williamson shows that a new Pivot force is produced that rotates the photon into it's torodial trajectory.


  1. ^ http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/II_28.html
  2. ^ R.P. Feynman, The development of the space-time view of quantum electrodynamics, Nobel Lecture. Science 153,699 (1966), p. 9.
  3. ^ Jagdish Mehra, The Beat of a Different Drum, 1994, Char, 15 p,326
  4. ^ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301845471_Light_is_Heavy
  5. ^ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273418514_Is_the_electron_a_photon_with_toroidal_topology
  6. ^ http://ffp14.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/DOCUMENTS/PREPRINTS/WILLIAMSON_John_preprint.pdf
  7. ^ http://eprints.gla.ac.uk/110952/1/110952.pdf
  8. ^ Leary,S.J. "Investigation of Electromagnetism in a real Dirac algebra". PhD Thesis, University of Glasgow, (2007).
  9. ^ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281749660_Absolute_relativity_in_classical_electromagnetism_the_quantisation_of_light
  10. ^ http://www.ccaesar.com/eng_structure_of_the_electron.html
  11. ^ http://frankwilczek.com/electronTakeThreeB.pdf
  12. ^ http://www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/Einstein/Talks/Wolff.pdf
  13. ^ https://archive.org/details/introductiontoel030885mbp An Introduction to Electrodynamics from the Standpoint of Electron Theory], D. Van Nostrand Co., link from Internet Archive
  14. ^ Leigh Page (Jul 1912). "A Derivation of the Fundamental Relations of Electrodynamics from Those of Electrostatics". American Journal of Science. 34: 57–68. doi:10.2475/ajs.s4-34.199.57.
  15. ^ https://slehar.wordpress.com/2014/03/18/clifford-algebra-a-visual-introduction/

[[Category:Electron]] [[Category:Quantum electrodynamics]]